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casa::SingleDishMS Class Reference

#include <SingleDishMS.h>

Public Member Functions

 SingleDishMS ()
 Default constructor. More...
 SingleDishMS (string const &ms_name)
 Construct from casacore::MS name string. More...
 ~SingleDishMS ()
 Destructor. More...
string name () const
bool close ()
void setSelection (casacore::Record const &selection, bool const verbose=true)
void setAverage (casacore::Record const &average, bool const verbose=true)
void setPolAverage (casacore::Record const &average, bool const verbose=true)
void subtractBaseline (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name, string const &out_bloutput_name, bool const &do_subtract, string const &in_spw, string const &blfunc, int const order, float const clip_threshold_sigma, int const num_fitting_max, bool const linefinding, float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge)
 Invoke baseline subtraction (polynomial, write results in new casacore::MS) More...
void subtractBaselineCspline (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name, string const &out_bloutput_name, bool const &do_subtract, string const &in_spw, int const npiece, float const clip_threshold_sigma, int const num_fitting_max, bool const linefinding, float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge)
 Cubicspline. More...
void subtractBaselineSinusoid (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name, string const &out_bloutput_name, bool const &do_subtract, string const &in_spw, string const &addwn0, string const &rejwn0, bool const applyfft, string const fftmethod, string const fftthresh, float const clip_threshold_sigma, int const num_fitting_max, bool const linefinding, float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge)
 Sinusoid. More...
void subtractBaselineVariable (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name, string const &out_bloutput_name, bool const &do_subtract, string const &in_spw, string const &param_file, bool const &verbose=true)
 variable fitting parameters stored in a text file More...
void applyBaselineTable (string const &in_column_name, string const &in_bltable_name, string const &in_spw, string const &out_ms_name)
 apply baseline table More...
void fitLine (string const &in_column_name, string const &in_spw, string const &in_pol, string const &fitfunc, string const &in_nfit, bool const linefinding, float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge, string const &tempfile_name, string const &temp_out_ms_name)
 fit line profile More...
void smooth (string const &kernelType, float const kernelWidth, string const &columnName, string const &outMsName)
 smooth data with arbitrary smoothing kernel smoothing kernels currently supported include gaussian and boxcar More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool importAsap (string const &infile, string const &outfile, bool const parallel=false)
static bool importNRO (string const &infile, string const &outfile, bool const parallel=false)

Private Member Functions

void initialize ()
 Utility functions ///. More...
void format_selection (casacore::Record &selection)
casacore::String get_field_as_casa_string (casacore::Record const &in_data, string const &field_name)
 retrieve a field by name from casacore::Record as casa::String. More...
bool prepare_for_process (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name)
bool prepare_for_process (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name, casacore::Block< casacore::Int > const &sortColumns, bool const addDefaultSortCols=false)
void finalize_process ()
bool set_column (casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns const &in, casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns &out)
 check column 'in' is in input casacore::MS and set to 'out' if it exists. More...
void convertArrayC2F (casacore::Array< casacore::Float > &from, casacore::Array< casacore::Complex > const &to)
 Convert a casacore::Complex casacore::Array to casacore::Float Array. More...
std::vector< string > split_string (string const &s, char delim)
 Split a string with given delimiter. More...
bool file_exists (string const &filename)
 examine if a file with specified name exists More...
void parse_spw (string const &in_spw, casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &spw, casacore::Matrix< casacore::Int > &chan, casacore::Vector< size_t > &nchan, casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > > &mask, casacore::Vector< bool > &nchan_set)
void get_nchan_and_mask (casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > const &rec_spw, casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > const &data_spw, casacore::Matrix< casacore::Int > const &rec_chan, size_t const num_chan, casacore::Vector< size_t > &nchan, casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > > &mask, casacore::Vector< bool > &nchan_set, bool &new_nchan)
void get_mask_from_rec (casacore::Int spwid, casacore::Matrix< casacore::Int > const &rec_chan, casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mask, bool initialize=true)
void get_masklist_from_mask (size_t const num_chan, bool const *mask, casacore::Vector< casacore::uInt > &masklist)
void get_baseline_context (size_t const bltype, uint16_t order, size_t num_chan, casacore::Vector< size_t > const &nchan, casacore::Vector< bool > const &nchan_set, casacore::Vector< size_t > &ctx_indices, std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &bl_contexts)
 Create a set of baseline contexts (if necessary) More...
void get_baseline_context (size_t const bltype, uint16_t order, size_t num_chan, size_t ispw, casacore::Vector< size_t > &ctx_indices, std::vector< size_t > &ctx_nchans, std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &bl_contexts)
void destroy_baseline_contexts (std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &bl_contexts)
 Destroy a set of baseline contexts. More...
void check_sakura_status (string const &name, LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) const status)
void check_baseline_status (LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) const bl_status)
template<typename T , typename U >
void set_matrix_for_bltable (size_t const num_pol, size_t const num_data_max, std::vector< std::vector< T > > const &in_data, casacore::Array< U > &out_data)
template<typename T , typename U >
void set_array_for_bltable (size_t const ipol, size_t const num_data, T const *in_data, casacore::Array< U > &out_data)
size_t get_num_coeff_bloutput (size_t const bltype, size_t order, size_t &num_coeff_max)
std::vector< int > string_to_list (string const &wn_str, char const delim)
void get_effective_nwave (std::vector< int > const &addwn, std::vector< int > const &rejwn, int const wn_ulimit, std::vector< int > &effwn)
void finalise_effective_nwave (std::vector< int > const &blparam_eff_base, std::vector< int > const &blparam_exclude, int const &blparam_upperlimit, size_t const &num_chan, float const *spec, bool const *mask, bool const &applyfft, string const &fftmethod, string const &fftthresh, std::vector< size_t > &blparam_eff)
void parse_fftthresh (string const &fftthresh_str, string &fftthresh_attr, float &fftthresh_sigma, int &fftthresh_top)
void select_wavenumbers_via_fft (size_t const num_chan, float const *spec, bool const *mask, string const &fftmethod, string const &fftthresh_attr, float const fftthresh_sigma, int const fftthresh_top, int const blparam_upperlimit, std::vector< int > &blparam_fft)
void exec_fft (size_t const num_chan, float const *in_spec, bool const *in_mask, bool const get_real_imag, bool const get_ampl_only, std::vector< float > &fourier_spec)
void interpolate_constant (int const num_chan, float const *in_spec, bool const *in_mask, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &spec)
void merge_wavenumbers (std::vector< int > const &blparam_eff_base, std::vector< int > const &blparam_fft, std::vector< int > const &blparam_exclude, std::vector< size_t > &blparam_eff)
list< pair< size_t, size_t > > findLineAndGetRanges (size_t const num_data, float const data[], bool mask[], float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge, bool const invert)
void findLineAndGetMask (size_t const num_data, float const data[], bool const in_mask[], float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge, bool const invert, bool out_mask[])
template<typename Func0 , typename Func1 , typename Func2 , typename Func3 >
void doSubtractBaseline (string const &in_column_name, string const &out_ms_name, string const &out_bloutput_name, bool const &do_subtract, string const &in_spw, LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status)&status, std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &bl_contexts, size_t const bltype, std::vector< int > const &blparam, std::vector< int > const &blparam_exclude, bool const &applyfft, string const &fftmethod, string const &fftthresh, float const clip_threshold_sigma, int const num_fitting_max, bool const linefinding, float const threshold, int const avg_limit, int const minwidth, std::vector< int > const &edge, Func0 func0, Func1 func1, Func2 func2, Func3 func3, casacore::LogIO os)
void get_data_cube_float (vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &data_cube)
 get data cube (npol*nchan*nvirow) in in_column_ from visbuffer and convert it to float cube More...
void get_flag_cube (vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &flag_cube)
 get flag cube (npol*nchan*nvirow) from visbuffer More...
void get_flag_from_cube (casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &flag_cube, size_t const row, size_t const plane, size_t const num_flag, bool out_flag[])
 retrieve a flag at the row and plane (polarization) from flag cube More...
void set_flag_to_cube (casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &flag_cube, size_t const row, size_t const plane, size_t const num_flag, bool in_flag[])
 set a flag at the row and plane (polarization) to flag cube More...
void flag_spectrum_in_cube (casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &flag_cube, size_t const row, size_t const plane)
 flag all channels in a supectrum in cube at the row and plane (polarization) More...
bool allchannels_flagged (size_t const num_flag, bool const *flag)
 return true if all channels are flagged More...
size_t NValidMask (size_t const num_mask, bool const *mask)
 returns the number of channels with true in input mask More...
void split_bloutputname (string str)
 split the name More...

Private Attributes

the name of input MS *string msname_
 casacore::Array execution functions /// More...
casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns in_column_
 columns to read and save data More...
casacore::Record selection_
 casacore::Record of selection More...
casacore::Record average_
 casacore::Record of average More...
casacore::Record pol_average_
 Record of polarization average. More...
 SDMSManager. More...
void(* visCubeAccessor_ )(vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &cube)
 pointer to accessor function More...
casacore::Bool doSmoothing_
 smoothing flag More...
string bloutputname_csv
string bloutputname_text
string bloutputname_table

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr casacore::Int kNRowBlocking
 max number of rows to get in each iteration More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 46 of file SingleDishMS.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::SingleDishMS::SingleDishMS ( )

Default constructor.

casa::SingleDishMS::SingleDishMS ( string const &  ms_name)

Construct from casacore::MS name string.

casa::SingleDishMS::~SingleDishMS ( )


Member Function Documentation

bool casa::SingleDishMS::allchannels_flagged ( size_t const  num_flag,
bool const *  flag 

return true if all channels are flagged

void casa::SingleDishMS::applyBaselineTable ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  in_bltable_name,
string const &  in_spw,
string const &  out_ms_name 

apply baseline table

void casa::SingleDishMS::check_baseline_status ( LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitStatus) const  bl_status)
void casa::SingleDishMS::check_sakura_status ( string const &  name,
LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status) const  status 
bool casa::SingleDishMS::close ( )
void casa::SingleDishMS::convertArrayC2F ( casacore::Array< casacore::Float > &  from,
casacore::Array< casacore::Complex > const &  to 

Convert a casacore::Complex casacore::Array to casacore::Float Array.

void casa::SingleDishMS::destroy_baseline_contexts ( std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &  bl_contexts)

Destroy a set of baseline contexts.

template<typename Func0 , typename Func1 , typename Func2 , typename Func3 >
void casa::SingleDishMS::doSubtractBaseline ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name,
string const &  out_bloutput_name,
bool const &  do_subtract,
string const &  in_spw,
LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(Status)&  status,
std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &  bl_contexts,
size_t const  bltype,
std::vector< int > const &  blparam,
std::vector< int > const &  blparam_exclude,
bool const &  applyfft,
string const &  fftmethod,
string const &  fftthresh,
float const  clip_threshold_sigma,
int const  num_fitting_max,
bool const  linefinding,
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge,
Func0  func0,
Func1  func1,
Func2  func2,
Func3  func3,
casacore::LogIO  os 
void casa::SingleDishMS::exec_fft ( size_t const  num_chan,
float const *  in_spec,
bool const *  in_mask,
bool const  get_real_imag,
bool const  get_ampl_only,
std::vector< float > &  fourier_spec 
bool casa::SingleDishMS::file_exists ( string const &  filename)

examine if a file with specified name exists

void casa::SingleDishMS::finalise_effective_nwave ( std::vector< int > const &  blparam_eff_base,
std::vector< int > const &  blparam_exclude,
int const &  blparam_upperlimit,
size_t const &  num_chan,
float const *  spec,
bool const *  mask,
bool const &  applyfft,
string const &  fftmethod,
string const &  fftthresh,
std::vector< size_t > &  blparam_eff 
void casa::SingleDishMS::finalize_process ( )
void casa::SingleDishMS::findLineAndGetMask ( size_t const  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool const  in_mask[],
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge,
bool const  invert,
bool  out_mask[] 
list<pair<size_t, size_t> > casa::SingleDishMS::findLineAndGetRanges ( size_t const  num_data,
float const  data[],
bool  mask[],
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge,
bool const  invert 
void casa::SingleDishMS::fitLine ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  in_spw,
string const &  in_pol,
string const &  fitfunc,
string const &  in_nfit,
bool const  linefinding,
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge,
string const &  tempfile_name,
string const &  temp_out_ms_name 

fit line profile

void casa::SingleDishMS::flag_spectrum_in_cube ( casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &  flag_cube,
size_t const  row,
size_t const  plane 

flag all channels in a supectrum in cube at the row and plane (polarization)

void casa::SingleDishMS::format_selection ( casacore::Record selection)
void casa::SingleDishMS::get_baseline_context ( size_t const  bltype,
uint16_t  order,
size_t  num_chan,
casacore::Vector< size_t > const &  nchan,
casacore::Vector< bool > const &  nchan_set,
casacore::Vector< size_t > &  ctx_indices,
std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &  bl_contexts 

Create a set of baseline contexts (if necessary)

void casa::SingleDishMS::get_baseline_context ( size_t const  bltype,
uint16_t  order,
size_t  num_chan,
size_t  ispw,
casacore::Vector< size_t > &  ctx_indices,
std::vector< size_t > &  ctx_nchans,
std::vector< LIBSAKURA_SYMBOL(LSQFitContextFloat)* > &  bl_contexts 
void casa::SingleDishMS::get_data_cube_float ( vi::VisBuffer2 const &  vb,
casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &  data_cube 

get data cube (npol*nchan*nvirow) in in_column_ from visbuffer and convert it to float cube

void casa::SingleDishMS::get_effective_nwave ( std::vector< int > const &  addwn,
std::vector< int > const &  rejwn,
int const  wn_ulimit,
std::vector< int > &  effwn 
casacore::String casa::SingleDishMS::get_field_as_casa_string ( casacore::Record const &  in_data,
string const &  field_name 

retrieve a field by name from casacore::Record as casa::String.

void casa::SingleDishMS::get_flag_cube ( vi::VisBuffer2 const &  vb,
casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &  flag_cube 

get flag cube (npol*nchan*nvirow) from visbuffer

void casa::SingleDishMS::get_flag_from_cube ( casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &  flag_cube,
size_t const  row,
size_t const  plane,
size_t const  num_flag,
bool  out_flag[] 

retrieve a flag at the row and plane (polarization) from flag cube

void casa::SingleDishMS::get_mask_from_rec ( casacore::Int  spwid,
casacore::Matrix< casacore::Int > const &  rec_chan,
casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &  mask,
bool  initialize = true 
void casa::SingleDishMS::get_masklist_from_mask ( size_t const  num_chan,
bool const *  mask,
casacore::Vector< casacore::uInt > &  masklist 
void casa::SingleDishMS::get_nchan_and_mask ( casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > const &  rec_spw,
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > const &  data_spw,
casacore::Matrix< casacore::Int > const &  rec_chan,
size_t const  num_chan,
casacore::Vector< size_t > &  nchan,
casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > > &  mask,
casacore::Vector< bool > &  nchan_set,
bool &  new_nchan 
size_t casa::SingleDishMS::get_num_coeff_bloutput ( size_t const  bltype,
size_t  order,
size_t &  num_coeff_max 
static bool casa::SingleDishMS::importAsap ( string const &  infile,
string const &  outfile,
bool const  parallel = false 
static bool casa::SingleDishMS::importNRO ( string const &  infile,
string const &  outfile,
bool const  parallel = false 
void casa::SingleDishMS::initialize ( )

Utility functions ///.

void casa::SingleDishMS::interpolate_constant ( int const  num_chan,
float const *  in_spec,
bool const *  in_mask,
casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &  spec 
void casa::SingleDishMS::merge_wavenumbers ( std::vector< int > const &  blparam_eff_base,
std::vector< int > const &  blparam_fft,
std::vector< int > const &  blparam_exclude,
std::vector< size_t > &  blparam_eff 
string casa::SingleDishMS::name ( ) const

Definition at line 59 of file SingleDishMS.h.

References msname_.

size_t casa::SingleDishMS::NValidMask ( size_t const  num_mask,
bool const *  mask 

returns the number of channels with true in input mask

void casa::SingleDishMS::parse_fftthresh ( string const &  fftthresh_str,
string &  fftthresh_attr,
float &  fftthresh_sigma,
int &  fftthresh_top 
void casa::SingleDishMS::parse_spw ( string const &  in_spw,
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &  spw,
casacore::Matrix< casacore::Int > &  chan,
casacore::Vector< size_t > &  nchan,
casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > > &  mask,
casacore::Vector< bool > &  nchan_set 
bool casa::SingleDishMS::prepare_for_process ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name 
bool casa::SingleDishMS::prepare_for_process ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name,
casacore::Block< casacore::Int > const &  sortColumns,
bool const  addDefaultSortCols = false 
void casa::SingleDishMS::select_wavenumbers_via_fft ( size_t const  num_chan,
float const *  spec,
bool const *  mask,
string const &  fftmethod,
string const &  fftthresh_attr,
float const  fftthresh_sigma,
int const  fftthresh_top,
int const  blparam_upperlimit,
std::vector< int > &  blparam_fft 
template<typename T , typename U >
void casa::SingleDishMS::set_array_for_bltable ( size_t const  ipol,
size_t const  num_data,
T const *  in_data,
casacore::Array< U > &  out_data 

Definition at line 274 of file SingleDishMS.h.

bool casa::SingleDishMS::set_column ( casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns const &  in,
casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns out 

check column 'in' is in input casacore::MS and set to 'out' if it exists.

if not, out is set to casacore::MS::UNDEFINED_COLUMN

void casa::SingleDishMS::set_flag_to_cube ( casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > &  flag_cube,
size_t const  row,
size_t const  plane,
size_t const  num_flag,
bool  in_flag[] 

set a flag at the row and plane (polarization) to flag cube

template<typename T , typename U >
void casa::SingleDishMS::set_matrix_for_bltable ( size_t const  num_pol,
size_t const  num_data_max,
std::vector< std::vector< T > > const &  in_data,
casacore::Array< U > &  out_data 

Definition at line 261 of file SingleDishMS.h.

References casacore::ArrayBase::size().

void casa::SingleDishMS::setAverage ( casacore::Record const &  average,
bool const  verbose = true 
void casa::SingleDishMS::setPolAverage ( casacore::Record const &  average,
bool const  verbose = true 
void casa::SingleDishMS::setSelection ( casacore::Record const &  selection,
bool const  verbose = true 
void casa::SingleDishMS::smooth ( string const &  kernelType,
float const  kernelWidth,
string const &  columnName,
string const &  outMsName 

smooth data with arbitrary smoothing kernel smoothing kernels currently supported include gaussian and boxcar

void casa::SingleDishMS::split_bloutputname ( string  str)

split the name

std::vector<string> casa::SingleDishMS::split_string ( string const &  s,
char  delim 

Split a string with given delimiter.

std::vector<int> casa::SingleDishMS::string_to_list ( string const &  wn_str,
char const  delim 
void casa::SingleDishMS::subtractBaseline ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name,
string const &  out_bloutput_name,
bool const &  do_subtract,
string const &  in_spw,
string const &  blfunc,
int const  order,
float const  clip_threshold_sigma,
int const  num_fitting_max,
bool const  linefinding,
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge 

Invoke baseline subtraction (polynomial, write results in new casacore::MS)

void casa::SingleDishMS::subtractBaselineCspline ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name,
string const &  out_bloutput_name,
bool const &  do_subtract,
string const &  in_spw,
int const  npiece,
float const  clip_threshold_sigma,
int const  num_fitting_max,
bool const  linefinding,
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge 


void casa::SingleDishMS::subtractBaselineSinusoid ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name,
string const &  out_bloutput_name,
bool const &  do_subtract,
string const &  in_spw,
string const &  addwn0,
string const &  rejwn0,
bool const  applyfft,
string const  fftmethod,
string const  fftthresh,
float const  clip_threshold_sigma,
int const  num_fitting_max,
bool const  linefinding,
float const  threshold,
int const  avg_limit,
int const  minwidth,
std::vector< int > const &  edge 


void casa::SingleDishMS::subtractBaselineVariable ( string const &  in_column_name,
string const &  out_ms_name,
string const &  out_bloutput_name,
bool const &  do_subtract,
string const &  in_spw,
string const &  param_file,
bool const &  verbose = true 

variable fitting parameters stored in a text file

Member Data Documentation

casacore::Record casa::SingleDishMS::average_

casacore::Record of average

Definition at line 408 of file SingleDishMS.h.

string casa::SingleDishMS::bloutputname_csv

Definition at line 418 of file SingleDishMS.h.

string casa::SingleDishMS::bloutputname_table

Definition at line 420 of file SingleDishMS.h.

string casa::SingleDishMS::bloutputname_text

Definition at line 419 of file SingleDishMS.h.

casacore::Bool casa::SingleDishMS::doSmoothing_

smoothing flag

Definition at line 416 of file SingleDishMS.h.

casacore::MSMainEnums::PredefinedColumns casa::SingleDishMS::in_column_

columns to read and save data

Definition at line 404 of file SingleDishMS.h.

constexpr casacore::Int casa::SingleDishMS::kNRowBlocking

max number of rows to get in each iteration

Definition at line 426 of file SingleDishMS.h.

the name of input MS* string casa::SingleDishMS::msname_

casacore::Array execution functions ///

Member vairables ///

Definition at line 402 of file SingleDishMS.h.

Referenced by name().

casacore::Record casa::SingleDishMS::pol_average_

Record of polarization average.

Definition at line 410 of file SingleDishMS.h.

SDMSManager* casa::SingleDishMS::sdh_


Definition at line 412 of file SingleDishMS.h.

casacore::Record casa::SingleDishMS::selection_

casacore::Record of selection

Definition at line 406 of file SingleDishMS.h.

void(* casa::SingleDishMS::visCubeAccessor_)(vi::VisBuffer2 const &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &cube)

pointer to accessor function

Definition at line 414 of file SingleDishMS.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: