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AIPS++ file and directory renaming utility.


amv [ -src | -top ] old new


amv is used to rename AIPS++ files and directories. It does not do any renaming itself but instead appends renaming commands to the action list contained within ax_master (p[*]). It then invokes ax_master on the master AIPS++ RCS repository which must be available (see §1.1.4). The renames will be applied to the slave RCS repositories and system by inhale (p[*]) and sneeze (p[*]) respectively. This mechanism allows AIPS++ slave sites to follow changes made to the master.

General users can rename directories at or below the third level below $AIPSCODE (see §1.1.1). In particular, this includes module and application subdirectories. Renaming of higher-level directories is only allowed for members of the aips2mgr group.


Rename files or directories in the AIPS++ RCS repository and code subtree. Both arguments must be specified as a pathname relative to $AIPSCODE (and therefore $AIPSLAVE and $AIPSMSTR. For example,

   amv -src aips/implement/ vlbi/implement/

would result in the following renames:

   $AIPSMSTR/aips/implement/,v -> $AIPSMSTR/vlbi/implement/,v
   $AIPSLAVE/aips/implement/,v -> $AIPSLAVE/vlbi/implement/,v
   $AIPSCODE/aips/implement/   -> $AIPSCODE/vlbi/implement/

the first when ax_master (p[*]) is invoked by amv itself, and the other two when invoked by inhale (p[*]). The following deletions will also result when ax_master is invoked by sneeze (p[*]):


Rename a file or directory beneath $AIPSROOT. Both arguments must be specified as a pathname relative to $AIPSROOT. For example,

   amv -top docs/README docs/ReadMe

would result in renaming

   $AIPSROOT/docs/README  -> $AIPSROOT/docs/ReadMe

when sneeze (p[*]) invokes ax_master (p[*]). Note the following:

   amv -top master/old master/new
   amv -top slave/old slave/new
   amv -top rcs/old rcs/new

The first only renames the master RCS version file, the second only renames the slave RCS version file, and by convention the third renames both.




Status return values
0: success
1: initialization error
2: usage error
3: failed to get ax_master


To move a module subdirectory from the trial package (see §1.1.1) to the aips package use

   amv -src trial/implement/Module aips/implement/Module

It may be convenient in csh and some other shells which allow it to use a command of the form

   amv -src aips/implement\{,/FooMan}/

The shell would expand this to

   amv -src aips/implement/ aips/implement/FooMan/

Refer also to the examples provided in the ``Options'' section above.


See also

AIPS++ code management configuration (§1.1.4).
AIPS++ variable names (§1.2).
inhale (p[*]), AIPS++ code import utility.
sneeze (p[*]), AIPS++ system rebuild utility.
av (p[*]), AIPS++ filename validation utility.
ax (p[*]), AIPS++ code deletion utility.


Original: 1993/07/23 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF.

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