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1 //# LatticeHistograms.h: generate histograms from a lattice
2 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1999,2000,2001
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
40 #include <casacore/casa/iosfwd.h>
42 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
44 //# Forward Declarations
45 template <class T> class MaskedLattice;
46 template <class T> class TempLattice;
47 template <class T> class Vector;
48 class IPosition;
49 class PGPlotter;
51 // <summary>
52 // Displays histograms of regions from a lattice.
53 // </summary>
55 // <use visibility=export>
57 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
58 // </reviewed>
60 // <prerequisite>
61 // <li> <linkto class=MaskedLattice>MaskedLattice</linkto>
62 // </prerequisite>
64 // <etymology>
65 // This is a class designed to display histograms from MaskedLattices
66 // </etymology>
68 // <synopsis>
69 // This class enable you to display and/or retrieve histograms evaluated over
70 // specified regions from a MaskedLattice. The dimension of the region is arbitrary, but
71 // the size of each dimension is always the size of the corresponding lattice axis.
72 // The histograms are displayed as a function of location of the axes not
73 // used to evaluate the histograms over. The axes which you evaluate the histograms
74 // over are called the cursor axes, the others are called the display axes.
75 //
76 // For example, consider a lattice cube (call the axes xyz or [0,1,2]). You could
77 // display histograms from xy planes (cursor axes [0,1]) as a function of z (display
78 // axes [2]). Or you could retrieve histograms from the z axis (cursor axes [2])
79 // for each [x,y] location (display axes [0,1]).
80 //
81 // This class generates a "storage lattice" into which it writes the histograms.
82 // It is from this storage lattice that the plotting and retrieval
83 // arrays are drawn. The storage lattice is either in core or on disk
84 // depending upon its size (if > 10% of memory given by .aipsrc system.resources.memory
85 // then it goes into a disk-based PagedArray). If on disk, the
86 // storage lattice is deleted when the <src>LatticeHistograms</src>
87 // object destructs.
88 //
89 //
90 // <note role=tip>
91 // Note that for complex lattices, real and imaginary are treated independently.
92 // They are binned and plotted separately.
93 // </note>
94 //
95 // <note role=tip>
96 // If you ignore return error statuses from the functions that set the
97 // state of the class, the internal status of the class is set to bad.
98 // This means it will just keep on returning error conditions until you
99 // explicitly recover the situation. A message describing the last
100 // error condition can be recovered with function errorMessage.
102 // </note>
103 // </synopsis>
105 // <example>
106 // <srcBlock>
108 //
109 // PagedImage<Float> inImage(inName);
110 //
112 //
113 // LogOrigin or("myClass", "myFunction(...)", WHERE);
114 // LogIO os(or);
115 // ImageHistograms<Float> histo(inImage, os);
116 //
118 //
119 // Vector<Int> cursorAxes(2)
120 // cursorAxes(0) = 1;
121 // cursorAxes(1) = 2;
122 // if (!histo.setAxes(cursorAxes)) return 1;
123 //
125 //
126 // if (!histo.setList(True)) return 1;
127 // String device = "/xs";
128 // Vector<Int> nxy(2);
129 // nxy(0) = 3;
130 // nxy(1) = 3;
131 // if (!histo.setPlotting(device, nxy)) return 1;
132 //
134 //
135 // if (!histo.display ()) return 1;
136 //
138 //
139 // Array<Float> values, counts;
140 // if (!histo.getHistograms(values, counts)) return 1;
141 //
142 // </srcBlock>
143 // In this example, a <src>PagedImage</src> is constructed. We set the cursor axes
144 // to be the y and z axes so we make a histogram of each yz plane as a function
145 // of x location on the PGPLOT device "/xs" with 9 subplots per page.
146 // After the plotting we also retrieve the histograms into an array.
147 // </example>
149 // <motivation>
150 // The generation of histograms from an image is a basic and necessary capability.
151 // </motivation>
152 //
153 // <todo asof="2000/04/04">
154 // <li> Make ascii listing of histograms as well as plots if desired
155 // </todo>
156 //
159 template <class T> class LatticeHistograms
160 {
161 public:
163 // Constructor takes the MaskedLattice and a <src>LogIO</src> object for logging.
164 // You can also specify whether you want to see progress meters or not.
165 // You can force the storage lattice to be disk based, otherwise
166 // the decision for core or disk is taken for you.
167  LatticeHistograms(const MaskedLattice<T>& lattice,
168  LogIO& os,
169  Bool showProgress=True,
170  Bool forceDisk=False);
172 // Constructor takes the MaskedLattice only. In the absence of a logger you get no messages.
173 // This includes error messages and potential listing of statistics.
174 // You can specify whether you want to see progress meters or not.
175 // You can force the storage lattice to be disk based, otherwise
176 // the decision for core or disk is taken for you.
177  LatticeHistograms(const MaskedLattice<T>& lattice,
178  Bool showProgress=True,
179  Bool forceDisk=False);
181 // Copy constructor (copy semantics)
184 // Destructor
185  virtual ~LatticeHistograms ();
187 // Assignment operator (copy semantics)
190 // Set the cursor axes (0 relative). A return value of <src>False</src>
191 // indicates you have asked for an invalid axis or that the internal
192 // status of the class is bad. The default state of the class is to set
193 // the cursor axes to all axes in the lattice.
194  Bool setAxes (const Vector<Int>& cursorAxes);
196 // Set the number of bins for the histogram. Note that the bin width is
197 // worked out for each histogram separately from the data minimum and maximum.
198 // The default state of the class is to set 25 bins. A return value of <src>False</src>
199 // indicates you gave a non-positive bin width or that the internal status of the
200 // class is bad.
201  Bool setNBins (const uInt& nBins);
203 // Specify a pixel intensity range for which all pixels in that range are
204 // included. A vector of length 1 for <src>include</src> means that the
205 // range will be set to <src>-abs(include(0))</src> to <src>abs(include(0))</src>.
206 // A return value of <src>False</src> indicates that the internal
207 // status of the class is bad. If you don't call this function, the default
208 // state of the class is to include all pixels.
209  Bool setIncludeRange (const Vector<T>& include);
211 // Specify that a Gaussian overlay should be plotted on the histogram. This
212 // Gaussian has the same mean and standard deviation as the data that were
213 // binned, and the same integral as the histogram. A return value of <src>False</src>
214 // indicates that the internal status of the class is bad. The default state of
215 // the class is to not draw a Gaussian overlay.
216  Bool setGaussian (const Bool& doGauss);
218 // Specify the form of the histogram. It can be plotted linearly or
219 // logarithmically, and cumulatively or non-cumulatively. A return value
220 // of <src>False</src> indicates that the internal status of the class is bad.
221 // The default state of the class is to draw the histograms linearly and
222 // non-cumulatively.
223  Bool setForm (const Bool& doLog, const Bool& doCumu);
225 // This function allows you to control whether some statistics of the
226 // data that contributed to the histogram are written to the output
227 // stream. A return value of <src>False</src> indicates that the internal
228 // status of the class is bad. The default state of the class is to not
229 // list statistics.
230  Bool setStatsList(const Bool& doList);
232 // This function sets the name of the PGPLOT plotting device and the number of
233 // subplots in x and y per page. If you set <src>plotter</src> but offer
234 // a zero length array for <src>nxy</src> then <src>nxy</src> is set
235 // to [1,1]. A return value of <src>False</src> indicates invalid
236 // plotting arguments or that the internal status of the class is bad. If you
237 // don't call this function, the default state of the class is to not set
238 // a plotting device.
240  const Vector<Int>& nxy);
242 // Display the histograms by plotting them. A return value of <src>False</src>
243 // indicates an invalid plotting device, or that the internal status of the class is bad.
244 // If you don't call this function you won't see any histograms.
245  Bool display ();
247 // CLose the plotter
248  void closePlotting();
250 // Return the display axes
253 // This function retrieves the histograms into <src>Array</src>. The shape of the first
254 // dimension of this array is the number of bins. The rest of the shape of the
255 // array is the shape of the display axes (e.g. if the shape of the lattice is
256 // [nx,ny,nz] and you ask for histograms of the y axis the shape of the returned
257 // array would be [nbins,nx,nz]. The histograms are retrieved in the form
258 // specified by the <src>setForm</src> function. The arrays are resized internally.
259 // A return value of <src>False</src> indicates that the internal status of the class is bad.
260  Bool getHistograms (Array<T>& values, Array<T>& counts);
262  // in this version, the set of stats for each histogram is also returned. The
263  // stats array has the shape of the display axes.
264  Bool getHistograms (Array<T>& values, Array<T>& counts, Array<Vector<T> >& stats);
267 // This function retrieves the histogram at the specified location
268 // into <src>Vectors</src>. The histogram is retrieved in the form
269 // specified by the <src>setForm</src> function. The vectors are resized
270 // internally. If <src>posInLattice=True</src> then the location is a
271 // location in the input lattice. Any positions on the display axes
272 // are ignored. Otherwise, you should just give locations for
273 // the display axes only. A return value of <src>False</src> indicates that
274 // the internal status of the class is bad.
275  Bool getHistogram (Vector<T>& values,
276  Vector<T>& counts,
277  const IPosition& pos,
278  const Bool posInLattice=False);
280 // Reset argument error condition. If you specify invalid arguments to
281 // one of the above <src>set</src> functions, an internal flag will be set which will
282 // prevent the work functions from doing anything (should you have chosen
283 // to ignore the Boolean return values of the <src>set</src> functions).
284 // This function allows you to reset that internal state to good.
287 // Recover last error message
288  String errorMessage() const {return error_p;};
290 // Set a MaskedLattice. A return value of <src>False</src> indicates the
291 // lattice had an invalid type or that the internal status of the class is bad.
292  Bool setNewLattice (const MaskedLattice<T>& lattice);
294 // These things are protected only so that they are available to ImageHistograms
295 // which inherits from LatticeHistograms
297 protected:
303 // Given a location in the histogram storage lattice, convert those locations on the
304 // non-histogram axis (the first one) relative to the parent or current lattice
305  IPosition locHistInLattice (const IPosition& histPosition,
306  Bool relativeToParent=True) const;
308 private:
310 // A useful typedef
326 // Convert a <tt>T</tt> to a <tt>Float</tt> for plotting
327  static Float convertT (const T value) {return Float(std::real(value));};
329 // Convert a <tt>Float</tt> (from plotting) to a <tt>T</tt>
330  static T convertF (const Float value) {return T(value);};
332 // Display histograms as a function of display axis
335 // Display one histogram
336  Bool displayOneHistogram (const T&linearSum,
337  const T&linearYMax,
338  const IPosition& histPos,
339  const Vector<T> &stats,
340  const Vector<T>& values,
341  const Vector<T>& counts,
342  PGPlotter& plotter);
345 // Fish out and convert to the appropriate form one histogram from the
346 // storage lattice
347  void extractOneHistogram (T& linearSum,
348  T& linearYMax,
349  Vector<T>& values,
350  Vector<T>& counts,
351  const Vector<T>& stats,
352  const Vector<T>& intCounts);
354 // Iterate through the lattice and generate the histogram accumulation lattice
357 // Get the statistics from the statistics object for the current
358 // location of either the input lattice, or the histogram storage lattice
359  void getStatistics (Vector<T> &stats,
360  const IPosition &pos) const;
362 // List statistics
363  void listStatistics(LogIO& os, const Vector<T>& stats, T binWidth);
366 // Fill histograms storage lattice
367  void makeHistograms();
369 // Create and fill statistics object
372 // Check/set include pixel range
373  Bool setInclude (Vector<T>& range,
374  Bool& noInclude,
375  const Vector<T>& include,
376  ostream& os);
378 // Set stream attributes
379  void setStream (ostream& os, Int oPrec);
381 // Make a string with pixel coordinates of display axes. This function
382 // is over-ridden by ImageHistograms which inherits from LatticeHistograms.
383  virtual String writeCoordinates(const IPosition& histPos) const;
385 // Write values of display axes on plots
386  Bool writeDispAxesValues (const String& coords,
387  PGPlotter& plotter,
388  Float nchar) const;
389 };
393 // <summary> Generate histograms, tile by tile, from a masked lattice </summary>
394 //
395 // <use visibility=export>
396 //
397 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
398 // </reviewed>
399 //
400 // <prerequisite>
401 // <li> <linkto class=LatticeApply>LatticeApply</linkto>
402 // <li> <linkto class=TiledCollapser>TiledCollapser</linkto>
403 // </prerequisite>
404 //
405 // <etymology>
406 // This class is used by <src>LatticeHistograms</src> to generate
407 // histograms from an input <src>MaskedLattice</src>.
408 // The input lattice is iterated through in tile-sized chunks
409 // and fed to an object of this class.
410 // </etymology>
411 //
412 // <synopsis>
413 // <src>HistTiledCollapser</src> is derived from <src>TiledCollapser</src> which
414 // is a base class used to define methods. Objects of this base class are
415 // used by <src>LatticeApply</src> functions. In this particular case,
416 // we are interested in <src>LatticeApply::tiledApply</src>. This function iterates
417 // through a <src>MaskedLattice</src> and allows you to collapse one or more
418 // axes, computing some values from it, and placing those values into
419 // an output <src>MaskedLattice</src>. It iterates through the input
420 // lattice in optimal tile-sized chunks. <src>LatticeHistograms</src>
421 // uses a <src>HistTiledCollapser</src> object which it gives to
422 // <src>LatticeApply::tiledApply</src> for digestion. After it has
423 // done its work, <src>LatticeHistograms</src> then accesses the output
424 // <src>Lattice</src> that it made.
425 // </synopsis>
426 //
427 // <example>
428 // <srcblock>
430 //
431 // HistTiledCollapser<T> collapser(pStats, nBins_p);
432 //
435 //
436 // Int newOutAxis = 0;
437 //
440 //
441 // LatticeApply<T>::tiledApply(outLattice, inLattice,
442 // collapser, collapseAxes,
443 // newOutAxis);
444 //
445 // </srcblock>
446 // In this example, a collapser is made and passed to LatticeApply.
447 // Afterwards, the output Lattice is available for use.
448 // The Lattices must all be the correct shapes on input to tiledApply
449 // </example>
450 //
451 // <motivation>
452 // The LatticeApply classes enable the ugly details of optimal
453 // Lattice iteration to be hidden from the user.
454 // </motivation>
455 //
456 // <todo asof="1998/05/10">
457 // <li>
458 // </todo>
460 template <class T>
462 {
464 public:
465 // Constructor
468  virtual ~HistTiledCollapser();
470 // Initialize process, making some checks
471  virtual void init (uInt nOutPixelsPerCollapse);
473 // Initialize the accumulator
474  virtual void initAccumulator (uInt64 n1, uInt64 n3);
476 // Process the data in the current chunk.
477  virtual void process (
478  uInt accumIndex1,
479  uInt accumIndex3,
480  const T* inData,
481  const Bool* inMask,
482  uInt inDataIncr,
483  uInt inMaskIncr,
484  uInt nrval,
485  const IPosition& startPos,
486  const IPosition& shape
487  );
489 // End the accumulation process and return the result arrays
490  virtual void endAccumulator(Array<T>& result,
491  Array<Bool>& resultMask,
492  const IPosition& shape);
494 // Can handle null mask
495  virtual Bool canHandleNullMask() const {return True;};
497 private:
503 };
510 #include <casacore/lattices/LatticeMath/LatticeHistograms.tcc>
512 #endif
virtual void initAccumulator(uInt64 n1, uInt64 n3)
Initialize the accumulator.
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:119
void getStatistics(Vector< T > &stats, const IPosition &pos) const
Get the statistics from the statistics object for the current location of either the input lattice...
TempLattice< T > * pStoreLattice_p
A Lattice that can be used for temporary storage.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
std::vector< double > Vector
Definition: ds9context.h:24
Bool displayHistograms()
Display histograms as a function of display axis.
Generate histograms, tile by tile, from a masked lattice.
String errorMessage() const
Recover last error message.
Bool generateStorageLattice()
Iterate through the lattice and generate the histogram accumulation lattice.
unsigned long long uInt64
Definition: aipsxtype.h:39
void closePlotting()
CLose the plotter.
void extractOneHistogram(T &linearSum, T &linearYMax, Vector< T > &values, Vector< T > &counts, const Vector< T > &stats, const Vector< T > &intCounts)
Fish out and convert to the appropriate form one histogram from the storage lattice.
Bool setAxes(const Vector< Int > &cursorAxes)
Set the cursor axes (0 relative).
A templated, abstract base class for array-like objects with masks.
Bool getHistogram(Vector< T > &values, Vector< T > &counts, const IPosition &pos, const Bool posInLattice=False)
This function retrieves the histogram at the specified location into Vectors.
ostream-like interface to creating log messages.
Definition: LogIO.h:167
IPosition locHistInLattice(const IPosition &histPosition, Bool relativeToParent=True) const
Given a location in the histogram storage lattice, convert those locations on the non-histogram axis ...
Bool setNBins(const uInt &nBins)
Set the number of bins for the histogram.
Bool setInclude(Vector< T > &range, Bool &noInclude, const Vector< T > &include, ostream &os)
Check/set include pixel range.
LatticeHistograms< T > & operator=(const LatticeHistograms< T > &other)
Assignment operator (copy semantics)
Char PrecisionType
Higher precision type (Float-&gt;Double)
virtual void endAccumulator(Array< T > &result, Array< Bool > &resultMask, const IPosition &shape)
End the accumulation process and return the result arrays.
Abstract base class to collapse chunks for LatticeApply.
Bool setPlotting(PGPlotter &plotter, const Vector< Int > &nxy)
This function sets the name of the PGPLOT plotting device and the number of subplots in x and y per p...
const MaskedLattice< T > * pInLattice_p
Bool setIncludeRange(const Vector< T > &include)
Specify a pixel intensity range for which all pixels in that range are included.
static T convertF(const Float value)
Convert a Float (from plotting) to a T
Bool setForm(const Bool &doLog, const Bool &doCumu)
Specify the form of the histogram.
virtual void process(uInt accumIndex1, uInt accumIndex3, const T *inData, const Bool *inMask, uInt inDataIncr, uInt inMaskIncr, uInt nrval, const IPosition &startPos, const IPosition &shape)
Process the data in the current chunk.
void listStatistics(LogIO &os, const Vector< T > &stats, T binWidth)
List statistics.
Compute and display various statistics from a lattice.
Definition: LatticePADD.h:47
virtual void init(uInt nOutPixelsPerCollapse)
Initialize process, making some checks.
Bool setNewLattice(const MaskedLattice< T > &lattice)
Set a MaskedLattice.
HistTiledCollapser(LatticeStatistics< T > *pStats, uInt nBins)
Bool displayOneHistogram(const T &linearSum, const T &linearYMax, const IPosition &histPos, const Vector< T > &stats, const Vector< T > &values, const Vector< T > &counts, PGPlotter &plotter)
Display one histogram.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
Bool setStatsList(const Bool &doList)
This function allows you to control whether some statistics of the data that contributed to the histo...
LatticeStatistics< T > * pStats_p
virtual ~LatticeHistograms()
float Float
Definition: aipstype.h:54
Bool display()
Display the histograms by plotting them.
void resetError()
Reset argument error condition.
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
Bool writeDispAxesValues(const String &coords, PGPlotter &plotter, Float nchar) const
Write values of display axes on plots.
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape...
Definition: ExprNode.h:1944
template &lt;class T, class U&gt; class vector;
Definition: MSFlagger.h:37
simple 1-D array
Standard plotting object for application programmers.
Definition: PGPlotter.h:95
LogIO os_p
These things are protected only so that they are available to ImageHistograms which inherits from Lat...
Bool getHistograms(Array< T > &values, Array< T > &counts)
This function retrieves the histograms into Array.
NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType AccumType
A useful typedef.
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of but is it too vague to be useful Since the interface is meant to be a simple plotter
Definition: PlotData.h:48
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
LatticeHistograms(const MaskedLattice< T > &lattice, LogIO &os, Bool showProgress=True, Bool forceDisk=False)
Constructor takes the MaskedLattice and a LogIO object for logging.
void setStream(ostream &os, Int oPrec)
Set stream attributes.
LatticeStatistics< T > * pStats_p
virtual String writeCoordinates(const IPosition &histPos) const
Make a string with pixel coordinates of display axes.
virtual Bool canHandleNullMask() const
Can handle null mask.
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
Vector< Int > displayAxes() const
Return the display axes.
LatticeExprNode real(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
Bool makeStatistics()
Create and fill statistics object.
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
Displays histograms of regions from a lattice.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
Bool setGaussian(const Bool &doGauss)
Specify that a Gaussian overlay should be plotted on the histogram.
void makeHistograms()
Fill histograms storage lattice.
static Float convertT(const T value)
Convert a T to a Float for plotting.
#define casacore
&lt;X11/Intrinsic.h&gt; #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.
Definition: X11Intrinsic.h:42