163 std::vector<TBAction*>
166 std::vector<TBAction*>
TBTableTabs * tt
Origin table.
Result undoAction()
Moves the latest performed action to the undone list and calls the action's undoAction() method...
Result doAction(TBAction *action)
Adds the given TBAction to the performed list and calls the action's doAction() method.
bool oneDim
Indicates whether the array is one-dimensional or not.
Convenience class for a casacore::String/bool tuple.
Result doAction()
Implements TBAction::doAction().
Result redoAction()
Moves the latest undone action to the performed list and calls the action's doAction() method...
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
Default Constructor to initialize the empty lists.
void * origin
Pointer to origin object.
casacore::String name()
Implements TBAction::name().
casacore::Data types used for loaded data.
TBEditDataAction(TBTableTabs *tt, int row, int col, TBData *newVal)
TBAction * undoneAt(unsigned int i)
Returns the undone action at the designated index, or NULL if the index is invalid.
int col
Column of the edit data.
void * getOrigin()
Returns a pointer to the origin object.
virtual Result undoAction()=0
undoAction() must be implemented by any subclass.
casacore::String actionName
This action's name.
TBData * newVal
New value.
Result update(TBData *val)
Updates the underlying table with the given value.
virtual bool isAssociatedWith(void *origin)=0
isAssociatedWith() must be implemented by any subclass.
Result doAction()
Implements TBAction::doAction().
TBData * oldVal
Old value.
casacore::String actionName
This action's name.
TBEditArrayDataAction(TBTableTabs *tt, TBViewArray *array, int row, int col, std::vector< int > coord, TBData *newVal)
virtual ~TBEditDataAction()
Contains an list of performed actions and a list of undone actions.
bool isAssociatedWith(void *o)
Implements TBAction::isAssociatedWith().
bool isAssociatedWith(void *o)
Implements TBAction::isAssociatedWith().
std::vector< TBAction * > actions
Performed actions list.
int row
Row of the edit data.
std::vector< int > coords
casacore::Array coordinates of the edit data.
std::vector< TBAction * > undone
Undone actions list.
virtual ~TBEditArrayDataAction()
Result undoAction()
Implements TBAction::undoAction().
virtual Result doAction()=0
doAction() must be implemented by any subclass.
casacore::String name()
Implements TBAction::name().
Result update(TBData *val)
Updates the underlying table with the given value.
bool undoneIsEmpty()
Returns true if the undone list is empty, false otherwise.
int size()
Returns the size of the performed list.
virtual casacore::String name()=0
name() must be implemented by any subclass.
int row
Row of the edit data.
bool isEmpty()
Returns true if the performed list is empty, false otherwise.
Collection of table backend and display tabs.
TBAction(void *origin)
Constructor that takes a pointer to the origin object.
TBData * newVal
New value.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
int col
Column of the edit data.
casacore::String lastUndoneActionName()
Returns the name() value of the last undone action, or blank if there is none.
Widget for viewing array data in TBArray format.
TBAction for when non-array data in the table is edited.
TBAction * at(unsigned int i)
Returns the performed action at the designated index, or NULL if the index is invalid.
bool removeUndone(TBAction *a)
Removes the given action from the undone list, but does not delete it.
Result undoAction()
Implements TBAction::undoAction().
Abstract parent class of any action that can be performed.
TBData * oldVal
Old value.
TBTableTabs * tt
Origin table.
casacore::String lastActionName()
Returns the name() value of the last performed action, or blank if there is none. ...
int undoneSize()
Returns the size of the undone list.
TBAction for when array data in the table is edited.