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Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
For k `real' incoherent sources, observed with a `real' telescope, equ 1 becomes:
The visibility vector is integrated over the extent of the sources ( d d), over the integration time ( d) and over the channel bandwidth ( d). Integration over the aperture ( d d) is taken care of by the primary beam properties.
There are only four integration coordinates, whose units are determined by the flux density units in which is expressed: energy/sec/Hz/beam. These coordinates define a 4-dimensional `integration cell'. If the variation of (,,,) is linear over this cell, integration is not necessary:
in which is the value for source k at the centre of the cell, for = 1 Hz and = 1 sec. If the variation of (,,,) over the cell can be approximated by a polynomial of order 3, then it is sufficient to calculate only the 2nd derivative(s) at the centre of the cell:
Here it is assumed that the 2nd derivatives are be constant over the cell, i.e. the cross-derivatives are zero.
Until now, we have assumed that all instrumental effects could be factored into feed-based contributions, i.e. we have ignored any interferometer-based effects. This is justified for a well-designed system, provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is large enough (thermal noise causes interferometer-based errors, albeit with a an average of zero). However, if systematic errors do occur, they can be modelled:
The 4 x 4 diagonal matrix , the `Correlator matrix', represents interferometer-based corrections that are applied to the uv-data in software by the on-line system. Examples are the Van Vleck correction. In the newest correlators, it approaches a constant ().
The 4 x 4 diagonal matrix represents multiplicative interferometer-based effects.
The 4-element vector represents additive interferometer-based effects. Examples are receiver noise, and correlator offsets.
In some cases, interferometer-based effects can be calibrated, e.g. when they appear to be constant in time. It will be interesting to see how many of them will disappear as a result of better modelling with the Measurement Equation. In any case, it is desirable that the cause of interferometer-based effects is properly understood (simulation!).