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Add an entry to an AIPS++ changelog file.


ac [
options for


ac adds an entry to an AIPS++ changelog file.

ac assumes that you are working within a private directory tree which shadows that of the AIPS++ master source code tree, see mktree (p[*]). It determines the appropriate changelog file from the current working directory.

ac invokes ao (p[*]) to check out the appropriate changelog file. It also checks out another file which is used to generate a unique id for each change. Thereafter a glish script is started to let the user fill in a form for the change and to add the change to the changelog file. The user has the opportunity to abort the operation, in which case the checked out files are unlocked. In the change is added, ai (p[*]) is invoked to check in the changed files.


Do only a check in of the changed files. This should only be used if the normal (automatic) check in failed because an exhale (p[*]) has started or due to another error.



Status return values
0: success
1: initialization error
2: checkout failure
3: checkin failure
4: no change entry created by user


The command

   cd ~/aips++/code/aips/implement/Tables

will let the user fill in the change form and add the completed form to the changelog file of library module Tables.


See also

rac (p[*]) AIPS++ ac for remote users.
ai (p[*]) AIPS++ code checkin utility.
ao (p[*]) AIPS++ code checkout utility.
buildchangelog (p[*]) process AIPS++ changelog files.


Original: 2000/06/05 by Ger van Diepen, NFRA

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