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AIPS++ web services

This section describes web services provided by the AIPS++ master host.

Master services

The AIPS++ master host,, is set up as the web server for AIPS++ at NRAO Socorro. The master web server directly provides a number of services which may only be linked to by other AIPS++ web servers:

The AIPS++ master home page is at

Server configuration runs NCSA's httpd. The essential features of the server configuration are as follows:

The AIPS++ links are enabled via unix symlinks in DocumentRoot:

   aips++/archive  -> /export/aips++/archive/
   aips++/ftp      -> /export/aips++/pub/
   aips++/mail     -> /export/aips++/Mail/
   aips++/master   -> /export/aips++/master/
   aips++/RELEASED -> ftp/RELEASED/

plus there are also links to the local AIPS++ installations:

   aips++/daily  -> /aips++/daily/
   aips++/weekly -> /aips++/weekly/

   aips++/code   -> daily/code/
   aips++/docs   -> daily/docs/

The AIPS++ links are presented in a HTML document /home/tarzan/index.html.

See also

Section §13.2, AIPS++ email exploders.
NCSA HTTPd, etc.
Web robots home page.

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