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sditerator - Tool

Package dish
Module dish

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A tool for interacting with single dish data.

include "sditerator.g"

newsditerator Make a new, empty sditerator.
sditerator An sditerator from an existing file on disk.
sditfromsdit An sditerator from another sditerator.
appendHistory Add a history element to the global sditerator history.
appendrec Put an sdrecord at the end of the sditerator.
correcteddata Is the CORRECTED_DATA column being used?.
deepcopy Make a true copy of this data set.
deleterec Delete the sdrecord at the current location pointer.
done Close this sditerator and disconnect it from the data set.
flush Flush the contents to disk.
get Get an sdrecord.
getdata Get the data part of the sdrecord.
getdesc Get the desc part of the field of the sdrecord.
getdescvector Get a vector of values from the desc record.
getempty Get an empty sdrecord.
getheader Get the header part of the sdrecord.
getheadervector Get a vector of values from the header record.
getother Get the other part of the sdrecord.
getvectors Get a vector of values for the fields in the template.
history Get the global history associated with all sdrecords
id Return the ID record of this sditerator.
iswritable Can sdrecords be stored (written) to this sditerator?
length Get the total number of sdrecords in this sditerator.
location Get the value of the location pointer.
lock Set the appropriate lock on all associated tables.
more Are there more sdrecords after this location?
name What is the name of the underlying data on disk.
next Set the location pointer to the next record.
origin Set the location pointer to the first record.
previous Set the location pointer to the previous record.
put Put an sdrecord at the current location pointer.
reselect Re-apply the previous selection to the parent data set.
resync Resynchronize with the data on disk.
sel2string Convert a selection record to a string.
select Make a new sditerator by applying a selection criteria record
setlocation Set the location pointer to the indicated record.
stringfields Returns a record indicating which fields in the sditerator are strings.
type Return the type of the underlying data.
unlock Release the lock on all associated tables.
usecorrecteddata Use the CORRECTED_DATA column?.

This tool is intended to be used with the dish tool . It provides access to single dish data sets. One can step (iterate) through a data set with this tool . Two types of single dish data sets are supported: MeasurementSet and a flat table modeled on the SDFITS convention. Data is copied to and from an SDRecord, which is a Glish record structure with a set of fixed fields plus a few optional fields which vary depending on the data source. Data can only be saved back to an sditerator using a flat table as the underlying data source. Selection is supported either through a constructor or through the select function.

The SDRecord structure

The SDRecord is the fundamental data atom of this tool as well as of dish. An SDRecord is a Glish record having the following fields:

A Glish record containing the data and things which describe that data (axes, units, flags, weights, etc.). The following fields are found in data:
The data array. Its dimensions are (nstokes, nchan) where nchan is the number of frequency channels and nstokes is the number of stokes pixels (polarizations). The type may be real or complex.
A boolean array with the same shape as arr. A value of T (true) for any pixel here means the corresponding pixel in arr has been flagged as bad.
An array of floats having the same shape as arr.
An array of floats having the same shape as arr.
A Glish record describing arr (axes and units). The following fields are found in desc:
A vector of quantities giving each frequency value along the first axis of arr. See the quanta tool for a description of how to extract the values from a quantity as well as how to work with quantities.
A string indicate the frequency measures reference frame for the chan_freq values.
A reference frequency for the frequency axis. This has the same units as the bf chan_freq values do.
The channel width at reffrequency for use in selection. This has the same units as the bf chan_freq values do.
A rest frequency associated with this data. This has the same units as the bf chan_freq values do.
A vector of strings giving the polarization type for each pixel of the stokes axis in arr.
The units of arr.
A Glish record containing associated header information common to all sditerators. The following fields are found in header:
An epoch measure giving the midpoint of this integration. See the measures tool for a description of how to extract the values from a measure as well as how to work with measures.
An integer.
A direction measure showing where the telescope was pointed during this integration.
A direction measure for any reference (off) direction if position switched data has been calibrated.
The velocity definition appropriate to this data.
A string describing the transition, if available.
The effective integration time, in seconds.
The total time, including any blanking time, spent taking this data, in seconds.
The channel resolution at the reffrequency in Hz.
The total bandwith in Hz.
A vector of CAL temperatures - one for each pixel on the stokes axis, in K.
A vector of receiver temperatures - one for each pixel on the stokes axis, in K.
A vector of system temperatures - one for each pixel on the stokes axis, in K.
A position measure holding the location of the telescope.
The atmospheric pressure in hPa.
The dewpoint in K.
The ambient temperature in K.
The wind direction in radians.
The wind speed in m/s.
A direction measure holding the azimuth and elevation for this integration (at time).
A vector of strings holding the history of operations on this data.
A Glish record containing other information from the data set not found elsewhere in this structure. The contents of this field depend on the data source. If the source is a MeasurementSet, this record contains sub-records holding the appropriate values for the various sub-tables in that MeasurementSet. There will be one sub-record for each sub-table and the fields in each sub-record are the same as the column names in that sub-table. If the source is a flat table following the SDFITS convention, then any field not used in the header or data records is copied to an sdfits sub-record of the other record.

sdit := sditerator('dishdemo2')
nrecords := sdit.length()
scans := array(0,nrecords)
sources := array("",nrecords)
count := 1
rec := sdit.get()
scans[count] := rec.header.scan_number
sources[count] := rec.header.source_name
while (sdit.more()) {;
   rec := sdit.get()
   count +:= 1
   scans[count] := rec.header.scan_number
   sources[count] := rec.header.source_name
# or alternatively ...
vec := sdit.getheadervector("scan_number source_name")
scans := vec.scan_number
sources := vec.source_name

The first line makes an sditerator tool from a file. The next several lines show how the scan numbers and source names for each sdrecord in that iterator can be retrieved by iterating through the entire sditerator. The final three lines show how all of that could be done using the getheadervector function.

See Also
dish reference manual Using Dish

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