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NOTE 254 - Multi-IF, FEED, BANK Implementation for the GBT

J. McMullin, R. Garwood, J. Braatz

17 January 2003

A (gzipped) postscript version of this note is available (21kB).


Compiled Targets



This chapter provides brief guidelines on how multi-frequency observing at the GBT will be enabled. Specifically, this note addresses the situations described in the Maddalena Memo ("Requirements for Multifrequency Observing with the GBT"). In the first section, I review the observing scenarios posed and the associated information which will be available in FITS files. The association with MeasurementSet v2.0 keywords and subtables is made and the implementation of tools for virtual and permanent alterations to the observed frequency scale are listed.

Observing Scenarios

FITS to MeasurementSet v2.0 mapping

The Maddelena Memo describes the required inputs for configuring the hardware and observing. The relevant parameters available in the FITS files are:

These parameters map to the following locations in the MeasurementSet.


The observing scenarios may be implemented through the support of the two canonical modes: SFSW and MFSW. The SFSW mode is already supported and has been the default. The MFSW mode needs to be supported for cases in which the observation was planned as an MFSW and also in cases where it was not anticipated such that key information isn't necessarily available natively in the data. The MFMW-1 mode is essentially the same as the SFSW mode in terms of the implementation; each window has the information and behavior of an SFSW. Similarly, the MFMW-2, MFMW-3 will behave as the the SFSW or MFSW case as appropriate. The SFMW is essentially the same as the SFSW case in terms of the spectral axis tracking requirements, however, its processing relies on the ability to combine the banks (in a properly weighted-way) into a single spectrum.


The filler constructs the spectral axis using the following information:

The dish plotter function, plotrec, handles the appropriate display of the data. Each spectrum is treated as a 1-d image with a DIRECTION and SPECTRAL coordinate. The SPECTRAL coordinate is constructed based on:

Frame information is also provided (for the frame conversions that require it) on:

The following details the handling for the unplanned and planned cases.

Basic Use Cases

Some graphical representations of the intended flow through the package.


Each image tool also provides access to its underlying coordinate system. The coordsys tool has the function setrestfrequency (shorthand srf) which allows one to set the rest frequency by either over-writing the value or appending to a list. An argument of this function specifies which rest frequency is active.


- im:=image('my_image');
- csys:=im.coordsys();
- csys.summary();
Image name       :
Image type       : PagedImage
Image quantity   : Intensity
Pixel mask(s)    : None
Region(s)        : None
Image units      : Jy/beam

Direction reference : GALACTIC
Spectral  reference : TOPO
Velocity  type      : RADIO
Rest frequency      : 1.42041e+09 Hz
Pointing center     :  29.300000  -6.500000
Telescope           : GBT
Observer            : UNKNOWN
Date observation    : UNKNOWN

Axis Coord Type      Name       Proj Shape Tile   Coord value at pixel    Coord 
incr Units
1    1     Direction Longitude   SIN    20   10        29.300    11.00 -2.176708
e+02 arcsec
2    1     Direction Latitude    SIN   152   38        -6.500    77.00  2.176708
e+02 arcsec
3    2     Stokes    Stokes              1    1             I
4    3     Spectral  Frequency         300  100  1.420981e+09     1.00 -4.882812
e+03 Hz
                     Velocity                   -1.213028e+02     1.00  1.030572
e+00 km/s
- csys.setrestfrequency('1.41041e+09Hz',which=2,append=T);          
- csys.restfrequency()
[value=[1.41041e+09 1.4204058e+09] , unit=Hz] 
- im.setcoordsys(csys);
- im.summary()
Image name       :
Image type       : PagedImage
Image quantity   : Intensity
Pixel mask(s)    : None
Region(s)        : None
Image units      : Jy/beam

Direction reference : GALACTIC
Spectral  reference : TOPO
Velocity  type      : RADIO
Rest frequency      : 1.41041e+09 [1.42041e+09] Hz
Pointing center     :  29.300000  -6.500000
Telescope           : GBT
Observer            : UNKNOWN
Date observation    : UNKNOWN

Axis Coord Type      Name       Proj Shape Tile   Coord value at pixel    Coord 
incr Units
1    1     Direction Longitude   SIN    20   10        29.300    11.00 -2.176708
e+02 arcsec
2    1     Direction Latitude    SIN   152   38        -6.500    77.00  2.176708
e+02 arcsec
3    2     Stokes    Stokes              1    1             I
4    3     Spectral  Frequency         300  100  1.420981e+09     1.00 -4.882812
e+03 Hz
                     Velocity                   -2.246839e+03     1.00  1.037876
e+00 km/s
- im.view(); #use the ImageAnalysis Positions tool to view a spectrum in 
             #velocity - it is far offset from 0 due to the shift in 




This note provides brief guidelines on how multi-feed observing analysis at the GBT will be enabled particularly the multi-feed imaging case. This note compliments the PTCS Project Note 1.1 (Proposed Implementation of Multi-Beam Capability - Richard M. Prestage).

GBT required implementation

The GBT will have implemented the following additional information required for multi-feed analysis:

Beam information

The Antenna FITS file will contain a static table containing the beam offsets for all beams from the receiver fiducial point, as minutes on the sky in the directions of increasing azimuth and elevation. This information will be filled into the BEAM_OFFSET column of the FEED table in the MeasurementSet (v2.0).

The BEAM_OFFSET is a direction measure containing the beam position offset on the sky in the antenna reference frame (Az/El for the GBT). The receiver configuration file would have the form:

name    beamXelOffset   beamElOffset    SRFeed1 SRFeed2
1       -10.2           10.4            1       2


name            = integer number designating the feed (if physical)
beamXelOffset   = offset of the feed from the fiducial point (tracking beam)
                in the cross-elevation direction, in arcminutes. The
                corresponding azimuth offset applied will be:
                AzOffset = Xel/cos(El)

beamElOffset    = offset of the feed from the fiducial point (tracking beam)
                in the elevation direction.
SRFeed1         = if non-zero, indicates that this feed is part of a sig-ref
                pair and specifies which feed has been denoted the first feed.
SRFeed2         = for a sig-ref pair, indicates which feed has been designated
                the second feed.

The beam offset information will be recorded in the Antenna FITS file while the sig-ref feed information will be recorded in the IF FITS file.

The following figure represents the data and interaction for the multi-beam observing currently available at the GBT. This is accurate only for the ACS (Spectrometer); the DCR and Spectral Processor write out a single FITS file (regardless of the number of IFs and FEEDs) and so will need to be treated differently within the calibration/data access routines.

The figure forks at the observing modes now available (the nomenclature is based on the PTCS Project Note 1.1 (underlined values) and their corresponding triptych of Observing Procedure:Switching State:Switching Signal). Below this is an example of the representation in the MeasurementSet of a single integration. Some key issues to be clarified are:

Using the BEAM_OFFSET information

Two key uses of the FEED information and BEAM_OFFSETS are required.

Multi-beam GO Procedures


Multi-bank (ACS)


Multi-bank observing may be considered a special case of multi-backend observing at the GBT; Each bank may be driven independently (different sampling rates, etc).

Data Access

Multi-bank data is filled to separate MeasurementSets. Data access on the separate MSs can be done serially by changing the pointer to each spectrometer bank, e.g.,

- d.gms();
- d.gms();
- d.calib(34);
- d.plotc(34,1);
- d.filein('ohsurvey_SPECTROMETER_A');
- d.plotr(34,1,1);

The problem is that for some multi-IF/multi-feed modes the data from these separate MSs must be dealt with simultaneously (e.g. SFMW multi-IF mode, NOD beam switched mode). This requires either an MS concatenation procedure that will properly index and sort the data and fill it to a single MeasurementSet or a nimble calibration routine which can deduce the appropriate relationships between the different banks.


Internal Decision Log

07 Jan 03

Proposed SD MS changes

        STATE table
        o The information from SIG and REF is redundant; only one is 
        o Add information on the procedure size (OBS\_MODE\_SIZE?).
                The sequence number information is obtained from SUB\_SCAN
        o CAL should be a Bool to indicate whether the cal was fired
                (True) or not (False). The cal temperature (TCAL) is in
                the SYSCAL table.

        MAIN/other tables
        o BEAM\_OFFSET is listed as a direction measure. Should be
                Float(2,num receptor) with units like arcminutes.
        o Add information (boolean) to MAIN or SYSCAL indicating whether
                data had been calibrated or not. This is an issue for
                single dish data where the CORRECTED\_DATA exists upon 
                filling and is altered only after calibration. 
        o Allow more cases with row-based measures. Currently, this is
                avoided (Note 229), however many measures columns (particularly
                in the SOURCE table) should allow this. Even in cases where
                a constant measure reference is required for efficiency,
                there needs to be some way to record what the original 
                reference was.
        o Split column keyword/unit information into a separate column. There
                are several cases where the column units or keywords should
                be able to change per row but not in the current definition.
                (e.g., units for CORRECTED\_DATA, frame information for 
                SYSVEL in SOURCE table).
        o The units for the CORRECTED_DATA column need to be optionally

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