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asdm::WeatherRow Class Reference

The WeatherRow class is a row of a WeatherTable. More...

#include <WeatherRow.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~WeatherRow ()
 friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<WeatherTable, WeatherRow>; More...
WeatherTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs. More...
bool isAdded () const
 Has this row been added to its table ? More...
void setTimeInterval (ArrayTimeInterval timeInterval)
 Set timeInterval with the specified ArrayTimeInterval. More...
bool isPressureExists () const
 ===> Attribute pressure, which is optional More...
Pressure getPressure () const
 Get pressure, which is optional. More...
void setPressure (Pressure pressure)
 Set pressure with the specified Pressure. More...
void clearPressure ()
 Mark pressure, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isRelHumidityExists () const
 ===> Attribute relHumidity, which is optional More...
Humidity getRelHumidity () const
 Get relHumidity, which is optional. More...
void setRelHumidity (Humidity relHumidity)
 Set relHumidity with the specified Humidity. More...
void clearRelHumidity ()
 Mark relHumidity, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isTemperatureExists () const
 ===> Attribute temperature, which is optional More...
Temperature getTemperature () const
 Get temperature, which is optional. More...
void setTemperature (Temperature temperature)
 Set temperature with the specified Temperature. More...
void clearTemperature ()
 Mark temperature, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isWindDirectionExists () const
 ===> Attribute windDirection, which is optional More...
Angle getWindDirection () const
 Get windDirection, which is optional. More...
void setWindDirection (Angle windDirection)
 Set windDirection with the specified Angle. More...
void clearWindDirection ()
 Mark windDirection, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isWindSpeedExists () const
 ===> Attribute windSpeed, which is optional More...
Speed getWindSpeed () const
 Get windSpeed, which is optional. More...
void setWindSpeed (Speed windSpeed)
 Set windSpeed with the specified Speed. More...
void clearWindSpeed ()
 Mark windSpeed, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isWindMaxExists () const
 ===> Attribute windMax, which is optional More...
Speed getWindMax () const
 Get windMax, which is optional. More...
void setWindMax (Speed windMax)
 Set windMax with the specified Speed. More...
void clearWindMax ()
 Mark windMax, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isDewPointExists () const
 ===> Attribute dewPoint, which is optional More...
Temperature getDewPoint () const
 Get dewPoint, which is optional. More...
void setDewPoint (Temperature dewPoint)
 Set dewPoint with the specified Temperature. More...
void clearDewPoint ()
 Mark dewPoint, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNumLayerExists () const
 ===> Attribute numLayer, which is optional More...
int getNumLayer () const
 Get numLayer, which is optional. More...
void setNumLayer (int numLayer)
 Set numLayer with the specified int. More...
void clearNumLayer ()
 Mark numLayer, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isLayerHeightExists () const
 ===> Attribute layerHeight, which is optional More...
std::vector< LengthgetLayerHeight () const
 Get layerHeight, which is optional. More...
void setLayerHeight (std::vector< Length > layerHeight)
 Set layerHeight with the specified std::vector<Length >. More...
void clearLayerHeight ()
 Mark layerHeight, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isTemperatureProfileExists () const
 ===> Attribute temperatureProfile, which is optional More...
std::vector< TemperaturegetTemperatureProfile () const
 Get temperatureProfile, which is optional. More...
void setTemperatureProfile (std::vector< Temperature > temperatureProfile)
 Set temperatureProfile with the specified std::vector<Temperature >. More...
void clearTemperatureProfile ()
 Mark temperatureProfile, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isCloudMonitorExists () const
 ===> Attribute cloudMonitor, which is optional More...
Temperature getCloudMonitor () const
 Get cloudMonitor, which is optional. More...
void setCloudMonitor (Temperature cloudMonitor)
 Set cloudMonitor with the specified Temperature. More...
void clearCloudMonitor ()
 Mark cloudMonitor, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNumWVRExists () const
 ===> Attribute numWVR, which is optional More...
int getNumWVR () const
 Get numWVR, which is optional. More...
void setNumWVR (int numWVR)
 Set numWVR with the specified int. More...
void clearNumWVR ()
 Mark numWVR, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isWvrTempExists () const
 ===> Attribute wvrTemp, which is optional More...
std::vector< TemperaturegetWvrTemp () const
 Get wvrTemp, which is optional. More...
void setWvrTemp (std::vector< Temperature > wvrTemp)
 Set wvrTemp with the specified std::vector<Temperature >. More...
void clearWvrTemp ()
 Mark wvrTemp, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isWaterExists () const
 ===> Attribute water, which is optional More...
double getWater () const
 Get water, which is optional. More...
void setWater (double water)
 Set water with the specified double. More...
void clearWater ()
 Mark water, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
void setStationId (Tag stationId)
 Set stationId with the specified Tag. More...
Links *StationRowgetStationUsingStationId ()
 stationId pointer to the row in the Station table having Station.stationId == stationId More...
bool compareNoAutoInc (Tag stationId, ArrayTimeInterval timeInterval)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this WeatherRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise. More...
bool equalByRequiredValue (WeatherRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise. More...
asdmIDL::WeatherRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct. More...
void toIDL (asdmIDL::WeatherRowIDL &x) const
 Define the content of a WeatherRowIDL struct from the values found in this row. More...
void setFromIDL (asdmIDL::WeatherRowIDL x)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct WeatherRowIDL. More...
std::string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string. More...
void setFromXML (std::string rowDoc)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method. More...

Public Attributes

Intrinsic Table Attributes
Extrinsic Table Attributes

Private Member Functions

void isAdded (bool added)
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table. More...
 WeatherRow (WeatherTable &table)
 Create a WeatherRow. More...
 WeatherRow (WeatherTable &table, WeatherRow *row)
 Create a WeatherRow using a copy constructor mechanism. More...
void stationIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void timeIntervalFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void pressureFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void relHumidityFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void temperatureFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void windDirectionFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void windSpeedFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void windMaxFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void dewPointFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numLayerFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void layerHeightFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void temperatureProfileFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void cloudMonitorFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numWVRFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void wvrTempFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void waterFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void stationIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void timeIntervalFromText (const std::string &s)
void pressureFromText (const std::string &s)
void relHumidityFromText (const std::string &s)
void temperatureFromText (const std::string &s)
void windDirectionFromText (const std::string &s)
void windSpeedFromText (const std::string &s)
void windMaxFromText (const std::string &s)
void dewPointFromText (const std::string &s)
void numLayerFromText (const std::string &s)
void layerHeightFromText (const std::string &s)
void temperatureProfileFromText (const std::string &s)
void cloudMonitorFromText (const std::string &s)
void numWVRFromText (const std::string &s)
void wvrTempFromText (const std::string &s)
void waterFromText (const std::string &s)
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream. More...

Private Attributes

 The table to which this row belongs. More...
bool hasBeenAdded
 Whether this row has been added to the table or not. More...
bool pressureExists
 ===> Attribute pressure, which is optional More...
Pressure pressure
bool relHumidityExists
 ===> Attribute relHumidity, which is optional More...
Humidity relHumidity
bool temperatureExists
 ===> Attribute temperature, which is optional More...
Temperature temperature
bool windDirectionExists
 ===> Attribute windDirection, which is optional More...
Angle windDirection
bool windSpeedExists
 ===> Attribute windSpeed, which is optional More...
Speed windSpeed
bool windMaxExists
 ===> Attribute windMax, which is optional More...
Speed windMax
bool dewPointExists
 ===> Attribute dewPoint, which is optional More...
Temperature dewPoint
bool numLayerExists
 ===> Attribute numLayer, which is optional More...
int numLayer
bool layerHeightExists
 ===> Attribute layerHeight, which is optional More...
std::vector< LengthlayerHeight
bool temperatureProfileExists
 ===> Attribute temperatureProfile, which is optional More...
std::vector< TemperaturetemperatureProfile
bool cloudMonitorExists
 ===> Attribute cloudMonitor, which is optional More...
Temperature cloudMonitor
bool numWVRExists
 ===> Attribute numWVR, which is optional More...
int numWVR
bool wvrTempExists
 ===> Attribute wvrTemp, which is optional More...
std::vector< TemperaturewvrTemp
bool waterExists
 ===> Attribute water, which is optional More...
double water
Links *binary deserialization
material from an EndianIStream
std::map< std::string,
*text deserialization material
std::map< std::string,


class asdm::WeatherTable
class asdm::RowTransformer< WeatherRow >

Detailed Description

The WeatherRow class is a row of a WeatherTable.

Generated from model's revision "-1", branch ""

Definition at line 147 of file WeatherRow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual asdm::WeatherRow::~WeatherRow ( )

friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<WeatherTable, WeatherRow>;

asdm::WeatherRow::WeatherRow ( WeatherTable table)

Create a WeatherRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
asdm::WeatherRow::WeatherRow ( WeatherTable table,
WeatherRow row 

Create a WeatherRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a WeatherRow row and a WeatherTable table, the method creates a new WeatherRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearCloudMonitor ( )

Mark cloudMonitor, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearDewPoint ( )

Mark dewPoint, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearLayerHeight ( )

Mark layerHeight, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearNumLayer ( )

Mark numLayer, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearNumWVR ( )

Mark numWVR, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearPressure ( )

Mark pressure, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearRelHumidity ( )

Mark relHumidity, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearTemperature ( )

Mark temperature, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearTemperatureProfile ( )

Mark temperatureProfile, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearWater ( )

Mark water, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearWindDirection ( )

Mark windDirection, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearWindMax ( )

Mark windMax, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearWindSpeed ( )

Mark windSpeed, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::clearWvrTemp ( )

Mark wvrTemp, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::WeatherRow::cloudMonitorFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::cloudMonitorFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::WeatherRow::compareNoAutoInc ( Tag  stationId,
ArrayTimeInterval  timeInterval 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this WeatherRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

void asdm::WeatherRow::dewPointFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::dewPointFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::WeatherRow::equalByRequiredValue ( WeatherRow x)

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the WeatherRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.
Temperature asdm::WeatherRow::getCloudMonitor ( ) const

Get cloudMonitor, which is optional.

cloudMonitor as Temperature
IllegalAccessExceptionIf cloudMonitor does not exist.
Temperature asdm::WeatherRow::getDewPoint ( ) const

Get dewPoint, which is optional.

dewPoint as Temperature
IllegalAccessExceptionIf dewPoint does not exist.
std::vector<Length > asdm::WeatherRow::getLayerHeight ( ) const

Get layerHeight, which is optional.

layerHeight as std::vector<Length >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf layerHeight does not exist.
int asdm::WeatherRow::getNumLayer ( ) const

Get numLayer, which is optional.

numLayer as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numLayer does not exist.
int asdm::WeatherRow::getNumWVR ( ) const

Get numWVR, which is optional.

numWVR as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numWVR does not exist.
Pressure asdm::WeatherRow::getPressure ( ) const

Get pressure, which is optional.

pressure as Pressure
IllegalAccessExceptionIf pressure does not exist.
Humidity asdm::WeatherRow::getRelHumidity ( ) const

Get relHumidity, which is optional.

relHumidity as Humidity
IllegalAccessExceptionIf relHumidity does not exist.
Links* StationRow* asdm::WeatherRow::getStationUsingStationId ( )

stationId pointer to the row in the Station table having Station.stationId == stationId

a StationRow*
WeatherTable& asdm::WeatherRow::getTable ( ) const

Return the table to which this row belongs.

Temperature asdm::WeatherRow::getTemperature ( ) const

Get temperature, which is optional.

temperature as Temperature
IllegalAccessExceptionIf temperature does not exist.
std::vector<Temperature > asdm::WeatherRow::getTemperatureProfile ( ) const

Get temperatureProfile, which is optional.

temperatureProfile as std::vector<Temperature >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf temperatureProfile does not exist.
double asdm::WeatherRow::getWater ( ) const

Get water, which is optional.

water as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf water does not exist.
Angle asdm::WeatherRow::getWindDirection ( ) const

Get windDirection, which is optional.

windDirection as Angle
IllegalAccessExceptionIf windDirection does not exist.
Speed asdm::WeatherRow::getWindMax ( ) const

Get windMax, which is optional.

windMax as Speed
IllegalAccessExceptionIf windMax does not exist.
Speed asdm::WeatherRow::getWindSpeed ( ) const

Get windSpeed, which is optional.

windSpeed as Speed
IllegalAccessExceptionIf windSpeed does not exist.
std::vector<Temperature > asdm::WeatherRow::getWvrTemp ( ) const

Get wvrTemp, which is optional.

wvrTemp as std::vector<Temperature >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf wvrTemp does not exist.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isAdded ( ) const

Has this row been added to its table ?

true if and only if it has been added.
void asdm::WeatherRow::isAdded ( bool  added)

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::isCloudMonitorExists ( ) const

===> Attribute cloudMonitor, which is optional

The attribute cloudMonitor is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the cloudMonitor attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isDewPointExists ( ) const

===> Attribute dewPoint, which is optional

The attribute dewPoint is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the dewPoint attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isLayerHeightExists ( ) const

===> Attribute layerHeight, which is optional

The attribute layerHeight is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the layerHeight attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isNumLayerExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numLayer, which is optional

The attribute numLayer is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numLayer attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isNumWVRExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numWVR, which is optional

The attribute numWVR is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numWVR attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isPressureExists ( ) const

===> Attribute pressure, which is optional

The attribute pressure is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the pressure attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isRelHumidityExists ( ) const

===> Attribute relHumidity, which is optional

The attribute relHumidity is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the relHumidity attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isTemperatureExists ( ) const

===> Attribute temperature, which is optional

The attribute temperature is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the temperature attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isTemperatureProfileExists ( ) const

===> Attribute temperatureProfile, which is optional

The attribute temperatureProfile is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the temperatureProfile attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isWaterExists ( ) const

===> Attribute water, which is optional

The attribute water is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the water attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isWindDirectionExists ( ) const

===> Attribute windDirection, which is optional

The attribute windDirection is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the windDirection attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isWindMaxExists ( ) const

===> Attribute windMax, which is optional

The attribute windMax is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the windMax attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isWindSpeedExists ( ) const

===> Attribute windSpeed, which is optional

The attribute windSpeed is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the windSpeed attribute exists.
bool asdm::WeatherRow::isWvrTempExists ( ) const

===> Attribute wvrTemp, which is optional

The attribute wvrTemp is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the wvrTemp attribute exists.
void asdm::WeatherRow::layerHeightFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::layerHeightFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::numLayerFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::numLayerFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::numWVRFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::numWVRFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::pressureFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::pressureFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::relHumidityFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::relHumidityFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::setCloudMonitor ( Temperature  cloudMonitor)

Set cloudMonitor with the specified Temperature.

cloudMonitorThe Temperature value to which cloudMonitor is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setDewPoint ( Temperature  dewPoint)

Set dewPoint with the specified Temperature.

dewPointThe Temperature value to which dewPoint is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setFromIDL ( asdmIDL::WeatherRowIDL  x)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct WeatherRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setFromXML ( std::string  rowDoc)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

rowDocthe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setLayerHeight ( std::vector< Length layerHeight)

Set layerHeight with the specified std::vector<Length >.

layerHeightThe std::vector<Length > value to which layerHeight is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setNumLayer ( int  numLayer)

Set numLayer with the specified int.

numLayerThe int value to which numLayer is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setNumWVR ( int  numWVR)

Set numWVR with the specified int.

numWVRThe int value to which numWVR is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setPressure ( Pressure  pressure)

Set pressure with the specified Pressure.

pressureThe Pressure value to which pressure is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setRelHumidity ( Humidity  relHumidity)

Set relHumidity with the specified Humidity.

relHumidityThe Humidity value to which relHumidity is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setStationId ( Tag  stationId)

Set stationId with the specified Tag.

stationIdThe Tag value to which stationId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setTemperature ( Temperature  temperature)

Set temperature with the specified Temperature.

temperatureThe Temperature value to which temperature is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setTemperatureProfile ( std::vector< Temperature temperatureProfile)

Set temperatureProfile with the specified std::vector<Temperature >.

temperatureProfileThe std::vector<Temperature > value to which temperatureProfile is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setTimeInterval ( ArrayTimeInterval  timeInterval)

Set timeInterval with the specified ArrayTimeInterval.

timeIntervalThe ArrayTimeInterval value to which timeInterval is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setWater ( double  water)

Set water with the specified double.

waterThe double value to which water is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setWindDirection ( Angle  windDirection)

Set windDirection with the specified Angle.

windDirectionThe Angle value to which windDirection is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setWindMax ( Speed  windMax)

Set windMax with the specified Speed.

windMaxThe Speed value to which windMax is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setWindSpeed ( Speed  windSpeed)

Set windSpeed with the specified Speed.

windSpeedThe Speed value to which windSpeed is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::setWvrTemp ( std::vector< Temperature wvrTemp)

Set wvrTemp with the specified std::vector<Temperature >.

wvrTempThe std::vector<Temperature > value to which wvrTemp is to be set.
void asdm::WeatherRow::stationIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::stationIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureProfileFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureProfileFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::timeIntervalFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::timeIntervalFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::toBin ( EndianOSStream eoss)

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
asdmIDL::WeatherRowIDL* asdm::WeatherRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a WeatherRowIDL struct.
void asdm::WeatherRow::toIDL ( asdmIDL::WeatherRowIDL &  x) const

Define the content of a WeatherRowIDL struct from the values found in this row.

xa reference to the WeatherRowIDL struct to be set.
std::string asdm::WeatherRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.
void asdm::WeatherRow::waterFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::waterFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::windDirectionFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::windDirectionFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::windMaxFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::windMaxFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::windSpeedFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::windSpeedFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::WeatherRow::wvrTempFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::WeatherRow::wvrTempFromText ( const std::string &  s)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class asdm::RowTransformer< WeatherRow >

Definition at line 149 of file WeatherRow.h.

friend class asdm::WeatherTable

Definition at line 148 of file WeatherRow.h.

Member Data Documentation

Extrinsic Table asdm::WeatherRow::Attributes

Definition at line 172 of file WeatherRow.h.

Extrinsic Table asdm::WeatherRow::Attributes

Definition at line 782 of file WeatherRow.h.

Temperature asdm::WeatherRow::cloudMonitor

Definition at line 1138 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::cloudMonitorExists

===> Attribute cloudMonitor, which is optional

Definition at line 1135 of file WeatherRow.h.

Temperature asdm::WeatherRow::dewPoint

Definition at line 1086 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::dewPointExists

===> Attribute dewPoint, which is optional

Definition at line 1083 of file WeatherRow.h.

Links* binary deserialization material from an EndianIStream std::map<std::string, WeatherAttributeFromBin> asdm::WeatherRow::fromBinMethods

Definition at line 1214 of file WeatherRow.h.

* text deserialization material std::map<std::string, WeatherAttributeFromText> asdm::WeatherRow::fromTextMethods

Definition at line 1238 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::hasBeenAdded

Whether this row has been added to the table or not.

Definition at line 951 of file WeatherRow.h.

std::vector<Length > asdm::WeatherRow::layerHeight

Definition at line 1112 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::layerHeightExists

===> Attribute layerHeight, which is optional

Definition at line 1109 of file WeatherRow.h.

int asdm::WeatherRow::numLayer

Definition at line 1099 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::numLayerExists

===> Attribute numLayer, which is optional

Definition at line 1096 of file WeatherRow.h.

int asdm::WeatherRow::numWVR

Definition at line 1151 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::numWVRExists

===> Attribute numWVR, which is optional

Definition at line 1148 of file WeatherRow.h.

Pressure asdm::WeatherRow::pressure

Definition at line 1008 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::pressureExists

===> Attribute pressure, which is optional

Definition at line 1005 of file WeatherRow.h.

Humidity asdm::WeatherRow::relHumidity

Definition at line 1021 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::relHumidityExists

===> Attribute relHumidity, which is optional

Definition at line 1018 of file WeatherRow.h.

WeatherTable& asdm::WeatherRow::table

The table to which this row belongs.

Definition at line 947 of file WeatherRow.h.

Temperature asdm::WeatherRow::temperature

Definition at line 1034 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureExists

===> Attribute temperature, which is optional

Definition at line 1031 of file WeatherRow.h.

std::vector<Temperature > asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureProfile

Definition at line 1125 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::temperatureProfileExists

===> Attribute temperatureProfile, which is optional

Definition at line 1122 of file WeatherRow.h.

double asdm::WeatherRow::water

Definition at line 1177 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::waterExists

===> Attribute water, which is optional

Definition at line 1174 of file WeatherRow.h.

Angle asdm::WeatherRow::windDirection

Definition at line 1047 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::windDirectionExists

===> Attribute windDirection, which is optional

Definition at line 1044 of file WeatherRow.h.

Speed asdm::WeatherRow::windMax

Definition at line 1073 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::windMaxExists

===> Attribute windMax, which is optional

Definition at line 1070 of file WeatherRow.h.

Speed asdm::WeatherRow::windSpeed

Definition at line 1060 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::windSpeedExists

===> Attribute windSpeed, which is optional

Definition at line 1057 of file WeatherRow.h.

std::vector<Temperature > asdm::WeatherRow::wvrTemp

Definition at line 1164 of file WeatherRow.h.

bool asdm::WeatherRow::wvrTempExists

===> Attribute wvrTemp, which is optional

Definition at line 1161 of file WeatherRow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: