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multiautogui - Tool

Package display
Module widgets

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Tool to manage a number of autoguis

include "multiautogui.g"


This tool is designed for use when context sensitive menus are required. For example, it was implemented for use with annotations, since clicking on a new shape should bring up options for that shape. This allows different ``types'' of autoguis to be built, one for each type of shape. The autoguis are built only once, since construction of them takes a significant amount of time. Once built they are mapped, and unmapped from the screen as needed. This widget also attempts to make accessing multiple autoguis simpler, by allowing ``nested'' options within the records passed to / from it. For example, you can construct a multiautogui, and have it generate multiple autoguis, all with their parameters filled, by forming the fillgui record correctly. Most of the work is still done by the underlying autoguis.

Parameter description

In a similar manner to autoguis, most transactions occur via ``parameter records''. In addition to this are control functions, which control the mapping to and from the screen of the different autoguis. The actual records destined for the desired autogui are nested one level down. For example, if two autoguis are desired, ``someoptions'' and ``otheroptions'' and you wish them both to occupy the same spot on screen using a multiautogui, you would create a parameter record as follows, construct the widget, and then choose which one you wanted visible:

include 'multiautogui.g'

mymulti := multiautogui(myoptionrecord, title = 'Test Multi');'otheroptions');

For a complete example, see multiautoguitest in multiautogui.g . A similar technique is used to fill the GUIs, and also to receive options from them.

Event description

Basically, anytime one of the autoguis being maintained by multiautogui fires a setoptions event, it is passed on by multiautogui. The difference is multiautogui stores the parameters returned by the autogui in a record which has the name of the parameter set. The example above, in which we created two autoguis called ``someoptions'' and ``otheroptions'' provides a good way to demostrate this. We imagine that ``someoptions'' was visible, and the user changed a parameter. Multiautogui would emit a setoptions event, which contained a record with one field. The field name would be the originating autogui (in this case ``someoptions''), and contained within that subrecord would be the new options.

Similarly, when a newuserchoicelist is emitted (in fact, all events (*) are forwaded on in this manner), the same ``parameter encoding'' occurs, with the option record being stored in a subrecord, the name of which is determined by the originating autogui.

For a simple example, please refer to multiautogui.g. It contains a subsequence ``multiautoguitest'' which demonstrates multiautogui managing three autoguis.

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