27 #ifndef TBCONNECTION_H_
28 #define TBCONNECTION_H_
30 #include <casaqt/QtBrowser/TBConnection.ui.h>
void clickedXML()
Slot for when the user clicks the XML box.
void clickedHost()
Slot for when the user clicks the host line edit.
void clickedHome()
Slot for when the user clicks the home parser box.
void accepted()
Slot for when the user clicks the "accept" button.
TBConnection(TBMain *main, QWidget *parent=NULL)
Builds a connection dialog with the given TBMain.
Dialog for opening/connecting to a table with options.
void clickedNum()
Slot for when the user clicks the num line edit.
Main window which is mainly responsible for menu actions.
void clickedLocation()
Slot for when the user clicks the location line edit.
void browse()
Slot for when the user clicks the "browse" button.
void clickedPort()
Slot for when the user clicks the port line edit.
void clickedDirect()
Slot for when the user clicks the direct box.
void clickedRemote()
Slot for when the user clicks the remote box.
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
Detects when one of the QLineEdit objects are clicked and calls the relevant clicked[Name]() slot...
void clickedLocal()
Slot for when the user clicks the local box.
TBMain * parent
Pointer to TBMain parent.
void clickedStart()
Slot for when the user clicks the start line edit.
void clickedSAX()
Slot for when the user clicks the SAX parser box.
void clickedDOM()
Slot for when the user clicks the DOM parser box.