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asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow Class Reference

The DelayModelFixedParametersRow class is a row of a DelayModelFixedParametersTable. More...

#include <DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~DelayModelFixedParametersRow ()
 friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<DelayModelFixedParametersTable, DelayModelFixedParametersRow>; More...
DelayModelFixedParametersTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs. More...
bool isAdded () const
 Has this row been added to its table ? More...
std::string getDelayModelVersion () const
 ===> Attribute delayModelVersion More...
void setDelayModelVersion (std::string delayModelVersion)
 Set delayModelVersion with the specified std::string. More...
bool isGaussConstantExists () const
 ===> Attribute gaussConstant, which is optional More...
AngularRate getGaussConstant () const
 Get gaussConstant, which is optional. More...
void setGaussConstant (AngularRate gaussConstant)
 Set gaussConstant with the specified AngularRate. More...
void clearGaussConstant ()
 Mark gaussConstant, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNewtonianConstantExists () const
 ===> Attribute newtonianConstant, which is optional More...
double getNewtonianConstant () const
 Get newtonianConstant, which is optional. More...
void setNewtonianConstant (double newtonianConstant)
 Set newtonianConstant with the specified double. More...
void clearNewtonianConstant ()
 Mark newtonianConstant, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isGravityExists () const
 ===> Attribute gravity, which is optional More...
double getGravity () const
 Get gravity, which is optional. More...
void setGravity (double gravity)
 Set gravity with the specified double. More...
void clearGravity ()
 Mark gravity, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isEarthFlatteningExists () const
 ===> Attribute earthFlattening, which is optional More...
double getEarthFlattening () const
 Get earthFlattening, which is optional. More...
void setEarthFlattening (double earthFlattening)
 Set earthFlattening with the specified double. More...
void clearEarthFlattening ()
 Mark earthFlattening, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isEarthRadiusExists () const
 ===> Attribute earthRadius, which is optional More...
Length getEarthRadius () const
 Get earthRadius, which is optional. More...
void setEarthRadius (Length earthRadius)
 Set earthRadius with the specified Length. More...
void clearEarthRadius ()
 Mark earthRadius, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isMoonEarthMassRatioExists () const
 ===> Attribute moonEarthMassRatio, which is optional More...
double getMoonEarthMassRatio () const
 Get moonEarthMassRatio, which is optional. More...
void setMoonEarthMassRatio (double moonEarthMassRatio)
 Set moonEarthMassRatio with the specified double. More...
void clearMoonEarthMassRatio ()
 Mark moonEarthMassRatio, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isEphemerisEpochExists () const
 ===> Attribute ephemerisEpoch, which is optional More...
std::string getEphemerisEpoch () const
 Get ephemerisEpoch, which is optional. More...
void setEphemerisEpoch (std::string ephemerisEpoch)
 Set ephemerisEpoch with the specified std::string. More...
void clearEphemerisEpoch ()
 Mark ephemerisEpoch, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isEarthTideLagExists () const
 ===> Attribute earthTideLag, which is optional More...
double getEarthTideLag () const
 Get earthTideLag, which is optional. More...
void setEarthTideLag (double earthTideLag)
 Set earthTideLag with the specified double. More...
void clearEarthTideLag ()
 Mark earthTideLag, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isEarthGMExists () const
 ===> Attribute earthGM, which is optional More...
double getEarthGM () const
 Get earthGM, which is optional. More...
void setEarthGM (double earthGM)
 Set earthGM with the specified double. More...
void clearEarthGM ()
 Mark earthGM, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isMoonGMExists () const
 ===> Attribute moonGM, which is optional More...
double getMoonGM () const
 Get moonGM, which is optional. More...
void setMoonGM (double moonGM)
 Set moonGM with the specified double. More...
void clearMoonGM ()
 Mark moonGM, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isSunGMExists () const
 ===> Attribute sunGM, which is optional More...
double getSunGM () const
 Get sunGM, which is optional. More...
void setSunGM (double sunGM)
 Set sunGM with the specified double. More...
void clearSunGM ()
 Mark sunGM, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isLoveNumberHExists () const
 ===> Attribute loveNumberH, which is optional More...
double getLoveNumberH () const
 Get loveNumberH, which is optional. More...
void setLoveNumberH (double loveNumberH)
 Set loveNumberH with the specified double. More...
void clearLoveNumberH ()
 Mark loveNumberH, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isLoveNumberLExists () const
 ===> Attribute loveNumberL, which is optional More...
double getLoveNumberL () const
 Get loveNumberL, which is optional. More...
void setLoveNumberL (double loveNumberL)
 Set loveNumberL with the specified double. More...
void clearLoveNumberL ()
 Mark loveNumberL, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isPrecessionConstantExists () const
 ===> Attribute precessionConstant, which is optional More...
AngularRate getPrecessionConstant () const
 Get precessionConstant, which is optional. More...
void setPrecessionConstant (AngularRate precessionConstant)
 Set precessionConstant with the specified AngularRate. More...
void clearPrecessionConstant ()
 Mark precessionConstant, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isLightTime1AUExists () const
 ===> Attribute lightTime1AU, which is optional More...
double getLightTime1AU () const
 Get lightTime1AU, which is optional. More...
void setLightTime1AU (double lightTime1AU)
 Set lightTime1AU with the specified double. More...
void clearLightTime1AU ()
 Mark lightTime1AU, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isSpeedOfLightExists () const
 ===> Attribute speedOfLight, which is optional More...
Speed getSpeedOfLight () const
 Get speedOfLight, which is optional. More...
void setSpeedOfLight (Speed speedOfLight)
 Set speedOfLight with the specified Speed. More...
void clearSpeedOfLight ()
 Mark speedOfLight, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isDelayModelFlagsExists () const
 ===> Attribute delayModelFlags, which is optional More...
std::string getDelayModelFlags () const
 Get delayModelFlags, which is optional. More...
void setDelayModelFlags (std::string delayModelFlags)
 Set delayModelFlags with the specified std::string. More...
void clearDelayModelFlags ()
 Mark delayModelFlags, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
void setExecBlockId (Tag execBlockId)
 Set execBlockId with the specified Tag. More...
Links *ExecBlockRowgetExecBlockUsingExecBlockId ()
 execBlockId pointer to the row in the ExecBlock table having ExecBlock.execBlockId == execBlockId More...
bool compareNoAutoInc (std::string delayModelVersion, Tag execBlockId)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this DelayModelFixedParametersRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise. More...
bool compareRequiredValue (std::string delayModelVersion, Tag execBlockId)
 Compare each mandatory value (i.e. More...
bool equalByRequiredValue (DelayModelFixedParametersRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise. More...
asdmIDL::DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct. More...
void toIDL (asdmIDL::DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL &x) const
 Define the content of a DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL struct from the values found in this row. More...
void setFromIDL (asdmIDL::DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL x)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL. More...
std::string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string. More...
void setFromXML (std::string rowDoc)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method. More...

Public Attributes

Intrinsic Table Attributes
Extrinsic Table Attributes

Private Member Functions

void isAdded (bool added)
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table. More...
 DelayModelFixedParametersRow (DelayModelFixedParametersTable &table)
 Create a DelayModelFixedParametersRow. More...
 DelayModelFixedParametersRow (DelayModelFixedParametersTable &table, DelayModelFixedParametersRow *row)
 Create a DelayModelFixedParametersRow using a copy constructor mechanism. More...
void setDelayModelFixedParametersId (Tag delayModelFixedParametersId)
 Set delayModelFixedParametersId with the specified Tag value. More...
void delayModelFixedParametersIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void delayModelVersionFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void execBlockIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void gaussConstantFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void newtonianConstantFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void gravityFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void earthFlatteningFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void earthRadiusFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void moonEarthMassRatioFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void ephemerisEpochFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void earthTideLagFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void earthGMFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void moonGMFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void sunGMFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void loveNumberHFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void loveNumberLFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void precessionConstantFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void lightTime1AUFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void speedOfLightFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void delayModelFlagsFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void delayModelFixedParametersIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void delayModelVersionFromText (const std::string &s)
void execBlockIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void gaussConstantFromText (const std::string &s)
void newtonianConstantFromText (const std::string &s)
void gravityFromText (const std::string &s)
void earthFlatteningFromText (const std::string &s)
void earthRadiusFromText (const std::string &s)
void moonEarthMassRatioFromText (const std::string &s)
void ephemerisEpochFromText (const std::string &s)
void earthTideLagFromText (const std::string &s)
void earthGMFromText (const std::string &s)
void moonGMFromText (const std::string &s)
void sunGMFromText (const std::string &s)
void loveNumberHFromText (const std::string &s)
void loveNumberLFromText (const std::string &s)
void precessionConstantFromText (const std::string &s)
void lightTime1AUFromText (const std::string &s)
void speedOfLightFromText (const std::string &s)
void delayModelFlagsFromText (const std::string &s)
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream. More...

Private Attributes

 The table to which this row belongs. More...
bool hasBeenAdded
 Whether this row has been added to the table or not. More...
std::string delayModelVersion
 ===> Attribute delayModelVersion More...
bool gaussConstantExists
 ===> Attribute gaussConstant, which is optional More...
AngularRate gaussConstant
bool newtonianConstantExists
 ===> Attribute newtonianConstant, which is optional More...
double newtonianConstant
bool gravityExists
 ===> Attribute gravity, which is optional More...
double gravity
bool earthFlatteningExists
 ===> Attribute earthFlattening, which is optional More...
double earthFlattening
bool earthRadiusExists
 ===> Attribute earthRadius, which is optional More...
Length earthRadius
bool moonEarthMassRatioExists
 ===> Attribute moonEarthMassRatio, which is optional More...
double moonEarthMassRatio
bool ephemerisEpochExists
 ===> Attribute ephemerisEpoch, which is optional More...
std::string ephemerisEpoch
bool earthTideLagExists
 ===> Attribute earthTideLag, which is optional More...
double earthTideLag
bool earthGMExists
 ===> Attribute earthGM, which is optional More...
double earthGM
bool moonGMExists
 ===> Attribute moonGM, which is optional More...
double moonGM
bool sunGMExists
 ===> Attribute sunGM, which is optional More...
double sunGM
bool loveNumberHExists
 ===> Attribute loveNumberH, which is optional More...
double loveNumberH
bool loveNumberLExists
 ===> Attribute loveNumberL, which is optional More...
double loveNumberL
bool precessionConstantExists
 ===> Attribute precessionConstant, which is optional More...
AngularRate precessionConstant
bool lightTime1AUExists
 ===> Attribute lightTime1AU, which is optional More...
double lightTime1AU
bool speedOfLightExists
 ===> Attribute speedOfLight, which is optional More...
Speed speedOfLight
bool delayModelFlagsExists
 ===> Attribute delayModelFlags, which is optional More...
std::string delayModelFlags
Links *binary deserialization
material from an EndianIStream
std::map< std::string,
*text deserialization material
std::map< std::string,


class asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersTable
class asdm::RowTransformer< DelayModelFixedParametersRow >

Detailed Description

The DelayModelFixedParametersRow class is a row of a DelayModelFixedParametersTable.

Generated from model's revision "-1", branch ""

Definition at line 139 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::~DelayModelFixedParametersRow ( )

friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<DelayModelFixedParametersTable, DelayModelFixedParametersRow>;

asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::DelayModelFixedParametersRow ( DelayModelFixedParametersTable table)

Create a DelayModelFixedParametersRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::DelayModelFixedParametersRow ( DelayModelFixedParametersTable table,
DelayModelFixedParametersRow row 

Create a DelayModelFixedParametersRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a DelayModelFixedParametersRow row and a DelayModelFixedParametersTable table, the method creates a new DelayModelFixedParametersRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearDelayModelFlags ( )

Mark delayModelFlags, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearEarthFlattening ( )

Mark earthFlattening, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearEarthGM ( )

Mark earthGM, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearEarthRadius ( )

Mark earthRadius, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearEarthTideLag ( )

Mark earthTideLag, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearEphemerisEpoch ( )

Mark ephemerisEpoch, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearGaussConstant ( )

Mark gaussConstant, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearGravity ( )

Mark gravity, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearLightTime1AU ( )

Mark lightTime1AU, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearLoveNumberH ( )

Mark loveNumberH, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearLoveNumberL ( )

Mark loveNumberL, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearMoonEarthMassRatio ( )

Mark moonEarthMassRatio, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearMoonGM ( )

Mark moonGM, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearNewtonianConstant ( )

Mark newtonianConstant, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearPrecessionConstant ( )

Mark precessionConstant, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearSpeedOfLight ( )

Mark speedOfLight, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::clearSunGM ( )

Mark sunGM, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::compareNoAutoInc ( std::string  delayModelVersion,
Tag  execBlockId 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this DelayModelFixedParametersRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::compareRequiredValue ( std::string  delayModelVersion,
Tag  execBlockId 

Compare each mandatory value (i.e.

not in the key) attribute with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelFixedParametersIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelFixedParametersIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelFlagsFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelFlagsFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelVersionFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelVersionFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthFlatteningFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthFlatteningFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthGMFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthGMFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthRadiusFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthRadiusFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthTideLagFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthTideLagFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::ephemerisEpochFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::ephemerisEpochFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::equalByRequiredValue ( DelayModelFixedParametersRow x)

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the DelayModelFixedParametersRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::execBlockIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::execBlockIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gaussConstantFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gaussConstantFromText ( const std::string &  s)
std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getDelayModelFlags ( ) const

Get delayModelFlags, which is optional.

delayModelFlags as std::string
IllegalAccessExceptionIf delayModelFlags does not exist.
std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getDelayModelVersion ( ) const

===> Attribute delayModelVersion

Get delayModelVersion.

delayModelVersion as std::string
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getEarthFlattening ( ) const

Get earthFlattening, which is optional.

earthFlattening as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf earthFlattening does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getEarthGM ( ) const

Get earthGM, which is optional.

earthGM as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf earthGM does not exist.
Length asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getEarthRadius ( ) const

Get earthRadius, which is optional.

earthRadius as Length
IllegalAccessExceptionIf earthRadius does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getEarthTideLag ( ) const

Get earthTideLag, which is optional.

earthTideLag as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf earthTideLag does not exist.
std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getEphemerisEpoch ( ) const

Get ephemerisEpoch, which is optional.

ephemerisEpoch as std::string
IllegalAccessExceptionIf ephemerisEpoch does not exist.
Links* ExecBlockRow* asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getExecBlockUsingExecBlockId ( )

execBlockId pointer to the row in the ExecBlock table having ExecBlock.execBlockId == execBlockId

a ExecBlockRow*
AngularRate asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getGaussConstant ( ) const

Get gaussConstant, which is optional.

gaussConstant as AngularRate
IllegalAccessExceptionIf gaussConstant does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getGravity ( ) const

Get gravity, which is optional.

gravity as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf gravity does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getLightTime1AU ( ) const

Get lightTime1AU, which is optional.

lightTime1AU as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf lightTime1AU does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getLoveNumberH ( ) const

Get loveNumberH, which is optional.

loveNumberH as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf loveNumberH does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getLoveNumberL ( ) const

Get loveNumberL, which is optional.

loveNumberL as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf loveNumberL does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getMoonEarthMassRatio ( ) const

Get moonEarthMassRatio, which is optional.

moonEarthMassRatio as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf moonEarthMassRatio does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getMoonGM ( ) const

Get moonGM, which is optional.

moonGM as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf moonGM does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getNewtonianConstant ( ) const

Get newtonianConstant, which is optional.

newtonianConstant as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf newtonianConstant does not exist.
AngularRate asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getPrecessionConstant ( ) const

Get precessionConstant, which is optional.

precessionConstant as AngularRate
IllegalAccessExceptionIf precessionConstant does not exist.
Speed asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getSpeedOfLight ( ) const

Get speedOfLight, which is optional.

speedOfLight as Speed
IllegalAccessExceptionIf speedOfLight does not exist.
double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getSunGM ( ) const

Get sunGM, which is optional.

sunGM as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf sunGM does not exist.
DelayModelFixedParametersTable& asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::getTable ( ) const

Return the table to which this row belongs.

void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gravityFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gravityFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isAdded ( ) const

Has this row been added to its table ?

true if and only if it has been added.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isAdded ( bool  added)

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isDelayModelFlagsExists ( ) const

===> Attribute delayModelFlags, which is optional

The attribute delayModelFlags is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the delayModelFlags attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isEarthFlatteningExists ( ) const

===> Attribute earthFlattening, which is optional

The attribute earthFlattening is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the earthFlattening attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isEarthGMExists ( ) const

===> Attribute earthGM, which is optional

The attribute earthGM is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the earthGM attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isEarthRadiusExists ( ) const

===> Attribute earthRadius, which is optional

The attribute earthRadius is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the earthRadius attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isEarthTideLagExists ( ) const

===> Attribute earthTideLag, which is optional

The attribute earthTideLag is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the earthTideLag attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isEphemerisEpochExists ( ) const

===> Attribute ephemerisEpoch, which is optional

The attribute ephemerisEpoch is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the ephemerisEpoch attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isGaussConstantExists ( ) const

===> Attribute gaussConstant, which is optional

The attribute gaussConstant is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the gaussConstant attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isGravityExists ( ) const

===> Attribute gravity, which is optional

The attribute gravity is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the gravity attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isLightTime1AUExists ( ) const

===> Attribute lightTime1AU, which is optional

The attribute lightTime1AU is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the lightTime1AU attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isLoveNumberHExists ( ) const

===> Attribute loveNumberH, which is optional

The attribute loveNumberH is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the loveNumberH attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isLoveNumberLExists ( ) const

===> Attribute loveNumberL, which is optional

The attribute loveNumberL is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the loveNumberL attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isMoonEarthMassRatioExists ( ) const

===> Attribute moonEarthMassRatio, which is optional

The attribute moonEarthMassRatio is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the moonEarthMassRatio attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isMoonGMExists ( ) const

===> Attribute moonGM, which is optional

The attribute moonGM is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the moonGM attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isNewtonianConstantExists ( ) const

===> Attribute newtonianConstant, which is optional

The attribute newtonianConstant is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the newtonianConstant attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isPrecessionConstantExists ( ) const

===> Attribute precessionConstant, which is optional

The attribute precessionConstant is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the precessionConstant attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isSpeedOfLightExists ( ) const

===> Attribute speedOfLight, which is optional

The attribute speedOfLight is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the speedOfLight attribute exists.
bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::isSunGMExists ( ) const

===> Attribute sunGM, which is optional

The attribute sunGM is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the sunGM attribute exists.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::lightTime1AUFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::lightTime1AUFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberHFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberHFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberLFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberLFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonEarthMassRatioFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonEarthMassRatioFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonGMFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonGMFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::newtonianConstantFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::newtonianConstantFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::precessionConstantFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::precessionConstantFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setDelayModelFixedParametersId ( Tag  delayModelFixedParametersId)

Set delayModelFixedParametersId with the specified Tag value.

delayModelFixedParametersIdThe Tag value to which delayModelFixedParametersId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setDelayModelFlags ( std::string  delayModelFlags)

Set delayModelFlags with the specified std::string.

delayModelFlagsThe std::string value to which delayModelFlags is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setDelayModelVersion ( std::string  delayModelVersion)

Set delayModelVersion with the specified std::string.

delayModelVersionThe std::string value to which delayModelVersion is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setEarthFlattening ( double  earthFlattening)

Set earthFlattening with the specified double.

earthFlatteningThe double value to which earthFlattening is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setEarthGM ( double  earthGM)

Set earthGM with the specified double.

earthGMThe double value to which earthGM is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setEarthRadius ( Length  earthRadius)

Set earthRadius with the specified Length.

earthRadiusThe Length value to which earthRadius is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setEarthTideLag ( double  earthTideLag)

Set earthTideLag with the specified double.

earthTideLagThe double value to which earthTideLag is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setEphemerisEpoch ( std::string  ephemerisEpoch)

Set ephemerisEpoch with the specified std::string.

ephemerisEpochThe std::string value to which ephemerisEpoch is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setExecBlockId ( Tag  execBlockId)

Set execBlockId with the specified Tag.

execBlockIdThe Tag value to which execBlockId is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setFromIDL ( asdmIDL::DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL  x)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setFromXML ( std::string  rowDoc)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

rowDocthe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setGaussConstant ( AngularRate  gaussConstant)

Set gaussConstant with the specified AngularRate.

gaussConstantThe AngularRate value to which gaussConstant is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setGravity ( double  gravity)

Set gravity with the specified double.

gravityThe double value to which gravity is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setLightTime1AU ( double  lightTime1AU)

Set lightTime1AU with the specified double.

lightTime1AUThe double value to which lightTime1AU is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setLoveNumberH ( double  loveNumberH)

Set loveNumberH with the specified double.

loveNumberHThe double value to which loveNumberH is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setLoveNumberL ( double  loveNumberL)

Set loveNumberL with the specified double.

loveNumberLThe double value to which loveNumberL is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setMoonEarthMassRatio ( double  moonEarthMassRatio)

Set moonEarthMassRatio with the specified double.

moonEarthMassRatioThe double value to which moonEarthMassRatio is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setMoonGM ( double  moonGM)

Set moonGM with the specified double.

moonGMThe double value to which moonGM is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setNewtonianConstant ( double  newtonianConstant)

Set newtonianConstant with the specified double.

newtonianConstantThe double value to which newtonianConstant is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setPrecessionConstant ( AngularRate  precessionConstant)

Set precessionConstant with the specified AngularRate.

precessionConstantThe AngularRate value to which precessionConstant is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setSpeedOfLight ( Speed  speedOfLight)

Set speedOfLight with the specified Speed.

speedOfLightThe Speed value to which speedOfLight is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::setSunGM ( double  sunGM)

Set sunGM with the specified double.

sunGMThe double value to which sunGM is to be set.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::speedOfLightFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::speedOfLightFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::sunGMFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::sunGMFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::toBin ( EndianOSStream eoss)

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
asdmIDL::DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL* asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL struct.
void asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::toIDL ( asdmIDL::DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL &  x) const

Define the content of a DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL struct from the values found in this row.

xa reference to the DelayModelFixedParametersRowIDL struct to be set.
std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

Definition at line 140 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Definition at line 141 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Member Data Documentation

Extrinsic Table asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::Attributes

Definition at line 164 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Extrinsic Table asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::Attributes

Definition at line 915 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelFlags

Definition at line 1385 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelFlagsExists

===> Attribute delayModelFlags, which is optional

Definition at line 1382 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::delayModelVersion

===> Attribute delayModelVersion

Definition at line 1164 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthFlattening

Definition at line 1216 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthFlatteningExists

===> Attribute earthFlattening, which is optional

Definition at line 1213 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthGM

Definition at line 1281 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthGMExists

===> Attribute earthGM, which is optional

Definition at line 1278 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Length asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthRadius

Definition at line 1229 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthRadiusExists

===> Attribute earthRadius, which is optional

Definition at line 1226 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthTideLag

Definition at line 1268 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::earthTideLagExists

===> Attribute earthTideLag, which is optional

Definition at line 1265 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

std::string asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::ephemerisEpoch

Definition at line 1255 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::ephemerisEpochExists

===> Attribute ephemerisEpoch, which is optional

Definition at line 1252 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Links* binary deserialization material from an EndianIStream std::map<std::string, DelayModelFixedParametersAttributeFromBin> asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::fromBinMethods

Definition at line 1422 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

* text deserialization material std::map<std::string, DelayModelFixedParametersAttributeFromText> asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::fromTextMethods

Definition at line 1450 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

AngularRate asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gaussConstant

Definition at line 1177 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gaussConstantExists

===> Attribute gaussConstant, which is optional

Definition at line 1174 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gravity

Definition at line 1203 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::gravityExists

===> Attribute gravity, which is optional

Definition at line 1200 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::hasBeenAdded

Whether this row has been added to the table or not.

Definition at line 1097 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::lightTime1AU

Definition at line 1359 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::lightTime1AUExists

===> Attribute lightTime1AU, which is optional

Definition at line 1356 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberH

Definition at line 1320 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberHExists

===> Attribute loveNumberH, which is optional

Definition at line 1317 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberL

Definition at line 1333 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::loveNumberLExists

===> Attribute loveNumberL, which is optional

Definition at line 1330 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonEarthMassRatio

Definition at line 1242 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonEarthMassRatioExists

===> Attribute moonEarthMassRatio, which is optional

Definition at line 1239 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonGM

Definition at line 1294 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::moonGMExists

===> Attribute moonGM, which is optional

Definition at line 1291 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::newtonianConstant

Definition at line 1190 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::newtonianConstantExists

===> Attribute newtonianConstant, which is optional

Definition at line 1187 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

AngularRate asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::precessionConstant

Definition at line 1346 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::precessionConstantExists

===> Attribute precessionConstant, which is optional

Definition at line 1343 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

Speed asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::speedOfLight

Definition at line 1372 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::speedOfLightExists

===> Attribute speedOfLight, which is optional

Definition at line 1369 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

double asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::sunGM

Definition at line 1307 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

bool asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::sunGMExists

===> Attribute sunGM, which is optional

Definition at line 1304 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

DelayModelFixedParametersTable& asdm::DelayModelFixedParametersRow::table

The table to which this row belongs.

Definition at line 1093 of file DelayModelFixedParametersRow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: