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asdm::FlagRow Class Reference

The FlagRow class is a row of a FlagTable. More...

#include <FlagRow.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~FlagRow ()
 friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<FlagTable, FlagRow>; More...
FlagTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs. More...
bool isAdded () const
 Has this row been added to its table ? More...
ArrayTime getStartTime () const
 ===> Attribute startTime More...
void setStartTime (ArrayTime startTime)
 Set startTime with the specified ArrayTime. More...
ArrayTime getEndTime () const
 ===> Attribute endTime More...
void setEndTime (ArrayTime endTime)
 Set endTime with the specified ArrayTime. More...
std::string getReason () const
 ===> Attribute reason More...
void setReason (std::string reason)
 Set reason with the specified std::string. More...
int getNumAntenna () const
 ===> Attribute numAntenna More...
void setNumAntenna (int numAntenna)
 Set numAntenna with the specified int. More...
bool isNumPolarizationTypeExists () const
 ===> Attribute numPolarizationType, which is optional More...
int getNumPolarizationType () const
 Get numPolarizationType, which is optional. More...
void setNumPolarizationType (int numPolarizationType)
 Set numPolarizationType with the specified int. More...
void clearNumPolarizationType ()
 Mark numPolarizationType, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNumSpectralWindowExists () const
 ===> Attribute numSpectralWindow, which is optional More...
int getNumSpectralWindow () const
 Get numSpectralWindow, which is optional. More...
void setNumSpectralWindow (int numSpectralWindow)
 Set numSpectralWindow with the specified int. More...
void clearNumSpectralWindow ()
 Mark numSpectralWindow, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNumPairedAntennaExists () const
 ===> Attribute numPairedAntenna, which is optional More...
int getNumPairedAntenna () const
 Get numPairedAntenna, which is optional. More...
void setNumPairedAntenna (int numPairedAntenna)
 Set numPairedAntenna with the specified int. More...
void clearNumPairedAntenna ()
 Mark numPairedAntenna, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNumChanExists () const
 ===> Attribute numChan, which is optional More...
int getNumChan () const
 Get numChan, which is optional. More...
void setNumChan (int numChan)
 Set numChan with the specified int. More...
void clearNumChan ()
 Mark numChan, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isPolarizationTypeExists () const
 ===> Attribute polarizationType, which is optional More...
< PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > 
getPolarizationType () const
 Get polarizationType, which is optional. More...
void setPolarizationType (std::vector< PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > polarizationType)
 Set polarizationType with the specified std::vector<PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType >. More...
void clearPolarizationType ()
 Mark polarizationType, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isChannelExists () const
 ===> Attribute channel, which is optional More...
std::vector< std::vector< int > > getChannel () const
 Get channel, which is optional. More...
void setChannel (std::vector< std::vector< int > > channel)
 Set channel with the specified std::vector<std::vector<int > >. More...
void clearChannel ()
 Mark channel, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
void setAntennaId (std::vector< Tag > antennaId)
 Set antennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> . More...
bool isPairedAntennaIdExists () const
 ===> Attribute pairedAntennaId, which is optional More...
std::vector< TaggetPairedAntennaId () const
 Get pairedAntennaId, which is optional. More...
void setPairedAntennaId (std::vector< Tag > pairedAntennaId)
 Set pairedAntennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> . More...
void clearPairedAntennaId ()
 Mark pairedAntennaId, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isSpectralWindowIdExists () const
 ===> Attribute spectralWindowId, which is optional More...
std::vector< TaggetSpectralWindowId () const
 Get spectralWindowId, which is optional. More...
void setSpectralWindowId (std::vector< Tag > spectralWindowId)
 Set spectralWindowId with the specified std::vector<Tag> . More...
void clearSpectralWindowId ()
 Mark spectralWindowId, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
Links *void setAntennaId (int i, Tag antennaId)
 Set antennaId[i] with the specified Tag. More...
void addAntennaId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to antennaId. More...
void addAntennaId (const std::vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to antennaId. More...
const Tag getAntennaId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in antennaId at position i. More...
AntennaRowgetAntennaUsingAntennaId (int i)
 Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the tag stored in antennaId at position i. More...
std::vector< AntennaRow * > getAntennasUsingAntennaId ()
 Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in antennaId. More...
void setPairedAntennaId (int i, Tag pairedAntennaId)
 Set pairedAntennaId[i] with the specified Tag. More...
void addPairedAntennaId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to pairedAntennaId. More...
void addPairedAntennaId (const std::vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to pairedAntennaId. More...
const Tag getPairedAntennaId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in pairedAntennaId at position i. More...
AntennaRowgetAntennaUsingPairedAntennaId (int i)
 Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the tag stored in pairedAntennaId at position i. More...
std::vector< AntennaRow * > getAntennasUsingPairedAntennaId ()
 Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in pairedAntennaId. More...
void setSpectralWindowId (int i, Tag spectralWindowId)
 Set spectralWindowId[i] with the specified Tag. More...
void addSpectralWindowId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to spectralWindowId. More...
void addSpectralWindowId (const std::vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to spectralWindowId. More...
const Tag getSpectralWindowId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in spectralWindowId at position i. More...
SpectralWindowRowgetSpectralWindowUsingSpectralWindowId (int i)
 Returns the SpectralWindowRow linked to this row via the tag stored in spectralWindowId at position i. More...
std::vector< SpectralWindowRow * > getSpectralWindowsUsingSpectralWindowId ()
 Returns the vector of SpectralWindowRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in spectralWindowId. More...
bool compareNoAutoInc (ArrayTime startTime, ArrayTime endTime, std::string reason, int numAntenna, std::vector< Tag > antennaId)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this FlagRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise. More...
bool compareRequiredValue (ArrayTime startTime, ArrayTime endTime, std::string reason, int numAntenna, std::vector< Tag > antennaId)
 Compare each mandatory value (i.e. More...
bool equalByRequiredValue (FlagRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise. More...
asdmIDL::FlagRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct. More...
void toIDL (asdmIDL::FlagRowIDL &x) const
 Define the content of a FlagRowIDL struct from the values found in this row. More...
void setFromIDL (asdmIDL::FlagRowIDL x)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct FlagRowIDL. More...
std::string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string. More...
void setFromXML (std::string rowDoc)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method. More...

Public Attributes

Intrinsic Table Attributes
Extrinsic Table Attributes

Private Member Functions

void isAdded (bool added)
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table. More...
 FlagRow (FlagTable &table)
 Create a FlagRow. More...
 FlagRow (FlagTable &table, FlagRow *row)
 Create a FlagRow using a copy constructor mechanism. More...
void setFlagId (Tag flagId)
 Set flagId with the specified Tag value. More...
void flagIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void startTimeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void endTimeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void reasonFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numAntennaFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void antennaIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numPolarizationTypeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numSpectralWindowFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numPairedAntennaFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numChanFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void polarizationTypeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void channelFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void pairedAntennaIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void spectralWindowIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void flagIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void startTimeFromText (const std::string &s)
void endTimeFromText (const std::string &s)
void reasonFromText (const std::string &s)
void numAntennaFromText (const std::string &s)
void antennaIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void numPolarizationTypeFromText (const std::string &s)
void numSpectralWindowFromText (const std::string &s)
void numPairedAntennaFromText (const std::string &s)
void numChanFromText (const std::string &s)
void polarizationTypeFromText (const std::string &s)
void channelFromText (const std::string &s)
void pairedAntennaIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void spectralWindowIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream. More...

Private Attributes

 The table to which this row belongs. More...
bool hasBeenAdded
 Whether this row has been added to the table or not. More...
ArrayTime startTime
 ===> Attribute startTime More...
ArrayTime endTime
 ===> Attribute endTime More...
std::string reason
 ===> Attribute reason More...
int numAntenna
 ===> Attribute numAntenna More...
bool numPolarizationTypeExists
 ===> Attribute numPolarizationType, which is optional More...
int numPolarizationType
bool numSpectralWindowExists
 ===> Attribute numSpectralWindow, which is optional More...
int numSpectralWindow
bool numPairedAntennaExists
 ===> Attribute numPairedAntenna, which is optional More...
int numPairedAntenna
bool numChanExists
 ===> Attribute numChan, which is optional More...
int numChan
bool polarizationTypeExists
 ===> Attribute polarizationType, which is optional More...
< PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > 
bool channelExists
 ===> Attribute channel, which is optional More...
std::vector< std::vector< int > > channel
bool pairedAntennaIdExists
 ===> Attribute pairedAntennaId, which is optional More...
std::vector< TagpairedAntennaId
bool spectralWindowIdExists
 ===> Attribute spectralWindowId, which is optional More...
std::vector< TagspectralWindowId
Links *binary deserialization
material from an EndianIStream
std::map< std::string,
*text deserialization material
std::map< std::string,


class asdm::FlagTable
class asdm::RowTransformer< FlagRow >

Detailed Description

The FlagRow class is a row of a FlagTable.

Generated from model's revision "-1", branch ""

Definition at line 123 of file FlagRow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual asdm::FlagRow::~FlagRow ( )

friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<FlagTable, FlagRow>;

asdm::FlagRow::FlagRow ( FlagTable table)

Create a FlagRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
asdm::FlagRow::FlagRow ( FlagTable table,
FlagRow row 

Create a FlagRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a FlagRow row and a FlagTable table, the method creates a new FlagRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

void asdm::FlagRow::addAntennaId ( Tag  id)

Append a Tag to antennaId.

idthe Tag to be appended to antennaId
void asdm::FlagRow::addAntennaId ( const std::vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to antennaId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to antennaId
void asdm::FlagRow::addPairedAntennaId ( Tag  id)

Append a Tag to pairedAntennaId.

idthe Tag to be appended to pairedAntennaId
void asdm::FlagRow::addPairedAntennaId ( const std::vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to pairedAntennaId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to pairedAntennaId
void asdm::FlagRow::addSpectralWindowId ( Tag  id)

Append a Tag to spectralWindowId.

idthe Tag to be appended to spectralWindowId
void asdm::FlagRow::addSpectralWindowId ( const std::vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to spectralWindowId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to spectralWindowId
void asdm::FlagRow::antennaIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::antennaIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::channelFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::channelFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::clearChannel ( )

Mark channel, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearNumChan ( )

Mark numChan, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearNumPairedAntenna ( )

Mark numPairedAntenna, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearNumPolarizationType ( )

Mark numPolarizationType, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearNumSpectralWindow ( )

Mark numSpectralWindow, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearPairedAntennaId ( )

Mark pairedAntennaId, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearPolarizationType ( )

Mark polarizationType, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::FlagRow::clearSpectralWindowId ( )

Mark spectralWindowId, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

bool asdm::FlagRow::compareNoAutoInc ( ArrayTime  startTime,
ArrayTime  endTime,
std::string  reason,
int  numAntenna,
std::vector< Tag antennaId 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this FlagRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::FlagRow::compareRequiredValue ( ArrayTime  startTime,
ArrayTime  endTime,
std::string  reason,
int  numAntenna,
std::vector< Tag antennaId 

Compare each mandatory value (i.e.

not in the key) attribute with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

void asdm::FlagRow::endTimeFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::endTimeFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::FlagRow::equalByRequiredValue ( FlagRow x)

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the FlagRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.
void asdm::FlagRow::flagIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::flagIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
const Tag asdm::FlagRow::getAntennaId ( int  i)

Returns the Tag stored in antennaId at position i.

ithe position in antennaId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in antennaId.
std::vector<AntennaRow *> asdm::FlagRow::getAntennasUsingAntennaId ( )

Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in antennaId.

an array of pointers on AntennaRow.
std::vector<AntennaRow *> asdm::FlagRow::getAntennasUsingPairedAntennaId ( )

Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in pairedAntennaId.

an array of pointers on AntennaRow.
AntennaRow* asdm::FlagRow::getAntennaUsingAntennaId ( int  i)

Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the tag stored in antennaId at position i.

ithe position in antennaId.
a pointer on a AntennaRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the antennaId.
AntennaRow* asdm::FlagRow::getAntennaUsingPairedAntennaId ( int  i)

Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the tag stored in pairedAntennaId at position i.

ithe position in pairedAntennaId.
a pointer on a AntennaRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the pairedAntennaId.
std::vector<std::vector<int > > asdm::FlagRow::getChannel ( ) const

Get channel, which is optional.

channel as std::vector<std::vector<int > >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf channel does not exist.
ArrayTime asdm::FlagRow::getEndTime ( ) const

===> Attribute endTime

Get endTime.

endTime as ArrayTime
int asdm::FlagRow::getNumAntenna ( ) const

===> Attribute numAntenna

Get numAntenna.

numAntenna as int
int asdm::FlagRow::getNumChan ( ) const

Get numChan, which is optional.

numChan as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numChan does not exist.
int asdm::FlagRow::getNumPairedAntenna ( ) const

Get numPairedAntenna, which is optional.

numPairedAntenna as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numPairedAntenna does not exist.
int asdm::FlagRow::getNumPolarizationType ( ) const

Get numPolarizationType, which is optional.

numPolarizationType as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numPolarizationType does not exist.
int asdm::FlagRow::getNumSpectralWindow ( ) const

Get numSpectralWindow, which is optional.

numSpectralWindow as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numSpectralWindow does not exist.
std::vector<Tag> asdm::FlagRow::getPairedAntennaId ( ) const

Get pairedAntennaId, which is optional.

pairedAntennaId as std::vector<Tag>
IllegalAccessExceptionIf pairedAntennaId does not exist.
const Tag asdm::FlagRow::getPairedAntennaId ( int  i)

Returns the Tag stored in pairedAntennaId at position i.

ithe position in pairedAntennaId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in pairedAntennaId.
std::vector<PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > asdm::FlagRow::getPolarizationType ( ) const

Get polarizationType, which is optional.

polarizationType as std::vector<PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf polarizationType does not exist.
std::string asdm::FlagRow::getReason ( ) const

===> Attribute reason

Get reason.

reason as std::string
std::vector<Tag> asdm::FlagRow::getSpectralWindowId ( ) const

Get spectralWindowId, which is optional.

spectralWindowId as std::vector<Tag>
IllegalAccessExceptionIf spectralWindowId does not exist.
const Tag asdm::FlagRow::getSpectralWindowId ( int  i)

Returns the Tag stored in spectralWindowId at position i.

ithe position in spectralWindowId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in spectralWindowId.
std::vector<SpectralWindowRow *> asdm::FlagRow::getSpectralWindowsUsingSpectralWindowId ( )

Returns the vector of SpectralWindowRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in spectralWindowId.

an array of pointers on SpectralWindowRow.
SpectralWindowRow* asdm::FlagRow::getSpectralWindowUsingSpectralWindowId ( int  i)

Returns the SpectralWindowRow linked to this row via the tag stored in spectralWindowId at position i.

ithe position in spectralWindowId.
a pointer on a SpectralWindowRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the spectralWindowId.
ArrayTime asdm::FlagRow::getStartTime ( ) const

===> Attribute startTime

Get startTime.

startTime as ArrayTime
FlagTable& asdm::FlagRow::getTable ( ) const

Return the table to which this row belongs.

bool asdm::FlagRow::isAdded ( ) const

Has this row been added to its table ?

true if and only if it has been added.
void asdm::FlagRow::isAdded ( bool  added)

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

bool asdm::FlagRow::isChannelExists ( ) const

===> Attribute channel, which is optional

The attribute channel is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the channel attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isNumChanExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numChan, which is optional

The attribute numChan is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numChan attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isNumPairedAntennaExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numPairedAntenna, which is optional

The attribute numPairedAntenna is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numPairedAntenna attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isNumPolarizationTypeExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numPolarizationType, which is optional

The attribute numPolarizationType is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numPolarizationType attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isNumSpectralWindowExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numSpectralWindow, which is optional

The attribute numSpectralWindow is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numSpectralWindow attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isPairedAntennaIdExists ( ) const

===> Attribute pairedAntennaId, which is optional

The attribute pairedAntennaId is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the pairedAntennaId attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isPolarizationTypeExists ( ) const

===> Attribute polarizationType, which is optional

The attribute polarizationType is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the polarizationType attribute exists.
bool asdm::FlagRow::isSpectralWindowIdExists ( ) const

===> Attribute spectralWindowId, which is optional

The attribute spectralWindowId is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the spectralWindowId attribute exists.
void asdm::FlagRow::numAntennaFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::numAntennaFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::numChanFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::numChanFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::numPairedAntennaFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::numPairedAntennaFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::numPolarizationTypeFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::numPolarizationTypeFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::numSpectralWindowFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::numSpectralWindowFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::pairedAntennaIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::pairedAntennaIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::polarizationTypeFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::polarizationTypeFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::reasonFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::reasonFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::setAntennaId ( std::vector< Tag antennaId)

Set antennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> .

antennaIdThe std::vector<Tag> value to which antennaId is to be set.
Links* void asdm::FlagRow::setAntennaId ( int  i,
Tag  antennaId 

Set antennaId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in antennaId where to set the Tag value.
antennaIdThe Tag value to which antennaId[i] is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setChannel ( std::vector< std::vector< int > >  channel)

Set channel with the specified std::vector<std::vector<int > >.

channelThe std::vector<std::vector<int > > value to which channel is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setEndTime ( ArrayTime  endTime)

Set endTime with the specified ArrayTime.

endTimeThe ArrayTime value to which endTime is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setFlagId ( Tag  flagId)

Set flagId with the specified Tag value.

flagIdThe Tag value to which flagId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::FlagRow::setFromIDL ( asdmIDL::FlagRowIDL  x)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct FlagRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::FlagRow::setFromXML ( std::string  rowDoc)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

rowDocthe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::FlagRow::setNumAntenna ( int  numAntenna)

Set numAntenna with the specified int.

numAntennaThe int value to which numAntenna is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setNumChan ( int  numChan)

Set numChan with the specified int.

numChanThe int value to which numChan is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setNumPairedAntenna ( int  numPairedAntenna)

Set numPairedAntenna with the specified int.

numPairedAntennaThe int value to which numPairedAntenna is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setNumPolarizationType ( int  numPolarizationType)

Set numPolarizationType with the specified int.

numPolarizationTypeThe int value to which numPolarizationType is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setNumSpectralWindow ( int  numSpectralWindow)

Set numSpectralWindow with the specified int.

numSpectralWindowThe int value to which numSpectralWindow is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setPairedAntennaId ( std::vector< Tag pairedAntennaId)

Set pairedAntennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> .

pairedAntennaIdThe std::vector<Tag> value to which pairedAntennaId is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setPairedAntennaId ( int  i,
Tag  pairedAntennaId 

Set pairedAntennaId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in pairedAntennaId where to set the Tag value.
pairedAntennaIdThe Tag value to which pairedAntennaId[i] is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setPolarizationType ( std::vector< PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType >  polarizationType)

Set polarizationType with the specified std::vector<PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType >.

polarizationTypeThe std::vector<PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > value to which polarizationType is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setReason ( std::string  reason)

Set reason with the specified std::string.

reasonThe std::string value to which reason is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setSpectralWindowId ( std::vector< Tag spectralWindowId)

Set spectralWindowId with the specified std::vector<Tag> .

spectralWindowIdThe std::vector<Tag> value to which spectralWindowId is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setSpectralWindowId ( int  i,
Tag  spectralWindowId 

Set spectralWindowId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in spectralWindowId where to set the Tag value.
spectralWindowIdThe Tag value to which spectralWindowId[i] is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::setStartTime ( ArrayTime  startTime)

Set startTime with the specified ArrayTime.

startTimeThe ArrayTime value to which startTime is to be set.
void asdm::FlagRow::spectralWindowIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::spectralWindowIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::startTimeFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::FlagRow::startTimeFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::FlagRow::toBin ( EndianOSStream eoss)

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
asdmIDL::FlagRowIDL* asdm::FlagRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a FlagRowIDL struct.
void asdm::FlagRow::toIDL ( asdmIDL::FlagRowIDL &  x) const

Define the content of a FlagRowIDL struct from the values found in this row.

xa reference to the FlagRowIDL struct to be set.
std::string asdm::FlagRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class asdm::FlagTable

Definition at line 124 of file FlagRow.h.

friend class asdm::RowTransformer< FlagRow >

Definition at line 125 of file FlagRow.h.

Member Data Documentation

Extrinsic Table asdm::FlagRow::Attributes

Definition at line 148 of file FlagRow.h.

Extrinsic Table asdm::FlagRow::Attributes

Definition at line 538 of file FlagRow.h.

std::vector<std::vector<int > > asdm::FlagRow::channel

Definition at line 1128 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::channelExists

===> Attribute channel, which is optional

Definition at line 1125 of file FlagRow.h.

ArrayTime asdm::FlagRow::endTime

===> Attribute endTime

Definition at line 1028 of file FlagRow.h.

Links* binary deserialization material from an EndianIStream std::map<std::string, FlagAttributeFromBin> asdm::FlagRow::fromBinMethods

Definition at line 1202 of file FlagRow.h.

* text deserialization material std::map<std::string, FlagAttributeFromText> asdm::FlagRow::fromTextMethods

Definition at line 1224 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::hasBeenAdded

Whether this row has been added to the table or not.

Definition at line 950 of file FlagRow.h.

int asdm::FlagRow::numAntenna

===> Attribute numAntenna

Definition at line 1050 of file FlagRow.h.

int asdm::FlagRow::numChan

Definition at line 1102 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::numChanExists

===> Attribute numChan, which is optional

Definition at line 1099 of file FlagRow.h.

int asdm::FlagRow::numPairedAntenna

Definition at line 1089 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::numPairedAntennaExists

===> Attribute numPairedAntenna, which is optional

Definition at line 1086 of file FlagRow.h.

int asdm::FlagRow::numPolarizationType

Definition at line 1063 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::numPolarizationTypeExists

===> Attribute numPolarizationType, which is optional

Definition at line 1060 of file FlagRow.h.

int asdm::FlagRow::numSpectralWindow

Definition at line 1076 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::numSpectralWindowExists

===> Attribute numSpectralWindow, which is optional

Definition at line 1073 of file FlagRow.h.

std::vector<Tag> asdm::FlagRow::pairedAntennaId

Definition at line 1156 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::pairedAntennaIdExists

===> Attribute pairedAntennaId, which is optional

Definition at line 1153 of file FlagRow.h.

std::vector<PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > asdm::FlagRow::polarizationType

Definition at line 1115 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::polarizationTypeExists

===> Attribute polarizationType, which is optional

Definition at line 1112 of file FlagRow.h.

std::string asdm::FlagRow::reason

===> Attribute reason

Definition at line 1039 of file FlagRow.h.

std::vector<Tag> asdm::FlagRow::spectralWindowId

Definition at line 1169 of file FlagRow.h.

bool asdm::FlagRow::spectralWindowIdExists

===> Attribute spectralWindowId, which is optional

Definition at line 1166 of file FlagRow.h.

ArrayTime asdm::FlagRow::startTime

===> Attribute startTime

Definition at line 1017 of file FlagRow.h.

FlagTable& asdm::FlagRow::table

The table to which this row belongs.

Definition at line 946 of file FlagRow.h.

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