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1 //# MomentCalcBase.h:
2 //# Copyright (C) 1997,1999,2000,2001,2002
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id: MomentCalculator.h 20299 2008-04-03 05:56:44Z gervandiepen $
31 namespace casa {
33 //# Forward Declarations
34 template <class T> class MomentsBase;
35 // <summary>
36 // Abstract base class for moment calculator classes
37 // </summary>
38 // <use visibility=export>
39 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
40 // </reviewed>
41 //
42 // <prerequisite>
43 // <li> <linkto class="MomentsBase">MomentsBase</linkto>
44 // <li> <linkto class="ImageMoments">ImageMoments</linkto>
45 // <li> <linkto class="casacore::LatticeApply">casacore::LatticeApply</linkto>
46 // <li> <linkto class="casacore::LineCollapser">casacore::LineCollapser</linkto>
47 // </prerequisite>
48 //
49 // <synopsis>
50 // This class, its concrete derived classes, and the classes casacore::LineCollapser,
51 // ImageMoments, MSMoments, and casacore::LatticeApply are connected as follows. casacore::LatticeApply offers
52 // functions so that the application programmer does not need to worry about how
53 // to optimally iterate through a casacore::Lattice; it deals with tiling and to a
54 // lesser extent memory. casacore::LatticeApply functions are used by offering a class
55 // object to them that has a member function with a name and signature
56 // specified by an abstract base class that casacore::LatticeApply uses and the
57 // offered class inherits from. Specifically, in this case, MomentCalcBase
58 // inherits from casacore::LineCollapser and casacore::LatticeApply uses objects and methods of this
59 // class (but does not inherit from it). This defines the functions
60 // <src>collapse</src> and <src>multiProcess</src> which operate on a vector
61 // extracted from a Lattice. The former returns one number, the latter a vector
62 // of numbers from that profile. MomentCalcBase is a base class for
63 // for moment calculation and the <src>multiProcess</src>
64 // functions are used to compute moments (e.g., mean, sum, sum squared,
65 // intensity weighted velocity etc).
66 //
67 // It is actually the concrete classes derived from MomentCalcBase (call them,
68 // as a group, the MomentCalculator classes) that implement the <src>multiProcess</src>
69 // functions. These derived classes allow different
70 // algorithms to be written with which moments of the vector can be computed.
71 //
72 // Now, so far, we have a casacore::LatticeApply function which iterates through Lattices,
73 // extracts vectors, and offers them up to functions implemented in the derived
74 // MomentCalculator classes to compute the moments. As well as that, we need some
75 // class to actually construct the MomentCalculator classes and to feed them to
76 // LatticeApply. This is the role of the ImageMoments or MSMoments classes.
77 // They are a high level
78 // class which takes control information from users specifying which moments they
79 // would like to calculate and how. They also provide the ancilliary masking lattice to
80 // the MomentCalculator constructors. The actual computational work is done by the
81 // MomentCalculator classes. So MomentsBase, MomentCalcBase and their derived
82 // MomentCalculator classes are really one unit; none of them are useful without
83 // the others. The separation of functionality is caused by having the
84 // casacore::LatticeApply class that knows all about optimally iterating through Lattices.
85 //
86 // The coupling between these classes is done partly by the "friendship". MomentsBase and
87 // its inheritances
88 // grant friendship to MomentCalcBase so that the latter has access to the private data and
89 // private functions of the formers. MomentCalcBase then operates as an interface between
90 // its derived MomentCalculator classes and ImageMoments or MSMoments. It retrieves private data
91 // from these classes, and also activates private functions in these classes, on behalf
92 // of the MomentCalculator classes. The rest of the coupling is done via the constructors
93 // of the derived MomentCalculator classes.
94 //
95 // Finally, MomentCalcBase also has a number of protected functions that are common to its
96 // derived classes (e.g. fitting, accumulating sums etc). It also has protected
97 // data that is common to all the MomentCalculator classes. This protected data is accessed
98 // directly by name rather than with interface functions as there is too much of it. Of
99 // course, since MomentCalcBase is an abstract base class, it is up to the MomentCalculator
100 // classes to give the MomentCalcBase protected data objects values.
101 //
102 // For discussion about different moments and algorithms to compute them see the
103 // discussion in <linkto class="MomentsBase">MomentsBase</linkto>,
104 // <linkto class="ImageMoments">ImageMoments</linkto>,
105 // <linkto class="MSMoments">MSMoments</linkto> and also in
106 // the derived classes documentation.
107 // </synopsis>
108 //
109 // <example>
110 // Since MomentCalcBase is an abstract class, we defer code examples to
111 // the derived classes.
112 // </example>
113 //
114 // <motivation>
115 // We were desirous of writing functions to optimally iterate through Lattices
116 // so that the application programmer did not have to know anything about tiling
117 // or memory if possible. These are the casacore::LatticeApply functions. To incorporate
118 // MomentsBase and its inheritances into this scheme required some of it to be shifted into
119 // MomentCalcBase and its derived classes.
120 // </motivation>
121 //
122 // <note role=tip>
123 // Note that there are is assignment operator or copy constructor.
124 // Do not use the ones the system would generate either.
125 // </note>
126 //
127 // <todo asof="yyyy/mm/dd">
128 // <li> Derive more classes !
129 // </todo>
132 template <class T> class MomentCalcBase : public casacore::LineCollapser<T,T> {
133 public:
139  virtual ~MomentCalcBase();
141  // Returns the number of failed fits if doing fitting
142  virtual inline casacore::uInt nFailedFits() const { return nFailed_p; }
144 protected:
146  // A number of private data members are kept here in the base class
147  // as they are common to the derived classes. Since this class
148  // is abstract, they have to be filled by the derived classes.
150  // CoordinateSystem
153  // This vector is a container for all the possible moments that
154  // can be calculated. They are in the order given by the MomentsBase
155  // enum MomentTypes
159  // This vector tells us which elements of the calcMoments_p vector
160  // we wish to select
163  // Although the general philosophy of these classes is to compute
164  // all the posisble moments and then select the ones we want,
165  // some of them are too expensive to calculate unless they are
166  // really wanted. These are the median moments and those that
167  // require a second pass. These control Bools tell us whether
168  // we really want to compute the expensive ones.
171  // These vectors are used to transform coordinates between pixel and world
174  // All computations involving casacore::Coordinate conversions are relatively expensive
175  // These Bools signifies whether we need coordinate calculations or not for
176  // the full profile, and for some occaisional calculations
179  // This vector houses the world coordinate values for the profile if it
180  // was from a separable axis. This means this vector can be pre computed
181  // just once, instead of working out the coordinates for each profile
182  // (expensive). It should only be filled if doCoordCalc_p is true
185  // This vector is used to hold the abscissa values
188  // This string tells us the name of the moment axis (VELO or FREQ etc)
191  // This is the number of Gaussian fits that failed.
194  // This scale factor is the increment along the moment axis
195  // applied so that units for the Integrated moment are like
196  // Jy/ (or whatever is needed for the moment axis units)
197  // For non-linear velocities (e.g. optical) this is approximate
198  // only and is computed at the reference pixel
201  // Accumulate statistical sums from a vector
202  inline void accumSums(
207  casacore::Int& iMin, casacore::Int& iMax, T& dMin, T& dMax,
208  casacore::Int i, T datum, casacore::Double coord
209  ) const {
210  // Accumulate statistical sums from this datum
211  //
212  // casacore::Input:
213  // i Index
214  // datum Pixel value
215  // coord casacore::Coordinate value on moment axis
216  // casacore::Input/output:
217  // iMin,max index of dMin and dMax
218  // dMin,dMax minimum and maximum value
219  // Output:
220  // s0 sum (I)
221  // s0Sq sum (I*I)
222  // s1 sum (I*v)
223  // s2 sum (I*v*v)
224  typename casacore::NumericTraits<T>::PrecisionType dDatum = datum;
225  s0 += dDatum;
226  s0Sq += dDatum*dDatum;
227  s1 += dDatum*coord;
228  s2 += dDatum*coord*coord;
229  if (datum < dMin) {
230  iMin = i;
231  dMin = datum;
232  }
233  if (datum > dMax) {
234  iMax = i;
235  dMax = datum;
236  }
237  }
239  // Determine if the spectrum is pure noise
240  casacore::uInt allNoise(T& dMean,
241  const casacore::Vector<T>& data,
243  T peakSNR,
244  T stdDeviation
245  ) const;
247  // Check validity of constructor inputs
248  void constructorCheck(
249  casacore::Vector<T>& calcMoments,
250  casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>& calcMomentsMask,
252  casacore::uInt nLatticeOut
253  ) const;
255  // Find out from the selectMoments array whether we want
256  // to compute the more expensive moments
257  void costlyMoments(
258  MomentsBase<T>& iMom, casacore::Bool& doMedianI,
259  casacore::Bool& doMedianV, casacore::Bool& doAbsDev
260  ) const;
262  // Return the casacore::Bool saying whether we need to compute coordinates
263  // or not for the requested moments
264  void doCoordCalc(
265  casacore::Bool& doCoordProfile,
266  casacore::Bool& doCoordRandom,
267  const MomentsBase<T>& iMom
268  ) const;
270  // Return the casacore::Bool from the ImageMoments or MSMoments object saying whether we
271  // are going to fit Gaussians to the profiles or not.
272  casacore::Bool doFit(const MomentsBase<T>& iMom) const;
274  // Find the next masked or unmasked point in a vector
276  casacore::uInt& iFound, const casacore::uInt& n,
278  const casacore::Bool& findGood
279  ) const;
281  // Fit a Gaussian to x and y arrays given guesses for the gaussian parameters
283  casacore::uInt& nFailed, T& peak, T& pos,
284  T& width, T& level, const casacore::Vector<T>& x,
286  T peakGuess, T posGuess, T widthGuess,
287  T levelGuess
288  ) const;
290  // Automatically fit a Gaussian to a spectrum, including finding the
291  // starting guesses.
293  casacore::uInt& nFailed, casacore::Vector<T>& gaussPars,
294  const casacore::Vector<T>& x, const casacore::Vector<T>& y,
296  T stdDeviation
297  ) const;
299  // Automatically work out a guess for the Gaussian parameters
300  // Returns false if all pixels masked.
302  T& peakGuess, T& posGuess,
303  T& widthGuess, T& levelGuess,
304  const casacore::Vector<T>& x, const casacore::Vector<T>& y,
306  ) const;
308  // Compute the world coordinate for the given moment axis pixel
312  casacore::Bool asVelocity=false
313  ) const {
314  // Find the value of the world coordinate on the moment axis
315  // for the given moment axis pixel value.
316  //
317  // Input
318  // momentPixel is the index in the profile extracted from the data
319  // casacore::Input/output
320  // pixelIn Pixels to convert. Must all be filled in except for
321  // pixelIn(momentPixel).
322  // worldOut casacore::Vector to hold result
323  //
324  // Should really return a casacore::Fallible as I don't check and see
325  // if the coordinate transformation fails or not
326  //
327  // Should really check the result is true, but for speed ...
328  pixelIn[iMom.momentAxis_p] = momentPixel;
329  cSys_p.toWorld(worldOut, pixelIn);
330  if (asVelocity) {
331  casacore::Double velocity;
333  velocity, worldOut(iMom.worldMomentAxis_p)
334  );
335  return velocity;
336  }
337  return worldOut(iMom.worldMomentAxis_p);
338  }
340  // Examine a mask and determine how many segments of unmasked points
341  // it consists of.
342  void lineSegments (
345  ) const;
347  // Return the moment axis from the ImageMoments object
350  // Return the name of the moment/profile axis
353  const MomentsBase<T>& iMom
354  ) const;
356  // Return the peak SNR for determination of all noise spectra from
357  // the ImageMoments or MSMoments object
358  T& peakSNR(MomentsBase<T>& iMom) const;
360  // Return the selected pixel intensity range from the ImageMoments or MSMoments
361  // object and the Bools describing whether it is inclusion or exclusion
362  void selectRange(
363  casacore::Vector<T>& pixelRange,
364  casacore::Bool& doInclude,
365  casacore::Bool& doExlude,
366  MomentsBase<T>& iMom
367  ) const;
369  // The MomentCalculators compute a vector of all possible moments.
370  // This function returns a vector which selects the desired moments from that
371  // "all moment" vector.
374  // Fill the ouput moments array
375  void setCalcMoments(
376  const MomentsBase<T>& iMom, casacore::Vector<T>& calcMoments,
379  casacore::Double integratedScaleFactor, T dMedian,
380  T vMedian, casacore::Int nPts,
386  T dMin, T dMax, casacore::Int iMin, casacore::Int iMax
387  ) const;
389  // Fill a string with the position of the cursor
390  void setPosLabel(casacore::String& title, const casacore::IPosition& pos) const;
392  // Install casacore::CoordinateSystem and SpectralCoordinate
393  // in protected data members
394  void setCoordinateSystem(
396  );
398  // Set up separable moment axis coordinate vector and
399  // conversion vectors if not separable
400  void setUpCoords(
403  casacore::LogIO& os, casacore::Double& integratedScaleFactor,
404  const casacore::CoordinateSystem& cSys, casacore::Bool doCoordProfile,
405  casacore::Bool doCoordRandom
406  ) const;
408  // Return standard deviation of image from ImageMoments or MSMoments object
409  T& stdDeviation(MomentsBase<T>& iMom) const;
411 protected:
412  // Check if #pixels is indeed 1.
413  virtual void init (casacore::uInt nOutPixelsPerCollapse);
414 };
416 }
419 #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/MomentCalcBase.tcc>
420 #endif
421 #endif
casacore::Bool fitGaussian(casacore::uInt &nFailed, T &peak, T &pos, T &width, T &level, const casacore::Vector< T > &x, const casacore::Vector< T > &y, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask, T peakGuess, T posGuess, T widthGuess, T levelGuess) const
Fit a Gaussian to x and y arrays given guesses for the gaussian parameters.
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:119
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > sepWorldCoord_p
This vector houses the world coordinate values for the profile if it was from a separable axis...
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
Bool frequencyToVelocity(Quantum< Double > &velocity, Double frequency) const
This class is a base class for generating moments from an image or a spectral data.
T & stdDeviation(MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return standard deviation of image from ImageMoments or MSMoments object.
casacore::Bool doMedianI_p
Although the general philosophy of these classes is to compute all the posisble moments and then sele...
casacore::Bool doAbsDev_p
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
casacore::Int worldMomentAxis_p
Definition: MomentsBase.h:319
void costlyMoments(MomentsBase< T > &iMom, casacore::Bool &doMedianI, casacore::Bool &doMedianV, casacore::Bool &doAbsDev) const
Find out from the selectMoments array whether we want to compute the more expensive moments...
typename casacore::Vector< T >::const_iterator DataIterator
casacore::uInt nFailed_p
This is the number of Gaussian fits that failed.
casacore::Bool doFit(const MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return the casacore::Bool from the ImageMoments or MSMoments object saying whether we are going to fi...
void doCoordCalc(casacore::Bool &doCoordProfile, casacore::Bool &doCoordRandom, const MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return the casacore::Bool saying whether we need to compute coordinates or not for the requested mome...
Abstract base class for moment calculator classes.
void setCoordinateSystem(casacore::CoordinateSystem &cSys, MomentsBase< T > &iMom)
Install casacore::CoordinateSystem and SpectralCoordinate in protected data members.
ostream-like interface to creating log messages.
Definition: LogIO.h:167
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > selectMoments(MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
The MomentCalculators compute a vector of all possible moments.
virtual ~MomentCalcBase()
virtual void init(casacore::uInt nOutPixelsPerCollapse)
Check if #pixels is indeed 1.
casacore::Double getMomentCoord(const MomentsBase< T > &iMom, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &pixelIn, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &worldOut, casacore::Double momentPixel, casacore::Bool asVelocity=false) const
Compute the world coordinate for the given moment axis pixel.
T & peakSNR(MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return the peak SNR for determination of all noise spectra from the ImageMoments or MSMoments object...
void setCalcMoments(const MomentsBase< T > &iMom, casacore::Vector< T > &calcMoments, casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &calcMomentsMask, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &pixelIn, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &worldOut, casacore::Bool doCoord, casacore::Double integratedScaleFactor, T dMedian, T vMedian, casacore::Int nPts, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType s0, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType s1, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType s2, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType s0Sq, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType sumAbsDev, T dMin, T dMax, casacore::Int iMin, casacore::Int iMax) const
Fill the ouput moments array.
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > pixelIn_p
These vectors are used to transform coordinates between pixel and world.
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of data
Definition: PlotData.h:48
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > worldOut_p
casacore::Vector< T > calcMoments_p
This vector is a container for all the possible moments that can be calculated.
void selectRange(casacore::Vector< T > &pixelRange, casacore::Bool &doInclude, casacore::Bool &doExlude, MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return the selected pixel intensity range from the ImageMoments or MSMoments object and the Bools des...
typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType AccumType
Char PrecisionType
Higher precision type (Float-&gt;Double)
casacore::Bool findNextDatum(casacore::uInt &iFound, const casacore::uInt &n, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask, const casacore::uInt &iStart, const casacore::Bool &findGood) const
Find the next masked or unmasked point in a vector.
void setUpCoords(const MomentsBase< T > &iMom, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &pixelIn, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &worldOut, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &sepWorldCoord, casacore::LogIO &os, casacore::Double &integratedScaleFactor, const casacore::CoordinateSystem &cSys, casacore::Bool doCoordProfile, casacore::Bool doCoordRandom) const
Set up separable moment axis coordinate vector and conversion vectors if not separable.
casacore::Int & momentAxis(MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return the moment axis from the ImageMoments object.
casacore::Int momentAxis_p
Definition: MomentsBase.h:318
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55
casacore::Bool doCoordRandom_p
Abstract base class for LatticeApply function signatures.
Definition: LineCollapser.h:93
void constructorCheck(casacore::Vector< T > &calcMoments, casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &calcMomentsMask, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &selectMoments, casacore::uInt nLatticeOut) const
Check validity of constructor inputs.
void lineSegments(casacore::uInt &nSeg, casacore::Vector< casacore::uInt > &start, casacore::Vector< casacore::uInt > &nPts, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask) const
Examine a mask and determine how many segments of unmasked points it consists of. ...
casacore::Bool doCoordProfile_p
All computations involving casacore::Coordinate conversions are relatively expensive These Bools sign...
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
casacore::uInt allNoise(T &dMean, const casacore::Vector< T > &data, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask, T peakSNR, T stdDeviation) const
Determine if the spectrum is pure noise.
casacore::String momAxisType_p
This string tells us the name of the moment axis (VELO or FREQ etc)
casacore::Bool getAutoGaussianFit(casacore::uInt &nFailed, casacore::Vector< T > &gaussPars, const casacore::Vector< T > &x, const casacore::Vector< T > &y, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask, T peakSNR, T stdDeviation) const
Automatically fit a Gaussian to a spectrum, including finding the starting guesses.
virtual casacore::uInt nFailedFits() const
Returns the number of failed fits if doing fitting.
casacore::Bool getAutoGaussianGuess(T &peakGuess, T &posGuess, T &widthGuess, T &levelGuess, const casacore::Vector< T > &x, const casacore::Vector< T > &y, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask) const
Automatically work out a guess for the Gaussian parameters Returns false if all pixels masked...
casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > calcMomentsMask_p
casacore::CoordinateSystem cSys_p
A number of private data members are kept here in the base class as they are common to the derived cl...
virtual Bool toWorld(Vector< Double > &world, const Vector< Double > &pixel, Bool useConversionFrame=True) const
Convert a pixel position to a world position or vice versa.
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > selectMoments_p
This vector tells us which elements of the calcMoments_p vector we wish to select.
const SpectralCoordinate & spectralCoordinate(uInt which) const
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
void setPosLabel(casacore::String &title, const casacore::IPosition &pos) const
Fill a string with the position of the cursor.
void accumSums(typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType &s0, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType &s0Sq, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType &s1, typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType &s2, casacore::Int &iMin, casacore::Int &iMax, T &dMin, T &dMax, casacore::Int i, T datum, casacore::Double coord) const
Accumulate statistical sums from a vector.
casacore::String momentAxisName(const casacore::CoordinateSystem &, const MomentsBase< T > &iMom) const
Return the name of the moment/profile axis.
Interconvert pixel and world coordinates.
casacore::Bool doMedianV_p
casacore::Vector< T > abcissa_p
This vector is used to hold the abscissa values.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
casacore::Double integratedScaleFactor_p
This scale factor is the increment along the moment axis applied so that units for the Integrated mom...