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1 //# MeasurementSet.h: A Table to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements)
2 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1999,2000,2001,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //#
27 //# $Id$
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
52 #include <set>
55 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
57 class MrsEligibility { // Memory Resident Subtable (Mrs) Eligibility (no pun intended)
59 public:
63  friend MrsEligibility operator- (const MrsEligibility & a, SubtableId subtableId);
64  friend MrsEligibility operator+ (const MrsEligibility & a, SubtableId subtableId);
65  friend MrsEligibility operator- (const MrsEligibility & a, const MrsEligibility & b);
66  friend MrsEligibility operator+ (const MrsEligibility & a, const MrsEligibility & b);
68  // Returns true if the specified subtable is in the set of subtables
69  // eligible for memory residency.
70  Bool isEligible (SubtableId subtableId) const;
72  // Factory methods to create MrsEligibility sets. The two variable argument methods
73  // require that the list be terminated by using the id MSMainEnums::UNDEFINED_KEYWORD.
74  //
75  static MrsEligibility allEligible ();
77  static MrsEligibility noneEligible ();
78  static MrsEligibility eligibleSubtables (SubtableId subtableId, ...);
79  static MrsEligibility allButTheseSubtables (SubtableId ineligibleSubtableId, ...);
81 private:
83  typedef std::set<MSMainEnums::PredefinedKeywords> Eligible;
89  static Bool isSubtable (SubtableId subtableId);
90 };
92 // Creates a new MrsEligibilitySet by adding or removing the specified subtable or
93 // the specified set of subtables.
99 //# Forward Declarations, more could be if they weren't part of the
100 //# static classes
101 class SetupNewTable;
102 template <class T> class Block;
103 class MDirection;
104 class MEpoch;
105 class MFrequency;
106 class MPosition;
107 class Record;
109 //# forward declared so that the following typedef is up-front
112 // MeasurementSet is too cumbersome for a number of common uses,
113 // so we give a typedef here.
114 typedef MeasurementSet MS;
116 // <summary>
117 // A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
118 // </summary>
120 // <use visibility=export>
122 // <reviewed reviewer="Bob Garwood" date="1997/02/01" tests="" demos="">
124 // <prerequisite>
125 // <li> <linkto module="Tables:description">Tables</linkto> module
126 // <li> <linkto class="MSTable">MSTable</linkto>
127 // </prerequisite>
128 //
129 // <etymology>
130 // The MeasurementSet is where all data are ultimately to be found
131 // in Casacore. Since, this is a collection of
132 // measurements (either actual or simulated), the term MeasurementSet
133 // seems appropriate.
134 // </etymology>
135 //
136 // <synopsis>
137 // A MeasurementSet is a Table. Most operations on a MeasurementSet are
138 // Table operations. See the <linkto module="Tables:description">Tables</linkto>
139 // module for a list of those operations. The member functions provided by this
140 // class are primarily convenience functions to help users follow the
141 // agreed upon column and keyword naming conventions. They are useful when
142 // creating a Table following the MeasurementSet conventions from
143 // scratch as well as when creating the column objects to access those
144 // columns.
145 //
146 // The standard way of accessing
147 // table columns is through Strings. Mistakes in typing the column
148 // name will not be caught at compile time (and may not be caught at
149 // run time). We have therefore decided to use an enumeration
150 // to specify columns so that many mistakes will be caught at compile
151 // time. This requires functions to map to and from this enumeration
152 // to the strings that are ultimately used.
153 //
154 // Upon destruction, the table is checked to see that the
155 // MeasurementSet remains valid, i.e., all required columns are present
156 // An exception is thrown if not all required columns are present
157 // Nevertheless, the table will be flushed to disk if it is writable -
158 // preserving its state.
159 //
160 // A MeasurementSet has a number of required subtables. These are stored
161 // as keywords in the Table. Access to these subtables is provided via
162 // member functions (e.g. antenna() for the ANTENNA table). All subtables
163 // have associated MeasurementSet-like classes defined for them (MSAntenna
164 // for the ANTENNA table) which provide analogous column and keyword mapping
165 // as provided here.
166 //
167 // While the class name, MeasurementSet, is descriptive, it is often
168 // too long for many common uses. The typedef MS is provided as
169 // a convenient shorthand for MeasurementSet. The example below uses this
170 // typedef.
171 //
172 // Due to the inheritance scheme, it was necessary to separate the enumerations
173 // used by MeasurementSet into a separate class,
174 // <linkto class=MSMainEnums>MSMainEnums</linkto>.
175 //
176 // </synopsis>
177 //
178 // <example>
179 // This example illustrates a simple use of the MeasurementSet class.
180 // <srcblock>
181 // // create the table descriptor
182 // TableDesc simpleDesc = MS::requiredTableDesc();
183 // // set up a new table
184 // SetupNewTable newTab("simpleTab", simpleDesc, Table::New);
185 // // create the MeasurementSet
186 // MeasurementSet simpleMS(newTab);
187 // // now we need to define all required subtables
188 // // the following call does this for us if we don't need to
189 // // specify details of Storage Managers for columns.
190 // simpleMS.createDefaultSubtables(Table::New);
191 // // fill MeasurementSet via its Table interface
192 // // For example, construct one of the columns
193 // TableColumn feed(simpleMS, MS::columnName(MS::FEED1));
194 // uInt rownr = 0;
195 // // add a row
196 // simpleMS.addRow();
197 // // set the values in that row, e.g. the feed column
198 // feed.putScalar(rownr,1);
199 // // Access a subtable
200 // ArrayColumn<Double> antpos(simpleMS.antenna(),
201 // MSAntenna::columnName(MSAntenna::POSITION));
202 // simpleMS.antenna().addRow();
203 // Array<Double> position(3);
204 // position(0)=1.; position(1)=2.; position(2)=3.;
205 // antpos.put(0,position);
206 // // etc.
207 // </srcblock>
208 //
209 // </example>
210 //
211 // <motivation>
212 // The Table module is more than adequate as a container of data.
213 // However, in order for applications to be useful with data from
214 // different sources, some conventions need to be adopted in the use
215 // of Tables to store data. The MeasurementSet is
216 // where those conventions are defined and, to some extent, enforced.
217 //
218 // There are a number of reasons why MeasurementSet is more
219 // than just a Table.
220 // <ul>
221 // <li> To provide one location where the column and keyword names, data
222 // types, and table comment strings are found.
223 // <li> To provide one location where the required table descriptor for
224 // the MeasurementSet is found.
225 // <li> To provide a means of verifying the validity of a MeasurementSet
226 // at construction and destruction.
227 // <li> To allow application programmers to catch name or data type
228 // mistakes at compile time rather than at run time.
229 // </ul>
230 //
231 // </motivation>
232 //
233 // <todo asof="1996/2/22">
234 // <li> referenceCopy() should be more flexible with the storage managers used
235 // for the columns which are not merely references.
236 // <li> When ForwardColumnEngine is fixed so that it can deal with
237 // tables already in the cache, modify the test program. It may also
238 // be necessary to modify referenceCopy().
239 // </todo>
241 class MeasurementSet : public MSTable<MSMainEnums>,
242  public MSMainEnums
243 {
245 public:
246  // This constructs an empty MeasurementSet, only useful to assign to
247  // (it is not a valid MS yet).
248  MeasurementSet ();
250  // These constructors mirror the Table ones with additional checking
251  // on validity (verifying that the MS will have the required columns
252  // and keywords)
253  // An exception is thrown if the constructed Table is not a valid MS
254  // <thrown>
255  // <li> AipsError
256  // </thrown>
257  // <group name=tableLikeConstructors>
260  MeasurementSet (const String &tableName, const TableLock& lockOptions,
263  MeasurementSet (const String &tableName, const TableLock& lockOptions,
264  bool doNotLockSubtables, TableOption = Table::Old);
265  // Allows keeping subtables unlocked/read-locked independent of lock
266  // mode of main table.
268  MeasurementSet (const String &tableName, const String &tableDescName,
270  MeasurementSet (const String &tableName, const String &tableDescName,
271  const TableLock& lockOptions, TableOption = Table::Old);
272  MeasurementSet (SetupNewTable &newTab, uInt nrrow = 0,
273  Bool initialize = False);
274  MeasurementSet (SetupNewTable &newTab, const TableLock& lockOptions,
275  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False);
276  MeasurementSet (const Table &table, const MeasurementSet * otherMs = NULL);
278 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
279  MeasurementSet (MPI_Comm comm, SetupNewTable &newTab, uInt nrrow = 0,
280  Bool initialize = False);
281  MeasurementSet (MPI_Comm comm, SetupNewTable &newTab, const TableLock& lockOptions,
282  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False);
283 #endif // HAVE_MPI
285  MeasurementSet (const MeasurementSet &other);
286  // </group>
288  // As with tables, the destructor writes the table if necessary.
289  // Additional checking is done here to verify that all required
290  // columns are still present.
291  // If it is NOT valid, it will write the table and then throw an exception.
292  // <thrown>
293  // <li> AipsError
294  // </thrown>
295  virtual ~MeasurementSet();
297  // Assignment operator, reference semantics
300  // Make a special copy of this MS which references all columns from
301  // this MS except those mentioned; those are empty and writable.
302  // Each forwarded column has the same writable status as the underlying
303  // column. The mentioned columns all use the AipsIO storage manager.
304  // The main use of this is for the synthesis package where corrected and
305  // model visibilities are stored as new DATA columns in an MS which
306  // references the raw MS for the other columns. Except for these special
307  // cases, the use of this function will be rare.
308  MeasurementSet referenceCopy(const String& newTableName,
309  const Block<String>& writableColumns) const;
311  // Converts the MS to make the specified set of subtables memory resident.
312  void
313  setMemoryResidentSubtables (const MrsEligibility & mrsEligibility);
315  // Return the name of each of the subtables. This should be used by the
316  // filler to create the subtables in the correct location.
317  // <group>
318  String antennaTableName() const;
320  String dopplerTableName() const;
321  String feedTableName() const;
322  String fieldTableName() const;
323  String flagCmdTableName() const;
324  String freqOffsetTableName() const;
325  String historyTableName() const;
327  String pointingTableName() const;
329  String processorTableName() const;
330  String sourceTableName() const;
332  String stateTableName() const;
333  String sysCalTableName() const;
334  String weatherTableName() const;
335  // </group>
337  // Access functions for the subtables, using the MS-like interface for each
338  // <group>
342  MSFeed& feed() {return feed_p;}
343  MSField& field() {return field_p;}
351  MSSource& source() {return source_p;}
353  MSState& state() {return state_p;}
354  MSSysCal& sysCal() {return sysCal_p;}
356  const MSAntenna& antenna() const {return antenna_p;}
358  const MSDoppler& doppler() const {return doppler_p;}
359  const MSFeed& feed() const {return feed_p;}
360  const MSField& field() const {return field_p;}
361  const MSFlagCmd& flagCmd() const {return flagCmd_p;}
362  const MSFreqOffset& freqOffset() const {return freqOffset_p;}
363  const MSHistory& history() const {return history_p;}
364  const MSObservation& observation() const {return observation_p;}
365  const MSPointing& pointing() const {return pointing_p;}
366  const MSPolarization& polarization() const {return polarization_p;}
367  const MSProcessor& processor() const {return processor_p;}
368  const MSSource& source() const {return source_p;}
370  const MSState& state() const {return state_p;}
371  const MSSysCal& sysCal() const {return sysCal_p;}
372  const MSWeather& weather() const {return weather_p;}
373  // </group>
377  // Initialize the references to the subtables. You need to call
378  // this only if you assign new subtables to the table keywords.
379  // This also checks for validity of the table and its subtables.
380  // Set clear to True to clear the subtable references (used in assignment)
381  void initRefs(Bool clear=False);
383  // Create default subtables: fills the required subtable keywords with
384  // tables of the correct type, mainly for testing and as an example of
385  // how to do this for specific fillers. In practice these tables will
386  // often have more things specified, like dimensions of arrays and
387  // storage managers for the various columns.
389 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
391 #endif // HAVE_MPI
393  // Initialize the statics appropriately. This does not need to be
394  // called by users, it is called by the implementation class
395  // MSTableImpl.
396  static MSTableMaps initMaps();
398  // Create DATA column from existing FLOAT_DATA column. Noop if DATA already
399  // exists or neither exists (returns False in that case).
402  // Validate Measure references - check that all Measure columns have their
403  // reference value set, report the ones that don't.
406  // Flush all the tables and subtables associated with this
407  // MeasurementSet. This function calls the Table::flush() function on the
408  // main table and all the standard subtables including optional
409  // subtables. See the Table class for a description of the sync argument.
410  void flush(Bool sync=False);
412  // Return a record of the indices that the msselection selection selected
413  Record msseltoindex(const String& spw="", const String& field="",
414  const String& baseline="", const String& time="",
415  const String& scan="", const String& uvrange="",
416  const String& observation="", const String& poln="",
417  const String& taql="");
419 protected:
422  // Clears all of the subtable components of this object (i.e., set to
423  // value of subtable's default constructor).
424  void clearSubtables ();
426  // Assigns one subtable to another if the original subtable (otherSubtable)
427  // is not null and is also memory resident
428  void copySubtable (const Table & otherSubtable, Table & subTable);
430  // Copies (assigns) all of the non-null subtables from the other MS into this one.
431  void copySubtables (const MeasurementSet & other);
433  // Returns true if the named subtable is eligible for memory residency.
434  Bool isEligibleForMemoryResidency (const String & subtableName) const;
436  // Opens all of the eligible subtables in memory resident form
437  void openMrSubtables ();
439  // The top level name for MRS related CASARC settings
441  {
442  return "MemoryResidentSubtables";
443  }
445 private:
447  // temporary function to add the CATEGORY keyword to the FLAG_CATEGORY
448  // column if it isn't there yet. 2000/08/22
449  // remove this and the calls next MS update
450  void addCat();
452  // check that the MS is the latest version (2.0)
453  void checkVersion();
455  // Creates subtables using an explicit MPI communicator (if MPI support
456  // is enabled)
457  template<typename T>
458  void createDefaultSubtables_impl(Table::TableOption option, T comm);
460  // Opens a single subtable as memory resident (if permitted).
461  template <typename Subtable>
462  void
463  openMrSubtable (Subtable & subtable, const String & subtableName);
465  // Opens a single subtable if not present in MS object but defined in on-disk MS
466  template <typename Subtable>
467  void
468  openSubtable (Subtable & subtable, const String & subtableName, Bool useLock);
470  // keep references to the subtables
473  MSDoppler doppler_p; //optional
483  MSSource source_p; //optional
486  MSSysCal sysCal_p; //optional
487  MSWeather weather_p; //optional
489  bool doNotLockSubtables_p; // used to prevent subtable locking to allow parallel interprocess sharing
490  int mrsDebugLevel_p; // logging level currently enabled
491  Bool hasBeenDestroyed_p; // required by the need to throw an exception in the destructor
493  Bool memoryResidentSubtables_p; // true if memory resident subtables are enabled
494  MrsEligibility mrsEligibility_p; // subtables which can be made memory resident
496 };
501 #endif
String weatherTableName() const
A Measure: astronomical direction.
Definition: MDirection.h:174
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATIONLOG table.
Definition: MSHistory.h:78
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet PROCESSOR table.
Definition: MSProcessor.h:77
A Measure: position on Earth.
Definition: MPosition.h:79
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DOPPLER table.
Definition: MSDoppler.h:79
String feedTableName() const
void initRefs(Bool clear=False)
Initialize the references to the subtables.
Create a new table - define shapes, data managers, etc.
Definition: SetupNewTab.h:346
Bool makeComplexData()
Create DATA column from existing FLOAT_DATA column.
void checkVersion()
check that the MS is the latest version (2.0)
String polarizationTableName() const
String observationTableName() const
int MPI_Comm
Definition: MPIGlue.h:59
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATION table.
Definition: MSObservation.h:78
String flagCmdTableName() const
TableExprNode time(const TableExprNode &node)
Definition: ExprNode.h:1537
void copySubtables(const MeasurementSet &other)
Copies (assigns) all of the non-null subtables from the other MS into this one.
Main interface class to a read/write table.
Definition: Table.h:153
MSSpectralWindow & spectralWindow()
String dopplerTableName() const
const MSSysCal & sysCal() const
new table, which gets marked for delete
Definition: Table.h:176
const MSFlagCmd & flagCmd() const
String fieldTableName() const
String dataDescriptionTableName() const
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POINTING table.
Definition: MSPointing.h:78
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DATADESCRIPTION table.
MSMainEnums::PredefinedKeywords SubtableId
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet WEATHER table.
Definition: MSWeather.h:78
String stateTableName() const
const MSFreqOffset & freqOffset() const
MeasurementSet MS
MeasurementSet is too cumbersome for a number of common uses, so we give a typedef here...
virtual ~MeasurementSet()
As with tables, the destructor writes the table if necessary.
void openMrSubtable(Subtable &subtable, const String &subtableName)
Opens a single subtable as memory resident (if permitted).
void flush(Bool sync=False)
Flush all the tables and subtables associated with this MeasurementSet.
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FEED table.
Definition: MSFeed.h:78
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SYSCAL table.
Definition: MSSysCal.h:78
A Measure: instant in time.
Definition: MEpoch.h:104
static MrsEligibility eligibleSubtables(SubtableId subtableId,...)
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet ANTENNA table.
Definition: MSAntenna.h:79
static MrsEligibility allEligible()
Factory methods to create MrsEligibility sets.
const String & tableName() const
Get the table name.
Definition: Table.h:1219
const MSPointing & pointing() const
MSObservation & observation()
friend MrsEligibility operator+(const MrsEligibility &a, SubtableId subtableId)
A Measure: wave characteristics.
Definition: MFrequency.h:161
friend MrsEligibility operator-(const MrsEligibility &a, SubtableId subtableId)
Creates a new MrsEligibilitySet by adding or removing the specified subtable or the specified set of ...
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SOURCE table.
Definition: MSSource.h:77
std::set< MSMainEnums::PredefinedKeywords > Eligible
const MSPolarization & polarization() const
MeasurementSet referenceCopy(const String &newTableName, const Block< String > &writableColumns) const
Make a special copy of this MS which references all columns from this MS except those mentioned; thos...
Bool isEligible(SubtableId subtableId) const
Returns true if the specified subtable is in the set of subtables eligible for memory residency...
String historyTableName() const
existing table
Definition: Table.h:170
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet STATE table.
Definition: MSState.h:79
Record msseltoindex(const String &spw="", const String &field="", const String &baseline="", const String &time="", const String &scan="", const String &uvrange="", const String &observation="", const String &poln="", const String &taql="")
Return a record of the indices that the msselection selection selected.
static MrsEligibility noneEligible()
MSProcessor & processor()
const MSDoppler & doppler() const
MSSpectralWindow spectralWindow_p
MeasurementSet & operator=(const MeasurementSet &)
Assignment operator, reference semantics.
String freqOffsetTableName() const
void copySubtable(const Table &otherSubtable, Table &subTable)
Assigns one subtable to another if the original subtable (otherSubtable) is not null and is also memo...
void openMrSubtables()
Opens all of the eligible subtables in memory resident form.
static Bool isSubtable(SubtableId subtableId)
void openSubtable(Subtable &subtable, const String &subtableName, Bool useLock)
Opens a single subtable if not present in MS object but defined in on-disk MS.
static MSTableMaps initMaps()
Initialize the statics appropriately.
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POLARIZATION table.
const MSHistory & history() const
MSPolarization polarization_p
const TableLock & lockOptions() const
Get the locking options.
Definition: Table.h:1140
void addCat()
temporary function to add the CATEGORY keyword to the FLAG_CATEGORY column if it isn&#39;t there yet...
const MSState & state() const
String processorTableName() const
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: Record.h:180
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const MSObservation & observation() const
MSAntenna & antenna()
Access functions for the subtables, using the MS-like interface for each.
const MSSpectralWindow & spectralWindow() const
MSDataDescription & dataDescription()
static const MrsEligibility allSubtables_p
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
Class to hold table lock options.
Definition: TableLock.h:65
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FIELD table.
Definition: MSField.h:78
A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
static MrsEligibility defaultEligible()
const MSWeather & weather() const
simple 1-D array
String pointingTableName() const
MSFreqOffset & freqOffset()
const MSDataDescription & dataDescription() const
const MSFeed & feed() const
void createDefaultSubtables(Table::TableOption option=Table::Scratch)
Create default subtables: fills the required subtable keywords with tables of the correct type...
A struct holding the maps used in MSTable.
Definition: MSTable.h:51
LatticeExprNode operator+(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
Global functions operating on a LatticeExprNode.
String antennaTableName() const
Return the name of each of the subtables.
A Table intended to hold astronomical data.
Definition: MSTable.h:146
MSPolarization & polarization()
LatticeExprNode operator-(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
const MSField & field() const
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FLAG_CMD table.
Definition: MSFlagCmd.h:78
void createDefaultSubtables_impl(Table::TableOption option, T comm)
Creates subtables using an explicit MPI communicator (if MPI support is enabled)
Bool isEligibleForMemoryResidency(const String &subtableName) const
Returns true if the named subtable is eligible for memory residency.
const MSProcessor & processor() const
void clearSubtables()
Clears all of the subtable components of this object (i.e., set to value of subtable&#39;s default constr...
MrsEligibility mrsEligibility_p
void setMemoryResidentSubtables(const MrsEligibility &mrsEligibility)
Converts the MS to make the specified set of subtables memory resident.
const MSSource & source() const
Keywords with a predefined meaning.
Definition: MSMainEnums.h:252
MSAntenna antenna_p
keep references to the subtables
static String getMrsAipsRcBase()
The top level name for MRS related CASARC settings.
Enums for the MeasurementSet main table.
Definition: MSMainEnums.h:62
String spectralWindowTableName() const
const MSAntenna & antenna() const
String sourceTableName() const
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FREQ_OFFSET table.
Definition: MSFreqOffset.h:78
Bool validateMeasureRefs()
Validate Measure references - check that all Measure columns have their reference value set...
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
MrsEligibility getMrsEligibility() const
static MrsEligibility allButTheseSubtables(SubtableId ineligibleSubtableId,...)
Define the possible options how a table can be opened.
Definition: Table.h:168
String sysCalTableName() const
This constructs an empty MeasurementSet, only useful to assign to (it is not a valid MS yet)...
MSDataDescription dataDesc_p
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SPECTRAL_WINDOW table.
#define casacore
&lt;X11/Intrinsic.h&gt; #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.
Definition: X11Intrinsic.h:42