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AIPS++ date utility.


adate [-d] [-l | -u]


adate reports the date in the standard AIPS++ format, viz

   Wed 1992/06/03 14:59:07 GMT

This format avoids the confusion caused by mm/dd/yy and dd/mm/yy formats, and is sortable on the second and/or third fields. Providing four digits for the year allows for dates past the year 2000. Reporting times in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) reflects the international nature of the AIPS++ project.


Omit the day-of-week.

Report the local time instead of GMT.

Report GMT (default).


Status return values
0: success
1: invalid option


The following construct is typical of that used in the AIPS++ code distribution scripts for maintaining the VERSION and LOGFILE files.

   echo "$NEWVERSN `adate` ($MODE)" | cat - LOGFILE_ > LOGFILE

See also

The unix manual page for the date(1) command on which adate is based.


Original: 1992/06/03 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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