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Configuration files

Two sets of configuration files are used in AIPS++, the aipsrc and makedefs files.

The aipsrc files store keyword:value entries used by AIPS++ scripts and programs. The mechanism is superficially similar to that of .Xdefaults on which it is modelled. The aipsrc files are hierarchical - a user's .aipsrc is usually the one first consulted, if no keyword definition is found therein the search continues to host-specific, site-specific, and default aipsrc (p[*]) files.

The makedefs files are GNU makefiles which define installation-specific variables. All AIPS++ makefiles (p[*]) begin by including $AIPSARCH/makedefs (p[*]) (§1.2) which contains default definitions and also some generally applicable rules and targets. This ``default'' makedefs in turn includes $AIPSSITE/makedefs which allows the default definitions to be overridden.

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