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![]() | Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
Package | display | |
Module | viewer |
include "viewerdisplaydata.g"
viewerdisplaydata | Create a Viewerdisplaydata tool |
addtouserchoicelist | Add a new possibility to an option which is of type 'userchoice' |
classtype | Return the class type of this Viewerdisplaydata tool |
ddd | Return the drawingdisplaydata agent |
ddproxy | Return the true displaydata agent |
displaytype | Return the displaytype |
done | Close down (destroy) this Viewerdisplaydata tool |
filename | Return a handle to the underlying image/array |
getoptions | Return a record describing the state of this tool |
hasbeam | has this Viewerdisplaydata toola restoring beam defined |
name | Return the (unique) name of this tool |
newdisplaydatagui | Create a new graphical user interface for this tool |
pixeltype | Return the data type of the pixels |
restoreoptions | Restore a previously saved state of this tool |
saveoptions | Save the state of this tool |
setoptions | Set the state of this tool |
type | Return the type of this tool |
viewer | Return the Viewer tool which manages this tool |
wedgedd | Return the Wedge displaydata agent |
zlength | Return the length of the movie axes |
This tool is a fundamental component of the Viewer tool. It bundles up some piece of AIPS++ data together with functionality to draw that data, into a self-contained object which can be shuffled around by a Viewer tool, and manipulated by the user and/or programmer. For example, a specific Viewerdisplaydata tool may be a tool that knows how to draw a contour map (hereafter a 'contour') of a Glish array, or it may be a tool that can draw a false color image (hereafter a 'raster') of an AIPS++ Image.
The Viewerdisplaydata tool carries around instructions on how to draw itself, but it doesn't carry around a "canvas" on which to draw itself. Thus, to become visible to the user, a Viewerdisplaydata tool must be registered with one or more Viewerdisplaypanel tools. However, a Viewerdisplaydata tool may be created, manipulated and destroyed without ever being registered (and therefore displayed on-screen); why exactly anyone would like to do this is beyond me though! A Viewerdisplaydata tool is constructed from some AIPS++ data source, and a string defining the type of drawing, that is, 'raster' or 'contour'.
A Viewerdisplaydata tool is totally self-contained, and has "state". Its state consists of various attributes, some of which will not change during the lifetime of the tool, and many others which probably will. Examples of unchangeable state include the dimensionality of the AIPS++ Image or Glish array, and the type of drawing requested--a raster or a contour. Examples of changeable state include the many attributes which describe how the data should be translated into the requested drawing, such as the colormap to use for a raster, or the contour levels to use for a contour Viewerdisplaydata tool. The state of a Viewerdisplaydata tool can be modified from the command-line, or from a graphical user interface.
Normally, Viewerdisplaydata tools should be created with an appropriate call to a Viewer tool; many Viewerdisplaydata tools can be created and managed by a single Viewer tool.