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AIPS++ resource database.




The aipsrc files store keyword:value entries used by AIPS++ scripts and programs. The mechanism is similar to that of .Xdefaults on which it is modelled. The form of an aipsrc entry is

   keyword: value

where the keyword, which must begin in column 1, usually consists of a sequence of character strings separated by asterisks (*) or periods (.), and terminated by a colon (:). The value consists of everything after the last whitespace character (space or tab) following the colon.

Keywords may use ``*'' as a wildcard. However, since the procedure which reads the aipsrc file accepts the first match it finds, the order of the entries may be significant. For example, consider the following two aipsrc entries

   printer*paper:              A4
   printer.dp1.paper:          A3

If a match was requested for the keyword printer.dp1.paper the first entry would be returned, contrary to what was probably wanted. In fact, the second entry would never be operative.

Comments in the aipsrc file have a # in column 1, and blank lines are ignored.


The following aipsrc files are consulted in sequence by getrc (p[*]) until a match is found (except that a user's  /.aipsrc is ignored if the -i option is specified)



To specify the paper types for a collection of printers:

   printer.dp1.paper:          A3
   printer.ps0.paper:          letter
   printer*paper:              A4

sets the paper type for dp1 to A3, for ps0 to letter, and everything else to A4.

Note that $AIPSROOT/.aipsrc should only be used to define resources which are not directly relevant to a particular AIPS++ system (as defined by the architecture in aipshosts (p[*])). This is prompted by the desire that where there are several systems each should be self-contained and independent of the others. Examples of resources which may appropriately be defined in $AIPSROOT/.aipsrc would be those relating to inhale (p[*])), since inhale can be thought of as operating at the $AIPSROOT level.

$AIPSARCH/aipsrc contains default values for all recognized resources and is maintained by the system. It should not be modified; overriding definitions should instead be made in any of the other aipsrc files in the sequence.

See also

getrc (p[*]), query AIPS++ resource database.
affirm (p[*]), get the Boolean value of a set of arguments.


Original: 1992/03/05 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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