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asdm Namespace Reference

Length.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'. More...


class  EntityId
 description More...
class  StationRow
 The StationRow class is a row of a StationTable. More...
class  CalReductionTable
 The CalReductionTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalAppPhaseTable
 The CalAppPhaseTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  FieldRow
 The FieldRow class is a row of a FieldTable. More...
class  CalSeeingRow
 The CalSeeingRow class is a row of a CalSeeingTable. More...
class  DataDescriptionTable
 The DataDescriptionTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalHolographyRow
 The CalHolographyRow class is a row of a CalHolographyTable. More...
class  TotalPowerTable
 The TotalPowerTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalWVRTable
 The CalWVRTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalWVRRow
 The CalWVRRow class is a row of a CalWVRTable. More...
class  ScaleTable
 The ScaleTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  RowTransformer
class  CalAntennaSolutionsRow
 The CalAntennaSolutionsRow class is a row of a CalAntennaSolutionsTable. More...
class  AlmaRadiometerRow
 The AlmaRadiometerRow class is a row of a AlmaRadiometerTable. More...
class  TableStreamReader
 A generic class to read a file containing an ASDM table as a stream. More...
class  AntennaTable
 The AntennaTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  EntityRef
 The EntityRef class is an identification of a persistant entity in the ALMA archive. More...
class  FlagRow
 The FlagRow class is a row of a FlagTable. More...
class  Length
 The Length class implements a quantity of length in meters. More...
class  Name2Table
class  Boolean
 A collection of static classes to perform conversions between strings and bool values. More...
class  CalAmpliTable
 The CalAmpliTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalFluxTable
 The CalFluxTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPrimaryBeamTable
 The CalPrimaryBeamTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SubscanTable
 The SubscanTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPointingTable
 The CalPointingTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SquareLawDetectorRow
 The SquareLawDetectorRow class is a row of a SquareLawDetectorTable. More...
class  SourceTable
 The SourceTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalDataTable
 The CalDataTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  UniquenessViolationException
 The UniquenessViolationException class represents an exception occuring when one tries to add a row in table whose all mandatory attributes values except the autoincrementable one are already met in an existing row of the table. More...
class  UTCCorrection
class  DopplerTable
 The DopplerTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Tag
 The Tag class is an implementation of a unique index identifying a row of an ASDM table. More...
class  StateRow
 The StateRow class is a row of a StateTable. More...
class  StateTable
 The StateTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPrimaryBeamRow
 The CalPrimaryBeamRow class is a row of a CalPrimaryBeamTable. More...
class  DelayModelRow
 The DelayModelRow class is a row of a DelayModelTable. More...
class  DelayModelFixedParametersRow
 The DelayModelFixedParametersRow class is a row of a DelayModelFixedParametersTable. More...
class  DataDescriptionRow
 The DataDescriptionRow class is a row of a DataDescriptionTable. More...
class  CalAppPhaseRow
 The CalAppPhaseRow class is a row of a CalAppPhaseTable. More...
class  FeedTable
 The FeedTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  DopplerRow
 The DopplerRow class is a row of a DopplerTable. More...
class  Double
 A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and double values. More...
class  SBSummaryTable
 The SBSummaryTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  DelayModelVariableParametersRow
 The DelayModelVariableParametersRow class is a row of a DelayModelVariableParametersTable. More...
class  Entity
 The Entity class is an identification of a persistant entity in the ALMA archive. More...
class  SwitchCycleTable
 The SwitchCycleTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Representable
 The Representable interface is implemented by all tables and by the container. More...
class  TagFormatException
 The TagFormatException occurs when a Tag is built from a String which does not represent correctly the content of a Tag. More...
class  SeeingRow
 The SeeingRow class is a row of a SeeingTable. More...
class  Byte
 A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and byte values (represented as char). More...
class  ArrayTimeInterval
 The ArrayTimeInterval class aggregates an instance of ArrayTime and an instance of Interval. More...
class  EndianOSStream
class  EndianIStream
class  EndianISStream
class  EndianIFStream
class  BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor
 A pure virtual class whose derived classes are expected to be functors whose behaviours will be to read the differents types of data stored into an EndianIStream. More...
class  FieldTable
 The FieldTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPointingRow
 The CalPointingRow class is a row of a CalPointingTable. More...
class  CalFocusModelTable
 The CalFocusModelTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  HolographyTable
 The HolographyTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  TotalPowerRow
 The TotalPowerRow class is a row of a TotalPowerTable. More...
class  CalDeviceRow
 The CalDeviceRow class is a row of a CalDeviceTable. More...
class  ConfigDescriptionTable
 The ConfigDescriptionTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ReceiverTable
 The ReceiverTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ReceiverRow
 The ReceiverRow class is a row of a ReceiverTable. More...
class  ProcessorRow
 The ProcessorRow class is a row of a ProcessorTable. More...
class  Temperature
 The Temperature class implements a quantity of temperature in degrees Kelvin. More...
class  PolarizationRow
 The PolarizationRow class is a row of a PolarizationTable. More...
class  NumberFormatException
 The NumberFormatException class represents an exception when an error occurs in converting a numeric value from a string. More...
class  ProcessorTable
 The ProcessorTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SysPowerRow
 The SysPowerRow class is a row of a SysPowerTable. More...
class  PointingModelTable
 The PointingModelTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SquareLawDetectorTable
 The SquareLawDetectorTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ScanRow
 The ScanRow class is a row of a ScanTable. More...
class  WeatherTable
 The WeatherTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalBandpassTable
 The CalBandpassTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalFocusTable
 The CalFocusTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPhaseRow
 The CalPhaseRow class is a row of a CalPhaseTable. More...
class  StationTable
 The StationTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalHolographyTable
 The CalHolographyTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  MainTable
 The MainTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  WeatherRow
 The WeatherRow class is a row of a WeatherTable. More...
class  Integer
class  CalFluxRow
 The CalFluxRow class is a row of a CalFluxTable. More...
class  EphemerisTable
 The EphemerisTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalAtmosphereRow
 The CalAtmosphereRow class is a row of a CalAtmosphereTable. More...
class  AlmaRadiometerTable
 The AlmaRadiometerTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  PointingTable
 The PointingTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  AntennaRow
 The AntennaRow class is a row of a AntennaTable. More...
class  SourceRow
 The SourceRow class is a row of a SourceTable. More...
class  CorrelatorModeTable
 The CorrelatorModeTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  IllegalAccessException
 The IllegalAccessException class represents an exception when an error occurs in converting a table to its external representation or in restoring a table from one of its external representations. More...
class  StringTokenizer
 The StringTokenizer class is a translation into C++ of the Java class of the same name in Java's util pacakge. More...
class  Long
 A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and int64_t values. More...
class  CorrelatorModeRow
 The CorrelatorModeRow class is a row of a CorrelatorModeTable. More...
class  FeedRow
 The FeedRow class is a row of a FeedTable. More...
class  CalDelayTable
 The CalDelayTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  FocusModelTable
 The FocusModelTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SysCalRow
 The SysCalRow class is a row of a SysCalTable. More...
class  FlagCmdTable
 The FlagCmdTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Parser
 A Parser of for XML representation of ASDM datasets. More...
class  SBSummaryRow
 The SBSummaryRow class is a row of a SBSummaryTable. More...
class  ConversionException
 The ConversionException class represents an exception when an error occurs in converting a table to its external representation or in restoring a table from one of its external representations. More...
class  DelayModelVariableParametersTable
 The DelayModelVariableParametersTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Short
 A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and short integer values. More...
class  SwitchCycleRow
 The SwitchCycleRow class is a row of a SwitchCycleTable. More...
class  PointingModelRow
 The PointingModelRow class is a row of a PointingModelTable. More...
class  AngularRate
 The AngularRate class implements a quantity of AngularRate in radians per second. More...
class  SeeingTable
 The SeeingTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ScanTable
 The ScanTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SysCalTable
 The SysCalTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  FlagCmdRow
 The FlagCmdRow class is a row of a FlagCmdTable. More...
class  ExecBlockTable
 The ExecBlockTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Angle
 The Angle class implements a quantity of angle in radians. More...
class  ScaleRow
 The ScaleRow class is a row of a ScaleTable. More...
class  EnumerationParser
class  CalAmpliRow
 The CalAmpliRow class is a row of a CalAmpliTable. More...
class  CalSeeingTable
 The CalSeeingTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Humidity
 The Humidity class implements a quantity of humidity in percent. More...
class  InvalidDataException
 The InvalidDataException class represents an exception when an error occurs in converting a numeric value from a string. More...
class  SpectralWindowTable
 The SpectralWindowTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ObservationRow
 The ObservationRow class is a row of a ObservationTable. More...
class  PulsarTable
 The PulsarTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ASDM_MAIN
class  ASDM_FEED
class  ASDM_FLAG
class  ASDM_SCAN
class  GainTrackingRow
 The GainTrackingRow class is a row of a GainTrackingTable. More...
class  AnnotationTable
 The AnnotationTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  HolographyRow
 The HolographyRow class is a row of a HolographyTable. More...
class  Character
 A collection of static classes to perform conversions between strings and char values. More...
class  CalPointingModelRow
 The CalPointingModelRow class is a row of a CalPointingModelTable. More...
class  CalDataRow
 The CalDataRow class is a row of a CalDataTable. More...
class  WVMCalTable
 The WVMCalTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Merger
class  ConfigDescriptionRow
 The ConfigDescriptionRow class is a row of a ConfigDescriptionTable. More...
class  CalDeviceTable
 The CalDeviceTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Complex
 The Complex class extends the Complex class in the C++ standard library. More...
class  FreqOffsetTable
 The FreqOffsetTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Interval
 The Interval class implements an interval of time in units of nanoseconds. More...
class  Frequency
 The Frequency class implements a quantity of frequency in hertz. More...
class  CalFocusRow
 The CalFocusRow class is a row of a CalFocusTable. More...
class  CalAtmosphereTable
 The CalAtmosphereTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  OutOfBoundsException
 The OutOfBoundsException class represents an exception when an attempt is made to access something outside of its defined bounds. More...
class  FocusModelRow
 The FocusModelRow class is a row of a FocusModelTable. More...
class  GainTrackingTable
 The GainTrackingTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  TagType
 A class to represent the type of Tag , i.e. More...
class  PartId
 description More...
class  PointingRow
 The PointingRow class is a row of a PointingTable. More...
class  EphemerisRow
 The EphemerisRow class is a row of a EphemerisTable. More...
class  Pressure
 The Pressure class implements a quantity of pressure in hectopascals. More...
class  CalPositionTable
 The CalPositionTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPointingModelTable
 The CalPointingModelTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalPhaseTable
 The CalPhaseTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  FreqOffsetRow
 The FreqOffsetRow class is a row of a FreqOffsetTable. More...
class  CalAntennaSolutionsTable
 The CalAntennaSolutionsTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  ArrayTime
 The ArrayTime class implements the concept of a point in time, implemented as an Interval of time since 17 November 1858 00:00:00 UTC, the beginning of the modified Julian Day. More...
class  CalPositionRow
 The CalPositionRow class is a row of a CalPositionTable. More...
class  HistoryRow
 The HistoryRow class is a row of a HistoryTable. More...
class  HistoryTable
 The HistoryTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  NoSuchRow
 Generate an exception when an expected row cannot be found. More...
class  ASDMValuesParserException
 A class to represent an exception thrown during the parsing of the representation of a basic type value , scalar or array, in the XML representation of an ASDM table. More...
class  ASDMValuesParser
class  CalFocusModelRow
 The CalFocusModelRow class is a row of a CalFocusModelTable. More...
class  WVMCalRow
 The WVMCalRow class is a row of a WVMCalTable. More...
class  CalGainTable
 The CalGainTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  SysPowerTable
 The SysPowerTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  DelayModelFixedParametersTable
 The DelayModelFixedParametersTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  FlagTable
 The FlagTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  FocusRow
 The FocusRow class is a row of a FocusTable. More...
class  CalDelayRow
 The CalDelayRow class is a row of a CalDelayTable. More...
class  PolarizationTable
 The PolarizationTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  Speed
 The Speed class implements a quantity of speed in meters per second. More...
class  CalReductionRow
 The CalReductionRow class is a row of a CalReductionTable. More...
class  DuplicateKey
 Generate an exception when a new row cannot be inserted because it contains a duplicate key. More...
class  Flux
 The Flux class implements a quantity of flux in janskys. More...
class  FocusTable
 The FocusTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalGainRow
 The CalGainRow class is a row of a CalGainTable. More...
class  ASDM
 The ASDM class is the container for all tables. More...
class  AnnotationRow
 The AnnotationRow class is a row of a AnnotationTable. More...
class  ExecBlockRow
 The ExecBlockRow class is a row of a ExecBlockTable. More...
class  CalCurveRow
 The CalCurveRow class is a row of a CalCurveTable. More...
class  SubscanRow
 The SubscanRow class is a row of a SubscanTable. More...
class  ByteOrder
 A class to represent byte order information. More...
class  ASDMUtilsException
class  ASDMUtils
class  ASDMParseOptions
 A class to define a collection of options regarding the way to consider an ASDM dataset especially when it's about to be read on disk, parsed and transformed into its representation in memory. More...
class  XSLTransformerException
 A class to represent an exception thrown while an XSL transformation is applied by an instance of XSLTransformer. More...
class  XSLTransformer
 A class to apply XSL transformations on an XML document. More...
class  CharComparator
 Functor class of for a comparison between a "given" character and a characted assumed to be read from a file. More...
class  CharCompAccumulator
 Functor class of for a comparison between a "given" character and a characted assumed to be read in a file with a an accumulation of the characters read in the file into a accumulating string. More...
class  Float
 A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and float values. More...
class  MainRow
 The MainRow class is a row of a MainTable. More...
class  PulsarRow
 The PulsarRow class is a row of a PulsarTable. More...
class  SpectralWindowRow
 The SpectralWindowRow class is a row of a SpectralWindowTable. More...
class  CalBandpassRow
 The CalBandpassRow class is a row of a CalBandpassTable. More...
class  DelayModelTable
 The DelayModelTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  CalCurveTable
 The CalCurveTable class is an Alma table. More...
class  InvalidArgumentException
 The InvalidArgumentException class represents an exception when an attempt is made to access something outside of its defined bounds. More...
class  ObservationTable
 The ObservationTable class is an Alma table. More...


typedef void(StationRow::* StationAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(StationRow::* StationAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FieldRow::* FieldAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FieldRow::* FieldAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalSeeingRow::* CalSeeingAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalSeeingRow::* CalSeeingAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalHolographyRow::* CalHolographyAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalHolographyRow::* CalHolographyAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalWVRRow::* CalWVRAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalWVRRow::* CalWVRAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalAntennaSolutionsRow::* CalAntennaSolutionsAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalAntennaSolutionsRow::* CalAntennaSolutionsAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(AlmaRadiometerRow::* AlmaRadiometerAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(AlmaRadiometerRow::* AlmaRadiometerAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FlagRow::* FlagAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FlagRow::* FlagAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SquareLawDetectorRow::* SquareLawDetectorAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SquareLawDetectorRow::* SquareLawDetectorAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(StateRow::* StateAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(StateRow::* StateAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalPrimaryBeamRow::* CalPrimaryBeamAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalPrimaryBeamRow::* CalPrimaryBeamAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(DelayModelRow::* DelayModelAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(DelayModelRow::* DelayModelAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(DelayModelFixedParametersRow::* DelayModelFixedParametersAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(DelayModelFixedParametersRow::* DelayModelFixedParametersAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(DataDescriptionRow::* DataDescriptionAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(DataDescriptionRow::* DataDescriptionAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalAppPhaseRow::* CalAppPhaseAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalAppPhaseRow::* CalAppPhaseAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(DopplerRow::* DopplerAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(DopplerRow::* DopplerAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(DelayModelVariableParametersRow::* DelayModelVariableParametersAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(DelayModelVariableParametersRow::* DelayModelVariableParametersAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SeeingRow::* SeeingAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SeeingRow::* SeeingAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalPointingRow::* CalPointingAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalPointingRow::* CalPointingAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(TotalPowerRow::* TotalPowerAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(TotalPowerRow::* TotalPowerAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalDeviceRow::* CalDeviceAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalDeviceRow::* CalDeviceAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ReceiverRow::* ReceiverAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ReceiverRow::* ReceiverAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ProcessorRow::* ProcessorAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ProcessorRow::* ProcessorAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(PolarizationRow::* PolarizationAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(PolarizationRow::* PolarizationAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SysPowerRow::* SysPowerAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SysPowerRow::* SysPowerAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ScanRow::* ScanAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ScanRow::* ScanAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalPhaseRow::* CalPhaseAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalPhaseRow::* CalPhaseAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(WeatherRow::* WeatherAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(WeatherRow::* WeatherAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalFluxRow::* CalFluxAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalFluxRow::* CalFluxAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalAtmosphereRow::* CalAtmosphereAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalAtmosphereRow::* CalAtmosphereAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(AntennaRow::* AntennaAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(AntennaRow::* AntennaAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SourceRow::* SourceAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SourceRow::* SourceAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CorrelatorModeRow::* CorrelatorModeAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CorrelatorModeRow::* CorrelatorModeAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FeedRow::* FeedAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FeedRow::* FeedAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SysCalRow::* SysCalAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SysCalRow::* SysCalAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SBSummaryRow::* SBSummaryAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SBSummaryRow::* SBSummaryAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SwitchCycleRow::* SwitchCycleAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SwitchCycleRow::* SwitchCycleAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(PointingModelRow::* PointingModelAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(PointingModelRow::* PointingModelAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FlagCmdRow::* FlagCmdAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FlagCmdRow::* FlagCmdAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ScaleRow::* ScaleAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ScaleRow::* ScaleAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalAmpliRow::* CalAmpliAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalAmpliRow::* CalAmpliAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ObservationRow::* ObservationAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ObservationRow::* ObservationAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(GainTrackingRow::* GainTrackingAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(GainTrackingRow::* GainTrackingAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(HolographyRow::* HolographyAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(HolographyRow::* HolographyAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalPointingModelRow::* CalPointingModelAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalPointingModelRow::* CalPointingModelAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalDataRow::* CalDataAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalDataRow::* CalDataAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ConfigDescriptionRow::* ConfigDescriptionAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ConfigDescriptionRow::* ConfigDescriptionAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalFocusRow::* CalFocusAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalFocusRow::* CalFocusAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FocusModelRow::* FocusModelAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FocusModelRow::* FocusModelAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(PointingRow::* PointingAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(PointingRow::* PointingAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(EphemerisRow::* EphemerisAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(EphemerisRow::* EphemerisAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FreqOffsetRow::* FreqOffsetAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FreqOffsetRow::* FreqOffsetAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalPositionRow::* CalPositionAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalPositionRow::* CalPositionAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(HistoryRow::* HistoryAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(HistoryRow::* HistoryAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalFocusModelRow::* CalFocusModelAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalFocusModelRow::* CalFocusModelAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(WVMCalRow::* WVMCalAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(WVMCalRow::* WVMCalAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(FocusRow::* FocusAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(FocusRow::* FocusAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalDelayRow::* CalDelayAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalDelayRow::* CalDelayAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalReductionRow::* CalReductionAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalReductionRow::* CalReductionAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalGainRow::* CalGainAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalGainRow::* CalGainAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(AnnotationRow::* AnnotationAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(AnnotationRow::* AnnotationAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(ExecBlockRow::* ExecBlockAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(ExecBlockRow::* ExecBlockAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalCurveRow::* CalCurveAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalCurveRow::* CalCurveAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SubscanRow::* SubscanAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SubscanRow::* SubscanAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(MainRow::* MainAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(MainRow::* MainAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(PulsarRow::* PulsarAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(PulsarRow::* PulsarAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(SpectralWindowRow::* SpectralWindowAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(SpectralWindowRow::* SpectralWindowAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)
typedef void(CalBandpassRow::* CalBandpassAttributeFromBin )(EndianIStream &eis)
typedef void(CalBandpassRow::* CalBandpassAttributeFromText )(const std::string &s)


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const EntityId &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, EntityId &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const EntityRef &x)
 Friend functions. More...
Length operator* (double n, const Length &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Length &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Length &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Entity &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, ArrayTimeInterval &ati)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &i, ArrayTimeInterval &ati)
Temperature operator* (double n, const Temperature &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Temperature &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Temperature &)
AngularRate operator* (double n, const AngularRate &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const AngularRate &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, AngularRate &)
Angle operator* (double n, const Angle &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Angle &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Angle &)
Humidity operator* (double n, const Humidity &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Humidity &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Humidity &)
Interval operator* (int64_t n, const Interval &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Interval &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Interval &)
Frequency operator* (double n, const Frequency &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Frequency &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Frequency &)
Pressure operator* (double n, const Pressure &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Pressure &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Pressure &)
Speed operator* (double n, const Speed &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Speed &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Speed &)
Flux operator* (double n, const Flux &x)
 Friend functions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Flux &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Flux &)
bool directoryExists (const char *dir)
 Some utility methods to manipulate directories. More...
bool createDirectory (const char *dir)
 Creates the specified directory. More...
bool createPath (const char *path)
 Creates a complete path. More...
void ByteSwap (unsigned char *b, int n)
std::string uniqSlashes (const std::string &s)
 Return a string whose content is equal to the content of s but with all the repetitions of '/' characters replaced by a unique '/'. More...

Detailed Description

Length.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.


Flux.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

Speed.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

regex not currently used here, in commented out code

Pressure.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

Frequency.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

Humidity.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

Angle.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

AngularRate.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

Temperature.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010'.

Edit at your own risk.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(AlmaRadiometerRow::* asdm::AlmaRadiometerAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 84 of file AlmaRadiometerRow.h.

typedef void(AlmaRadiometerRow::* asdm::AlmaRadiometerAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 85 of file AlmaRadiometerRow.h.

typedef void(AnnotationRow::* asdm::AnnotationAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 122 of file AnnotationRow.h.

typedef void(AnnotationRow::* asdm::AnnotationAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 123 of file AnnotationRow.h.

typedef void(AntennaRow::* asdm::AntennaAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 111 of file AntennaRow.h.

typedef void(AntennaRow::* asdm::AntennaAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 112 of file AntennaRow.h.

typedef void(CalAmpliRow::* asdm::CalAmpliAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 123 of file CalAmpliRow.h.

typedef void(CalAmpliRow::* asdm::CalAmpliAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 124 of file CalAmpliRow.h.

typedef void(CalAntennaSolutionsRow::* asdm::CalAntennaSolutionsAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 144 of file CalAntennaSolutionsRow.h.

typedef void(CalAntennaSolutionsRow::* asdm::CalAntennaSolutionsAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 145 of file CalAntennaSolutionsRow.h.

typedef void(CalAppPhaseRow::* asdm::CalAppPhaseAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 141 of file CalAppPhaseRow.h.

typedef void(CalAppPhaseRow::* asdm::CalAppPhaseAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 142 of file CalAppPhaseRow.h.

typedef void(CalAtmosphereRow::* asdm::CalAtmosphereAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 183 of file CalAtmosphereRow.h.

typedef void(CalAtmosphereRow::* asdm::CalAtmosphereAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 184 of file CalAtmosphereRow.h.

typedef void(CalBandpassRow::* asdm::CalBandpassAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 153 of file CalBandpassRow.h.

typedef void(CalBandpassRow::* asdm::CalBandpassAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 154 of file CalBandpassRow.h.

typedef void(CalCurveRow::* asdm::CalCurveAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 131 of file CalCurveRow.h.

typedef void(CalCurveRow::* asdm::CalCurveAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 132 of file CalCurveRow.h.

typedef void(CalDataRow::* asdm::CalDataAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 121 of file CalDataRow.h.

typedef void(CalDataRow::* asdm::CalDataAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 122 of file CalDataRow.h.

typedef void(CalDelayRow::* asdm::CalDelayAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 143 of file CalDelayRow.h.

typedef void(CalDelayRow::* asdm::CalDelayAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 144 of file CalDelayRow.h.

typedef void(CalDeviceRow::* asdm::CalDeviceAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 112 of file CalDeviceRow.h.

typedef void(CalDeviceRow::* asdm::CalDeviceAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 113 of file CalDeviceRow.h.

typedef void(CalFluxRow::* asdm::CalFluxAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 139 of file CalFluxRow.h.

typedef void(CalFluxRow::* asdm::CalFluxAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 140 of file CalFluxRow.h.

typedef void(CalFocusRow::* asdm::CalFocusAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 179 of file CalFocusRow.h.

typedef void(CalFocusRow::* asdm::CalFocusAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 180 of file CalFocusRow.h.

typedef void(CalFocusModelRow::* asdm::CalFocusModelAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 129 of file CalFocusModelRow.h.

typedef void(CalFocusModelRow::* asdm::CalFocusModelAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 130 of file CalFocusModelRow.h.

typedef void(CalGainRow::* asdm::CalGainAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 105 of file CalGainRow.h.

typedef void(CalGainRow::* asdm::CalGainAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 106 of file CalGainRow.h.

typedef void(CalHolographyRow::* asdm::CalHolographyAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 163 of file CalHolographyRow.h.

typedef void(CalHolographyRow::* asdm::CalHolographyAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 164 of file CalHolographyRow.h.

typedef void(CalPhaseRow::* asdm::CalPhaseAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 159 of file CalPhaseRow.h.

typedef void(CalPhaseRow::* asdm::CalPhaseAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 160 of file CalPhaseRow.h.

typedef void(CalPointingRow::* asdm::CalPointingAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 173 of file CalPointingRow.h.

typedef void(CalPointingRow::* asdm::CalPointingAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 174 of file CalPointingRow.h.

typedef void(CalPointingModelRow::* asdm::CalPointingModelAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 135 of file CalPointingModelRow.h.

typedef void(CalPointingModelRow::* asdm::CalPointingModelAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 136 of file CalPointingModelRow.h.

typedef void(CalPositionRow::* asdm::CalPositionAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 139 of file CalPositionRow.h.

typedef void(CalPositionRow::* asdm::CalPositionAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 140 of file CalPositionRow.h.

typedef void(CalPrimaryBeamRow::* asdm::CalPrimaryBeamAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 143 of file CalPrimaryBeamRow.h.

typedef void(CalPrimaryBeamRow::* asdm::CalPrimaryBeamAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 144 of file CalPrimaryBeamRow.h.

typedef void(CalReductionRow::* asdm::CalReductionAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 105 of file CalReductionRow.h.

typedef void(CalReductionRow::* asdm::CalReductionAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 106 of file CalReductionRow.h.

typedef void(CalSeeingRow::* asdm::CalSeeingAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 131 of file CalSeeingRow.h.

typedef void(CalSeeingRow::* asdm::CalSeeingAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 132 of file CalSeeingRow.h.

typedef void(CalWVRRow::* asdm::CalWVRAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 133 of file CalWVRRow.h.

typedef void(CalWVRRow::* asdm::CalWVRAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 134 of file CalWVRRow.h.

typedef void(ConfigDescriptionRow::* asdm::ConfigDescriptionAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 129 of file ConfigDescriptionRow.h.

typedef void(ConfigDescriptionRow::* asdm::ConfigDescriptionAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 130 of file ConfigDescriptionRow.h.

typedef void(CorrelatorModeRow::* asdm::CorrelatorModeAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 107 of file CorrelatorModeRow.h.

typedef void(CorrelatorModeRow::* asdm::CorrelatorModeAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 108 of file CorrelatorModeRow.h.

typedef void(DataDescriptionRow::* asdm::DataDescriptionAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 90 of file DataDescriptionRow.h.

typedef void(DataDescriptionRow::* asdm::DataDescriptionAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 91 of file DataDescriptionRow.h.

typedef void(DelayModelRow::* asdm::DelayModelAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 156 of file DelayModelRow.h.

typedef void(DelayModelRow::* asdm::DelayModelAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 157 of file DelayModelRow.h.

typedef void(DelayModelFixedParametersRow::* asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 130 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

typedef void(DelayModelFixedParametersRow::* asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 131 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

typedef void(DelayModelVariableParametersRow::* asdm::DelayModelVariableParametersAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 122 of file DelayModelVariableParametersRow.h.

typedef void(DelayModelVariableParametersRow::* asdm::DelayModelVariableParametersAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 123 of file DelayModelVariableParametersRow.h.

typedef void(DopplerRow::* asdm::DopplerAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 84 of file DopplerRow.h.

typedef void(DopplerRow::* asdm::DopplerAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 85 of file DopplerRow.h.

typedef void(EphemerisRow::* asdm::EphemerisAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 105 of file EphemerisRow.h.

typedef void(EphemerisRow::* asdm::EphemerisAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 106 of file EphemerisRow.h.

typedef void(ExecBlockRow::* asdm::ExecBlockAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 154 of file ExecBlockRow.h.

typedef void(ExecBlockRow::* asdm::ExecBlockAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 155 of file ExecBlockRow.h.

typedef void(FeedRow::* asdm::FeedAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 132 of file FeedRow.h.

typedef void(FeedRow::* asdm::FeedAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 133 of file FeedRow.h.

typedef void(FieldRow::* asdm::FieldAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 118 of file FieldRow.h.

typedef void(FieldRow::* asdm::FieldAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 119 of file FieldRow.h.

typedef void(FlagRow::* asdm::FlagAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 114 of file FlagRow.h.

typedef void(FlagRow::* asdm::FlagAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 115 of file FlagRow.h.

typedef void(FlagCmdRow::* asdm::FlagCmdAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 91 of file FlagCmdRow.h.

typedef void(FlagCmdRow::* asdm::FlagCmdAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 92 of file FlagCmdRow.h.

typedef void(FocusRow::* asdm::FocusAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 107 of file FocusRow.h.

typedef void(FocusRow::* asdm::FocusAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 108 of file FocusRow.h.

typedef void(FocusModelRow::* asdm::FocusModelAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 103 of file FocusModelRow.h.

typedef void(FocusModelRow::* asdm::FocusModelAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 104 of file FocusModelRow.h.

typedef void(FreqOffsetRow::* asdm::FreqOffsetAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 98 of file FreqOffsetRow.h.

typedef void(FreqOffsetRow::* asdm::FreqOffsetAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 99 of file FreqOffsetRow.h.

typedef void(GainTrackingRow::* asdm::GainTrackingAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 112 of file GainTrackingRow.h.

typedef void(GainTrackingRow::* asdm::GainTrackingAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 113 of file GainTrackingRow.h.

typedef void(HistoryRow::* asdm::HistoryAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 100 of file HistoryRow.h.

typedef void(HistoryRow::* asdm::HistoryAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 101 of file HistoryRow.h.

typedef void(HolographyRow::* asdm::HolographyAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 93 of file HolographyRow.h.

typedef void(HolographyRow::* asdm::HolographyAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 94 of file HolographyRow.h.

typedef void(MainRow::* asdm::MainAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 123 of file MainRow.h.

typedef void(MainRow::* asdm::MainAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 124 of file MainRow.h.

typedef void(ObservationRow::* asdm::ObservationAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 79 of file ObservationRow.h.

typedef void(ObservationRow::* asdm::ObservationAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 80 of file ObservationRow.h.

typedef void(PointingRow::* asdm::PointingAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 129 of file PointingRow.h.

typedef void(PointingRow::* asdm::PointingAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 130 of file PointingRow.h.

typedef void(PointingModelRow::* asdm::PointingModelAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 103 of file PointingModelRow.h.

typedef void(PointingModelRow::* asdm::PointingModelAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 104 of file PointingModelRow.h.

typedef void(PolarizationRow::* asdm::PolarizationAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 89 of file PolarizationRow.h.

typedef void(PolarizationRow::* asdm::PolarizationAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 90 of file PolarizationRow.h.

typedef void(ProcessorRow::* asdm::ProcessorAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 89 of file ProcessorRow.h.

typedef void(ProcessorRow::* asdm::ProcessorAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 90 of file ProcessorRow.h.

typedef void(PulsarRow::* asdm::PulsarAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 113 of file PulsarRow.h.

typedef void(PulsarRow::* asdm::PulsarAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 114 of file PulsarRow.h.

typedef void(ReceiverRow::* asdm::ReceiverAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 110 of file ReceiverRow.h.

typedef void(ReceiverRow::* asdm::ReceiverAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 111 of file ReceiverRow.h.

typedef void(SBSummaryRow::* asdm::SBSummaryAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 135 of file SBSummaryRow.h.

typedef void(SBSummaryRow::* asdm::SBSummaryAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 136 of file SBSummaryRow.h.

typedef void(ScaleRow::* asdm::ScaleAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 95 of file ScaleRow.h.

typedef void(ScaleRow::* asdm::ScaleAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 96 of file ScaleRow.h.

typedef void(ScanRow::* asdm::ScanAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 122 of file ScanRow.h.

typedef void(ScanRow::* asdm::ScanAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 123 of file ScanRow.h.

typedef void(SeeingRow::* asdm::SeeingAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 97 of file SeeingRow.h.

typedef void(SeeingRow::* asdm::SeeingAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 98 of file SeeingRow.h.

typedef void(SourceRow::* asdm::SourceAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 196 of file SourceRow.h.

typedef void(SourceRow::* asdm::SourceAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 197 of file SourceRow.h.

typedef void(SpectralWindowRow::* asdm::SpectralWindowAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 162 of file SpectralWindowRow.h.

typedef void(SpectralWindowRow::* asdm::SpectralWindowAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 163 of file SpectralWindowRow.h.

typedef void(SquareLawDetectorRow::* asdm::SquareLawDetectorAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 85 of file SquareLawDetectorRow.h.

typedef void(SquareLawDetectorRow::* asdm::SquareLawDetectorAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 86 of file SquareLawDetectorRow.h.

typedef void(StateRow::* asdm::StateAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 91 of file StateRow.h.

typedef void(StateRow::* asdm::StateAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 92 of file StateRow.h.

typedef void(StationRow::* asdm::StationAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 97 of file StationRow.h.

typedef void(StationRow::* asdm::StationAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 98 of file StationRow.h.

typedef void(SubscanRow::* asdm::SubscanAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 110 of file SubscanRow.h.

typedef void(SubscanRow::* asdm::SubscanAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 111 of file SubscanRow.h.

typedef void(SwitchCycleRow::* asdm::SwitchCycleAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 111 of file SwitchCycleRow.h.

typedef void(SwitchCycleRow::* asdm::SwitchCycleAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 112 of file SwitchCycleRow.h.

typedef void(SysCalRow::* asdm::SysCalAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 128 of file SysCalRow.h.

typedef void(SysCalRow::* asdm::SysCalAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 129 of file SysCalRow.h.

typedef void(SysPowerRow::* asdm::SysPowerAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 100 of file SysPowerRow.h.

typedef void(SysPowerRow::* asdm::SysPowerAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 101 of file SysPowerRow.h.

typedef void(TotalPowerRow::* asdm::TotalPowerAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 125 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

typedef void(TotalPowerRow::* asdm::TotalPowerAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 126 of file TotalPowerRow.h.

typedef void(WeatherRow::* asdm::WeatherAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 138 of file WeatherRow.h.

typedef void(WeatherRow::* asdm::WeatherAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 139 of file WeatherRow.h.

typedef void(WVMCalRow::* asdm::WVMCalAttributeFromBin)(EndianIStream &eis)

Definition at line 116 of file WVMCalRow.h.

typedef void(WVMCalRow::* asdm::WVMCalAttributeFromText)(const std::string &s)

Definition at line 117 of file WVMCalRow.h.

Function Documentation

void asdm::ByteSwap ( unsigned char *  b,
int  n 
bool asdm::createDirectory ( const char *  dir)

Creates the specified directory.

Fails if the path leading to this directory does not exist.



bool asdm::createPath ( const char *  path)

Creates a complete path.



bool asdm::directoryExists ( const char *  dir)

Some utility methods to manipulate directories.

Returns whether the specified directory exists.


if (!directoryExists("output")) { createDirectory("output"); }

Angle asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Angle x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Angle .
a Angle

Definition at line 432 of file Angle.h.

References asdm::Angle::value.

Flux asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Flux &  x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Flux .
a Flux

Definition at line 432 of file Flux.h.

References asdm::Flux::value.

Length asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Length x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Length .
a Length

Definition at line 432 of file Length.h.

References asdm::Length::value.

Humidity asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Humidity x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Humidity .
a Humidity

Definition at line 432 of file Humidity.h.

References asdm::Humidity::value.

Temperature asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Temperature x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Temperature .
a Temperature

Definition at line 432 of file Temperature.h.

References asdm::Temperature::value.

AngularRate asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const AngularRate &  x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a AngularRate .
a AngularRate

Definition at line 432 of file AngularRate.h.

References asdm::AngularRate::value.

Frequency asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Frequency x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Frequency .
a Frequency

Definition at line 432 of file Frequency.h.

References asdm::Frequency::value.

Pressure asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Pressure x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Pressure .
a Pressure

Definition at line 432 of file Pressure.h.

References asdm::Pressure::value.

Speed asdm::operator* ( double  n,
const Speed &  x 

Friend functions.

Overloading of multiplication operator.

da value in double precision .
xa const reference to a Speed .
a Speed

Definition at line 432 of file Speed.h.

References asdm::Speed::value.

Interval asdm::operator* ( int64_t  n,
const Interval &  x 

Friend functions.

Definition at line 309 of file Interval.h.

References asdm::Interval::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Flux &  x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Flux.

Definition at line 437 of file Flux.h.

References asdm::Flux::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Speed &  x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Speed.

Definition at line 437 of file Speed.h.

References asdm::Speed::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Angle x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Angle.

Definition at line 437 of file Angle.h.

References asdm::Angle::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Humidity x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Humidity.

Definition at line 437 of file Humidity.h.

References asdm::Humidity::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Length x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Length.

Definition at line 437 of file Length.h.

References asdm::Length::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Temperature x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Temperature.

Definition at line 437 of file Temperature.h.

References asdm::Temperature::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Frequency x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Frequency.

Definition at line 437 of file Frequency.h.

References asdm::Frequency::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const AngularRate &  x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a AngularRate.

Definition at line 437 of file AngularRate.h.

References asdm::AngularRate::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Pressure x 
osa reference to the ostream to be written on.
xa const reference to a Pressure.

Definition at line 437 of file Pressure.h.

References asdm::Pressure::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const EntityId &  x 

Friend functions.

Definition at line 159 of file EntityId.h.

References asdm::EntityId::id.

std::ostream& asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const Entity &   
std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const Interval &  x 

Definition at line 315 of file Interval.h.

References asdm::Interval::value.

std::ostream & asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const EntityRef &  x 

Friend functions.

Definition at line 187 of file EntityRef.h.

References asdm::EntityRef::toXML().

std::ostream& asdm::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
ArrayTimeInterval &  ati 
std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Pressure x 

Definition at line 441 of file Pressure.h.

References asdm::Pressure::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Length x 

Definition at line 441 of file Length.h.

References asdm::Length::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Flux &  x 

Definition at line 441 of file Flux.h.

References asdm::Flux::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Frequency x 

Definition at line 441 of file Frequency.h.

References asdm::Frequency::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Angle x 

Definition at line 441 of file Angle.h.

References asdm::Angle::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
AngularRate &  x 

Definition at line 441 of file AngularRate.h.

References asdm::AngularRate::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Speed &  x 

Definition at line 441 of file Speed.h.

References asdm::Speed::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Humidity x 

Definition at line 441 of file Humidity.h.

References asdm::Humidity::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Temperature x 

Definition at line 441 of file Temperature.h.

References asdm::Temperature::value.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
EntityId &  x 

Definition at line 164 of file EntityId.h.

References asdm::EntityId::id.

std::istream & asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
Interval &  x 

Definition at line 320 of file Interval.h.

References asdm::Interval::value.

std::istream& asdm::operator>> ( std::istream &  i,
ArrayTimeInterval &  ati 
std::string asdm::uniqSlashes ( const std::string &  s)

Return a string whose content is equal to the content of s but with all the repetitions of '/' characters replaced by a unique '/'.

a string.