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![]() | Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
In the 2 x 2 signal domain, the electric field vector
of the incident plane wave can be represented either in a
linear polarisation coordinate frame
) or a circular
polarisation coordinate frame
). Jones matrices are
linear operators in the chosen frame:
For linear polarisation coordinates, equation 1 becomes:
and there is a similar expression for circular polarisation
coordinates. Thus, as emphasised in [2], the Stokes
) and the coherency vector
represent the same physical quantity, but in different abstract
coordinate frames. A `Stokes matrix'
is a coordinate
transformation matrix in the 4 x 4 coherency domain:
transforms the representation from Stokes
coordinates (I,Q,U,V) to linear polarisation coordinates
). Similarly,
transforms to circular polarisation coordinates
). Following the
convention of [4], we write:3
-matrices are almost unitary, i.e. except for a
normalising constant:
)-1 = 2(
cannot be factored into feed-based parts. The two
Stokes matrices are related by:
Most Jones matrices will have the same form in both polarisation
coordinate frames. But if a Jones matrix is expressed in terms of
parameters that are defined in one of the two frames, it will
have two different but related forms. This is the case for Faraday
, receptor orientation
, and
receptor cross-leakage
, in which the orientation
w.r.t. the
, ccY frame plays a role. The two forms of a Jones
matrix A can be converted into each other by the coordinate
transformation matrix
and its inverse:
The conversion may be done by hand, using (the elements a, b, c, d may be complex):
Applying these general expressions to rotation
) and
, -
) matrices (see Appendix for their
definition), the conversions are:
Usually, all matrices in a `Jones chain' will be defined in the same
coordinate frame. An exception is the case where linear dipole
receptors are used in conjunction with a `hybrid'
create pseudo-circular receptors:
in which
represents an electronic implementation of the
coordinate transformation matrix
. All these expressions are
equivalent in the sense that, in conjunction with the indicated Stokes
matrix, they produce a coherency vector in circular polarisation
coordinates. The choice of which expression to use depends on whether
one wishes to model the feed explicitly in terms of its physical
(dipole) properties, or whether one wishes to regard is as a `black
box' circular feed with unknown internal structure.