30 #include <casaqt/QtBrowser/TBMain.ui.h>
55 class TBMain :
public QMainWindow, Ui::MainWindow {
284 void sort(std::vector<std::pair<casacore::String, bool> >&
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_SELECT_NUM
The default number of rows to load from the table at a time.
void find()
Opens widget to enter search rules for the current table.
TBBrowser browser
Browser object.
void tableOpened(casacore::String name, casacore::String fullpath)
Connects with TBBrowser::tableOpened() signal.
Widget to edit the browsing options.
void redoAction()
Redoes the last undone action.
void editCurrentTable()
Enters the currently selected table into editing mode.
void sort()
Shows a sort dialog.
void clearFilterOnFields()
Clears the current filter on the current table.
void plot2D()
Opens a new TBPlotter window.
void tabChanged(int tableIndex)
Slot for when the tab is changed in the browser.
void openTable()
Opens a filechooser dialog to allow the user to open a table.
void findNext()
Searches for the next row matching the search rule for the current table.
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
Catches a close event for the window.
void findRuleAvailable()
Slot for when the current table has a find rule associated with it.
QAction * separator
Separator added in the Edit menu before the Options command.
Browser widget for managing opened tables.
Main window which is mainly responsible for menu actions.
ABSTRACT CLASSES Abstract class for colors Any implementation of color should be able to provide a hexadecimal form of the if a human readable name(i.e."black").In many places throughout the plotter
void undoAction()
Undoes the last performed action.
void filterOnFields()
Opens widget to enter filter rules for the current table.
void showAllColumns()
Shows all the columns in the currently selected table.
void enableMenus(bool en)
Calls setEnabled() on all menus with the given parameter.
void closeAllAndExit()
Closes all currently opened tables and closes the window.
void actionPerformed(TBAction *action)
Updates display to indicate the last action performed.
void saveOptions(TBOptions *opt)
Applies the user-provided options and deletes the TBOptions widget.
QMenu * editTablesMenu
Edit menu that lists all currently opened tables.
void hideAllColumns()
Hides all the columns in the currently selected table.
void closeTable()
void openTableWithOptions();
QToolBar * viewBar
Toolbar holding "view"-related menu commands.
void sortEntered()
Slot for when a sort has been entered for the current table.
void filterRuleAvailable(int i)
Enables the "clear filter" action.
bool saveView
Indicates whether the TBMain should save the current view on close or not.
QToolBar * fileBar
Toolbar holding "file"-related menu commands.
bool waiting
Indicates whether the main window is waiting for some other task to complete or not.
void columnHidden(int index, bool hidden)
Updates the column menu to indicate that the given column has been shown/hidden.
QToolBar * editBar
Toolbar holding "edit"-related menu commands.
void exportVOTable()
Exports the current table to VOTable format.
void formatDisplay(QAction *which)
Formats the field with the name in the given QAction.
void options()
Allows the user to edit table options.
void insertRows()
Shows an insert rows dialog.
QMenu * columnsMenu
Columns menu that lists the table fields in the currently selected table.
void findPrev()
Searches for the previous row matching the search rule for the current table.
Default Constructor.
void deleteRows()
Shows a delete rows dialog.
void filterRuleCleared(int i)
Disables the "clear filter" action.
void setupKeyboardShortcuts()
Sets up the keyboard shortcuts.
void clearSort()
Clears the current sort.
Collection of table backend and display tabs.
void openHelp()
Opens the help window.
void actionRedone()
Update display to indicate that the last undone action was redone.
void viewColumn(QAction *which)
Shows or hides the column on the current table that corresponds to the name of the given action...
QMenu * closeMenu
Close menu that lists all currently opened tables.
void sortCleared()
Slot for when a sort has been cleared for the current table.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
void closeAll()
Closes all opened tables.
void actionUndone()
Updates display to indicate that the last action was undone.
void tableClosed(casacore::String name)
Connects with TBBrowser::tableClosed() signal.
void threadFinished()
Reenables menus after a task thread has completed.
void setup()
Sets up GUI components and signal/slot connections.
void openTaQL()
Opens a TBTaQL dialog to allow the user to open a table using a TaQL command.
void viewTableInfo()
Displays table information for the currently selected table.
void editTable(TBTableTabs *table, bool edit)
Turns on/off editing, if write lock is available, on the given table.
QToolBar * toolBar
Toolbar holding "tool"-related menu commands.
QMenu * formatMenu
casacore::Format menu that lists the table fields in the currently selected table.
Parameters to indicate what driver should be used for the table backend.
Abstract parent class of any action that can be performed.
void checkValidity()
Opens a new TBValidityChecker widget.
void closeTableTriggered(casacore::String name)
This signal is emitted when a close menu command is given with a table name.
QStatusBar * statusBar
The window's status bar.