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datafilter - Tool

Package utility
Module mathematics

Postscript file available

Filtering operations on data arrays

include "image.g"

datafilter Construct a Datafilter tool
done Destroy this tool
filter Filter a data array
medianclip Median clip a data array


The Datafilter tool provides some simple filtering operations for Glish arrays.

Here is an example where we create a noisy sinusoid with outliers. First we filter the data; you can see how the median filter removes outliers (as well as compressing the noise). Then we also median clip the original data showing how the outliers are effectively removed.

# Generate Gaussian distribution

- include 'randomnumbers.g'
- n := 500
- r := randomnumbers();
- g := r.normal(0.0, 0.5, n);
- r.done()

# Generate data ; sin wave plus noise

- x := (1:n) / 10 / pi
- y := sin(x) + g
- include 'pgplotter.g'
- p0 := pgplotter ()
- p0.plotxy (x, y, title='Sin + noise', plotlines=F)

# Now add some outliers

- ii := 1:n
- for (i in ii[ii%50 == 0]) {
y[i] *:= 20;
- p1 := pgplotter()
- p1.plotxy (x, y, title='Sin + noise + outliers', plotlines=F)

# Generate Datafilter tool

- include 'datafilter.g'
- df := datafilter();

# Median filter returns filtered data

- y2 := df.filter (y, method='median', width=10)
- p2 := pgplotter()
- p2.plotxy (x, y2, title='Median filtered', plotlines=F)

# Median clip returns a Boolean mask

- m := df.medianclip (y, width=10, clip=5)
- p3 := pgplotter()
- p3.plotxy (x, y, title='Median clipped', plotlines=F, mask=m)

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