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casa::MomentsBase< T > Class Template Referenceabstract

This class is a base class for generating moments from an image or a spectral data. More...

#include <MomentCalcBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::MomentsBase< T >:
casa::ImageMoments< T >

Public Types

enum  MethodTypes {
 The enum MethodTypes is provided for use with the setWinFitMethod function. More...
enum  MomentTypes {
 This enum MomentTypes is provided for use with the setMoments function. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~MomentsBase ()
 Destructor. More...
casacore::Bool setMoments (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &moments)
 Set the desired moments via an casacore::Int array. More...
virtual casacore::Bool setMomentAxis (casacore::Int)=0
 Set the moment axis (0 relative). More...
casacore::Bool setWinFitMethod (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &method)
 The method by which you compute the moments is specified by calling (or not calling) the setWinFitMethod and setSmoothMethod functions. More...
virtual casacore::Bool setSmoothMethod (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Quantum< casacore::Double > > &)=0
 This function invokes smoothing of the input image. More...
casacore::Bool setSmoothMethod (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &smoothAxes, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &kernelTypes, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &kernelWidths)
void setInExCludeRange (const casacore::Vector< T > &include, const casacore::Vector< T > &exclude)
 You may specify a pixel intensity range as either one for which all pixels in that range are included in the moment calculation, or one for which all pixels in that range are excluded from the moment calculations. More...
void setSnr (const T &peakSNR, const T &stdDeviation)
 This function is used to help assess whether a spectrum along the moment axis is all noise or not. More...
casacore::Bool setSmoothOutName (const casacore::String &smOut)
 This is the output file name for the smoothed image. More...
void setVelocityType (casacore::MDoppler::Types type)
 Set Velocity type. More...
void resetError ()
 Reset argument error condition. More...
casacore::String errorMessage () const
 Recover last error message. More...
virtual const
coordinates ()=0
 Get CoordinateSystem. More...
virtual casacore::IPosition getShape () const =0
casacore::Bool shouldConvertToVelocity () const

Static Public Member Functions

static casacore::Vector
< casacore::Int
toMethodTypes (const casacore::String &methods)
 Helper function to convert a string containing a list of desired methods to the correct casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> required for the setWinFitMethod function. More...

Protected Member Functions

 MomentsBase (casacore::LogIO &os, casacore::Bool overWriteOutput=false, casacore::Bool showProgress=true)
 Constructor takes an image and a casacore::LogIO object for logging purposes. More...
void _checkMethod ()
 Check that the combination of methods that the user has requested is valid casacore::List a handy dandy table if not. More...
void _setIncludeExclude (casacore::Vector< T > &range, casacore::Bool &noInclude, casacore::Bool &noExclude, const casacore::Vector< T > &include, const casacore::Vector< T > &exclude)
 Take the user's data inclusion and exclusion data ranges and generate the range and Booleans to say what sort it is. More...
casacore::Bool _setOutThings (casacore::String &suffix, casacore::Unit &momentUnits, const casacore::Unit &imageUnits, const casacore::String &momentAxisUnits, const casacore::Int moment, casacore::Bool convertToVelocity)
 Set the output image suffixes and units. More...
casacore::CoordinateSystem _makeOutputCoordinates (casacore::IPosition &outShape, const casacore::CoordinateSystem &cSysIn, const casacore::IPosition &inShape, casacore::Int momentAxis, casacore::Bool removeAxis)
 Make output Coordinates. More...

Protected Attributes

casacore::LogIO os_p
casacore::Bool showProgress_p
casacore::Int momentAxisDefault_p
casacore::String out_p
casacore::String smoothOut_p
casacore::Bool goodParameterStatus_p
casacore::Bool doWindow_p
casacore::Bool doFit_p
casacore::Bool doSmooth_p
casacore::Bool noInclude_p
casacore::Bool noExclude_p
casacore::Bool fixedYLimits_p
casacore::Int momentAxis_p
casacore::Int worldMomentAxis_p
casacore::Vector< casacore::IntkernelTypes_p
< casacore::Quantity
casacore::Vector< casacore::Intmoments_p
casacore::Vector< T > selectRange_p
casacore::Vector< casacore::IntsmoothAxes_p
casacore::Bool overWriteOutput_p
casacore::String error_p
casacore::Bool convertToVelocity_p
casacore::MDoppler::Types velocityType_p


class MomentCalcBase< T >
 Note that if I don't put MomentCalcBase as a forward declaration and use instead "friend class MomentCalcBase<T>" The gnu compiler fails with a typedef problem. More...

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class casa::MomentsBase< T >

This class is a base class for generating moments from an image or a spectral data.

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

Date Reviewed:



This class is an abstract class to compute moments from images or spectral data.


The primary goal of MSMoments, ImageMoments, and MSMoments are to help spectral-line astronomers analyze their multi-dimensional images or spectral data (in the form of casacore::MeasurementSet) by generating moments of a specified axis. ImageMoments is a specialized class to generate moments from images, while MSMoments is designed properly for casacore::MeasurementSet input. MSMoments class is an abstract class that is inherited by the above two concrete classes. MomentsBase provides interface layer to the MomentCalculators so that functionalities in MomentCalculators can be shared with ImageMoments and MSMoments. The word "moment" is used loosely here. It refers to collapsing an axis to one pixel and putting the value of that pixel (for all of the other non-collapsed axes) to something computed from the data values along the moment axis. For example, take an RA-DEC-Velocity cube, collapse the velocity axis by computing the mean intensity at each RA-DEC pixel. This class and its inheritances offer many different moments and a variety of interactive and automatic ways to compute them.


MSMoments is defined so that moments can be generated from both images and spectral data (in the form of casacore::MeasurementSet).

Definition at line 34 of file MomentCalcBase.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<class T>
enum casa::MomentsBase::MethodTypes

The enum MethodTypes is provided for use with the setWinFitMethod function.

It gives the allowed moment methods which are available with this function. The use of these methods is described further with the description of this function as well as in the general documentation earlier.


Invokes the spectral windowing method.


Invokes Gaussian fitting.


Definition at line 111 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
enum casa::MomentsBase::MomentTypes

This enum MomentTypes is provided for use with the setMoments function.

It gives the allowed moment types that you can ask for.


The average intensity.


The integrated intensity.


The intensity weighted mean coordinate (usually velocity)


The intensity weighted coordinate (usually velocity) dispersion.


The median intensity.


The median coordinate (usually velocity).

Treat the spectrum as a probability distribution, generate the cumulative distribution, and find the coordinate corresponding to the 50% value.


The standard deviation about the mean of the intensity.


The rms of the intensity.


The absolute mean deviation of the intensity.


The maximum value of the intensity.


The coordinate (usually velocity) of the maximum value of the intensity.


The minimum value of the intensity.


The coordinate (usually velocity) of the minimum value of the intensity.


Total number.


Default value is the integrated intensity.

Definition at line 123 of file MomentsBase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
virtual casa::MomentsBase< T >::~MomentsBase ( )


template<class T>
casa::MomentsBase< T >::MomentsBase ( casacore::LogIO os,
casacore::Bool  overWriteOutput = false,
casacore::Bool  showProgress = true 

Constructor takes an image and a casacore::LogIO object for logging purposes.

You specify whether output images are automatically overwritten if pre-existing, or whether an intercative choice dialog widget appears (overWriteOutput=F) You may also determine whether a progress meter is displayed or not.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
void casa::MomentsBase< T >::_checkMethod ( )

Check that the combination of methods that the user has requested is valid casacore::List a handy dandy table if not.

template<class T>
casacore::CoordinateSystem casa::MomentsBase< T >::_makeOutputCoordinates ( casacore::IPosition outShape,
const casacore::CoordinateSystem cSysIn,
const casacore::IPosition inShape,
casacore::Int  momentAxis,
casacore::Bool  removeAxis 

Make output Coordinates.

template<class T>
void casa::MomentsBase< T >::_setIncludeExclude ( casacore::Vector< T > &  range,
casacore::Bool noInclude,
casacore::Bool noExclude,
const casacore::Vector< T > &  include,
const casacore::Vector< T > &  exclude 

Take the user's data inclusion and exclusion data ranges and generate the range and Booleans to say what sort it is.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::_setOutThings ( casacore::String suffix,
casacore::Unit momentUnits,
const casacore::Unit imageUnits,
const casacore::String momentAxisUnits,
const casacore::Int  moment,
casacore::Bool  convertToVelocity 

Set the output image suffixes and units.

template<class T>
virtual const casacore::CoordinateSystem& casa::MomentsBase< T >::coordinates ( )
pure virtual

Get CoordinateSystem.

Implemented in casa::ImageMoments< T >, and casa::ImageMoments< float >.

template<class T>
casacore::String casa::MomentsBase< T >::errorMessage ( ) const

Recover last error message.

Definition at line 273 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
virtual casacore::IPosition casa::MomentsBase< T >::getShape ( ) const
pure virtual
template<class T>
void casa::MomentsBase< T >::resetError ( )

Reset argument error condition.

If you specify invalid arguments to one of the above functions, an internal flag will be set which will prevent the createMoments function, which is defined in its inheritances, from doing anything (should you have chosen to igmore the Boolean return values of the functions). This function allows you to reset that internal state to good.

Definition at line 270 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
void casa::MomentsBase< T >::setInExCludeRange ( const casacore::Vector< T > &  include,
const casacore::Vector< T > &  exclude 

You may specify a pixel intensity range as either one for which all pixels in that range are included in the moment calculation, or one for which all pixels in that range are excluded from the moment calculations.

One or the other of include and exclude must therefore be a zero length vector if you call this function. A return value of false indicates that you have given both an include and an exclude range. If you don't call this function, the default state of the class is to include all pixels.

template<class T>
virtual casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::setMomentAxis ( casacore::Int  )
pure virtual

Set the moment axis (0 relative).

A return value of false indicates that the axis was not contained in the image. If you don't call this function, the default state of the class is to set the moment axis to the spectral axis if it can find one. Otherwise an error will result.

Implemented in casa::ImageMoments< T >, and casa::ImageMoments< float >.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::setMoments ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  moments)

Set the desired moments via an casacore::Int array.

Each casacore::Int specifies a different moment; the allowed values and their meanings are given by the enum MomentTypes. A return value of false indicates you asked for an out of range moment. If you don't call this function, the default state of the class is to request the integrated intensity.

template<class T>
virtual casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::setSmoothMethod ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  ,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  ,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Quantum< casacore::Double > > &   
pure virtual

This function invokes smoothing of the input image.

Give casacore::Int arrays for the axes (0 relative) to be smoothed and the smoothing kernel types (use the enum KernelTypes) for each axis. Give a casacore::Double array for the widths (full width for BOXCAR and full width at half maximum for GAUSSIAN) in pixels of the smoothing kernels for each axis. For HANNING smoothing, you always get the quarter-half-quarter kernel (no matter what you might ask for). A return value of false indicates that you have given an inconsistent or invalid set of smoothing parameters. If you don't call this function the default state of the class is to do no smoothing. The kernel types are specified with the casacore::VectorKernel::KernelTypes enum

Implemented in casa::ImageMoments< T >, and casa::ImageMoments< float >.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::setSmoothMethod ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  smoothAxes,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  kernelTypes,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &  kernelWidths 
template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::setSmoothOutName ( const casacore::String smOut)

This is the output file name for the smoothed image.

It can be useful to have access this to this image when trying to get the pixel include or exclude range correct for the smooth-clip method. The default state of the class is to not output the smoothed image.

template<class T>
void casa::MomentsBase< T >::setSnr ( const T &  peakSNR,
const T &  stdDeviation 

This function is used to help assess whether a spectrum along the moment axis is all noise or not.

If it is all noise, there is not a lot of point to trying to computing the moment. peakSNR is the signal-to-noise ratio of the peak value in the spectrum below which the spectrum is considered pure noise. stdDeviation is the standard deviation of the noise for the input image.

Default values for one or the other parameter are indicated by giving zero.

The default state of the class then is to set peakSNR=3 and/or to work out the noise level from a Gaussian fit to a histogram (above 25%) of the entire image (it is very hard to get an accurate estimate of the noise a single spectrum).

template<class T>
void casa::MomentsBase< T >::setVelocityType ( casacore::MDoppler::Types  type)

Set Velocity type.

This is used for moments for which the moment axis is a spectral axis for which the coordinate is traditionally presented in km/s You can select the velocity definition. The default state of the class is to use the radio definition.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::setWinFitMethod ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  method)

The method by which you compute the moments is specified by calling (or not calling) the setWinFitMethod and setSmoothMethod functions.

The default state of the class is to compute directly on all (or some according to setInExClude) of the pixels in the spectrum. Calling these functions modifies the computational state to something more complicated.

The setWinMethod function requires an casacore::Int array as its argument. Each casacore::Int specifies a different method that you can invoke (either separately or in combination). The allowed values and their meanings are given by the enum MethodTypes.

Both the windowing and fitting methods have interactive modes. The windowing method also has a fitting flavour, so if you set both MomentsBase::WINDOW and MomentsBase::FIT, you would be invoking the windowing method but determining the window by fitting Gaussians automatically (as MomentsBase::INTERACTIVE) was not given.

If you don't call this function, then neither the windowing nor fitting methods are invoked. A return value of false indicates that you asked for an illegal method.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::shouldConvertToVelocity ( ) const

Definition at line 288 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
static casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> casa::MomentsBase< T >::toMethodTypes ( const casacore::String methods)

Helper function to convert a string containing a list of desired methods to the correct casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> required for the setWinFitMethod function.

This may be usful if your user interface involves strings rather than integers. A new value is added to the output vector (which is resized appropriately) if any of the substrings "window", "fit" or "interactive" (actually "win", "box" and "inter" will do) is present.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class T>
friend class MomentCalcBase< T >

Note that if I don't put MomentCalcBase as a forward declaration and use instead "friend class MomentCalcBase<T>" The gnu compiler fails with a typedef problem.

But I can't solve it with say typedef MomentCalcBase<T> gpp_type; because you can only do a typedef with an actual type, not a T !

Definition at line 104 of file MomentsBase.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::convertToVelocity_p

Definition at line 327 of file MomentsBase.h.

Referenced by casa::MomentsBase< float >::shouldConvertToVelocity().

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::doFit_p

Definition at line 312 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::doSmooth_p

Definition at line 313 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::doWindow_p

Definition at line 311 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::String casa::MomentsBase< T >::error_p
template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::fixedYLimits_p

Definition at line 316 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::goodParameterStatus_p

Definition at line 310 of file MomentsBase.h.

Referenced by casa::MomentsBase< float >::resetError().

template<class T>
casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> casa::MomentsBase< T >::kernelTypes_p

Definition at line 320 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::MomentsBase< T >::kernelWidths_p

Definition at line 321 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Int casa::MomentsBase< T >::momentAxis_p

Definition at line 318 of file MomentsBase.h.

Referenced by casa::MomentCalcBase< T >::getMomentCoord().

template<class T>
casacore::Int casa::MomentsBase< T >::momentAxisDefault_p

Definition at line 303 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> casa::MomentsBase< T >::moments_p

Definition at line 322 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::noExclude_p

Definition at line 315 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::noInclude_p

Definition at line 314 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::LogIO casa::MomentsBase< T >::os_p

Definition at line 301 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::String casa::MomentsBase< T >::out_p

Definition at line 308 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::overWriteOutput_p

Definition at line 325 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
T casa::MomentsBase< T >::peakSNR_p

Definition at line 304 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Vector<T> casa::MomentsBase< T >::selectRange_p

Definition at line 323 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Bool casa::MomentsBase< T >::showProgress_p

Definition at line 302 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> casa::MomentsBase< T >::smoothAxes_p

Definition at line 324 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::String casa::MomentsBase< T >::smoothOut_p

Definition at line 309 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
T casa::MomentsBase< T >::stdDeviation_p

Definition at line 305 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::MDoppler::Types casa::MomentsBase< T >::velocityType_p

Definition at line 328 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
casacore::Int casa::MomentsBase< T >::worldMomentAxis_p

Definition at line 319 of file MomentsBase.h.

Referenced by casa::MomentCalcBase< T >::getMomentCoord().

template<class T>
T casa::MomentsBase< T >::yMax_p

Definition at line 307 of file MomentsBase.h.

template<class T>
T casa::MomentsBase< T >::yMin_p

Definition at line 306 of file MomentsBase.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: