This function returns a record which describes the internal state of
this Viewerdisplaydata tool. The record has a format that is compatible with
the format used by the Autogui tool, and indeed
is used to build an Autogui tool in the newdisplaydatagui function
of this tool. The record is also described in a bit more detail and
from an Autogui tool point of view here.
These options on the type of the Viewerdisplaydata tool. The record for
examplee is slightly different for 'raster' and 'contour'
Viewerdisplaydata tool. A brief description of the fields which may
exist in the returned record follows:
- xaxis: the axis name in the data to map to the X
(horizontal) direction.
- yaxis: the axis name in the data to map to the Y
(vertical) direction.
- zaxis: the axis name in the data to map to the Z
(in-to-the-screen) direction. This axis is the "movie" axis.
- haxisN: the position along the Nth axis in arrays or
Images having more than three axes.
- aspect: rule on how to control the aspect ratio of data
pixels when they are mapped to display device pixels.
- pixeltreatment: whether pixels should be aligned with
the edge of the canvas at their centres or edges.
- axislabelswitch: global switch to turn axis labelling
on or off for this Viewerdisplaydata tool. Note that axis labels will
only ever be drawn for the first registered Viewerdisplaydata tool for any given Viewerdisplaypanel tool.
- titletext: title text if axis labels are drawn.
- titletextcolor: color of the title text.
- xaxistext: label to appear along X axis.
- xaxistextcolor: color of X axis label text.
- yaxistext: label to appear along Y axis.
- yaxistextcolor: color of Y axis label text.
- xgridtype: rule for how to draw tickmarks or gridlines
along the X axis.
- xgridcolor: color of X axis tickmarks and gridlines.
- ygridtype: rule for how to draw tickmarks or gridlines
along the Y axis.
- ygridcolor: color of Y axis tickmarks and gridlines.
- ticklength: length of tickmarks (in mm?).
- plotoutline: draw a border around the plot?
- plotoutlinecolor: color of plot border.
- labelcharsize: size of characters for axis labelling.
- labelposition: the position of the world axes labels.
- labelcharfont: font for axis labelling.
- labellinewidth: line width for axis labelling.
- axislabelpixelworld: use pixel or world axis labels
- axislabelabsrel: relative or absolute coordinate labels
- axislabeldirectionsystem: the direction reference frame
(e.g. J2000)
- axislabeldirectionunit: the unit to label the direction
coordinate axes with
- axislabelspectralunit: the unit to label the spectral axis with
- axislabelvelocitytype: the velocity refernce frame (e.g. radio)
- resample: how to resample data pixels to screen pixels.
- region: the region (subimage) to display.
- datamin: the minimum data value to map to the colormap.
- datamax: the maximum data value to map to the colormap.
- power: scaling power for mapping data values to colors.
- colormap: which colormap to use.
- wedge: display a color wedge.
- wedgeyaxistext: the wedge axis label text, unset uses
brighntes unit.
- wedgeyaxistextcolor: the wedge axis label text color.
- wedgelabelcharfont: font for wedge axis labelling.
- wedgelabelcharsize: size of characters for wedge axis labelling.
- beam: display the restoring beam.
- beamcolor: set the color of the beam.
- beampos: position the beam
- beamlinewidth: the linewidth for the beam
- beamoutline: draw the beam as an outline or filled
- levels: contour levels.
- scale: scale factor for the contour levels.
- type: whether the contour levels are absolute (in data
units) or fractional (in range 0.0 to 1.0).
- line: linewidth of contours.
- dashpos: whether to dash negative-valued contours.
- dashneg: whether to dash positive-valued contours.
- color: contour color.
- complexmode: how to produce real data for display from a
complex source.