45 class ROMSAntennaColumns;
189 const Int linenum=0);
friend class VisBufferAsync
Double hourAngle()
get hour angle
Quantity toVelocity(const Quantity &freq, const Quantity &restFreq)
get velocity from frequency
A Measure: astronomical direction.
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
A Measure: position on Earth.
MRadialVelocity::Types getRadialVelocityType() const
MSDerivedValues calculates values derived from a MS.
MSDerivedValues & setAntennaPositions(const Vector< MPosition > &antPosition)
Set antenna positions, index in vector is antenna number for calls below.
MRadialVelocity::Convert cTOPOToLSR_p
MSDerivedValues & setObservatoryPosition(const MPosition &obsPosition)
Set the observatory position.
TableExprNode time(const TableExprNode &node)
MSDerivedValues & setAntennaMount(const Vector< String > &mount)
Set antenna mounts, should have same number of entries as antPosition in setAntennaPosition.
Double parAngle()
get parallactic angle
Container for Measure frame.
A Measure: radial velocity.
A Measure: instant in time.
MSDerivedValues & setFrequencyReference(MFrequency::Types frqType)
Set the frequency frame (e.g., MFrequency::LSRK)
MSDerivedValues & setVelocityReference(MDoppler::Types dopType)
Set the velocity frame type (e.g., MRDoppler::RADIO)
MDirection mHADecPoleInAzEl_p
MSDerivedValues & setAntenna(Int antenna)
Set antenna index, sets the position reference for the conversions.
MEpoch::Convert cUTCToLAST_p
thread-hostile shared pointers (Jim Jacobs 111104)
void init()
initialize data
const Vector< MPosition > & getAntennaPositions() const
MDirection::Convert cRADecToAzEl_p
Types of known MRadialVelocity Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo...
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
MSDerivedValues & setFieldCenter(const MDirection &fieldCenter)
Set field center.
Types of known MDopplers Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo in th...
MDirection mRADecInAzEl_p
MDirection mFieldCenter_p
A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
const MEpoch & last()
get LAST for given time, antenna
MDirection::Convert cHADecToAzEl_p
MSDerivedValues & operator=(const MSDerivedValues &other)
Assignment, this will initialize with other's MS.
Vector< MPosition > mAntPos_p
MSDerivedValues & setEpoch(const MEpoch &time)
Set epoch.
Int setAntennas(const ROMSAntennaColumns &ac)
Set antenna position from an antenna table Returns the number of antennas.
A class to provide easy read-only access to MSAntenna columns.
Types of known MFrequencies Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo in...
MSDerivedValues & setVelocityFrame(MRadialVelocity::Types vType)
Set the velocity frame type (e.g., MRadialVelocity::LSRK)
const MRadialVelocity & obsVel()
get observatory radial velocity for given epoch, position and direction
MSDerivedValues & setMeasurementSet(const MeasurementSet &ms)
Set an ms does not need to explicity setAntennas and is necessary if setRestFreqency(fieldid, spwid) is used.
Quantity toFrequency(const Quantity &vel, const Quantity &restFreq)
get frequency from velocity
const MDirection & azel()
get azimuth & elevation
Bool setRestFrequency(const Int fieldid, const Int spwid, const Int linenum=0)
Set restFrequencies...make it look for it for the fieldid, spwid and line number defined in the SOURC...
MDirection::Convert cRADecToHADec_p
MRadialVelocity::Types radialVelocityType_p
#define casacore
<X11/Intrinsic.h> #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.