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1 //# BaseColumn.h: Abstract base class for a table column
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
39 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
41 //# Forward Declarations
42 class BaseColumnDesc;
43 class ColumnCache;
44 class TableRecord;
45 class RefRows;
46 class IPosition;
47 class Slicer;
48 class Sort;
49 template<class T> class Array;
50 template<class T> class Vector;
52 // <summary>
53 // Abstract base class for a table column
54 // </summary>
56 // <use visibility=local>
58 // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="">
59 // </reviewed>
61 // <prerequisite>
62 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
63 // <li> ColumnDesc
64 // <li> Table
65 // </prerequisite>
67 // <etymology>
68 // This is the (abstract) base class to access a column in a table.
69 // </etymology>
71 // <synopsis>
72 // This class is the base class for the derived column classes.
73 // It is a private class in the sense that the user cannot get
74 // access to it. All user access to a column is done via the
75 // classes TableColumn, ScalarColumn and ArrayColumn. They call
76 // the corresponding functions in this class and its derived classes.
77 // </synopsis>
79 // <motivation>
80 // This class serves a the base for the more specialized column classes
81 // like FilledScalarColumn and RefColumn. It defines many virtual
82 // functions, which are implemented in the derived classes.
83 // Some of these functions are purely virtual, some have a default
84 // implementation throwing an "invalid operation" exception. In that
85 // way those latter functions only have to be implemented in the
86 // classes which handle those cases.
87 // <note role=tip> The class RefColumn is in fact implemented in terms of
88 // this class. Almost every function in RefColumn calls the corresponding
89 // function in BaseColumn with the correct row number.
90 // </note>
91 // </motivation>
93 // <todo asof="$DATE:$">
94 //# A List of bugs, limitations, extensions or planned refinements.
95 // </todo>
99 {
100 public:
102  // Construct it using the given column description.
103  BaseColumn (const BaseColumnDesc*);
105  virtual ~BaseColumn();
107  // Test if the column is writable.
108  virtual Bool isWritable() const = 0;
110  // Test if the column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
111  virtual Bool isStored() const = 0;
113  // Get access to the column keyword set.
114  // <group>
115  virtual TableRecord& rwKeywordSet() = 0;
116  virtual TableRecord& keywordSet() = 0;
117  // </group>
119  // Get const access to the column description.
120  const ColumnDesc& columnDesc() const;
122  // Get nr of rows in the column.
123  virtual uInt nrow() const = 0;
125  // Test if the given cell contains a defined value.
126  virtual Bool isDefined (uInt rownr) const = 0;
128  // Set the shape of the array in the given row.
129  virtual void setShape (uInt rownr, const IPosition& shape);
131  // Set the shape and tile shape of the array in the given row.
132  virtual void setShape (uInt rownr, const IPosition& shape,
133  const IPosition& tileShape);
135  // Get the global #dimensions of an array (ie. for all rows).
136  virtual uInt ndimColumn() const;
138  // Get the global shape of an array (ie. for all rows).
139  virtual IPosition shapeColumn() const;
141  // Get the #dimensions of an array in a particular cell.
142  virtual uInt ndim (uInt rownr) const;
144  // Get the shape of an array in a particular cell.
145  virtual IPosition shape (uInt rownr) const;
147  // Get the tile shape of an array in a particular cell.
148  virtual IPosition tileShape (uInt rownr) const;
150  // Ask the data manager if the shape of an existing array can be changed.
151  // Default is no.
152  virtual Bool canChangeShape() const;
154  // Ask if the data manager can handle a scalar column.
155  // Default is never.
156  virtual Bool canAccessScalarColumn (Bool& reask) const;
158  // Ask if the data manager can handle an array column.
159  // Default is never.
160  virtual Bool canAccessArrayColumn (Bool& reask) const;
162  // Ask if the data manager can handle a collection of cells in a
163  // scalar column. Default is never.
164  virtual Bool canAccessScalarColumnCells (Bool& reask) const;
166  // Ask if the data manager can handle a collection of cells in an
167  // array column. Default is never.
168  virtual Bool canAccessArrayColumnCells (Bool& reask) const;
170  // Ask if the data manager can handle a cell slice.
171  // Default is never.
172  virtual Bool canAccessSlice (Bool& reask) const;
174  // Ask if the data manager can handle a column slice.
175  // Default is never.
176  virtual Bool canAccessColumnSlice (Bool& reask) const;
178  // Initialize the rows from startRow till endRow (inclusive)
179  // with the default value defined in the column description.
180  virtual void initialize (uInt startRownr, uInt endRownr) = 0;
182  // Get the value from a particular cell.
183  // This can be a scalar or an array.
184  virtual void get (uInt rownr, void* dataPtr) const = 0;
186  // Get a slice of an N-dimensional array in a particular cell.
187  virtual void getSlice (uInt rownr, const Slicer&, void* dataPtr) const;
189  // Get the vector of all scalar values in a column.
190  virtual void getScalarColumn (void* dataPtr) const;
192  // Get the array of all array values in a column.
193  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the resulting array is (n+1)-dim.
194  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
195  virtual void getArrayColumn (void* dataPtr) const;
197  // Get subsections from all arrays in the column.
198  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the resulting array is (n+1)-dim.
199  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
200  virtual void getColumnSlice (const Slicer&, void* dataPtr) const;
202  // Get the vector of some scalar values in a column.
203  virtual void getScalarColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
204  void* dataPtr) const;
206  // Get the array of some array values in a column.
207  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the resulting array is (n+1)-dim.
208  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
209  virtual void getArrayColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
210  void* dataPtr) const;
212  // Get subsections from some arrays in the column.
213  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the resulting array is (n+1)-dim.
214  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
215  virtual void getColumnSliceCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
216  const Slicer&, void* dataPtr) const;
218  // Put the value in a particular cell.
219  // This can be a scalar or an array.
220  virtual void put (uInt rownr, const void* dataPtr) = 0;
222  // Put a slice of an N-dimensional array in a particular cell.
223  virtual void putSlice (uInt rownr, const Slicer&, const void* dataPtr);
225  // Put the vector of all scalar values in the column.
226  virtual void putScalarColumn (const void* dataPtr);
228  // Put the array of all array values in the column.
229  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the source array is (n+1)-dim.
230  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
231  virtual void putArrayColumn (const void* dataPtr);
233  // Put into subsections of all table arrays in the column.
234  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the source array is (n+1)-dim.
235  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
236  virtual void putColumnSlice (const Slicer&, const void* dataPtr);
238  // Get the vector of some scalar values in a column.
239  virtual void putScalarColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
240  const void* dataPtr);
242  // Get the array of some array values in a column.
243  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the resulting array is (n+1)-dim.
244  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
245  virtual void putArrayColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
246  const void* dataPtr);
248  // Put subsections of some arrays in the column.
249  // If the column contains n-dim arrays, the source array is (n+1)-dim.
250  // The arrays in the column have to have the same shape in all cells.
251  virtual void putColumnSliceCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
252  const Slicer&, const void* dataPtr);
254  // Get the value from the row and convert it to the required type.
255  // This can only be used for scalar columns with a standard data type.
256  // Note that an unsigned integer cannot be converted to a signed integer
257  // with the same length. So only Int64 can handle all integer values.
258  // <group>
259  void getScalar (uInt rownr, Bool& value) const;
260  void getScalar (uInt rownr, uChar& value) const;
261  void getScalar (uInt rownr, Short& value) const;
262  void getScalar (uInt rownr, uShort& value) const;
263  void getScalar (uInt rownr, Int& value) const;
264  void getScalar (uInt rownr, uInt& value) const;
265  void getScalar (uInt rownr, Int64& value) const;
266  void getScalar (uInt rownr, float& value) const;
267  void getScalar (uInt rownr, double& value) const;
268  void getScalar (uInt rownr, Complex& value) const;
269  void getScalar (uInt rownr, DComplex& value) const;
270  void getScalar (uInt rownr, String& value) const;
271  void getScalar (uInt rownr, TableRecord& value) const;
272  // </group>
274  // Get a scalar for the other data types.
275  // The given data type id must match the data type id of this column.
276  void getScalar (uInt rownr, void* value, const String& dataTypeId) const;
278  // Put the value into the row and convert it from the given type.
279  // This can only be used for scalar columns with a standard data type.
280  // <group>
281  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const Bool& value);
282  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const uChar& value);
283  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const Short& value);
284  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const uShort& value);
285  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const Int& value);
286  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const uInt& value);
287  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const Int64& value);
288  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const float& value);
289  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const double& value);
290  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const Complex& value);
291  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const DComplex& value);
292  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const String& value);
293  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const Char* value)
294  { putScalar (rownr, String(value)); }
295  void putScalar (uInt rownr, const TableRecord& value);
296  // </group>
298  // Get a pointer to the underlying column cache.
299  virtual ColumnCache& columnCache() = 0;
301  // Set the maximum cache size (in bytes) to be used by a storage manager.
302  virtual void setMaximumCacheSize (uInt nbytes) = 0;
304  // Add this column and its data to the Sort object.
305  // It may allocate some storage on the heap, which will be saved
306  // in the argument dataSave.
307  // The function freeSortKey must be called to free this storage.
308  // <group>
309  virtual void makeSortKey (Sort&, CountedPtr<BaseCompare>& cmpObj,
310  Int order, const void*& dataSave);
311  // Do it only for the given row numbers.
312  virtual void makeRefSortKey (Sort&, CountedPtr<BaseCompare>& cmpObj,
313  Int order, const Vector<uInt>& rownrs,
314  const void*& dataSave);
315  // </group>
317  // Free storage on the heap allocated by makeSortkey().
318  // The pointer will be set to zero.
319  virtual void freeSortKey (const void*& dataSave);
321  // Allocate value buffers for the table iterator.
322  // Also get a comparison object if undefined.
323  // The function freeIterBuf must be called to free the buffers.
324  virtual void allocIterBuf (void*& lastVal, void*& curVal,
325  CountedPtr<BaseCompare>& cmpObj);
327  // Free the value buffers allocated by allocIterBuf.
328  virtual void freeIterBuf (void*& lastVal, void*& curVal);
330 protected:
331  // Throw exceptions for invalid scalar get or put.
332  // <group>
333  void throwGetScalar() const;
334  void throwPutScalar() const;
335  void throwGetType (const String& type) const;
336  void throwPutType (const String& type) const;
337  // </group>
339  //# Data members
342 private:
343  //# This ColumnDesc object is created to be able to return
344  //# a const ColumnDesc& by function columnDesc().
346 };
353 #endif
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:119
virtual void putArrayColumn(const void *dataPtr)
Put the array of all array values in the column.
virtual IPosition shape(uInt rownr) const
Get the shape of an array in a particular cell.
virtual void getScalarColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, void *dataPtr) const
Get the vector of some scalar values in a column.
long long Int64
Define the extra non-standard types used by Casacore (like proposed uSize, Size)
Definition: aipsxtype.h:38
virtual uInt ndimColumn() const
Get the global #dimensions of an array (ie.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
std::vector< double > Vector
Definition: ds9context.h:24
virtual Bool canAccessColumnSlice(Bool &reask) const
Ask if the data manager can handle a column slice.
virtual uInt nrow() const =0
Get nr of rows in the column.
void getScalar(uInt rownr, Bool &value) const
Get the value from the row and convert it to the required type.
virtual void getArrayColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, void *dataPtr) const
Get the array of some array values in a column.
virtual Bool isWritable() const =0
Test if the column is writable.
virtual TableRecord & keywordSet()=0
ColumnDesc colDesc_p
Definition: BaseColumn.h:345
virtual void getSlice(uInt rownr, const Slicer &, void *dataPtr) const
Get a slice of an N-dimensional array in a particular cell.
An abstract base class for table column descriptions.
Definition: BaseColDesc.h:107
Envelope class for the description of a table column.
Definition: ColumnDesc.h:131
unsigned char uChar
Definition: aipstype.h:47
virtual void putColumnSliceCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Slicer &, const void *dataPtr)
Put subsections of some arrays in the column.
virtual Bool canAccessScalarColumnCells(Bool &reask) const
Ask if the data manager can handle a collection of cells in a scalar column.
char Char
Definition: aipstype.h:46
virtual casacore::String type() const
Implements RegionShape::type.
Definition: RegionShapes.h:548
virtual void getColumnSlice(const Slicer &, void *dataPtr) const
Get subsections from all arrays in the column.
void throwGetType(const String &type) const
virtual void initialize(uInt startRownr, uInt endRownr)=0
Initialize the rows from startRow till endRow (inclusive) with the default value defined in the colum...
short Short
Definition: aipstype.h:48
virtual void putSlice(uInt rownr, const Slicer &, const void *dataPtr)
Put a slice of an N-dimensional array in a particular cell.
virtual void freeSortKey(const void *&dataSave)
Free storage on the heap allocated by makeSortkey().
Sort on one or more keys, ascending and/or descending.
Definition: Sort.h:248
virtual void putScalarColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const void *dataPtr)
Get the vector of some scalar values in a column.
virtual void getArrayColumn(void *dataPtr) const
Get the array of all array values in a column.
virtual ColumnCache & columnCache()=0
Get a pointer to the underlying column cache.
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Definition: VisModelData.h:42
void throwGetScalar() const
Throw exceptions for invalid scalar get or put.
virtual Bool canAccessArrayColumn(Bool &reask) const
Ask if the data manager can handle an array column.
virtual void makeRefSortKey(Sort &, CountedPtr< BaseCompare > &cmpObj, Int order, const Vector< uInt > &rownrs, const void *&dataSave)
Do it only for the given row numbers.
Class holding the row numbers in a RefTable.
Definition: RefRows.h:85
void throwPutType(const String &type) const
virtual void setMaximumCacheSize(uInt nbytes)=0
Set the maximum cache size (in bytes) to be used by a storage manager.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
virtual TableRecord & rwKeywordSet()=0
Get access to the column keyword set.
A caching object for a table column.
Definition: ColumnCache.h:83
virtual void getScalarColumn(void *dataPtr) const
Get the vector of all scalar values in a column.
void putScalar(uInt rownr, const Char *value)
Definition: BaseColumn.h:293
void putScalar(uInt rownr, const Bool &value)
Put the value into the row and convert it from the given type.
virtual void putScalarColumn(const void *dataPtr)
Put the vector of all scalar values in the column.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: TableRecord.h:182
virtual void makeSortKey(Sort &, CountedPtr< BaseCompare > &cmpObj, Int order, const void *&dataSave)
Add this column and its data to the Sort object.
virtual Bool canChangeShape() const
Ask the data manager if the shape of an existing array can be changed.
Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array.
Definition: Slicer.h:289
virtual Bool canAccessScalarColumn(Bool &reask) const
Ask if the data manager can handle a scalar column.
virtual Bool isStored() const =0
Test if the column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
virtual void getColumnSliceCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Slicer &, void *dataPtr) const
Get subsections from some arrays in the column.
virtual Bool canAccessSlice(Bool &reask) const
Ask if the data manager can handle a cell slice.
virtual void putColumnSlice(const Slicer &, const void *dataPtr)
Put into subsections of all table arrays in the column.
virtual void allocIterBuf(void *&lastVal, void *&curVal, CountedPtr< BaseCompare > &cmpObj)
Allocate value buffers for the table iterator.
const ColumnDesc & columnDesc() const
Get const access to the column description.
void throwPutScalar() const
const BaseColumnDesc * colDescPtr_p
Definition: BaseColumn.h:340
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
virtual void setShape(uInt rownr, const IPosition &shape)
Set the shape of the array in the given row.
virtual Bool isDefined(uInt rownr) const =0
Test if the given cell contains a defined value.
virtual void putArrayColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const void *dataPtr)
Get the array of some array values in a column.
virtual Bool canAccessArrayColumnCells(Bool &reask) const
Ask if the data manager can handle a collection of cells in an array column.
virtual void put(uInt rownr, const void *dataPtr)=0
Put the value in a particular cell.
virtual IPosition tileShape(uInt rownr) const
Get the tile shape of an array in a particular cell.
virtual void freeIterBuf(void *&lastVal, void *&curVal)
Free the value buffers allocated by allocIterBuf.
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
BaseColumn(const BaseColumnDesc *)
Construct it using the given column description.
virtual IPosition shapeColumn() const
Get the global shape of an array (ie.
unsigned short uShort
Definition: aipstype.h:49
Abstract base class for a table column.
Definition: BaseColumn.h:98
virtual uInt ndim(uInt rownr) const
Get the #dimensions of an array in a particular cell.
#define casacore
&lt;X11/Intrinsic.h&gt; #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.
Definition: X11Intrinsic.h:42