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Set the prompt variable for csh-like shells.


alias cd 'chdir \!*; source $AIPSROOT/.prompt'
source $AIPSROOT/.prompt


The cd command is aliased in .cshrc (p[*]) to invoke .prompt whenever the current working directory is changed (as above).

For csh and tcsh running in xterm, suntool, and cmdtool windows, .prompt encodes an escape sequence in the prompt shell variable which identifies the subprocess depth, the user and host names, and current working directory in the window label, and also the host name and command number in the interactive prompt.

Since csh in some systems does not process escape sequences encoded into the prompt variable (for example, AIX and Solaris 2.2), .prompt recognizes a shell variable noAutoWinLabel which causes it simply to echo the escape sequence on stdout and set prompt to print the host name and command number. However, this method fails to reset the window label on logout from a subshell.

For other windows or ordinary terminals .prompt simply encodes the user and host names, the last two elements of the current working directory, and command number into the prompt shell variable.

See also

AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
.cshrc (p[*]), aips2mgr's .cshrc file.


Original: 1992/05/01 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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