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casa::SynthesisImager Class Reference

Class that contains functions needed for imager. More...

#include <SynthesisImager.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::SynthesisImager:

Public Member Functions

 SynthesisImager ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~SynthesisImager ()
virtual casacore::Bool selectData (const SynthesisParamsSelect &selpars)
Copy constructor and assignment operator

Imager(const Imager&); Imager& operator=(const Imager&); More...

virtual casacore::Bool selectData (const casacore::String &msname, const casacore::String &spw="*", const casacore::String &freqBeg="", const casacore::String &freqEnd="", const casacore::MFrequency::Types freqFrame=casacore::MFrequency::LSRK, const casacore::String &field="*", const casacore::String &antenna="", const casacore::String &timestr="", const casacore::String &scan="", const casacore::String &obs="", const casacore::String &state="", const casacore::String &uvdist="", const casacore::String &taql="", const casacore::Bool usescratch=false, const casacore::Bool readonly=false, const casacore::Bool incrementModel=false)
 make all pure-inputs const More...
virtual casacore::Bool defineImage (SynthesisParamsImage &impars, const SynthesisParamsGrid &gridpars)
virtual casacore::Bool defineImage (const casacore::String &imagename, const casacore::Int nx, const casacore::Int ny, const casacore::Quantity &cellx, const casacore::Quantity &celly, const casacore::String &stokes, const casacore::MDirection &phaseCenter, const casacore::Int nchan, const casacore::Quantity &freqStart, const casacore::Quantity &freqStep, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Quantity > &restFreq, const casacore::Int facets=1, const casacore::String ftmachine="gridft", const casacore::Int nTaylorTerms=1, const casacore::Quantity &refFreq=casacore::Quantity(0,"Hz"), const casacore::Projection &projection=casacore::Projection::SIN, const casacore::Quantity &distance=casacore::Quantity(0,"m"), const casacore::MFrequency::Types &freqFrame=casacore::MFrequency::LSRK, const casacore::Bool trackSource=false, const casacore::MDirection &trackDir=casacore::MDirection(casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"), casacore::Quantity(90.0,"deg")), const casacore::Bool overwrite=false, const casacore::Float padding=1.0, const casacore::Bool useAutocorr=false, const bool useDoublePrec=true, const casacore::Int wprojplanes=1, const casacore::String convFunc="SF", const casacore::String startmodel="", const casacore::Bool aTermOn=true, const casacore::Bool psTermOn=true, const casacore::Bool mTermOn=false, const casacore::Bool wbAWP=true, const casacore::String cfCache="", const casacore::Bool usePointing=false, const casacore::Bool doPBCorr=true, const casacore::Bool conjBeams=true, const casacore::Float computePAStep=360.0, const casacore::Float rotatePAStep=5.0)
 When having a facetted with (facets > 1) first and once only. More...
virtual casacore::Bool defineImage (casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore > imstor, const casacore::String &ftmachine)
 Define image via a predefine SIImageStore object. More...
casacore::Record getcsys ()
casacore::Int updateNchan ()
virtual casacore::Vector
< SynthesisParamsSelect
tuneSelectData ()
 casacore::Function to tune the data selection to intersect with image definition chosen This is to optimize the data selection so that unnecessary data is not parsed despite the user deciding to select so. More...
virtual void setComponentList (const ComponentList &cl, casacore::Bool sdgrid=false)
 Defining componentlist to use while degriding This should be called once...if multiple lists are used..they can be merged in one if sdgrid=true then image plane degridding is done. More...
virtual casacore::Bool weight (const casacore::String &type="natural", const casacore::String &rmode="norm", const casacore::Quantity &noise=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"Jy"), const casacore::Double robust=0.0, const casacore::Quantity &fieldofview=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"arcsec"), const casacore::Int npixels=0, const casacore::Bool multiField=false, const casacore::Bool usecubebriggs=false, const casacore::String &filtertype=casacore::String("Gaussian"), const casacore::Quantity &filterbmaj=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"), const casacore::Quantity &filterbmin=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"), const casacore::Quantity &filterbpa=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"))
casacore::String getWeightDensity ()
 Stores the weight density in an image. More...
virtual casacore::Bool setWeightDensity (const casacore::String &imagename=casacore::String(""))
 set the weight density to the visibility iterator the default is to set it from the imagestore griwt() image Otherwise it will use this image passed here; useful for parallelization to share one grid to all children process More...
void resetMappers ()
 the following get rid of the mappers in this object More...
< SIImageStore
imageStore (const casacore::Int id=0)
void executeMajorCycle (casacore::Record &controls)
 casacore::Record getMajorCycleControls(); More...
void makePSF ()
 make the psf images i.e grid weight rather than data More...
virtual casacore::Record apparentSensitivity ()
 Calculate apparent sensitivity (for Visibility spectrum) Image spectral grid TBD Throws an exception because not supported in old VI (see SynthesisImagerVi2) More...
virtual bool makePB ()
virtual void predictModel ()
virtual void makeSdImage (casacore::Bool dopsf=false)
virtual void makeImage (casacore::String type, const casacore::String &imagename, const casacore::String &complexImage=casacore::String(""), const Int whichModel=0)
 This should replace makeSDImage and makePSF etc in the long run But for now you can do the following images i.e string recognized by type "observed", "model", "corrected", "psf", "residual", "singledish-observed", "singledish", "coverage", "holography", "holography-observed" For holography the FTmachine should be SDGrid and the baselines. More...
virtual void dryGridding (const casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &cfList)
 SIIterBot& getLoopControls();. More...
virtual void fillCFCache (const casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &cfList, const casacore::String &ftmName, const casacore::String &cfcPath, const casacore::Bool &psTermOn, const casacore::Bool &aTermOn, const casacore::Bool &conjBeams)
virtual void reloadCFCache ()
const SynthesisParamsGridgetSynthesisParamsGrid ()
const SynthesisParamsImagegetSynthesisParamsImage ()
void setMovingSource (const casacore::String &movsource)
 This will set the movingSource_p. More...
virtual casacore::Long estimateRAM ()
 return an estimate of memory it is going to use in kB More...

Static Public Member Functions

static casacore::String doubleToString (const casacore::Double &df)

Protected Member Functions

Choose between different types
of FTMs *void 
createFTMachine (casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &theFT, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &theIFT, const casacore::String &ftname, const casacore::uInt nTaylorTerms=1, const casacore::String mType="default", const casacore::Int facets=1, const casacore::Int wprojplane=1, const casacore::Float padding=1.0, const casacore::Bool useAutocorr=false, const casacore::Bool useDoublePrec=true, const casacore::String gridFunction=casacore::String("SF"), const casacore::Bool aTermOn=true, const casacore::Bool psTermOn=true, const casacore::Bool mTermOn=false, const casacore::Bool wbAWP=true, const casacore::String cfCache="", const casacore::Bool usePointing=false, const casacore::Bool doPBCorr=true, const casacore::Bool conjBeams=true, const casacore::Float computePAStep=360.0, const casacore::Float rotatePAStep=5.0, const casacore::String interpolation=casacore::String("linear"), const casacore::Bool freqFrameValid=true, const casacore::Int cache=1000000000, const casacore::Int tile=16, const casacore::String stokes="I", const casacore::String imageNamePrefix="")
void createMosFTMachine (casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &theFT, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &theIFT, const casacore::Float padding, const casacore::Bool useAutoCorr, const casacore::Bool useDoublePrec, const casacore::Float rotatePAStep, const casacore::String Stokes="I", const casacore::Bool doConjConvFunc=false)
< SIImageStore
createIMStore (casacore::String imageName, casacore::CoordinateSystem &cSys, casacore::IPosition imShape, const casacore::Bool overwrite, casacore::ROMSColumns &msc, casacore::String mappertype="default", casacore::uInt ntaylorterms=1, casacore::Quantity distance=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"m"), casacore::uInt facets=1, casacore::Bool useweightimage=false, casacore::Vector< casacore::String > startmodel=casacore::Vector< casacore::String >(0))
 Choose between different types of ImageStore types (single term, multiterm, faceted) More...
casacore::CountedPtr< SIMappercreateSIMapper (casacore::String mappertype, casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore > imagestore, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > ftmachine, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > iftmachine, casacore::uInt ntaylorterms=1)
 Choose between different types of Mappers (single term, multiterm, imagemosaic, faceted) More...
< casacore::CountedPtr
< SIImageStore > > 
createFacetImageStoreList (casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore > imagestore, casacore::Int facets)
< casacore::CountedPtr
< SIImageStore > > 
createChanChunkImageStoreList (casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore > imagestore, casacore::Int chanchunks)
 void setPsfFromOneFacet(); More...
casacore::Bool toUseWeightImage (casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &ftm, casacore::String mappertype)
virtual void createVisSet (const casacore::Bool writeaccess=false)
void createAWPFTMachine (casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &theFT, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &theIFT, const casacore::String &ftmName, const casacore::Int facets, const casacore::Int wprojPlane, const casacore::Float padding, const casacore::Bool useAutocorr, const casacore::Bool useDoublePrec, const casacore::String gridFunction, const casacore::Bool aTermOn, const casacore::Bool psTermOn, const casacore::Bool mTermOn, const casacore::Bool wbAWP, const casacore::String cfCache, const casacore::Bool usePointing, const casacore::Bool doPBCorr, const casacore::Bool conjBeams, const casacore::Float computePAStep, const casacore::Float rotatePAStep, const casacore::Int cache, const casacore::Int tile, const casacore::String imageNamePrefix="")
ATermcreateTelescopeATerm (const casacore::MeasurementSet &ms, const casacore::Bool &isATermOn)
void getVPRecord (casacore::Record &rec, PBMath::CommonPB &kpb, casacore::String telescop)
 Get VP record. More...
virtual void runMajorCycle (const casacore::Bool dopsf=false, const casacore::Bool savemodel=false)
 Do the major cycle. More...
virtual void runMajorCycle2 (const casacore::Bool dopsf=false, const casacore::Bool savemodel=false)
 Version of major cycle code with mappers in a loop outside vi/vb. More...
void appendToMapperList (casacore::String imagename, casacore::CoordinateSystem &csys, casacore::String ftmachine, casacore::Quantity distance=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"m"), casacore::Int facets=1, const casacore::Bool overwrite=false)
 It associated the ftmachine with a given field. More...
*void appendToMapperList (casacore::String imagename, casacore::CoordinateSystem &csys, casacore::IPosition imshape, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &ftm, casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &iftm, casacore::Quantity distance=casacore::Quantity(0.0,"m"), casacore::Int facets=1, casacore::Int chanchunks=1, const casacore::Bool overwrite=false, casacore::String mappertype=casacore::String("default"), float padding=1.0, casacore::uInt ntaylorterms=1, casacore::Vector< casacore::String > startmodel=casacore::Vector< casacore::String >(0))
virtual void unlockMSs ()
bool makePBImage (const casacore::String &telescopeName, bool useSymmetricBeam, double diam)
bool makePBImage (const casacore::String telescop)
virtual bool makePrimaryBeam (PBMath &pbMath)
virtual bool isSpectralCube ()
 is any of the images defined spectral cube More...

Protected Attributes

*SIMapperCollection itsMappers
< SIImageStore
 if facetting this storage will keep the unsliced version More...
< SIImageStore
casacore::Bool itsDataLoopPerMapper
casacore::CoordinateSystem itsMaxCoordSys
casacore::IPosition itsMaxShape
casacore::Record itsCsysRec
casacore::Int itsNchan
casacore::String itsVpTable
bool itsMakeVP
casacore::Data Selection
< SynthesisParamsSelect
casacore::Block< const
casacore::MeasurementSet * > 
 Image Definition Imaging/Gridding. More...
casacore::Bool useViVb2_p
 vi::FrequencySelections fselections_p; casacore::CountedPtr<vi::VisibilityIterator2> vi_p; More...
< casacore::MeasurementSet
< casacore::Vector
< casacore::Int > > 
< casacore::Vector
< casacore::Int > > 
< casacore::Vector
< casacore::Int > > 
< casacore::Vector
< casacore::Int > > 
< casacore::Double
casacore::Cube< casacore::IntchanSel_p
 the 'channel flags' to handle various channel selections in the spw parameter More...
casacore::Bool writeAccess_p
casacore::MPosition mLocation_p
casacore::MDirection phaseCenter_p
casacore::Int facetsStore_p
casacore::Int chanChunksStore_p
VisImagingWeight imwgt_p
casacore::Bool imageDefined_p
casacore::Bool useScratch_p
casacore::Bool readOnly_p
FTMachine::Type datacol_p
 casacore::Bool freqFrameValid_p; More...
casacore::Int nMajorCycles
SynthesisParamsGrid gridpars_p
SynthesisParamsImage impars_p
String movingSource_p

Detailed Description

Class that contains functions needed for imager.

Definition at line 60 of file SynthesisImager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::SynthesisImager::SynthesisImager ( )

Default constructor.

virtual casa::SynthesisImager::~SynthesisImager ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual casacore::Record casa::SynthesisImager::apparentSensitivity ( )

Calculate apparent sensitivity (for Visibility spectrum) Image spectral grid TBD Throws an exception because not supported in old VI (see SynthesisImagerVi2)

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

void casa::SynthesisImager::appendToMapperList ( casacore::String  imagename,
casacore::CoordinateSystem csys,
casacore::String  ftmachine,
casacore::Quantity  distance = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"m"),
casacore::Int  facets = 1,
const casacore::Bool  overwrite = false 

It associated the ftmachine with a given field.

* void casa::SynthesisImager::appendToMapperList ( casacore::String  imagename,
casacore::CoordinateSystem csys,
casacore::IPosition  imshape,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  ftm,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  iftm,
casacore::Quantity  distance = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"m"),
casacore::Int  facets = 1,
casacore::Int  chanchunks = 1,
const casacore::Bool  overwrite = false,
casacore::String  mappertype = casacore::String("default"),
float  padding = 1.0,
casacore::uInt  ntaylorterms = 1,
casacore::Vector< casacore::String startmodel = casacore::Vectorcasacore::String >(0) 
void casa::SynthesisImager::createAWPFTMachine ( casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  theFT,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  theIFT,
const casacore::String ftmName,
const casacore::Int  facets,
const casacore::Int  wprojPlane,
const casacore::Float  padding,
const casacore::Bool  useAutocorr,
const casacore::Bool  useDoublePrec,
const casacore::String  gridFunction,
const casacore::Bool  aTermOn,
const casacore::Bool  psTermOn,
const casacore::Bool  mTermOn,
const casacore::Bool  wbAWP,
const casacore::String  cfCache,
const casacore::Bool  usePointing,
const casacore::Bool  doPBCorr,
const casacore::Bool  conjBeams,
const casacore::Float  computePAStep,
const casacore::Float  rotatePAStep,
const casacore::Int  cache,
const casacore::Int  tile,
const casacore::String  imageNamePrefix = "" 
casacore::Block<casacore::CountedPtr<SIImageStore> > casa::SynthesisImager::createChanChunkImageStoreList ( casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore imagestore,
casacore::Int  chanchunks 

void setPsfFromOneFacet();

casacore::Block<casacore::CountedPtr<SIImageStore> > casa::SynthesisImager::createFacetImageStoreList ( casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore imagestore,
casacore::Int  facets 
Choose between different types of FTMs* void casa::SynthesisImager::createFTMachine ( casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  theFT,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  theIFT,
const casacore::String ftname,
const casacore::uInt  nTaylorTerms = 1,
const casacore::String  mType = "default",
const casacore::Int  facets = 1,
const casacore::Int  wprojplane = 1,
const casacore::Float  padding = 1.0,
const casacore::Bool  useAutocorr = false,
const casacore::Bool  useDoublePrec = true,
const casacore::String  gridFunction = casacore::String("SF"),
const casacore::Bool  aTermOn = true,
const casacore::Bool  psTermOn = true,
const casacore::Bool  mTermOn = false,
const casacore::Bool  wbAWP = true,
const casacore::String  cfCache = "",
const casacore::Bool  usePointing = false,
const casacore::Bool  doPBCorr = true,
const casacore::Bool  conjBeams = true,
const casacore::Float  computePAStep = 360.0,
const casacore::Float  rotatePAStep = 5.0,
const casacore::String  interpolation = casacore::String("linear"),
const casacore::Bool  freqFrameValid = true,
const casacore::Int  cache = 1000000000,
const casacore::Int  tile = 16,
const casacore::String  stokes = "I",
const casacore::String  imageNamePrefix = "" 
casacore::CountedPtr<SIImageStore> casa::SynthesisImager::createIMStore ( casacore::String  imageName,
casacore::CoordinateSystem cSys,
casacore::IPosition  imShape,
const casacore::Bool  overwrite,
casacore::ROMSColumns msc,
casacore::String  mappertype = "default",
casacore::uInt  ntaylorterms = 1,
casacore::Quantity  distance = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"m"),
casacore::uInt  facets = 1,
casacore::Bool  useweightimage = false,
casacore::Vector< casacore::String startmodel = casacore::Vectorcasacore::String >(0) 

Choose between different types of ImageStore types (single term, multiterm, faceted)

void casa::SynthesisImager::createMosFTMachine ( casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  theFT,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  theIFT,
const casacore::Float  padding,
const casacore::Bool  useAutoCorr,
const casacore::Bool  useDoublePrec,
const casacore::Float  rotatePAStep,
const casacore::String  Stokes = "I",
const casacore::Bool  doConjConvFunc = false 
casacore::CountedPtr<SIMapper> casa::SynthesisImager::createSIMapper ( casacore::String  mappertype,
casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore imagestore,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine ftmachine,
casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine iftmachine,
casacore::uInt  ntaylorterms = 1 

Choose between different types of Mappers (single term, multiterm, imagemosaic, faceted)

ftmachine/ make this inside !!!!!
ATerm* casa::SynthesisImager::createTelescopeATerm ( const casacore::MeasurementSet ms,
const casacore::Bool isATermOn 
virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::createVisSet ( const casacore::Bool  writeaccess = false)

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::defineImage ( SynthesisParamsImage impars,
const SynthesisParamsGrid gridpars 

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::defineImage ( const casacore::String imagename,
const casacore::Int  nx,
const casacore::Int  ny,
const casacore::Quantity cellx,
const casacore::Quantity celly,
const casacore::String stokes,
const casacore::MDirection phaseCenter,
const casacore::Int  nchan,
const casacore::Quantity freqStart,
const casacore::Quantity freqStep,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Quantity > &  restFreq,
const casacore::Int  facets = 1,
const casacore::String  ftmachine = "gridft",
const casacore::Int  nTaylorTerms = 1,
const casacore::Quantity refFreq = casacore::Quantity(0,"Hz"),
const casacore::Projection projection = casacore::Projection::SIN,
const casacore::Quantity distance = casacore::Quantity(0,"m"),
const casacore::MFrequency::Types freqFrame = casacore::MFrequency::LSRK,
const casacore::Bool  trackSource = false,
const casacore::MDirection trackDir = casacore::MDirection(casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"), casacore::Quantity(90.0,"deg")),
const casacore::Bool  overwrite = false,
const casacore::Float  padding = 1.0,
const casacore::Bool  useAutocorr = false,
const bool  useDoublePrec = true,
const casacore::Int  wprojplanes = 1,
const casacore::String  convFunc = "SF",
const casacore::String  startmodel = "",
const casacore::Bool  aTermOn = true,
const casacore::Bool  psTermOn = true,
const casacore::Bool  mTermOn = false,
const casacore::Bool  wbAWP = true,
const casacore::String  cfCache = "",
const casacore::Bool  usePointing = false,
const casacore::Bool  doPBCorr = true,
const casacore::Bool  conjBeams = true,
const casacore::Float  computePAStep = 360.0,
const casacore::Float  rotatePAStep = 5.0 

When having a facetted with (facets > 1) first and once only.

Easier to keep track of the imstores that way CAREFUL: make sure you donot overwrite if you want to predict the model or subtract it to make residual

ftmachineconst casacore::Int chanchunks=1,
aTermOnThe extra params for WB-AWP
virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::defineImage ( casacore::CountedPtr< SIImageStore imstor,
const casacore::String ftmachine 

Define image via a predefine SIImageStore object.

static casacore::String casa::SynthesisImager::doubleToString ( const casacore::Double df)
virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::dryGridding ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &  cfList)

SIIterBot& getLoopControls();.

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual casacore::Long casa::SynthesisImager::estimateRAM ( )

return an estimate of memory it is going to use in kB

void casa::SynthesisImager::executeMajorCycle ( casacore::Record controls)

casacore::Record getMajorCycleControls();

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::fillCFCache ( const casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &  cfList,
const casacore::String ftmName,
const casacore::String cfcPath,
const casacore::Bool psTermOn,
const casacore::Bool aTermOn,
const casacore::Bool conjBeams 

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

casacore::Record casa::SynthesisImager::getcsys ( )

Definition at line 139 of file SynthesisImager.h.

References itsCsysRec.

const SynthesisParamsGrid& casa::SynthesisImager::getSynthesisParamsGrid ( )

Definition at line 213 of file SynthesisImager.h.

References gridpars_p.

const SynthesisParamsImage& casa::SynthesisImager::getSynthesisParamsImage ( )

Definition at line 214 of file SynthesisImager.h.

References impars_p.

void casa::SynthesisImager::getVPRecord ( casacore::Record rec,
PBMath::CommonPB kpb,
casacore::String  telescop 

Get VP record.

casacore::String casa::SynthesisImager::getWeightDensity ( )

Stores the weight density in an image.

Returns the image name

casacore::CountedPtr<SIImageStore> casa::SynthesisImager::imageStore ( const casacore::Int  id = 0)
virtual bool casa::SynthesisImager::isSpectralCube ( )

is any of the images defined spectral cube

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::makeImage ( casacore::String  type,
const casacore::String imagename,
const casacore::String complexImage = casacore::String(""),
const Int  whichModel = 0 

This should replace makeSDImage and makePSF etc in the long run But for now you can do the following images i.e string recognized by type "observed", "model", "corrected", "psf", "residual", "singledish-observed", "singledish", "coverage", "holography", "holography-observed" For holography the FTmachine should be SDGrid and the baselines.

selected should be those that are pointed up with the antenna which is rastering.

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual bool casa::SynthesisImager::makePB ( )

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

bool casa::SynthesisImager::makePBImage ( const casacore::String telescopeName,
bool  useSymmetricBeam,
double  diam 
bool casa::SynthesisImager::makePBImage ( const casacore::String  telescop)
virtual bool casa::SynthesisImager::makePrimaryBeam ( PBMath pbMath)

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

void casa::SynthesisImager::makePSF ( )

make the psf images i.e grid weight rather than data

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::makeSdImage ( casacore::Bool  dopsf = false)

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::predictModel ( )

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::reloadCFCache ( )

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

void casa::SynthesisImager::resetMappers ( )

the following get rid of the mappers in this object

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::runMajorCycle ( const casacore::Bool  dopsf = false,
const casacore::Bool  savemodel = false 

Do the major cycle.

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::runMajorCycle2 ( const casacore::Bool  dopsf = false,
const casacore::Bool  savemodel = false 

Version of major cycle code with mappers in a loop outside vi/vb.

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::selectData ( const SynthesisParamsSelect selpars)

Copy constructor and assignment operator

Imager(const Imager&); Imager& operator=(const Imager&);

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::selectData ( const casacore::String msname,
const casacore::String spw = "*",
const casacore::String freqBeg = "",
const casacore::String freqEnd = "",
const casacore::MFrequency::Types  freqFrame = casacore::MFrequency::LSRK,
const casacore::String field = "*",
const casacore::String antenna = "",
const casacore::String timestr = "",
const casacore::String scan = "",
const casacore::String obs = "",
const casacore::String state = "",
const casacore::String uvdist = "",
const casacore::String taql = "",
const casacore::Bool  usescratch = false,
const casacore::Bool  readonly = false,
const casacore::Bool  incrementModel = false 

make all pure-inputs const

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::setComponentList ( const ComponentList cl,
casacore::Bool  sdgrid = false 

Defining componentlist to use while degriding This should be called once...if multiple lists are used..they can be merged in one if sdgrid=true then image plane degridding is done.

void casa::SynthesisImager::setMovingSource ( const casacore::String movsource)

This will set the movingSource_p.

virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::setWeightDensity ( const casacore::String imagename = casacore::String(""))

set the weight density to the visibility iterator the default is to set it from the imagestore griwt() image Otherwise it will use this image passed here; useful for parallelization to share one grid to all children process

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::toUseWeightImage ( casacore::CountedPtr< FTMachine > &  ftm,
casacore::String  mappertype 
virtual casacore::Vector<SynthesisParamsSelect> casa::SynthesisImager::tuneSelectData ( )

casacore::Function to tune the data selection to intersect with image definition chosen This is to optimize the data selection so that unnecessary data is not parsed despite the user deciding to select so.

defineimage has to be run first (and thus selectData prior to that) otherwise an exception is thrown

virtual void casa::SynthesisImager::unlockMSs ( )

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

casacore::Int casa::SynthesisImager::updateNchan ( )

Definition at line 140 of file SynthesisImager.h.

References itsNchan.

virtual casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::weight ( const casacore::String type = "natural",
const casacore::String rmode = "norm",
const casacore::Quantity noise = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"Jy"),
const casacore::Double  robust = 0.0,
const casacore::Quantity fieldofview = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"arcsec"),
const casacore::Int  npixels = 0,
const casacore::Bool  multiField = false,
const casacore::Bool  usecubebriggs = false,
const casacore::String filtertype = casacore::String("Gaussian"),
const casacore::Quantity filterbmaj = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"),
const casacore::Quantity filterbmin = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg"),
const casacore::Quantity filterbpa = casacore::Quantity(0.0,"deg") 

Reimplemented in casa::SynthesisImagerVi2.

Member Data Documentation

casacore::Block<casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> > casa::SynthesisImager::blockNChan_p

Definition at line 397 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Block<casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> > casa::SynthesisImager::blockSpw_p

Definition at line 400 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Block<casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> > casa::SynthesisImager::blockStart_p

Definition at line 398 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Block<casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> > casa::SynthesisImager::blockStep_p

Definition at line 399 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Int casa::SynthesisImager::chanChunksStore_p

Definition at line 409 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Cube<casacore::Int > casa::SynthesisImager::chanSel_p

the 'channel flags' to handle various channel selections in the spw parameter

Definition at line 403 of file SynthesisImager.h.

FTMachine::Type casa::SynthesisImager::datacol_p

casacore::Bool freqFrameValid_p;

Definition at line 416 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Data Selection* casacore::Vector<SynthesisParamsSelect> casa::SynthesisImager::dataSel_p

Definition at line 382 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Int casa::SynthesisImager::facetsStore_p

Definition at line 409 of file SynthesisImager.h.

SynthesisParamsGrid casa::SynthesisImager::gridpars_p

Definition at line 420 of file SynthesisImager.h.

Referenced by getSynthesisParamsGrid().

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::imageDefined_p

Definition at line 411 of file SynthesisImager.h.

SynthesisParamsImage casa::SynthesisImager::impars_p

Definition at line 421 of file SynthesisImager.h.

Referenced by getSynthesisParamsImage().

VisImagingWeight casa::SynthesisImager::imwgt_p

Definition at line 410 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Record casa::SynthesisImager::itsCsysRec

Definition at line 373 of file SynthesisImager.h.

Referenced by getcsys().

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::itsDataLoopPerMapper

Definition at line 369 of file SynthesisImager.h.

bool casa::SynthesisImager::itsMakeVP

Definition at line 377 of file SynthesisImager.h.

* SIMapperCollection casa::SynthesisImager::itsMappers

Definition at line 364 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::CoordinateSystem casa::SynthesisImager::itsMaxCoordSys

Definition at line 371 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::IPosition casa::SynthesisImager::itsMaxShape

Definition at line 372 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Int casa::SynthesisImager::itsNchan

Definition at line 374 of file SynthesisImager.h.

Referenced by updateNchan().

casacore::String casa::SynthesisImager::itsVpTable

Definition at line 376 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::MPosition casa::SynthesisImager::mLocation_p

Definition at line 407 of file SynthesisImager.h.

String casa::SynthesisImager::movingSource_p

Definition at line 422 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Block<casacore::MeasurementSet> casa::SynthesisImager::mss4vi_p

Definition at line 394 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Block<const casacore::MeasurementSet *> casa::SynthesisImager::mss_p

Image Definition Imaging/Gridding.

Vi2 stuff

Definition at line 387 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Matrix<casacore::Double> casa::SynthesisImager::mssFreqSel_p

Definition at line 401 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Int casa::SynthesisImager::nMajorCycles

Definition at line 418 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::MDirection casa::SynthesisImager::phaseCenter_p

Definition at line 408 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::readOnly_p

Definition at line 412 of file SynthesisImager.h.

ROVisibilityIterator* casa::SynthesisImager::rvi_p

Definition at line 396 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::CountedPtr<SIImageStore> casa::SynthesisImager::unChanChunkedImStore_p

Definition at line 367 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::CountedPtr<SIImageStore> casa::SynthesisImager::unFacettedImStore_p

if facetting this storage will keep the unsliced version

Definition at line 366 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::useScratch_p

Definition at line 412 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::useViVb2_p

vi::FrequencySelections fselections_p; casacore::CountedPtr<vi::VisibilityIterator2> vi_p;

Other Options ////////////////////////////////Till VisibilityIterator2 works as advertised

Definition at line 393 of file SynthesisImager.h.

casacore::Bool casa::SynthesisImager::writeAccess_p

Definition at line 406 of file SynthesisImager.h.

VisibilityIterator* casa::SynthesisImager::wvi_p

Definition at line 395 of file SynthesisImager.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: