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Getting Data Into Dish

There are several ways to get data into DISH:


If you have data produced as a MeasurementSet (as in Green Bank), it merely needs to be loaded into the system. From the GUI, this entails using the Open option in the File menu (either Read only or Read and Write). This opens up a file chooser GUI which allows you to select the relevant file. From the command line, the command:


Loads the file into the results manager and is ready for use.

SDFITS data file

Convert to MS

Use the AIPS++ utility sdfits2ms to convert from a fits file following the SDFITS convention to an AIPS++ table. The syntax, from the UNIX prompt, is:

sdfits2ms sdfits_name ms_name, for example:

charybdis<965>$ sdfits2ms n7027.sdfits
End Successfully:      34.79 real        5.43 user        5.03 system

Use the AIPS++ utility fits2table to convert from a binary table following the SDFITS convention to an AIPS++ table. The syntax, from the UNIX prompt, is:
fits2table input=sdfits_file output=aips2_table [which_hdu=#]
where ``sdfits_file'' is the name of the SDFITS file and ``aips2_table'' is the desired name of the new AIPS++ table created by this step. The third argument, ``which_hdu'', is optional. Use this to specify a specific FITS header data unit (hdu) other than the first one after the primary hdu. For example, if you have a FITS file which has three tables following the primary hdu and the second table is a valid SDFITS table then you would use which_hdu=2 to indicate that that hdu is the one to be converted to the indicated output AIPS++ table.

UniPOPS SDD data file

There are three steps to getting a UniPOPS SDD data file into DISH:

Convert UniPOPS SDD data to UniPOPS FITS binary table.

Use the UniPOPS utility uni2fits to convert the SDD data to FITS binary format. To use the program, you must be logged onto a Sun workstation where UniPOPS has previously been installed and have your path include:

export popsdir=~unipops/test/
export PATH=$popsdir/sunbin:$popsdir/utilities:$PATH
purgatory<143>$ uni2fits
Starting uni2fits ver 1.3 
So you want to write UniPOPS data to FITS tape eh?
 (to abort this dialog, type CNTRL-C)
Do you want output file on disk(D) or tape(T)? [default=D]: 
Using default (D).
Please enter name of output FITS file: hbnmeth.fits
Output file will be: hbnmeth.fits 
Choose line or continuum (L, C) [default=L]:    
Using default (L)
Label scan axis as Frequency(F) or Velocity(V) [default=F]: V
Please type input UniPOPS file name: sdd.www_001
Do you want to choose a scan number range? (y or n) n
Ready to make FITS file, name = hbnmeth.fits
 Will use all L scans from sdd.www_001.
 is this ok? (type Y to proceed) Y 
Getting initial information from UniPOPS file.
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
Previewing the UniPOPS file.

u2f version 1.5 (22Apr98),  run: Fri Oct 13 14:19:36 2000
12182+0 records in
12182+0 records out
Wrote 0 scans out of 3018; 0 fits records written. 
Converting the data to FITS.

u2f version 1.5 (22Apr98),  run: Fri Oct 13 14:20:50 2000
12182+0 records in
12182+0 records out
Wrote 2674 scans out of 3018; 1675 fits records written. 
FITS writing complete.

Convert UniPOPS FITS to standard SDFITS.

Use the AIPS++ utility uni2sdfits to convert the data file. The syntax is:

uni2sdfits input=unipops_fits_file output=sdfits_file
charybdis<276>$ which uni2sdfits
charybdis<277>$ uni2sdfits input=hbnmeth.fits output=hbnmeth.sdfits  
uni2sdfits: Version 1999/07/30 BEG/TPPR/PJT/GvD

Scanning all HDUs looking for any non-constant DATA column shapes
Skipping HDU 0 of type : 1
Scanning HDU 1 of type : 4
HDU 1 is a BinaryTable with fixed shape DATA column with TDIM = (128,1,1,1,1)
Primary HDU
HDU # 1
column SERIES renamed to DATA
column BANDWIDT renamed to BANDWID
column PROJECT renamed to PROJID
column VELOCITY renamed to VFRAME
column VCORR renamed to RVSYS
column TOUTSIDE renamed to TAMBIENT
column BEAMWIDT renamed to BMAJ
NMATRIX keyword removed
MAXIS keyword removed
MAXIS2 keyword removed
MAXIS3 keyword removed
MAXIS4 keyword removed
MAXIS5 keyword removed
Removing column 2 : MAXIS1  
keyword value set: TDIM195 = (128,1,1,1,1)

Convert the SDFITS file to an AIPS++ table (either a MS or a flat table). See Section 2.2.

Dish demo data

There is also a utility for loading demonstration data into dish as a check of the functionality. More information is given on this in the Getting Results in AIPS++ Documentation.

- include 'dishdemodata.g'
- dishdemodata() # this will create several demo working sets
- 		 # on disk, which are then available to be loaded and
-		 # worked upon.

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