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servers - Tool

Package utility
Module tasking

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A tool for sending events between glish and precompiled executables

include "servers.g"

servers communicates between glish distributed objects (tools) and C++ executables. It provides the following services:

There is only one servers tool running at any one time called defaultservers. This must be running if the tool system is to work at all.

Users normally need not interact with defaultservers. Its functions will largely be used by programmers writing tools and most of the interactions are hidden inside the tool framework (this is described in Note 197). The only major exceptions are:

The terminology used here needs some explanation:

A server is a C++ executable that runs as a process.
A server may contain one or more objects. An object is equivalent to a Glish tool. It usually has multiple functions that may be executed.

Some servers are pre-started to minimize AIPS++ startup time. The default pre-started clients are: timer, misc, and quanta. If you wish to prevent this, set the following in your .aipsrc file:

user.prestart:	none

If you wish to extend or change the list, set the following in your .aipsrc file:

user.prestart:	timer misc quanta measures

Integers are used to index into lists of servers and objects. Thus to specify a server requires one integer, and to specify an object requires two: one for the server and one for the object. Thus the functions of servers require one or both of these, depending on whether the operation is server or object-specific.

activate Create a new server
add Add an object to an existing server
agents Return a record of all agents
alerter Relay events on completion
busy Is the server busy?
create Create an object
done Delete a tool
getplotter Get the plotter used by a tool
info Print information on the existing servers.
init Initialize servers
isvalid Is this a valid server?
kill Kill a given agent
memory Return the memory usage of each server
methods Return the methods of an object
result Get the result(s) from an asynchronous function.
run Run a function in an object
running Determine if an asynchronous function is running
sendmemoryevents Enable the generation of memory events
settimeout Set event timeouts
stopmemoryevents Disable the generation of memory events
suspend Suspend certain clients
timeouts Return record of timeouts
trace Trace events related to certain clients

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