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Switching from CDE

Switching from CDE to an alternative window manager requires three basic steps: 1) the addition of two files to the home directory; this is true for all of the alternative window managers discussed here, 2) the addition of a directory into your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and 3) breaking out of CDE.

Adding the required files

The two files required are a .xinitrc file and a .wmrc file (window manager rc file, eg. .fvwm2rc, twmrc, etc.).

The .xinitrc file dictates the starting windows and window manager for your X session. The following is an example file:

# loads local X resource information
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults 
# Console window for important network and status messages
xterm -C -title console -name console -geometry 98x6-0-0 -sb & 
# starts up 2 xterminals and puts them in the upper right and
# lower left corners of the screen
xterm -geometry -0+0 -name xterm -sb &
xterm -geometry +0-0 -name xterm -sb &
# set up a clock in the lower right
clock -geometry 100x100-30-110 &
sleep 4
# setup a nice background image if you have one
# don't get too fancy or it will consume all of the colors!!
xloadimage -zoom 110 -onroot $HOME/img/bluepearl.gif & 
# This is the window manager that I want to use.
# Alternatively, I could have specified twm or olwm.

The second file required is the .wmrc file (e.g. .twmrc, .fvwm2rc, etc.). The .fvwm2rc file sets the configuration of desktops, the attributes of various processes, etc. fvwm2 appears to offer the best overall system in that it is relatively svelte in its memory and color usage, yet allows a great deal of freedom in setting up a personal work environment. In addition, fvwm2 serves as a platform for other managers, if desired; the left mouse button, selecting on Exit FVWM, offers a startup for twm and olwm. As a result, I offer only a .fvwm2r_sample file for public use.

The .fvwm2rc_sample file may be copied from $ \sim$jmcmulli to your home directory. Information on the various parameters can be found locally (the fvwm2 manual) at$ \sim$jmcmulli/; the FVWM home page is located at:$ \sim$tkelly/docs/proj/fvwm.html.

Adding to your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Two directories of standard X-resources will be needed to run FVWM2: /opt/local/X11R5/bin and /opt/local/X11R5/lib.

If you use the csh,tcsh, add the following lines to the bottom of your .cshrc, .tcshrc file.

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/opt/local/X11R5/lib
set path=($path /opt/local/X11R5/bin )

If you use the bash, add the following lines to the bottom of your .bashrc file.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=($LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/local/X11R5/lib)
export PATH=($PATH /opt/local/X11R5/bin)

Getting out of CDE and into FVWM2

After the previous setups are finished. Logout of your CDE session. Then, use the mouse to show the Options menu on the CDE login screen. Select Command Line Login.

Hit <Return> to get to the login prompt. Type in your userid and password.

Once you're logged in, begin your new session by typing 'startx'.

You're in. Have fun.

If you are interested in seeing fvwm2 in action before committing to the change, please stop by my office and investigate.

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