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![]() | Version 1.9 Build 1488 |
Frequenty Asked Questions About Using AIPS++
Remember to put brackets () after the command. The name of the function alone is a valid Glish variable that can be passed around just as any other variable. We use this capability extensively in the Glish code.
AIPS++ is case-sensitive, so in this example you need to type imager(). The convention is that names of functions should always be lower case, and that different words in a composite name run into each other without, for examples, underscores to delineate them.
Remember that Glish needs a colon for assignment: x:=1. The single equals is reserved for default arguments. (No, we don't particularly like this feature either).
Remember that Glish needs (single) quotes around strings.
- file:=3C84.MS # Incorrect error, parse error at or near 'C84' warning, uninitialized global variable MS used F - file:='3C84.MS' # Correct
Glish assumes that you really want to see what you type. So if you type an array name then the whole thing can be dumped to the screen. You can limit the output per array:
a:=array(0.0, 100, 100) a::print.limit:=10
Or, more usually, for all output:
The double quote tells Glish to split the enclosed string into a vector of strings, one for each full word, whereas single quotes preserve the entire string as one element. This can affect tests for equality in Glish code. We try to avoid this error in our code but to be safe you should always use single quotes.
Wait until you see a - prompt. Glish processes include files in the background and can accept inputs while doing so although the result may not be reasonable. So it's best to be polite and wait. Here is an example of what can happen:
aips++ x:=1 "logger.g", line 330: warning$: no events have been received "logger.g", line 330: error, non-string type in coercion of <fail>
The documentation says to use shift=T. t is not the same as T (the true symbol in Glish).In fact, since t is undefined, it is created and assigned a value of F (the False symbol), thus doing the opposite of what you expected!
Some tools support this via the global dowait variable. See for example, Image or Imager. The GUI also allows this.
Control-c will stop a Glish function from running. GUI functions can be stopped by pressing the abort button.
AIPS++ is designed to run well on a canonical machine which is a Sparc 4 or Ultra or 200 MHz Pentium Pro class machine with 64 Mbytes of memory or more. It will run very slowly on a 32MByte Sparc IPX, for example, swapping a lot. The best way to check memory availability is to use a system utility such as top on Solaris machines.
For any Table, you can use tablecopy or tablerename. The Catalog tool will also do this, with the option of using a GUI.
Use the logger.note.
dl.note('Forgot robust weighting - repeating deconvolution')
There are two possibilities:
A Glish defaults file, .glishrc, can be located in your home directory. The .glishrc file can be used to customize Glish, such as to set search paths for Glish scripts, to set default precision on output, to start particular packages, etc. It can contain any valid Glish command. The two most important uses are tell Glish to use a particular directory for the search path for include files, and to limit the amount of output that Glish sends to the screen:
system.path.include:= '. /home/tarzan/tcornwel/aips++/libexec /aips++/beta/sun4sol_gnu/libexec' system.print.limit:=10
.aipsrc An AIPS++ defaults file, .aipsrc, can be located in your home directory. This is used to hold global choices and information.
For example:
catalog.default: gui #start a GUI catalog on startup measures.default: gui #start a GUI measures on startup logger.default: screen #use the screen for Logger messages aipsview.numcolors: 200 #use 200 colors in Aips View palette
Perhaps Netscape has gobbled up all the color table. You have two choices, either stop Netscape and restart it with the -install command-line option to require a private color map, or specify aipsrc variables to start Aips View with a smaller number of colors (see display).
You can't at the moment. Instead, you'll have to exit from Glish, cd at the system prompt, and then restart AIPS++. An alternative is use file names with directories specified. We will add capabilitity to change directory in the future.
The statement that you entered is ambiguous. Usually entering a simple semi-colon will resolve it.
It is a "feature" of the Tk widget set that we use. Once any window is resized, the new size is taken to be fixed, and any subsequent changes to the contents are constrained to fit within the window size, instead of expanding it as necessary. The workaround is not to resize windows unless necessary.
A logic error in a GUI can result in this. First, at the Command Line window, type:
Try this a few times to see if the displays unfreeze. If so, then please submit a bug report if you think you know under what conditions the freeze occurred.
Please E-mail any comments or questions about AIPS++ to
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