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mathematics - Module

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Computations on arrays

include "mathematics.g"


The mathematics module contains functions that perform a variety of mathematical operations. These functions can be grouped into the following catagories.

median, moments and the like
Fast Fourier Transforms and related functions
Evaluation and fitting of polynomials
One-dimensional interpolation using various functions
Fitting sinusoids to data
Evaluate 1 and 2-D Gaussians, fit 1-D Gaussians
random numbers
Generate random numbers from a variety of distributions
Matrix and linear algebra operations
least squares
Least-squares inversion of simultaneous equations

This module does not duplicate functions that are built-in to Glish itself e.g.,, sin(). See the Glish Users Manual for a description of these functions.

datafilter Filtering operations on data arrays
fftserver FFTs and related operations
gauss1dfitter Non-linear least-squares fit multiple 1-D Gaussians to vector
interpolate1d Various sorts of 1-dimensional interpolation
lsfit Least-squares fit by matrix inversion
matrix A collection of matrix/vector routines
polyfitter Least-squares fit polynomials to data
randomnumbers Random numbers from various statistical distributions
sinusoidfitter Non-linear least-squares fit sinusoid to data

fftserverdemo Demonstrate the use of functions in fftserver
fftservertest Test the fftserver class
gaussian1d Calculate a one-dimensional Gaussian
gaussian2d Calculate two-dimensional Gaussian
interpolate1ddemo Demonstrate the use of functions in interpolate1d
interpolate1dtest Test the interpolate1d class
kurtosis Calculate the kurtosis of a set of numbers
max_with_location Determine location of the maximum of a set of numbers
mean Calculate the mean of a set of numbers
median Calculate the median of a set of numbers
min_with_location Determine location of the minimum of a set of numbers
moments Calculate one or more moments for a set of numbers
polyfitterdemo Demonstrate the use of functions in polyfitter
polyfittertest Test the polyfitter class
randomnumbersdemo Demonstrate the randomnumbers tool
randomnumberstest Test the randomnumbers class
range_with_location Determine locations of min and max for a set of numbers
sinusoidfitterdemo Demonstrate the use of functions in sinusoidfitter
sinusoidfittertest Test the sinusoidfitter class
skew Calculate the skew of a set of numbers
stddev Calculate the standard deviation of a set of numbers
variance Calculate the variance of a set of numbers

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