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MeasurementSet definition version 2.0

A.J. Kemball (NRAO) and M.H. Wieringa (ATNF), eds.

January 21, 2000

A postscript version of this note is available (364kB).



This note describes a revised MeasurementSet definition which extends that previously given in AIPS++Note 191 (Wieringa and Cornwell 1996). The new definition is designed to support changes in the synthesis calibration system, provide support for VLBI processing, enhance single-dish capabilities and also incorporate more general modifications that have been suggested since the first definition was released. The motivation for the modifications is discussed, and a complete form of the revised definition is presented.


The MeasurementSet (MS) defines the format in which visibility and single-dish data are stored in AIPS++(Wieringa and Cornwell 1996). The format has been chosen to accommodate synthesis and single-dish data from a variety of instruments in as broad a framework as possible. In addition, it has been designed to be compatible with the requirements of the measurement equation formalism (Noordam 1996), which has been adopted to model instrumental errors in the AIPS++ calibration system.

The original definition will be referred to as version 1.0 in what follows. The reasons for the modifications proposed here are as follows:

This is an opportune time to revise the MeasurementSet, as an increased level of synthesis development is underway. Later revisions will have a broader impact on existing code.

The design philosophy underlying this MS definition is summarized in terms of the following objectives:

Specific principles adopted in the design are given below:

Suggestions regarding this revision of the MS definition have been contributed broadly from within the AIPS++project. No specific attribution is given for each change but the accompanying text reflects the rationale behind the modification and includes relevant points that were raised in public discussion.

Summary of changes

This section contains a description of the changes proposed for each table in the MS definition. A full definition of the v2.0 MS format is given in Section 5.

MAIN table

The fundamental assumption underlying the MAIN table is that it contains interferometer or single-dish data, represented in cross-power or autocorrelation form. The composite key is baseline-based and auxiliary antenna-based data, that are consequently not fully functionally dependent on the baseline-based key, are stored in some of the associated sub-tables. As the latter data are often time-variable, the design admits multi-key lookups in these tables, as is already assumed in v1.0 (eg. SYSCAL table). In keeping with realistic databases, the design of the MAIN table is not fully normalized. The term is used here in the conventional database sense (see for example, Date 1986). Adding indices to MAIN to avoid sub-table lookups involves a trade-off between the anticipated increase in the physical file size (which is storage manager dependent), and the expected size of the sub-table and frequency with which the auxiliary data need to be accessed in time-critical applications. It also depends on whether the index is commonly used in data selection. Note also that auxiliary data may be sampled on different intervals, which is an important consideration in deciding which antenna-based information should be placed in the same sub-table. These factors have been balanced subject to the following guidelines: i) storage manager independence has been retained (i.e. the worst case is assumed regarding extra MAIN indices; ii) single-key lookups in sub-tables are strongly favoured; and iii) it is assumed that small sub-tables will be held in cache during MS access.

The changes proposed for the MAIN table are presented below:

MAIN keywords

It is proposed that the DEFAULT_CALIBRATION keyword be removed, as it is no longer used.

The following additional keywords are proposed:

MS_VERSION 		 Float 		 (MS format revision) 		 (Reqd.) 

SORT_COLUMNS String (Indices over which MS is sorted) (Opt.)

Keywords SORT_COLUMNS and SORT_ORDER are used to provide information on the sort-order of the underlying MS.

Non-standard MAIN data

Three non-standard data types have been suggested for accommodation within the standard MS definition, namely: (i) lag data; (ii) triple-product data, and (iii) FLOAT_DATA with an arbitrary axis other than frequency.

The need to store lag data is motivated by the output format of XF correlators and the requirements for data loading and inspection in this case. Storage of triple-product data is required for optical interferometry processing but is also useful for the implementation of incoherent VLBI fringe-fitting algorithms. The requirement for non-standard FLOAT_DATA axes is concerned with more flexible single-dish data formats.

Lag data can be incorporated by allowing an optional MAIN column:

LAG_DATA        Complex(NUM_CORR,NUM_LAG)         (Lag function)         (Opt.) 

A LAG_ID index (via DATA_DESC_ID) points to a LAG table containing the details of the lag spectrum, including range. Lag data are not expected to be calibrated directly and would be supported primarily as an interim format in an anticipated data reformatting sequence. The routine storing of both lag and transformed spectral data in one MS would often lead to prohibitive disk space requirements, and is not anticipated here. Further information regarding the joint storing of lag functions and frequency spectra in the same MS can be found in the MAIN table description in Section 5.

Triple-product data can be incorporated in the MS definition by adding additional antenna labels such as:

ANTENNA3 		 Int 		 (Third antenna) 		 (Opt.) 

FEED3 Int (Feed on ANTENNA3) (Opt.)

The UVW column is similarly affected. The triple-product data would be expected to be formed for matching time intervals, so other columns such as SOURCE_ID would be held to be common. The triple-product data would be stored in the DATA column and the presence of a valid ANTENNA3 column would label the data to be of this type. It is stressed that triple-product and lag data will not have nearly equal standing in the calibration system, as compared to conventional frequency spectra.

Support for an arbitrary axis in the FLOAT_DATA column, by generalizing the SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID index, is more difficult to accommodate, and is best approached in the same manner as the lag data, by enumerating special cases with separate indices such as LAG_ID. The lag and triple-product data formats are still fundamentally visibility data and may also share at least some of the broader synthesis infrastructure. Their impact on the sub-table formats is also limited. This is not true for arbitrary data types in the MS such as may result if the axis type in the FLOAT_DATA column was allowed to vary arbitrarily.

Accommodating non-standard columns (such as LAG_DATA) in this way is contingent on the requirement that they do not permit the representation of identical data in multiple equivalent formats. This would represent a significant application overhead and would affect the global structure of the MS as a whole. Most importantly, this would limit joint processing of data from separate instruments (eg. single-dish and interferometry data).

DATA labeling

At present, polarization labeling for each correlator is stored in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table, although such information is not properly associated with frequency. Consequently, it is proposed that polarization information be stored in a separate POLARIZATION sub-table, indexed by POLARIZATION_ID. However, rather than add POLARIZATION_ID to MAIN as an additional index, it is proposed that SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID be replaced by DATA_DESC_ID, which points to a DATA_DESCRIPTION sub-table containing SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID and POLARIZATION_ID pairs. This structure has the specific advantage that the DATA array shape is completely determined by DATA_DESC_ID, which is an important consideration in tiling and uv-data access. The DATA_DESC sub-table will be small, so that secondary look-ups to determine SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID from DATA_DESC_ID can take place in memory and will not represent a significant overhead.

Thus, SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID in MAIN will be replaced by DATA_DESC_ID, as follows:

DATA_DESC_ID        Int        (Data description index)         (Reqd.) 

Processor information

As discussed in Section 2, provision needs to be made for the characterization of the state of the specific back-end device used to produce the final data. Such devices include correlators, radiometers, spectrometers and pulsar timers, amongst others. These device data are not permitted to duplicate general antenna properties represented elsewhere, but are invariably highly instrument-specific. It is proposed that the existing CORRELATOR_ID index be replaced and generalized as:

PROCESSOR_ID        Int        (Processor identifier)         (Reqd.) 

This acts as an index into a PROCESSOR sub-table, which similarly replaces the CORRELATOR sub-table, as described in Section 4.0.4. This scheme accommodates parameter and status information associated with each processor, generally by look-up into secondary sub-tables containing this information using a subset of the MAIN key. For single-dish data, however, the processor switching phase is sufficiently fundamental to warrant inclusion as an optional MAIN column, both for access efficiency and data labeling:

PHASE_ID        Int        (Switching phase identifier)         (Opt.) 

State information

An associated STATE table is proposed to store combined information relating to active reference signals or loads, as used in phase-switching, sub-scan information and a characterization of the current observing mode. This information is not fully represented in the MS at present, and is required for a more complete integration of single-dish processing in a common framework. An index in MAIN would be required as follows:

STATE_ID        Int        (State identifier)         (Reqd.) 

Pulsar information

Synthesis correlation of pulsar data may involve the use of a pulsar gate, which is a Boolean matrix in frequency and pulsar phase. The use of the pulsar gate is either selected for a given baseline or not. The gate may change with frequency group or source. No baseline dependence seems likely but the gate could change with time. A general solution is to implement a new MAIN table column as follows:

PULSAR_GATE_ID        Int        (Pulsar gate identifier)         (Opt.) 

This is an index into the PULSAR_GATE table containing the gate mask. It is also proposed that the PULSAR_ID column be absorbed in the SOURCE table (via SOURCE_ID), and removed from MAIN. In this revision of the MS definition, the PULSAR_BIN column is made optional.

Baseline reference antenna

For VLBI data from baseline-based correlators, record needs to be kept of which antenna was used as the reference on each baseline during correlation. The antenna sequence may be switched by the data filler to preserve an ascending baseline numbering scheme. The reference antenna needs to be known when shifting spectra in frequency to a common velocity frame (eg. LSR). An optional column is proposed for this purpose:

BASELINE_REF        Bool        (True for ANTENNA1)         (Opt.) 

Flag data

The MS definition has been revised to recognize two distinct forms of flagging, both of which need to be supported, namely: i) flagging most easily expressed as global commands (eg. (ANTENNA1=3) AND (TIME > 12h03 UT)); and ii) highly time-variable flagging of a more random nature, such as that resulting from mean-level clipping. In addition, the flagging system recognizes two further requirements, namely that point-by-point flags stored with the MS MAIN data are more efficient than global flag commands when data are accessed, and secondly that flags should be arbitrarily reversible in both representations.

To this end, the multi-level Boolean column FLAG_HISTORY in MAIN is retained, but renamed to FLAG_CATEGORY. It contains a record of point-by-point flags associated with each MS row in separate categories. The cumulative effect is stored in column FLAG, for all categories combined. Categories may be arbitrarily defined by editing applications, but several standard categories are reserved. This includes a special category, FLAG_CMD, which contains the cumulative effect of flag (or un-flag) commands stored in the FLAG_CMD table. These commands are stored in the FLAG_CMD table with associated identifiers, including flag reason and level. The flag reason indicates the type of flagging and the flag level the revision of flagging to which the command belongs. Flag revisions are stored in the point-by-point flags in FLAG_CATEGORY by creating new, related categories to store separate revisions of the same category if required.

Thus point-by-point or global flags can be reversed individually or jointly. Both representations are scientifically necessary, and supported. If the global flags are updated, it is the responsibility of the flagging application to carry out the required one-time update of the point-by-point flags in MAIN.

Auto-correlation and single-dish data

Single-dish data are represented by (ANTENNA1=n, ANTENNA2= n), and autocorrelation data by the secondary condition (FEED1=m, FEED2=m). MeasurementSets are permitted containing a mixture of FLOAT_DATA and DATA columns. For autocorrelation data, however, in any given row the FLOAT_DATA column will be checked first, and, if absent, the DATA column will be used.

Hypercube indices

A standardized naming convention for hypercube indices is proposed as <column>_HYPERCUBE_ID (eg. DATA_HYPERCUBE_ID), where they are specifically required by Tiled Storage Managers, as implemented in the Table system.

Video point

An optional data column is proposed in MAIN to store the video point. This is preserved on some systems, and is required for a complete transform between the frequency and lag domains.

 VIDEO_POINT        Complex(NUM_CORR)        (Video point)         (Opt.) 

This representation is more transparent than encoding the information in the DATA array, which leads to display and data selection inconsistencies.

Time centroid

The TIME column in MAIN is defined as the mid-point of the nominal sampling interval, as specified in the column, INTERVAL. The EXPOSURE column, in contrast to INTERVAL, defines the effective integration time, including the effects of missing data. The centroid of the effective data interval is not represented in the current MS definition, but does contain distinct information. It is added here as a new non-key attribute:

TIME_CENTROID        Double        (Centroid ofexposure)         (Reqd.) 


The changes proposed for the ANTENNA table are presented below:

ARRAY identification

It is proposed that the antennas retain the same global numbering scheme across the MS as a whole, and not be allowed to vary independently for each ARRAY_ID. Thus ARRAY_ID is no longer a secondary antenna index, but does retain its primary purpose to separate antennas in the MAIN table for calibration purposes. There are advantages to enforcing a global antenna numbering scheme, particularly when antennas are shared between subarrays and may thus share certain calibration information.

Antenna type

A new column is proposed to distinguish between tracking stations and standard antennas (in which orbiting antennas are included):

TYPE        String        (Enumerated antenna type (eg. TRACKING-STN))         (Reqd.) 

Orbital elements

Mean Keplerian orbital elements need to be stored for orbiting antennas, in the following proposed format:

MEAN_ORBIT        Double(6)        (Mean Keplerian elements)         (Opt.) 

Phased array identifier

It is proposed that the PHASED_ARRAY_ID column be made optional.

Row flag

It is proposed that a flag column be added to validate or invalidate the contents of the row, as follows:

FLAG_ROW        Bool        (Row flag)        (Reqd.)

ARRAY table

It is proposed that multiple datasets be combined within one MS through the use of the following indices in the MAIN table:

In this context the ARRAY table can be absorbed in the OBSERVATION table and it is proposed here that it be removed from the MS definition. A new, optional SCAN_SUMMARY table is proposed to store overall array, observation and scan summary information.

FEED table

It is proposed that the ARRAY_ID column be removed from the FEED table, for reasons discussed in Section 3.2.1. The format of the BEAM sub-table (indexed on BEAM_ID) is deferred for later specification. In addition, it is proposed that the PHASED_FEED_ID be made optional.

A new column is proposed to store the focus length, as:

FOCUS_LENGTH        Double        (Focus length)         (Opt.) 

FIELD table

Changes applicable to the FIELD table are discussed in this section.

Direction information

With the definition of a POINTING sub-table (see Section 4.0.1), the POINTING_DIR and POINTING_DIR_RATE columns can be removed from the FIELD table.

It is also proposed that the DELAY_DIR_RATE, PHASE_DIR_RATE and REFERENCE_DIR_RATE columns be replaced by extending the DELAY_DIR, PHASE_DIR and REFERENCE_DIR columns to dimension (2, NUM_POLY+1) to represent higher order terms. This allows the representation of more specialized correlation modes. The polynomial order is added as a new column:

NUM_POLY        Int        (Polynomial order)         (Reqd.) 

Ephemeris identification

A separate identifier is proposed to identify the ephemeris data associated with time-variable FIELD position data, as obtained for moving sources. These data are stored in a separate EPHEMERIS table. This has the added advantage of identifying multiple revisions of the ephemeris, which may vary between observation and final reduction. The proposed new column is:

 EPHEMERIS_ID        Int                (Ephemeris identifier)                (Opt.) 


It is further proposed that the FIELD_ID column be removed and that the table be directly indexed using the FIELD_ID value in MAIN. A row flag is proposed to invalidate the entry, as follows:

FLAG_ROW        Bool        (Row flag)        (Reqd.)


As discussed in Section 3.1.8, this table is intended to hold all global flag commands applied to the MS. Their cumulative effect is reflected in the MAIN column FLAG_CATEGORY, in the category FLAG_CMD, and therefore further in FLAG and FLAG_ROW. In this proposal, the FLAG_CMD records are represented as character strings, using the MS column names in a limited syntax to represent flagging operations, each with associated labeling information:

 FLAG_COMMAND                String        (Flagging command)TIME 		 Double 		 (Midpoint of interval) 		 (Reqd.) 

INTERVAL Double (Time interval) (Reqd.)
TYPE String (FLAG or UNFLAG) (Reqd.)
REASON String (Reason) (Reqd.)
LEVEL Int (Flag level) (Reqd.)
SEVERITY Int (Flag severity) (Reqd.)
APPLIED Bool (Flag reflected in MAIN ?) (Reqd.)
COMMAND String (Flagging command) (Reqd.)


It is proposed that the CORR_SCHEDULE field be removed (see Section 4.0.4), which is accessed via the PROCESSOR sub-table. The telescope name, which was previously stored in the ARRAY sub-table, is proposed to be recorded as:

 TELESCOPE_NAME        String        (Telescope name (eg WSRT))         (Reqd.) 

The observation date is required as:

 TIME_RANGE        Double(2)        (Start and stop times of observation)         (Reqd.) 

A new column is proposed to identify the type of the unmodified schedule summary is SCHEDULE, namely:

 SCHEDULE_TYPE        String        (Schedule type (eg. VEX))         (Reqd.) 

A field is proposed to store the log file recorded during observations, as:

LOG        String(*)        (Observing log)         (Opt.) 

A field is proposed to store the target release date for the project:

RELEASE_DATE        Double        (Release date)         (Opt.) 

A row flag is proposed to invalidate the entry as:

FLAG_ROW        Bool        (Row flag)        (Reqd.)

OBS_LOG table

It is proposed that this table be renamed as HISTORY, and that its primary function be to act as a processing log. New columns are proposed as follows:

PRIORITY            String        (Message priority (eg. DEBUGGING, WARN, NORMAL or SEVERE)         (Reqd.) 

ORIGIN String (Source code location from which message originates) (Reqd.)
OBJECT_ID String (Originating ObjectID, if available) (Reqd.)
APPLICATION String (Application name) (Reqd.)

User notes will be identified by a specific ORIGIN string.

This is also a useful table to store a record of the Glish commands and parameters used to invoke the application. This allows parts of the data reduction to be repeated with minimal effort. An automatic recording mechanism needs to be invoked by individual methods or applications for this purpose. This information can be represented in a string format as:

CLI_COMMAND        String(*)        (Glish parameter or command sequence)         (Reqd.) 

APP_PARAMS String(*) (Application parameters) (Reqd.)

It is recognized that a mechanism to log all ad hoc CLI commands affecting a MeasurementSet is impractical, but this field should be filled by all standard applications.

SOURCE table

The changes proposed for the SOURCE table are given below:

Source model

Information on the detailed source model needs to be specified at several points in calibration and imaging, and is properly selected at that time. A field is added here to record the assignment of a component source model for each SOURCE_ID, as this is made during calibration. This assigned source model will never be used in an application without explicit notification or confirmation, and is not intended as a default source model.

SOURCE_MODEL        TableRecord        (Assigned CSM)         (Opt.) 

Spectral line information

Information on the systemic velocity and rest frequency of spectral lines observed towards individual sources is required in various stages of line calibration, particularly for Doppler tracking of individual transitions in software. The indices SOURCE_ID and SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID are a good composite key for this information and it is proposed that they be added to the SOURCE table. A general extension for multiple spectral lines per spectral window is proposed as follows:

NUM_LINES 		 Int 		 (No. of transitions for this spectral window) 		 (Reqd.) 

TRANSITION String(NUM_LINES) (Transition name) (Reqd.)
REST_FREQUENCY Double(NUM_LINES) (Rest frequency for this transition) (Reqd.)
SYSVEL Double(NUM_LINES) (Systemic velocity) (Reqd.)

Pulsar information

The PULSAR_ID is moved from the MAIN table to the SOURCE table, as proposed in Section 3.1.6. This points to the PULSAR table, containing pulsar source information.


As discussed in Section 3.2.1, it is proposed that the ARRAY_ID key be removed. In addition, the polarization labeling data CORR_TYPE, CORR_PRODUCT and NUM_COR are moved to the POLARIZATION sub-table, as discussed in Section 3.1.3.


A spectral window name, is proposed as:

NAME        String        (Spectral window name)             (Reqd.) 

Frequency groups

It is important to identify which SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID's are associated for calibration purposes as part of a broader frequency group. This is necessary in certain calibration applications, including multi-band VLBI fringe-fitting. Two new columns are added for this purpose:

FREQ_GROUP 		 Int 		 (Frequency group) 		 (Reqd.) 

FREQ_GROUP_NAME String (Frequency group name) (Reqd.)

Doppler tracking

The REST_FREQUENCY column is replaced by a DOPPLER_ID field reflecting the Doppler tracking parameters used for the spectral window. These data are stored in a separate DOPPLER table which references the line parameters defined in Section 3.9.2.

DOPPLER_ID        Int        (Doppler identifier)                     (Opt.) 

Sideband and baseband-converter information

Two new spectral window attributes are added to record baseband converter and sideband information:

NET_SIDEBAND        Int        (Upper or lower)                     (Reqd.) 

BBC_NO Int (Baseband converter no.) (Opt.)
BBC_SIDEBAND Int (BBC sideband) (Opt.)

Receiver information

An additional index is proposed to reference receiver information:

RECEIVER_ID        Int        (Receiver identifier)                     (Opt.) 

This points to an optional RECEIVER sub-table.

Associated spectral windows

Individual spectral windows may hold a unique relationship to others, such as that between channel-zero data and the associated, unaveraged spectrum. Other may have a subset or equivalence relationship, and it is very useful to record this information. Additional columns for this purpose are proposed as follows:

ASSOC_SPW_ID        Int(*)        (Associated spw_id.)                     (Opt.) 

ASSOC_NATURE String(*) (Nature of association) (Opt.)

Frequency information

The nominal channel spacing, actual spectral resolution and effective noise bandwidth are distinct, and it is proposed that they be decoupled by adding new columns:

CHAN_WIDTH        Double(*)        (Nominal channel width)                     (Reqd.) 

EFFECTIVE_BW Double(*) (Effective bandwidth) (Reqd.)

The RESOLUTION column then denotes the actual spectral resolution. A new column is proposed to allow a row-based Frequency Meaure reference, as:

MEAS_FREQ_REF        Int        (Frequency ref.)        (Reqd.) 

Row flag

It is proposed that a flag column be added to validate or invalidate the contents of the row, as follows:

FLAG_ROW        Bool        (Row flag)        (Reqd.)

SYSCAL table

As discussed in Section 3.2.1 it is proposed that the ARRAY_ID key be removed. Further specific changes to the SYSCAL table are listed below:

Number of receptors

This information is redundant as it is already specified in the FEED sub-table, and it is proposed that NUM_RECEPTORS be removed.

Measured temperatures

Optional antenna temperature fields are proposed as follows, where Nr=NUM_RECEPTORS and Nf=NUM_CHAN:

TANT_TSYS_SPECTRUM        Float(Nr,Nf)        (
$ {{T_{ant}}\over{T_{sys}}}$
spectrum)                                    TANT 		 Float(Nr) 		 (Antenna temperature Tant) 		 (Opt.) 

TSKY Float(Nr) (Sky temperature) (Opt.)
TANT_SPECTRUM Float(Nr,Nf) (Antenna temperature spectrum) (Opt.)
TSKY_SPECTRUM Float(Nr,Nf) (Sky temp. spectrum) (Opt.)
TANT_TSYS Float(Nr) ( $ {{T_{ant}}\over{T_{sys}}}$) (Opt.)
TANT_TSYS_SPECTRUM Float(Nr,Nf) ( $ {{T_{ant}}\over{T_{sys}}}$ spectrum) (Opt.)
TANT_FLAG Bool (Flag for TANT) (Opt.)
TSKY_FLAG Bool (Flag for TSKY) (Opt.)
TANT_TSYS_FLAG Bool (Flag for TANT_TSYS) (Opt.)

Calibration measurements in bands other than those for which there are recorded data, are accomodated by creating additional spectral window identifiers in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table, and recording the data in the same format in the SYSCAL table. This allows simultaneous wide- and narrow-band calibration data to be recorded in a uniform manner.

Existing calibration quantities in the SYCAL table, including PHASE_DIFF, TCAL, TRX and TSYS, and their associated flags, are made optional, on an equal footing with the other entries.

Antenna pointing

There is a key requirement to know where the antenna and feed are pointed at the time of the calibration measurement. In synthesis, these data may be taken while interferometer data are not being recorded for example, but are nonetheless useful in a priori amplitude calibration. This information is obtained by lookup in the POINTING sub-table (see Section 4.0.1).


As in previous sections it is proposed that the ARRAY_ID qualifier for ANTENNA_ID be removed (see Section 3.2.1). Time- and direction-dependent ionospheric electron column density data (such as that derived from GPS receiver data) is proposed to be stored in a separate TEC sub-table. The existing data columns are made optional, and associated flags are added:

IONOS_ELECTRON_FLAG        Bool        (Flag for IONOS_ELECTRON)         (Opt.) 

H2O_FLAG Bool (Flag for H2O) (Opt.)

A new column set is proposed to record the dew point:

DEW_POINT 		 Float 		  (Dew point temperature) 		 (Opt.) 

DEW_POINT_FLAG Bool (Flag for DEW_POINT) (Opt.)

New sub-tables

New sub-tables added to MS v2.0 are included in this Section.

Antenna-based pointing (POINTING)

The current MS definition associates a pointing direction with the FIELD_ID. In general, however, the pointing direction is antenna-based and may be time-variable and distinct from the correlated field position. This is best modeled by introducing a POINTING sub-table indexed from the MAIN table by the key (TIME, ANTENNA), and containing absolute pointing information.

The format for the POINTING table is given later but includes support for tracking arcs on the sky, and storing a priori pointing offset information. The POINTING table indicates the direction the optical axis of the telescope is pointing; feed offsets are stored in the FEED table.

State information (STATE)

The STATE table is used to store information concerning reference signals or loads, sub-scan information and a description of the current observing mode, as these fields constitute a set of related information. Sub-scans are used here to denote component sequences of standard observing patterns. Observing modes are envisaged to be represented by standard reserved keywords or phrases. This provides a means of linking the observing strategy and the data; this is a central requirement in guiding automated data reduction procedures, and also provides greater user information.

Digital samplers (SAMPLER)

Data streams which have in common an antenna, feed and receiver/LO chain may be independently associated with digital samplers with time-variable quantization schemes (eg. 1- versus 2-bit sampling) and sampler voltage levels. For calibration purposes this does not constitute a separate feed but does require separate digital correction. This is certainly important in VLBI. A separate SAMPLER sub-table is proposed to address this, indexed via MAIN table columns (TIME, ANTENNA, FEED, SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID).

Processor information (PROCESSOR)

The back-end processor is identified through the PROCESSOR sub-table, which contains information concerning the processor type (see Section 3.1.4), and indices for time-dependent and time-independent mode information. A pass number is used to distinguish multiple passes for back-end processors for which this is possible (e.g. VLBI correlators). Each back-end or processor type includes a family of associated tables. These are formatted using common column names where appropriate, and accessed using classes that encapsulate the different information unique to each instrument-specific data behind a common interface. This family of tables will be specified in the future for individual instruments and processor types. It is noted, however, that the optional PHASE_ID index in MAIN indexes directly into processor-specific phase information included in this family of tables. An illustration for generic interferomter correlators is given below:

The correlation parameters associated with an individual uv-record are particularly important in VLBI calibration but have more general application in broader synthesis development. This correlator information has four separate components, which are indexed from the PROCESSOR sub-table (which has primary key PROCESSOR_ID):

Frequency offsets (FREQ_OFFSET)

Time-variable frequency tracking at each antenna is properly modeled by incorporating an antenna-based frequency offset for each antenna in each uv-record. This retains the same SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID for calibration purposes, if appropriate, but accurately reflects frequency changes throughout the observations. These data are indexed by the MAIN table columns (TIME, ANTENNAn, FEED, SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID).


In orbiting VLBI observations, each antenna can be thought of as consisting of both an orbiting component and a ground-based tracking station component, with different calibration errors associated with each. Both require entries in the ANTENNA table and can in principle vary independently. A new TRACKING_STN table is proposed to fully support calibration and data selection in this case, indexed by MAIN columns (TIME, ANTENNA).


A new table is added to hold the data description information, as discussed in Section 3.1.3. As described in the same Section, polarization information is stored in a POLARIZATION sub-table.

Doppler tracking (DOPPLER)

A new doppler tracking table is added to store source-based doppler tracking information for each SPECTRAL_WINDOW, as discussed in Section 3.10.2.

In spectral-line observing, both the on-line telescope and back-end processor control systems and the off-line data reduction package require information specifying the Doppler tracking parameters used during observing or required for post-processing. There are many different possibilities for how Doppler tracking is implemented in practice; these depend on the instrument and science goals of the observing. The MSv2 data format attempts to represent this information in a sufficiently general format that is not instrument-dependent, and covers all Doppler tracking strategies.

In general, Doppler tracking parameters can be sub-divided into those that are dependent on the astronomical source or field, and those that capture the frequency tracking strategy used at the telescope and/or back-end processor. The source-based parameters include:

(a) Celestial coordinates of the source or field position used for Doppler tracking.

(b) Properties of the associated transitions (1..Nlines).
(i) Transition name (e.g. CO J=2-1, HI etc.).
(ii) Systemic velocity (Vsys).
(iii) Rest frequency ($ \nu_{0}^{}$).

(c) Options for frequency tracking during observing include:
(i) No tracking on-line; shift spectra in post-processing.
(ii) Coarse tracking on-line; refine shift of spectra in post-processing.
(iii) Fine tracking on-line; no refinement in post-processing.
(iv) Shift spectra in post-processing to a new line or new frame, not tracked during observing, but lying in the observed frequency band.

In MSv2, the source properties (a,b) are recorded in the SOURCE sub-table, which is accordingly not optional if Doppler tracking is employed. The transition information is SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID dependent, as reflected in the SOURCE sub-table key. The SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID is part of the primary key in the MAIN table, via DATA_DESC_ID, and can accordingly be used in any sub-table key without introducing a circular dependency. If only the field center is tracked, then a SOURCE entry for the field center should be added, named accordingly. The transition list in the SOURCE table should include only those transitions of scientific interest to the observer, not all possible transitions in the frequency band. With increasing observing bandwidths, multiple transition entries will become more common however.

The frequency tracking strategies (c) are recorded in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW, FREQ_OFFSET and DOPPLER sub-tables. An underlying principle is that spectral windows which can be calibrated together should share a common SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID wherever possible. For minimal or no on-line tracking (c-i,ii), the frequency in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table should be labelled as topocentric, and will be fixed. Option (c-ii) is accommodated by adding supplementary offset in the FREQ_OFFSET sub-table as required. This table can also be used to accomodate antenna-based and other frequency offsets in a flexible manner. Both (c-i,ii) have DOPPLER_ID = -1.

For (c-iii), the frequency axis can be labelling in a frame in which it is constant, to within meaningful scientific precision. In this case, the DOPPLER_ID index points to the DOPPLER entry describing the transition information used in the on-line tracking. This can be source-dependent, as the DOPPLER key includes a SOURCE_ID. For Doppler tracking in software (c-iv), the DOPPLER_ID key should be adjusted to reflect the resultant frequency shift, in the same way as described for on-line Doppler tracking.

Scan summary information

An optional new table is proposed to store summary information for each observation, array and scan, as outlined in Section 3.3. This table may need to be re-generated if data are flagged or removed, however. It will provide useful user information, and may in addition be used by applications if current.

Associated tables (CAL_TABLES and SORTED_TABLES)

Links to associated sorted reference MeasurementSets, and calibration tables are provided in these two MS sub-tables.

MS v2.0 layout

There is a MAIN table containing a number of data columns and keys into various subtables. There is at most one of each subtable. The subtables are stored as keywords of the MS, and all defined sub-tables are tabulated below. Optional sub-tables are shown in italics.

Table Contents Keys
ANTENNA Antenna characteristics ANTENNA_ID
FIELD Field position FIELD_ID
FLAG_CMD Flag commands TIME
POINTING Pointing information ANTENNA_ID, TIME
PROCESSOR Processor information PROCESSOR_ID
STATE State information STATE_ID
( SYSCAL) System calibration characteristics FEED_ID, ANTENNA_ID, TIME, SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID
( WEATHER) Weather info for each antenna ANTENNA_ID, TIME

Note that there are two types of subtables. For the first, simpler type, the key (ID) is the row number in the subtable. Examples are FIELD, SPECTRAL_WINDOW, OBSERVATION and PROCESSOR. For the second, the key is a collection of parameters, usually including TIME. Examples are FEED, SOURCE, SYSCAL, WEATHER.

Note that all optional columns are indicated in italics and in parentheses.

MAIN table: Data, coordinates and flags

MAIN table: Data, coordinates and flags
Name Format Units Measure Comments
MS_VERSION Float MS format version
(SORT_COLUMNS) String Sort columns
(SORT_ORDER) String Sort order
TIME Double s EPOCH Integration midpoint
(TIME_EXTRA_PREC) Double s extraTIME precision
ANTENNA1 Int First antenna
ANTENNA2 Int Second antenna
(ANTENNA3) Int Third antenna
FEED1 Int Feed on ANTENNA1
FEED2 Int Feed on ANTENNA2
(FEED3) Int Feed on ANTENNA3
DATA_DESC_ID Int Data desc. id.
PROCESSOR_ID Int Processor id.
(PHASE_ID) Int Phase id.
FIELD_ID Int Field id.
Non-key attributes
INTERVAL Double s Sampling interval
EXPOSURE Double s The effective integration time
TIME_CENTROID Double s EPOCH Time centroid
(PULSAR_BIN) Int Pulsar bin number
(PULSAR_GATE_ID) Int Pulsar gate id.
SCAN_NUMBER Int Scan number
ARRAY_ID Int Subarray number
OBSERVATION_ID Int Observation id.
STATE_ID Int State id.
(BASELINE_REF) Bool Reference antenna
UVW Double(3) m UVW UVW coordinates
(UVW2) Double(3) m UVW UVW (baseline 2)

MAIN table: continued

MAIN table: continued
Name Format Units Measure Comments
(DATA) Complex(Nc, Nf) Complex visibility matrix (synthesis arrays)
(FLOAT_DATA) Float(Nc, Nf) Float data matrix (single dish)
(VIDEO_POINT) Complex(Nc) Video point
(LAG_DATA) Complex(Nc, Nl) Correlation function
SIGMA Float(Nc) Estimated rms noise for single channel
(SIGMA_SPECTRUM) Float(Nc, Nf*) Estimated rms noise
WEIGHT Float(Nc) Weight for whole data matrix
(WEIGHT_SPECTRUM) Float(Nc, Nf*) Weight for each channel
Flag information
FLAG Bool(Nc, Nf*) Cumulative data flags
FLAG_CATEGORY Bool(Nc, Nf*, Ncat) Flag categories
FLAG_ROW Bool The row flag

Note that Nl= number of lags, Nc= number of correlators, Nf= number of frequency channels, and Ncat= number of flag categories.

The MeasurementSet format revision number, expressed as major$ \_revision$.minor$ \_revision$. This version is 2.0.

Sort indices, in the form " index1index2{\.{.\/}}., for the underlying MS. A string containing "NONE" reflects no sort order. An example might be SORT_COLUMNS="TIME ANTENNA1 ANTENNA2", to indicate sorting in in time-baseline order.

Sort order as either "ASCENDING" or "DESCENDING".

Mid-point (not centroid) of data interval.

Extra time precision.

Antenna number ($ \geq$ 0), and a direct index into the ANTENNA sub-table rownr. For n > 2, triple-product data are implied.

Feed number ($ \geq$ 0). For n > 2, triple-product data are implied.

Data description identifier ($ \geq$ 0), and a direct index into the DATA_DESCRIPTION sub-table rownr.

Processor indentifier ($ \geq$ 0), and a direct index into the PROCESSOR sub-table rownr.

Switching phase identifier ($ \geq$ 0)

Field identifier ($ \geq$ 0).

Data sampling interval. This is the nominal data interval and does not include the effects of bad data or partial integration.

Effective data interval, including bad data and partial averaging.

Pulsar bin number for the data record. Pulsar data may be measured for a limited number of pulse phase bins. The pulse phase bins are described in the PULSAR sub-table and indexed by this bin number.

Pulsar gate identifier ($ \geq$ 0), and a direct index into the PULSAR_GATE sub-table rownr.

Arbitrary scan number to identify data taken in the same logical scan. Not required to be unique.

Subarray identifier ( $ \geq$ 0), which identifies data in separate subarrays, as defined in Section 3.3.

Observation identifier ( $ \geq$ 0), which identifies data from separate observations, as defined in Section 3.3.

State identifier ( $ \geq$ 0), as defined in Section 3.1.5.

Flag to indicate the original correlator reference antenna for baseline-based correlators (True for ANTENNA1; False for ANTENNA2).

uvw coordinates for the baseline from ANTENNE2 to ANTENNA1, i.e. the baseline is equal to the difference POSITION2 - POSITION1. The UVW given are for the TIME_CENTROID, and correspond in general to the reference type for the PHASE_DIR of the relevant field. I.e. J2000 if the phase reference direction is given in J2000 coordinates. However, any known reference is valid. Note that the choice of baseline direction and UVW definition (W towards source direction; V in plane through source and system's pole; U in direction of increasing longitude coordinate) also determines the sign of the phase of the recorded data.

uvw coordinates for the baseline from ANTENNE3 to ANTENNA1 (triple-product data only), i.e. the baseline is equal to the difference POSITION3 - POSITION1. The UVW given are for the TIME_CENTROID, and correspond in general to the reference type for the PHASE_DIR of the relevant field. I.e. J2000 if the phase reference direction is given in J2000 coordinates. However, any known reference is valid. Note that the choice of baseline direction and UVW definition (W towards source direction; V in plane through source and system's pole; U in direction of increasing longitude coordinate) also determines the sign of the phase of the recorded data.

At least one of these columns should be present in a given MeasurementSet. In special cases one or more could be present (e.g., single dish data used in synthesis imaging or a mix of auto and crosscorrelations on a multi-feed single dish). If only correlation functions are stored in the MS, then Nf* is the maximum number of lags (Nl) specified in the LAG table for this LAG_ID. If both correlation functions and frequency spectra are stored in the same MS, then Nf* is the number of frequency channels, and the weight information refers to the frequency spectra only. The units for these columns (eg. 'Jy') specify whether the data are in flux density units or correlation coefficients.

The video point for the spectrum, to allow the full reverse transform.

The estimated rms noise for a single channel, for each correlator.

The estimated rms noise for each channel.

The weight for the whole data matrix for each correlator, as assigned by the correlator or processor.

The weight for each channel in the data matrix, as assigned by the correlator or processor. The weight spectrum should be used in preference to the WEIGHT, when available.

An array of Boolean values with the same shape as DATA (see the DATA item above) representing the cumulative flags applying to this data matrix, as specified in FLAG_CATEGORY. Data are flagged bad if the FLAG array element is True.

An array of flag matrices with the same shape as DATA, but indexed by category. The category identifiers are specified by a keyword CATEGORY, containing an array of string identifiers, attached to the FLAG_CATEGORY column and thus shared by all rows in the MeasurementSet. The cumulative effect of these flags is reflected in column FLAG. Data are flagged bad if the FLAG array element is True. See Section 3.1.8 for further details.

True if the entire row is flagged.

ANTENNA: Antenna characteristics

ANTENNA: Antenna characteristics
Name Format Units Measure Comments
NAME String Antenna name
STATION String Station name
TYPE String Antenna type
MOUNT String Mount type:alt-az, equatorial, X-Y, orbiting, bizarre
POSITION Double(3) m POSITION Antenna X,Y,Z phase reference positions
OFFSET Double(3) m POSITION Axes offset of mount to FEED REFERENCE point
DISH_DIAMETER Double m Diameter of dish
(ORBIT_ID) Int Orbit id.
(MEAN_ORBIT) Double(6) Mean Keplerian elements
(PHASED_ARRAY_ID) Int Phased array id.
Flag information
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag
This sub-table contains the global antenna properties for each antenna in the MS. It is indexed directly from MAIN via ANTENNAn.

Antenna name (e.g. "NRAO_140")

Station name (e.g. "GREENBANK")

Antenna type. Reserved keywords include: ("GROUND-BASED" - conventional antennas; "SPACE-BASED" - orbiting antennas; "TRACKING-STN" - tracking stations).

Mount type of the antenna. Reserved keywords include: ("EQUATORIAL" - equatorial mount; "ALT-AZ" - azimuth-elevation mount; "X-Y" - x-y mount; "SPACE-HALCA" - specific orientation model.)

In a right-handed frame, X towards the intersection of the equator and the Greenwich meridian, Z towards the pole. The exact frame should be specified in the MEASURE_REFERENCE keyword (ITRF or WGS84). The reference point is the point on the az or ha axis closest to the el or dec axis.

Axes offset of mount to feed reference point.

Nominal diameter of dish, as opposed to the effective diameter.

Orbit identifier. Index used in ORBIT sub-table if ANTENNA_TYPE is "SPACE_BASED".

Mean Keplerian orbital elements, using the standard convention (Flatters 1998):

Phased array identifier. Points to a PHASED_ARRAY sub-table which points back to multiple entries in the ANTENNA sub-table and contains information on how they are combined.

Boolean flag to indicate the validity of this entry. Set to True for an invalid row. This does not imply any flagging of the data in MAIN, but is necessary as the ANTENNA index in MAIN points directly into the ANTENNA sub-table. Thus FLAG_ROW can be used to delete an antenna entry without re-ordering the ANTENNA indices throughout the MS.

DATA_DESCRIPTION: Data description table

DATA_DESCRIPTION: Data description table
Name Format Units Measure Comments
SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID Int Spectral window id.
POLARIZATION_ID Int Polarization id.
(LAG_ID) Int Lag fn. id.
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag.
This table define the shape of the associated DATA array in MAIN, and in indexed directly by DATA_DESC_ID.

Spectral window identifier.

Polarization identifier ($ \geq$ 0); direct index into the POLARIZATION sub-table.

Lag function identifier ($ \geq$ 0), and a direct index into the LAG sub-table rownr.

True if the row does not contain valid data; does not imply flagging in MAIN.

DOPPLER: Doppler tracking information

DOPPLER: Doppler tracking information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
DOPPLER_ID Int Doppler tracking id.
SOURCE_ID Int Source id.
TRANSITION_ID Int Transition id.
VELDEF Double m/s Doppler Velocity definition of Doppler shift.
This sub-table contains frame information for different Doppler tracking modes. It is indexed from the SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID sub-table (with SOURCE_ID as a secondary index) and thus allows the specification of a source-dependent Doppler tracking reference for each SPECTRAL_WINDOW. This model allows multiple possible transitions per source per spectral window, but only one reference at any given time.

Doppler identifier, as used in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW sub-table.

Source identifier (as used in the SOURCE sub-table).

This index selects the appropriate line from the list of transitions stored for each SOURCE_ID in the SOURCE table.

Velocity definition of the Doppler shift, e.g., RADIO or OPTICAL velocity in m/s.

FEED: Feed characteristics

FEED: Feed characteristics
Name Format Units Measure Comments
ANTENNA_ID Int Antenna id
FEED_ID Int Feed id
SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID Int Spectral window id.
TIME Double s EPOCH Interval midpoint
INTERVAL Double s Time interval
Data description
NUM_RECEPTORS Int # receptors on this feed
BEAM_ID Int Beam model
BEAM_OFFSET Double(2, NUM_RECEPTORS) rad DIRECTION Beam position offset (on sky but in antenna reference frame).
(FOCUS_LENGTH) Double m Focus length
(PHASED_FEED_ID) Int Phased feed
POLARIZATION_TYPE String (NUM_RECEPTORS) Type of polarization to which a given RECEPTOR responds.
POSITION Double(3) m POSITION Position of feed relative to feed reference position for this antenna
RECEPTOR_ANGLE Double (NUM_RECEPTORS) rad The reference angle for polarization.
A feed is a collecting element on an antenna, such as a single horn, that shares joint physical properties and makes sense to calibrate as a single entity. It is an abstraction of a generic antenna feed and is considered to have one or more RECEPTORs that respond to different polarization states. A FEED may have a time-variable beam and polarization response. Feeds are numbered from 0 on each separate antenna for each SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID. Consequently, FEED_ID should be non-zero only in the case of feed arrays, i.e. multiple, simultaneous beams on the sky at the same frequency and polarization.

Antenna number, as indexed from ANTENNAn in MAIN.

Feed identifier, as indexed from FEEDn in MAIN.

Spectral window identifier. A value of -1 indicates the row is valid for all spectral windows.

Mid-point of time interval for which the feed parameters in this row are valid. The same Measure reference used for the TIME column in MAIN must be used.

Time interval.

Number of receptors on this feed. See POLARIZATION_TYPE for further information.

Beam identifier. Points to an optional BEAM sub-table defining the primary beam and polarization response for this FEED. A value of -1 indicates that no associated beam response is defined.

Beam position offset, as defined on the sky but in the antenna reference frame.

Focus length. As defined along the optical axis of the antenna.

Phased feed identifier. Points to a PHASED_FEED sub-table which in turn points back to multiple entries in the FEED table, and specifies the manner in which they are combined.

Polarization type to which each receptor responds (e.g. "R","L","X" or "Y"). This is the receptor polarization type as recorded in the final correlated data (e.g. "RR"); i.e. as measured after all polarization combiners.

Polarization response at the center of the beam for this feed. Expressed in a linearly polarized basis ($ \bf\vec
e_x$,$ \bf\vec e_y$) using the IEEE convention.

Offset of feed relative to the feed reference position for this antenna (see ANTENNA sub-table).

Polarization reference angle. Converts into parallactic angle in the sky domain.

FIELD: Field positions for each source

FIELD: Field positions for each source
Name Format Units Measure Comments
NAME String Name of field
CODE String Special characteristics of field
TIME Double s EPOCH Time origin for the directions and rates
NUM_POLY Int Series order
DELAY_DIR Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION Direction of delay center.
PHASE_DIR Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION Phase center.
REFERENCE_DIR Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION Reference center
SOURCE_ID Int Index in Source table
(EPHEMERIS_ID) Int Ephemeris id.
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag
The FIELD table defines a field position on the sky. For interferometers, this is the correlated field position. For single dishes, this is the nominal pointing direction.

Field name; user specified.

Field code indicating special characteristics of the field; user specified.

Time reference for the directions and rates. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as in MAIN.

Series order for the *_DIR columns.

Direction of delay center; can be expressed as a polynomial in time. Final result converted to the defined Direction Measure type.

Direction of phase center; can be expressed as a polynomial in time. Final result converted to the defined Direction Measure type.

Reference center; can be expressed as a polynomial in time. Final result converted to the defined Direction Measure type. Used in single-dish to record the associated reference direction if position-switching has already been applied. For interferometric data, this is the original correlated field center, and may equal DELAY_DIR or PHASE_DIR.

Points to an entry in the optional SOURCE subtable, a value of -1 indicates there is no corresponding source defined.

Points to an entry in the EPHEMERIS sub-table, which defines the ephemeris used to compute the field position. Useful for moving, near-field objects, where the ephemeris may be revised over time.

True if data in this row are invalid, else False. Does not imply flagging in MAIN.

FLAG_CMD: Flag commands

FLAG_CMD: Flag commands
Name Format Units Measure Comments
TIME Double s EPOCH Mid-point of interval
INTERVAL Double s Time interval
REASON String Flag reason
LEVEL Int Flag level
SEVERITY Int Severity code
APPLIED Bool True if applied in MAIN
COMMAND String Flag command
The FLAG_CMD sub-table defines global flagging commands which apply to the data in MAIN, as described in Section 3.1.8.

Mid-point of the time interval to which this flagging command applies. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as used in MAIN.

Time interval.

Type of flag command, representing either a flagging ("FLAG") or un-flagging ("UNFLAG") operation.

Flag reason; user specified.

Flag level ( $ \geq$ 0); reflects different revisions of flags which have the same REASON.

Severity code for the flag, on a scale of 0-10 in order of increasing severity; user specified.

True if this flag has been applied to MAIN, and update in FLAG_CATEGORY and FLAG. False if this flag has not been applied to MAIN.

Global flag command, expressed in the standard syntax for data selection, as adopted within the project as a whole.

FREQ_OFFSET: Frequency offset information

FREQ_OFFSET: Frequency offset information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
ANTENNA1 Int Antenna 1.
ANTENNA2 Int Antenna 2.
FEED_ID Int Feed id.
SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID Int Spectral window id.
TIME Double s EPOCH Interval midpoint
INTERVAL Double s Time interval
OFFSET Double Hz Frequency offset
The table contains frequency offset information, to be added directly to the defined frequency labeling in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW sub-table as a Measure offset. This allows bands with small, time-variable, ad hoc frequency offsets to be labeled as the same SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID, and calibrated together if required.

Antenna identifier, as indexed from ANTENNAn in MAIN.

Antenna identifier, as indexed from FEEDn in MAIN.

Spectral window identifier.

Mid-point of the time interval for which this offset is valid. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as used in MAIN.

Time interval.

Frequency offset to be added to the frequency axis for this spectral window, as defined in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW sub-table. Required to have the same Frequency Measure reference as CHAN_FREQ in that table.

HISTORY: History information

HISTORY: History information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
TIME Double s EPOCH Time-stamp for message
MESSAGE String Log message
PRIORITY String Message priority
ORIGIN String Code origin
OBJECT_ID String Originating ObjectID
APPLICATION String Application name
CLI_COMMAND String(*) CLI command sequence
APP_PARAMS String(*) Application paramters
This sub-table contains associated history information for the MS.

Time-stamp for the history record. Required to have the same TIME Measure reference as used in MAIN.

Observation identifier (see the OBSERVATION table)

Log message.

Message priority, with allowed types: ("DEBUGGING", "WARN", "NORMAL", or "SEVERE").

Source code origin from which message originated.

Originating ObjectID, if available, else blank.

Application name.

CLI command sequence invoking the application.

Application parameter values, in the adopted project-wide format.

OBSERVATION: Observation information

OBSERVATION: Observation information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
TELESCOPE_NAME String Telescope name
TIME_RANGE Double(2) s EPOCH Start, end times
OBSERVER String Name of observer(s)
LOG String(*) Observing log
SCHEDULE_TYPE String Schedule type
SCHEDULE String(*) Project schedule
PROJECT String Project identification string.
RELEASE_DATE Double s EPOCH Target release date
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag.

This table contains information specifying the observing instrument or epoch. See the discussion in Section 3.3 for details. It is indexed directly from MAIN via OBSERVATION_ID.

Telescope name (e.g. "WSRT" or "VLBA").

The start and end times of the overall observing period spanned by the actual recorded data in MAIN. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as in MAIN.

The name(s) of the observer(s).

The observing log, as supplied by the telescope or instrument.

The schedule type, with current reserved types ("VLBA-CRD", "VEX", "WSRT", "ATNF").

Unmodified schedule file, of the type specified, and as used by the instrument.

Project code (e.g. "BD46")

Project release date. This is the date on which the data may become public.

Row flag. True if data in this row is invalid, but does not imply any flagging in MAIN.

POINTING: Antenna pointing information

POINTING: Antenna pointing information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
ANTENNA_ID Int Antenna id.
TIME Double s EPOCH Interval midpoint
INTERVAL Double s Time interval
NAME String Pointing position desc.
NUM_POLY Int Series order
TIME_ORIGIN Double s EPOCH Origin for the polynomial
DIRECTION Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION Antenna pointing direction
TARGET Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION Target direction
(POINTING_OFFSET) Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION A priori pointing correction
(SOURCE_OFFSET) Double(2, NUM_POLY+1) rad DIRECTION Offset from source
(ENCODER) Double(2) rad DIRECTION Encoder values
(POINTING_MODEL_ID) Int Pointing model id.
TRACKING Bool True if on-position
(ON_SOURCE) Bool True if on-source
(OVER_THE_TOP) Bool True if over the top
This table contains information concerning the primary pointing direction of each antenna as a function of time. Note that the pointing offsets for inidividual feeds on a given antenna are specified in the FEED sub-table with respect to this pointing direction.

Antenna identifier, as specified by ANTENNAn in MAIN.

Mid-point of the time interval for which the information in this row is valid. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as in MAIN.

Time interval.

Pointing direction name; user specified.

Series order for the polynomial expressions in DIRECTION and POINTING_OFFSET.

Time origin for the polynomial expansions.

Antenna pointing direction, optionally expressed as polynomial coefficients. The final result is interpreted as a Direction Measure using the specified Measure reference.

Target pointing direction, optionally expressed as polynomial coefficients. The final result is interpreted as a Direction Measure using the specified Measure reference. This is the true expected position of the source, including all coordinate corrections such as precession, nutation etc.

The a priori pointing corrections applied by the telescope in pointing to the DIRECTION position, optionally expressed as polynomial coefficients. The final result is interpreted as a Direction Measure using the specified Measure reference.

The commanded offset from the source position, if offset pointing is being used.

The current encoder values on the primary axes of the mount type for the antenna, expressed as a Direction Measure.

True if tracking the nominal pointing position.

True if the nominal pointing direction coincides with the source, i.e. offset-pointing is not being used.

True if the antenna was driven to this position "over the top" (az-el mount).

POLARIZATION: Polarization setup information

POLARIZATION: Polarization setup information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
Data description columns
NUM_CORR Int # correlations
CORR_TYPE Int(NUM_CORR) Polarization of correlation
CORR_PRODUCT Int(2, NUM_CORR) Receptor cross-products
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag
This table defines the polarization labeling of the DATA array in MAIN, and is directly indexed from the DATA_DESCRIPTION table via POLARIZATION_ID.

The number of correlation polarization products. For example, for (RR) this value would be 1, for (RR, LL) it would be 2, and for (XX,YY,XY,YX) it would be 4, etc.

An integer for each correlation product indicating the Stokes type as defined in the Stokes class enumeration.

Pair of integers for each correlation product, specifying the receptors from which the signal originated. The receptor polarization is defined in the POLARIZATION_TYPE column in the FEED table. An example would be (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1) to specify all correlations between two receptors.

Row flag. True is the data in this row are not valid, but does not imply the flagging of any DATA in MAIN.

PROCESSOR: Processor information

PROCESSOR: Processor information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
TYPE String Processor type
SUB_TYPE String Processor sub-type
TYPE_ID Int Processor type id.
MODE_ID Int Processor mode id.
(PASS_ID) Int Processor pass number
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag
This table holds summary information for the back-end processing device used to generate the basic data in the MAIN table. Such devices include correlators, radiometers, spectrometers, pulsar-timers, amongst others. See Section 4.0.4 for further details.

Processor type; reserved keywords include ("CORRELATOR" - interferometric correlator; "SPECTROMETER" - single-dish correlator; "RADIOMETER" - generic detector/integrator; "PULSAR-TIMER" - pulsar timing device).

Processor sub-type, e.g. "GBT" or "JIVE".

Index used in a specialized sub-table named as subtype$ \_type$, which contains time-independent processor information applicable to the current data record (e.g. a JIVE_CORRELATOR sub-table). Time-dependent information for each device family is contained in other tables, dependent on the device type.

Index used in a specialized sub-table named as subtype$ \_type$$ \_mode$, containing information on the processor mode applicable to the current data record. (e.g. a GBT_SPECTROMETER_MODE sub-table).

Pass identifier; this is used to distinguish data records produced by multiple passes through the same device, where this is possible (e.g. VLBI correlators). Used as an index into the associated table containing pass information.

Row flag. True if data in the row is not valid, but does not imply flagging in MAIN.

SOURCE: Source information

SOURCE: Source information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
SOURCE_ID Int Source id
TIME Double s EPOCH Midpoint of time for which this set of parameters is accurate
INTERVAL Double s Interval
SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID Int Spectral Window id
Data description
NUM_LINES Int Number of spectral lines
NAME String Name of source as given during observations
CALIBRATION_GROUP Int # grouping for calibration purpose
CODE String Special characteristics of source, e.g. Bandpass calibrator
DIRECTION Double(2) rad DIRECTION Direction (e.g. RA, DEC)
(POSITION) Double(3) m POSITION Position (e.g. for solar system objects)
PROPER_MOTION Double(2) rad/s Proper motion
(TRANSITION) String(NUM_LINES) Transition name
(REST_FREQUENCY) Double(NUM_LINES) Hz FREQUENCY Line rest frequency
(SYSVEL) Double(NUM_LINES) m/s RADIAL VELOCITY Systemic velocity at reference
(SOURCE_MODEL) TableRecord Default csm
(PULSAR_ID) Int Pulsar id.
This table contains time-variable source information, optionally associated with a given FIELD_ID.

Source identifier ($ \geq$ 0), as specified in the FIELD sub-table.

Mid-point of the time interval for which the data in this row is valid. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as in MAIN.

Time interval.

Spectral window identifier. A -1 indicates that the row is valid for all spectral windows.

Number of spectral line transitions associated with this source and spectral window id. combination.

Source name; user specified.

Calibration group number to which this source belongs; user specified.

Source code, used to describe any special characteristics f the source, such as the nature of a calibrator. Reserved keyword, including ("BANDPASS CAL").

Source direction at this TIME.

Source position (x, y, z) at this TIME (for near-field objects).

Source proper motion at this TIME.

Transition names applicable for this spectral window (e.g. "v=1, J=1-0, SiO").

Rest frequencies for the transitions.

Systemic velocity for each transition.

Reference to an assigned component source model table.

An index used in the PULSAR sub-table to define further pulsar-specific properties if the source is a pulsar.

SPECTRAL_WINDOW: Spectral window description

SPECTRAL_WINDOW: Spectral window description
Name Format Units Measure Comments
Data description columns
NUM_CHAN Int # spectral channels
NAME String Spectral window name
REF_FREQUENCY Double Hz FREQUENCY The reference frequency.
CHAN_FREQ Double(NUM_CHAN) Hz FREQUENCY Center frequencies for each channel in the data matrix.
CHAN_WIDTH Double(NUM_CHAN) Hz Channel width for each channel in the data matrix.
EFFECTIVE_BW Double(NUM_CHAN) Hz The effective noise bandwidth of each spectral channel
RESOLUTION Double(NUM_CHAN) Hz The effective spectral resolution of each channel
TOTAL_BANDWIDTH Double Hz total bandwidth for this window
NET_SIDEBAND Int Net sideband
(BBC_NO) Int Baseband converter no.
(BBC_SIDEBAND) Int BBC sideband
IF_CONV_CHAIN Int The IF conversion chain
(RECEIVER_ID) Int Receiver id.
FREQ_GROUP Int Frequency group
FREQ_GROUP_NAME String Freq. group name
(DOPPLER_ID) Int Doppler id.
(ASSOC_SPW_ID) Int(*) Associated spw_id.
(ASSOC_NATURE) String(*) Nature of association
This table describes properties for each defined spectral window. A spectral window is both a frequency label for the associated DATA array in MAIN, but also represents a generic frequency conversion chain that shares joint physical properties and makes sense to calibrate as a single entity.

Number of spectral channels.

Spectral window name; user specified.

The reference frequency. A frequency representative of this spectral window, usually the sky frequency corresponding to the DC edge of the baseband. Used by the calibration system if a fixed scaling frequency is required or in algorithms to identify the observing band.

Center frequencies for each channel in the data matrix. These can be frequency-dependent, to accommodate instruments such as acousto-optical spectrometers. Note that the channel frequencies may be in ascending or descending frequency order.

Nomical channel width of each spectral channel. Although these can be derived from CHAN_FREQ by differencing, it is more efficient to keep a separate reference to this information.

Frequency Measure reference for CHAN_FREQ. This allows a row-based reference for this column in order to optimize the choice of Measure reference when Doppler tracking is used. Modified only by the MS access code.

The effective noise bandwidth of each spectral channel.

The effective spectral resolution of each channel.

The total bandwidth for this spectral window.

The net sideband for this spectral window.

The baseband converter number, if applicable.

The baseband converter sideband, is applicable.

Identification of the electronic signal path for the case of multiple (simultaneous) IFs. (e.g. VLA: AC=0, BD=1, ATCA: Freq1=0, Freq2=1)

Index used to identify the receiver associated with the spectral window. Further state information is planned to be stored in a RECEIVER sub-table.

The frequency group to which the spectral window belongs. This is used to associate spectral windows for joint calibration purposes.

The frequency group name; user specified.

The Doppler identifier defining frame information for this spectral window.

Associated spectral windows, which are related in some fashion (e.g. "channel-zero").

Nature of the association for ASSOC_SPW_ID; reserved keywords are ("CHANNEL-ZERO" - channel zero; "EQUAL-FREQUENCY" - same frequency labels; "SUBSET" - narrow-band subset).

True if the row does not contain valid data.

STATE: State information

STATE: State information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
SIG Bool Signal
REF Bool Reference
CAL Double K Noise calibration
LOAD Double K Load temperature
SUB_SCAN Int Sub-scan number
OBS_MODE String Observing mode
FLAG_ROW Bool Row flag
This table defines the state parameters for a particular data record as they refer to external loads, calibration sources or references, and also characterizes the observing mode of the data record, as an aid to defining the scheduling heuristics. It is indexed directly via STATE_ID in MAIN.

True if the source signal is being observed.

True for a reference phase.

Noise calibration temperature (zero if not added).

Load temperature (zero if no load).

Sub-scan number ( $ \geq$ 0), relative to the SCAN_NUMBER in MAIN. Used to identify observing sequences.

Observing mode; defined by a set of reserved keywords characterizing the current observing mode (e.g. "OFF-SPECTRUM"). Used to define the schedule strategy.

True if the row does not contain valid data. Does not imply flagging in MAIN.

SYSCAL: System calibration

SYSCAL: System calibration
Name Format Units Measure Comments
ANTENNA_ID Int Antenna id
FEED_ID Int Feed id
SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID Int Spectral window id
TIME Double s EPOCH Midpoint of time for which this set of parameters is accurate
INTERVAL Double s Interval
(PHASE_DIFF) Float rad Phase difference between receptor 0 and receptor 1
(TCAL) Float (Nr) K Calibration temp
(TRX) Float (Nr) K Receiver temperature
(TSKY) Float (Nr) K Sky temperature
(TSYS) Float (Nr) K System temp
(TANT) Float (Nr) K Antenna temperature
(TANT_TSYS) Float(Nr) $ {{T_{ant}}\over{T_{sys}}}$
(TCAL_SPECTRUM) Float (Nr, Nf) K Calibration temp
(TRX_SPECTRUM) Float (Nr, Nf) K Receiver temperature
(TSKY_SPECTRUM) Float (Nr, Nf) K Sky temperature spectrum
(TSYS_SPECTRUM) Float (Nr, Nf) K System temp
(TANT_SPECTRUM) Float (Nr, Nf) K Antenna temperature spectrum
(TANT_TSYS_SPECTRUM) Float (Nr,Nf) $ {{T_{ant}}\over{T_{sys}}}$ spectrum
(TCAL_FLAG) Bool Flag for TCAL
(TRX_FLAG) Bool Flag for TRX
(TSKY_FLAG) Bool Flag for TSKY
(TSYS_FLAG) Bool Flag for TSYS
(TANT_FLAG) Bool Flag for TANT
(TANT_TSYS_FLAG) Bool Flag for $ {{T_{ant}}\over{T_{sys}}}$
This table contains time-variable calibration measurements for each antenna, as indexed on feed and spectral window. Note that Nr= number of receptors, and Nf= number of frequency channels.

Antenna identifier, as indexed by ANTENNAn in MAIN.

Feed identifier, as indexed by FEEDn in MAIN.

Spectral window identifier.

Mid-point of the time interval for which the data in this row are valid. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as that in MAIN.

Time interval.

Phase difference between receptor 0 and receptor 1.

Calibration temperature.

Receiver temperature.

Sky temperature.

System temperature.

Antenna temperature.

Antenna temperature over system temperature.

Calibration temperature spectrum.

Receiver temperature spectrum.

Sky temperature spectrum.

System temperature spectrum.

Antenna temperature spectrum.

Antenna temperature over system temperature spectrum.

True if PHASE_DIFF flagged.

True if TCAL flagged.

True if TRX flagged.

True if TSKY flagged.

True if TSYS flagged.

True if TANT flagged.

True if TANT_TSYS flagged.

WEATHER: weather station information

WEATHER: weather station information
Name Format Units Measure Comments
ANTENNA_ID Int Antenna number
TIME Double s EPOCH Mid-point of interval
INTERVAL Double s Interval over which data is relevant
(H2O) Float m-2 Average column density of water
(IONOS_ELECTRON) Float m-2 Average column density of electrons
(PRESSURE) Float hPa Ambient atmospheric pressure
(REL_HUMIDITY) Float Ambient relative humidity
(TEMPERATURE) Float K Ambient air temperature for an antenna
(DEW_POINT) Float K Dew point
(WIND_DIRECTION) Float rad Average wind direction
(WIND_SPEED) Float m/s Average wind speed
(H2O_FLAG) Bool Flag for H2O
This table contains mean external atmosphere and weather information.

Antenna identifier, as indexed by ANTENNAn from MAIN.

Mid-point of the time interval over which the data in the row are valid. Required to use the same TIME Measure reference as in MAIN.

Time interval.

Average column density of water.

Average column density of electrons.

Ambient atmospheric pressure.

Ambient relative humidity.

Ambient air temperature.

Dew point temperature.

Average wind direction.

Average wind speed.

Flag for H2O.


Flag for PRESSURE.



Flag for DEW_POINT.

Flag for DEW_POINT.

Flag for DEW_POINT.

Correction and additions

2000/08/14: Add expanded description of Doppler tracking to Section 4.0.8; correctly identify SOURCE sub-table as optional; expand definition of SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID=-1 in the description of the SOURCE sub-table; expand the definition of the REF_FREQUENCY in the SPECTRAL_WINDOW sub-table description.
2000/08/28: Make POSITION field in SOURCE table optional.
2000/09/12: Add required VELDEF column in DOPPLER table.


Date, C.J., 1986, Introduction to database systems, (Addison-Wesley).

Flatters, C., 1998, AIPS Memo. 102.

Noordam, J., 1996, AIPS++Note 185.

Wieringa, M.H., and Cornwell, T., 1996, AIPS++Note 191.

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