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So far in the discussion, it has been assumed that the result of all expressions was either a numeric array or scalar. However, we also want to be able to handle operations which result in Booleans. For example, consider Lattices
Lattice<Float> a; Lattice<Float> b; Lattice<Bool> c;
and the expression
so the Bool Lattice c is True or False depending upon whether the data values of a were greater than those of b or not.
What has to be handled here is that the output of the > operation is Boolean, whereas the type of the data which went into the operation was Float.
This relational operator, and like ones (<, > =, < =, = =, !=) are handled in the class LELBinaryCmp. It is templated on class T but inherits from LELInterface<Bool> rather than LELInterface<T>.
The LELInterface class eval function is declared as
// Evaluate the expression and fill the result array virtual void eval (Array<T>& result, const PixelRegion& region) const = 0;
This indicates that the array, result, which results from evaluating the expression is of type T. Since LELBinaryCmp inherits from LELInterface<Bool>, the type of its evaluation array, result, is Bool. This is just what we want. The result of b>c is a Bool array.
The LELBinaryCmp class itself is still templated in class T because that is the type of the Lattices that go into it.
Take as an example,
Lattice<Bool> a; Lattice<Bool> b; Lattice<Bool> c; c.copyData(a&&b);
so the Bool Lattice c is True if Lattice a and b are True. This kind of operator can only be defined for Boolean Lattices. Therefore the class LELBinaryBool is not templated and inherits from LELInterface<Bool>. If the data types of the Lattices are not Bool it will throw an exception.
Similarly, the class LELUnaryBool exists to handle unary logical operations such as