casa  5.7.0-16
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1 //# VisCal.h: Definitions of interface for VisCal
2 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,2000,2001,2002,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //#
27 //# $Id: VisCal.h,v 1.10 2006/02/06 19:23:11 gmoellen Exp $
32 #include <casa/aips.h>
33 #include <casa/Containers/Record.h>
34 #include <casa/BasicSL/Complex.h>
35 #include <casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
40 #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSet.h>
41 #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
45 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
47 class MSMetaInfoForCal;
49 // **********************************************************
50 // VisCal
51 //
53 class VisCal {
55  friend class SolvableVisJones;
57 public:
59  // Allowed types of VisCal matrices - 'correct' order
60  // enum Type{UVMOD,Mf,M,K,B,G,D,C,E,P,T,EP,F};
61  // enum Type{Test=0,ANoise,M,KAntPos,K,B,G,J,D,X,C,P,E,T,F,A,ALL};
62  enum Type{Test=0,ANoise,M,KAntPos,B,K,G,J,D,X,C,P,E,T,F,A,ALL};
64  // Enumeration of parameter types (casacore::Complex, Real, or Both)
65  enum ParType{Co,Re,CoRe};
68  switch (type) {
69  case ANoise: return "ANoise";
70  case M: return "M";
71  case K: return "K";
72  case B: return "B";
73  case J: return "J";
74  case D: return "D";
75  case X: return "X";
76  case C: return "C";
77  case P: return "P";
78  case E: return "E";
79  case T: return "T";
80  case F: return "F";
81  case A: return "A";
82  default: return "0";
83  }
84  }
86  VisCal(VisSet& vs);
88  VisCal(casacore::String msname,casacore::Int MSnAnt,casacore::Int MSnSpw);
92  VisCal(const casacore::Int& nAnt);
94  virtual ~VisCal();
96  // Return the type of this calibration matrix (actual type of derived class).
97  // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
98  virtual Type type()=0;
100  // Return type name as string
101  virtual casacore::String typeName() { return "Unknown VisCal"; };
102  virtual casacore::String longTypeName() { return "Unknown VisCal"; };
104  // Return casacore::Matrix type
107  // Return the parameter type (nominally complex)
110  // Number of pars per ant/bln
111  // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
112  virtual casacore::Int nPar()=0;
114  // Report calibration availability per spw
115  // (always true for non-tabular?)
117  virtual casacore::Bool spwOK(casacore::Int) { return true; };
119  // Calibration available?
120  // (always true for non-tabular)
121  virtual casacore::Bool calAvailable(vi::VisBuffer2&) { return true;};
123  // Calibration expected AND available?
124  // (always assume true for non-tabular)
125  virtual casacore::Bool VBOKforCalApply(vi::VisBuffer2&) { return true;};
127  // Frequency-dependent Parameters? Nominally not.
128  virtual casacore::Bool freqDepPar() { return false; };
130  // Number of par channels in current spw
131  inline const casacore::Int& nChanPar() const { return nChanPar_[currSpw_]; };
133  // Frequency-dependent Matrices? Nominally same as freqDepPar.
134  virtual casacore::Bool freqDepMat() { return freqDepPar(); };
136  // Freq-dep Weight scaling? // almost always false
137  virtual casacore::Bool freqDepCalWt() { return false; };
139  // Matrices time-dependent per parameter set (nominally no)
140  virtual casacore::Bool timeDepMat() { return false; };
142  // Is this calibration matrix to be applied?
143  inline casacore::Bool isApplied() {return applied_;};
145  // Is this solveable? (never via this interface)
146  virtual casacore::Bool isSolvable() {return false;};
148  // Return the time interval over which this calibration is constant
149  inline virtual casacore::Double& interval() {return interval_;}
151  // Set the application parameters
152  virtual void setApply();
153  virtual void setApply(const casacore::Record& apply);
154  virtual void setCallib(const casacore::Record& callib,const casacore::MeasurementSet& selms);
156  // Apply info/params, suitable for logging
157  virtual casacore::String applyinfo();
159  // simulation params - for a VC, sim is apply; for a SVC this will get
160  // overriden
161  inline virtual casacore::String siminfo() { return applyinfo(); };
163  // Trigger calibration of weights
164  inline casacore::Bool& calWt() { return calWt_; };
166  // Apply calibration to data in VisBuffer (correct casacore::Data or corrupt Model)
167  // (in-place versions)
168  virtual void correct(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Bool trial=false);
169  virtual void correct2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb, casacore::Bool trial=false,
170  casacore::Bool doWtSp=false, casacore::Bool dosync=true);
171  virtual void corrupt(VisBuffer& vb);
172  virtual void corrupt2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
174  // Apply calibration to data in VisBuffer;
175  // (alternate output versions)
176  virtual void correct(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false);
177  virtual void corrupt(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Mout);
180  // Flag counting
181  virtual void initCalFlagCount();
182  virtual casacore::Record actionRec();
184  // Report the state
185  virtual void state();
187  virtual void currMetaNote();
189  // Set the print level
190  inline void setPrtlev(const casacore::Int& prtlev) { prtlev_=prtlev; };
192  // Baseline index from antenna indices: (assumes a1<=a2 !!)
193  inline casacore::Int blnidx(const casacore::Int& a1,
194  const casacore::Int& a2) { return a1*nAnt() - a1*(a1+1)/2 + a2; };
196  inline casacore::String& extraTag() { return extratag_; };
199  // VI2-related refactor--------------------------------------
201  // Set "current" meta info, so internals can be registered
202  virtual void setMeta(int obs, int scan, double time,
203  int spw, const casacore::Vector<double>& freq,
204  int fld);
206  // Reshape solvePar* arrays for the currSpw()
207  // (sensitive to freqDepPar())
208  virtual void sizeApplyParCurrSpw(int nVisChan);
210  // Set parameters to def values in the currSpw(),
211  // and optionally sync everything
212  virtual void setDefApplyParCurrSpw(bool sync=false, bool doInv=false);
214  // Set parameters to specified values in the currSpw(),
215  // and optionally sync matrices
217  bool sync=false, bool doInv=false);
219  virtual void setApplyParCurrSpw(const casacore::Cube<float> rpar,
220  bool sync=false, bool doInv=false);
222  // Access (public) to current solution parameters and matrices
223  inline virtual casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& currCPar() {return (*currCPar_[currSpw()]);};
224  inline virtual casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& currRPar() {return (*currRPar_[currSpw()]);};
225  inline virtual casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>& currParOK() {return (*currParOK_[currSpw()]);};
228 protected:
230  // Set applied state flag
231  inline void setApplied(const casacore::Bool& flag) {applied_=flag;};
233  inline casacore::String& msName() { return msName_; };
235  // General Shape Info
236  inline casacore::Int& nSpw() { return nSpw_; };
237  inline casacore::Int& nAnt() { return nAnt_; };
238  inline casacore::Int& nBln() { return nBln_; };
240  // The number of sets of parameters under consideration
241  virtual casacore::Int& nElem()=0;
243  // Number of Calibration matrices on ant/bln axis
244  virtual casacore::Int nCalMat()=0;
246  // Current in-focus spw
247  inline casacore::Int& currSpw() { return currSpw_; };
249  // Current coords
250  inline casacore::Double& lastTime() { return lastTime_(currSpw()); };
251  inline casacore::Double& currTime() { return currTime_(currSpw()); };
252  inline casacore::Int& currScan() { return currScan_(currSpw()); };
253  inline casacore::Int& currObs() { return currObs_(currSpw()); };
254  inline casacore::Int& currField() { return currField_(currSpw()); };
255  inline casacore::Int& currIntent() { return currIntent_(currSpw()); };
258  inline casacore::Double& refTime() { return refTime_; };
259  inline casacore::Double& refFreq() { return refFreq_; };
261  // Current spectral shapes
262  inline casacore::Int& nChanPar() { return nChanPar_[currSpw_]; };
263  inline casacore::Int& nChanMat() { return nChanMat_[currSpw_]; };
269  // Access to matrix renderings of Visibilities
270  inline VisVector& V() { return (*V_[currSpw()]); };
272  // Validation of calibration parameters
273  inline void invalidateP() {PValid_(currSpw())=false;};
274  inline void validateP() {PValid_(currSpw())=true;};
275  inline casacore::Bool PValid() {return PValid_(currSpw());};
277  // Invalidate cal matrices generically
278  virtual void invalidateCalMat()=0;
280  // Access to weight-scaling factors
283  // Flag counting
284  virtual void countInFlag(const VisBuffer& vb);
285  virtual void countInFlag2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
286  virtual void countOutFlag(const VisBuffer& vb);
287  virtual void countOutFlag2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
289  // Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> (generic)
290  virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false)=0;
291  virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
293  casacore::Bool trial=false)=0;
295  // Synchronize "gains" with a VisBuffer or another VisCal
296  virtual void syncCal(const VisBuffer& vb,
297  const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
298  virtual void syncCal2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
299  const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
300  virtual void syncCal(VisCal& vc);
302  // Set internal meta data from a VisBuffer or another VisCal
303  virtual void syncMeta(const VisBuffer& vb);
304  virtual void syncMeta2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
305  void syncMeta(VisCal& vc);
307  void syncMeta(const casacore::Int& spw,
308  const casacore::Double& time,
309  const casacore::Int& field,
311  const casacore::Int& nchan);
313  // Set the calibration matrix channelization
314  void setCalChannelization(const casacore::Int& nChanDat);
316  // Test for need of new calibration
317  void checkCurrCal();
319  // Synchronize "gains" with current meta-data
320  virtual void syncCal(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
322  // Sync parameters for current meta data
323  virtual void syncPar();
325  // Calculate Mueller parameters by some means
326  virtual void calcPar();
328  // Sync matrices generically for current meta data
329  virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false)=0;
331  // Return print (cout) level
332  inline casacore::Int& prtlev() { return prtlev_; };
334  // set current field index vector to given field id
335  void setCurrField(const casacore::Int& ifld);
337  // Access to the MSMetaInfoForCal (throws if none)
338  const MSMetaInfoForCal& msmc() const
339  {
340  if (msmc_) return *msmc_;
341  else throw(casacore::AipsError("VisCal::msmc(): No MSMetaInfoForCal object!"));
342  };
344 private:
346  // Defalt ctor is private
347  VisCal();
349  // Initialize pointers, etc.
350  void initVisCal();
352  // Delete pointers
353  void deleteVisCal();
355  // Associated casacore::MS name
358  // The MSMetaInfoForCal pointer
360  const bool delmsmc_; // must delete _only_ if locally formed
362  // Number of Spectral windows
365  // Number of antennas
368  // Number of baselines
371  // Current synchronized spw
374  // Current indices
385  // Channel counts
389  // Solution timescale (context-dependent)
392  // Application flag
395  // In-focus channel for single-chan solves on multi-chan data
398  // VisVector wrapper (per Spw)
401  // Current parameters
406  // Paremeter validity
409  // Trigger calibration of weights
412  // Weight scale factors
415  // Flag counting
418  // Print level
421  casacore::String extratag_; // e.g. to tag as noise scale
424 };
427 // **********************************************************
428 // VisMueller
429 //
431 class VisMueller : virtual public VisCal {
433 public:
435  // Constructor
436  VisMueller(VisSet& vs);
442  VisMueller(const casacore::Int& nAnt);
444  virtual ~VisMueller();
446  // Return casacore::Matrix type
449  // Mueller matrix type (must be implemented in Mueller specializations!)
450  virtual Mueller::MuellerType muellerType()=0;
452  // Report the state
453  virtual void state();
455 protected:
457  // Total number of parameter sets required
458  virtual casacore::Int& nElem() { return nBln(); };
460  // Number of Cal Matrices to form on baseline axis
461  // (Mueller, apply context: nBln())
462  virtual casacore::Int nCalMat() { return nBln(); };
464  // Are the parameters the matrix elements?
465  // (or is a non-trivial calculation required?)
466  // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
469  // Are we applying via Mueller multiplication?
470  // (necessarily true for native Muellers)
471  virtual casacore::Bool applyByMueller() { return true; };
473  // Access to matrix renderings of Muellers
474  inline Mueller& M() { return (*M_[currSpw()]); };
476  // Access to current matrices
480  // Invalidate cal matrices generically (at this level, just Mueller)
481  inline virtual void invalidateCalMat() { invalidateM(); };
483  // Validation of Mueller matrices (for currSpw)
484  inline void invalidateM() {MValid_(currSpw())=false;};
485  inline void validateM() {MValid_(currSpw())=true;};
486  inline casacore::Bool MValid() {return MValid_(currSpw());};
488  // Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> (applyByMueller override)
489  virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false);
490  virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
492  casacore::Bool trial=false);
493  // { throw(casacore::AipsError("VisMueller::applyCal2 NYI!!!!!!!!!!!!!")); };
495  // Sync matrices for current meta data (Mueller override)
496  virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
498  // Sync Mueller matrix elements for current parameters
499  virtual void syncMueller(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
501  // Calculate an ensemble of Mueller matrices (all baselines, channels)
502  virtual void calcAllMueller();
504  // Calculate a single Mueller matrix by some means
508  // Invert Mueller matrices
509  virtual void invMueller();
511  // Set matrix elements according to their ok flags
512  // (e.g., makes a unit matrix if everything flagged,
513  // so we don't have to make atomic ok checks in apply)
514  virtual void setMatByOk();
516  // Create Mueller matrix algebra interface
517  void createMueller();
519  // Synchronize weight scale factors
520  virtual void syncWtScale();
522  // Perform weight scale calculation (specializable)
523  virtual void calcWtScale();
525  // Update the wt vector for a baseline
526  virtual void updateWt(casacore::Vector<casacore::Float>& wt,const casacore::Int& a1,const casacore::Int& a2);
529 private:
531  // Default ctor is private
532  VisMueller();
534  // Init VisMueller pointers, etc.
535  void initVisMueller();
537  // Delete the this* caches
538  void deleteVisMueller();
540  // Mueller algebra wrapper (per Spw)
543  // Current Mueller matrix elements
547  // Mueller validity
550 };
553 // **********************************************************
554 // VisJones
555 //
557 class VisJones : virtual public VisMueller {
559  friend class SolvableVisJones;
561 public:
563  // Constructor
564  VisJones(VisSet& vs);
570  VisJones(const casacore::Int& nAnt);
572  virtual ~VisJones();
574  // Return casacore::Matrix type
577  // What kind of Mueller matrices should we use?
578  // (A function of the jonesType and target data shape)
581  // What kind of Jones matrix are we?
582  // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
583  virtual Jones::JonesType jonesType()=0;
585  // Report the state
586  virtual void state();
588 protected:
590  // Number of parameter sets is number of antennas
591  inline virtual casacore::Int& nElem() { return nAnt(); };
593  // Number of Cal Matrices to form on antenna axis
594  // (Jones, apply context: nAnt())
595  virtual casacore::Int nCalMat() { return nAnt(); };
597  // Jones matrices can never be trivial Muellers!
598  virtual casacore::Bool trivialMuellerElem() { return false; };
600  // Are the parameters the Jones matrix elements?
601  // (or is a non-trivial calculation required?)
602  // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
603  virtual casacore::Bool trivialJonesElem()=0;
605  // Are we applying via Mueller or Jones multiplication?
606  // (probably by Jones for native Jones?)
607  virtual casacore::Bool applyByMueller() { return false; };
608  virtual casacore::Bool applyByJones() { return true; };
610  // Access to matrix renderings of Jones matrices
611  inline Jones& J1() { return *J1_[currSpw()]; };
612  inline Jones& J2() { return *J2_[currSpw()]; };
614  // Access to Jones matrix element array
618  // Invalidate cal matrices generically (at this level, both Mueller and Jones)
619  inline virtual void invalidateCalMat() { invalidateM(); invalidateJ(); };
621  // Validation of Jones matrices
622  inline void invalidateJ() {JValid_(currSpw())=false;};
623  inline void validateJ() {JValid_(currSpw())=true;};
624  inline casacore::Bool JValid() {return JValid_(currSpw());};
626  // Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> (applyByJones override)
627  virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false);
628  virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
630  casacore::Bool trial=false);
632  // Sync matrices for current meta data (VisJones override)
633  virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
635  // Calculate an ensemble of Mueller matrices (all baselines, channels)
636  // (only meaningful if applyByMueller()=T)
637  virtual void calcAllMueller();
639  // Synchronize current Jones matrices
640  virtual void syncJones(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
642  // Calculate an ensemble of Jones matrices (all antennas, channels)
643  virtual void calcAllJones();
645  // Calculate a single Jones matrix by some means from parameters
649  // Invert Jones matrices
650  virtual void invJones();
652  // Set matrix elements according to their ok flags
653  // (e.g., makes a unit matrix if everything flagged,
654  // so we don't have to make atomic ok checks in apply)
655  virtual void setMatByOk();
657  // Create Jones interface
658  void createJones();
660  // Synchronize weight scale factors
661  virtual void syncWtScale();
663  // Perform weight scale calculation (specializable)
664  virtual void calcWtScale();
666  // Update the wt vector for a baseline
667  virtual void updateWt(casacore::Vector<casacore::Float>& wt,const casacore::Int& a1,const casacore::Int& a2);
668  virtual void updateWt2(casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float>& wt,const casacore::Int& a1,const casacore::Int& a2);
670 private:
672  // Default ctor is private
673  VisJones();
675  // Init VisJones pointers
676  void initVisJones();
678  // Delete the this* caches
679  void deleteVisJones();
681  // Jones algebra wrapper (per Spw)
685  // Current Jones matrix-element arrays
689  // Jones validity, per spw
693 };
697 #endif
virtual VisCalEnum::MatrixType matrixType()
Return casacore::Matrix type.
Definition: VisCal.h:575
void invalidateP()
Validation of calibration parameters.
Definition: VisCal.h:273
void setApplied(const casacore::Bool &flag)
Set applied state flag.
Definition: VisCal.h:231
virtual casacore::Bool freqDepCalWt()
Freq-dep Weight scaling? // almost always false.
Definition: VisCal.h:137
void validateP()
Definition: VisCal.h:274
virtual void invMueller()
Invert Mueller matrices.
virtual void updateWt(casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &wt, const casacore::Int &a1, const casacore::Int &a2)
Update the wt vector for a baseline.
Definition: VisCal.h:53
casacore::Int & prtlev()
Return print (cout) level.
Definition: VisCal.h:332
casacore::Int & currScan()
Definition: VisCal.h:252
virtual casacore::Bool trivialMuellerElem()=0
Are the parameters the matrix elements? (or is a non-trivial calculation required?) (Must be implemented in specializations!)
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > currObs_
Definition: VisCal.h:377
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > currField_
Definition: VisCal.h:378
long long Int64
Define the extra non-standard types used by Casacore (like proposed uSize, Size)
Definition: aipsxtype.h:38
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
virtual void invJones()
Invert Jones matrices.
virtual void setDefApplyParCurrSpw(bool sync=false, bool doInv=false)
Set parameters to def values in the currSpw(), and optionally sync everything.
virtual Mueller::MuellerType muellerType()=0
Mueller matrix type (must be implemented in Mueller specializations!)
virtual void syncWtScale()
Synchronize weight scale factors.
virtual VisCalEnum::MatrixType matrixType()
Return casacore::Matrix type.
Definition: VisCal.h:447
casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > PValid_
Paremeter validity.
Definition: VisCal.h:407
Definition: VisCal.h:431
casacore::Int blnidx(const casacore::Int &a1, const casacore::Int &a2)
Baseline index from antenna indices: (assumes a1&lt;=a2 !!)
Definition: VisCal.h:193
casacore::Int & nSpw()
General Shape Info.
Definition: VisCal.h:236
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > & nChanParList()
Definition: VisCal.h:265
Additive noise In practice, this is not really solvable, but it is a SVM because we need access to ge...
Definition: AMueller.h:161
casacore::PtrBlock< Jones * > J2_
Definition: VisCal.h:683
virtual void sizeApplyParCurrSpw(int nVisChan)
Reshape solvePar* arrays for the currSpw() (sensitive to freqDepPar())
virtual void setApplyParCurrSpw(const casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > cpar, bool sync=false, bool doInv=false)
Set parameters to specified values in the currSpw(), and optionally sync matrices.
virtual void state()
Report the state.
virtual void calcAllMueller()
Calculate an ensemble of Mueller matrices (all baselines, channels) (only meaningful if applyByMuelle...
void initVisMueller()
Init VisMueller pointers, etc.
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > * > currJElem_
Current Jones matrix-element arrays.
Definition: VisCal.h:686
virtual casacore::Bool freqDepPar()
Frequency-dependent Parameters? Nominally not.
Definition: VisCal.h:128
virtual void syncJones(const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)
Synchronize current Jones matrices.
casacore::Int64 nflagIn_
Definition: VisCal.h:416
void apply(const Jones &j1, VisVector &v, const Jones &j2)
Apply a pair of Jones to a VisVector:
virtual void calcAllJones()
Calculate an ensemble of Jones matrices (all antennas, channels)
void deleteVisCal()
Delete pointers.
virtual casacore::Bool freqDepMat()
Frequency-dependent Matrices? Nominally same as freqDepPar.
Definition: VisCal.h:134
casacore::String & msName()
Definition: VisCal.h:233
virtual VisCalEnum::VCParType parType()
Return the parameter type (nominally complex)
Definition: VisCal.h:108
virtual casacore::Int & nElem()
Total number of parameter sets required.
Definition: VisCal.h:458
casacore::Int nSpw_
Number of Spectral windows.
Definition: VisCal.h:363
virtual void currMetaNote()
virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)=0
Sync matrices generically for current meta data.
virtual casacore::String typeName()
Return type name as string.
Definition: VisCal.h:101
virtual casacore::Int & nElem()=0
The number of sets of parameters under consideration.
void validateJ()
Definition: VisCal.h:623
Defalt ctor is private.
virtual void state()
Report the state.
virtual void syncWtScale()
Synchronize weight scale factors.
casacore::PtrBlock< Mueller * > M_
Mueller algebra wrapper (per Spw)
Definition: VisCal.h:541
void setCurrField(const casacore::Int &ifld)
set current field index vector to given field id
void initVisJones()
Init VisJones pointers.
ABSTRACT TOOL CLASSES A PlotTool is a higher level event handler for a PlotCanvas The idea is to take common tasks which may require multiple events and put them in one place PlotTools also provide additional functionality in that they can be active and blocking non blocking The PlotCanvas will only send events to active and will not send events to later tools or event handlers if the latest tool was blocking In this way a single tool can be used to handle ALL user interaction via the GUI at one time
Definition: PlotTool.h:43
casacore::Int64 nflagOut_
Definition: VisCal.h:416
virtual void calcOneMueller(casacore::Vector< casacore::Complex > &mat, casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mOk, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Complex > &par, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &pOk)
Calculate a single Mueller matrix by some means.
virtual casacore::String siminfo()
simulation params - for a VC, sim is apply; for a SVC this will get overriden
Definition: VisCal.h:161
casacore::Bool applied_
Application flag.
Definition: VisCal.h:393
casacore::Int & currIntent()
Definition: VisCal.h:255
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > currScan_
Definition: VisCal.h:376
virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2 &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > &Vout, casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &Wout, casacore::Bool trial=false)
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > nChanPar_
Channel counts.
Definition: VisCal.h:386
casacore::Int64 ndataIn_
Flag counting.
Definition: VisCal.h:416
casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > & currJElemOK()
Definition: VisCal.h:616
virtual void countInFlag(const VisBuffer &vb)
Flag counting.
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > & nChanMatList()
Definition: VisCal.h:266
virtual casacore::Bool applyByMueller()
Are we applying via Mueller or Jones multiplication? (probably by Jones for native Jones...
Definition: VisCal.h:607
Jones & J1()
Access to matrix renderings of Jones matrices.
Definition: VisCal.h:611
casacore::Double & refFreq()
Definition: VisCal.h:259
casacore::Bool PValid()
Definition: VisCal.h:275
casacore::Double & lastTime()
Current coords.
Definition: VisCal.h:250
void initVisCal()
Initialize pointers, etc.
casacore::Int & nAnt()
Definition: VisCal.h:237
VisVector & V()
Access to matrix renderings of Visibilities.
Definition: VisCal.h:270
virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)
{ throw(casacore::AipsError(&quot;VisMueller::applyCal2 NYI!!!!!!!!!!!!!&quot;)); };
virtual casacore::Double & interval()
Return the time interval over which this calibration is constant.
Definition: VisCal.h:149
virtual void calcAllMueller()
Calculate an ensemble of Mueller matrices (all baselines, channels)
virtual void corrupt(VisBuffer &vb)
virtual void syncMeta2(const vi::VisBuffer2 &vb)
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > startChan_
Definition: VisCal.h:387
const casacore::Int & nChanPar() const
Number of par channels in current spw.
Definition: VisCal.h:131
casacore::Int nAnt_
Number of antennas.
Definition: VisCal.h:366
casacore::String & extraTag()
Definition: VisCal.h:196
casacore::Int & startChan()
Definition: VisCal.h:264
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > * > currRPar_
Definition: VisCal.h:403
casacore::Int nBln_
Number of baselines.
Definition: VisCal.h:369
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > currTime_
Current indices.
Definition: VisCal.h:375
casacore::Bool isApplied()
Is this calibration matrix to be applied?
Definition: VisCal.h:143
virtual void countInFlag2(const vi::VisBuffer2 &vb)
virtual casacore::Bool spwOK(casacore::Int)
Definition: VisCal.h:117
virtual casacore::Bool trivialJonesElem()=0
Are the parameters the Jones matrix elements? (or is a non-trivial calculation required?) (Must be implemented in specializations!)
virtual void countOutFlag2(const vi::VisBuffer2 &vb)
virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)
Sync matrices for current meta data (VisJones override)
virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > &Vout, casacore::Bool trial=false)=0
Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube&lt;casacore::Complex&gt; (generic)
virtual casacore::Bool applyByJones()
Definition: VisCal.h:608
virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > &Vout, casacore::Bool trial=false)
Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube&lt;casacore::Complex&gt; (applyByJones override)
void createMueller()
Create Mueller matrix algebra interface.
virtual void setMatByOk()
Set matrix elements according to their ok flags (e.g., makes a unit matrix if everything flagged...
virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2 &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > &Vout, casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &Wout, casacore::Bool trial=false)
casacore::Int & currField()
Definition: VisCal.h:254
casacore::Int & nChanPar()
Current spectral shapes.
Definition: VisCal.h:262
virtual void invalidateCalMat()
Invalidate cal matrices generically (at this level, both Mueller and Jones)
Definition: VisCal.h:619
virtual void state()
Report the state.
Allowed types of VisCal matrices - &#39;correct&#39; order enum Type{UVMOD,Mf,M,K,B,G,D,C,E,P,T,EP,F}; enum Type{Test=0,ANoise,M,KAntPos,K,B,G,J,D,X,C,P,E,T,F,A,ALL};.
Definition: VisCal.h:62
virtual casacore::Int nPar()=0
Number of pars per ant/bln (Must be implemented in specializations!)
virtual casacore::Bool applyByMueller()
Are we applying via Mueller multiplication? (necessarily true for native Muellers) ...
Definition: VisCal.h:471
virtual void syncCal2(const vi::VisBuffer2 &vb, const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)
virtual void calcOneJones(casacore::Vector< casacore::Complex > &mat, casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &mOk, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Complex > &par, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &pOk)
Calculate a single Jones matrix by some means from parameters.
Mueller & M()
Access to matrix renderings of Muellers.
Definition: VisCal.h:474
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > * > currMElem_
Current Mueller matrix elements.
Definition: VisCal.h:544
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55
casacore::Int focusChan_
In-focus channel for single-chan solves on multi-chan data.
Definition: VisCal.h:396
casacore::Bool MValid()
Definition: VisCal.h:486
virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2 &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > &Vout, casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > &Wout, casacore::Bool trial=false)=0
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > * > currJElemOK_
Definition: VisCal.h:687
virtual void calcWtScale()
Perform weight scale calculation (specializable)
virtual Mueller::MuellerType muellerType()
What kind of Mueller matrices should we use? (A function of the jonesType and target data shape) ...
casacore::Double & currTime()
Definition: VisCal.h:251
casacore::Int & nBln()
Definition: VisCal.h:238
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > & startChanList()
Definition: VisCal.h:267
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > lastTime_
Definition: VisCal.h:381
void setCalChannelization(const casacore::Int &nChanDat)
Set the calibration matrix channelization.
casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > & currMElemOK()
Definition: VisCal.h:478
virtual casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > spwOK()
Report calibration availability per spw (always true for non-tabular?)
Definition: VisCal.h:116
void createJones()
Create Jones interface.
virtual void syncMeta(const VisBuffer &vb)
Set internal meta data from a VisBuffer or another VisCal.
virtual casacore::Bool VBOKforCalApply(vi::VisBuffer2 &)
Calibration expected AND available? (always assume true for non-tabular)
Definition: VisCal.h:125
virtual casacore::Bool calAvailable(vi::VisBuffer2 &)
Calibration available? (always true for non-tabular)
Definition: VisCal.h:121
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: Record.h:180
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
virtual Jones::JonesType jonesType()=0
What kind of Jones matrix are we? (Must be implemented in specializations!)
virtual void corrupt2(vi::VisBuffer2 &vb)
virtual void invalidateCalMat()
Invalidate cal matrices generically (at this level, just Mueller)
Definition: VisCal.h:481
Default ctor is private.
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > * > currMElemOK_
Definition: VisCal.h:545
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > * > currCPar_
Current parameters.
Definition: VisCal.h:402
casacore::Bool calWt_
Trigger calibration of weights.
Definition: VisCal.h:410
virtual casacore::String applyinfo()
Apply info/params, suitable for logging.
casacore::Int & currSpw()
Current in-focus spw.
Definition: VisCal.h:247
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > currFreq_
Definition: VisCal.h:380
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > * > currParOK_
Definition: VisCal.h:404
Default ctor is private.
Jones & J2()
Definition: VisCal.h:612
casacore::Int & currObs()
Definition: VisCal.h:253
A drop-in replacement for Block&lt;T*&gt;.
Definition: WProjectFT.h:54
virtual casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > & currRPar()
Definition: VisCal.h:224
A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
virtual casacore::Cube< casacore::Bool > & currParOK()
Definition: VisCal.h:225
casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > * > currWtScale_
Weight scale factors.
Definition: VisCal.h:413
virtual void syncPar()
Sync parameters for current meta data.
virtual casacore::Bool trivialMuellerElem()
Jones matrices can never be trivial Muellers!
Definition: VisCal.h:598
casacore::Int & nChanMat()
Definition: VisCal.h:263
virtual void updateWt(casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &wt, const casacore::Int &a1, const casacore::Int &a2)
Update the wt vector for a baseline.
casacore::Bool & calWt()
Trigger calibration of weights.
Definition: VisCal.h:164
casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > & currJElem()
Access to Jones matrix element array.
Definition: VisCal.h:615
virtual void setApply()
Set the application parameters.
virtual casacore::String longTypeName()
Definition: VisCal.h:102
const bool delmsmc_
Definition: VisCal.h:360
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > & currFreq()
Definition: VisCal.h:256
virtual void invalidateCalMat()=0
Invalidate cal matrices generically.
virtual void calcWtScale()
Perform weight scale calculation (specializable)
casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > & currMElem()
Access to current matrices.
Definition: VisCal.h:477
casacore::Double refFreq_
Definition: VisCal.h:383
VisBuffer2s encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing.
Definition: VisBuffer2.h:141
virtual void correct2(vi::VisBuffer2 &vb, casacore::Bool trial=false, casacore::Bool doWtSp=false, casacore::Bool dosync=true)
Base class for all Casacore library errors.
Definition: Error.h:134
virtual casacore::Int & nElem()
Number of parameter sets is number of antennas.
Definition: VisCal.h:591
virtual casacore::Int nCalMat()
Number of Cal Matrices to form on baseline axis (Mueller, apply context: nBln())
Definition: VisCal.h:462
casacore::Int prtlev_
Print level.
Definition: VisCal.h:419
const MSMetaInfoForCal & msmc() const
Access to the MSMetaInfoForCal (throws if none)
Definition: VisCal.h:338
Definition: VisCal.h:557
Enumeration of parameter types (casacore::Complex, Real, or Both)
Definition: VisCal.h:65
virtual ~VisJones()
casacore::Double interval_
Solution timescale (context-dependent)
Definition: VisCal.h:390
virtual casacore::Bool isSolvable()
Is this solveable? (never via this interface)
Definition: VisCal.h:146
void invalidateJ()
Validation of Jones matrices.
Definition: VisCal.h:622
virtual casacore::Int nCalMat()=0
Number of Calibration matrices on ant/bln axis.
casacore::Double refTime_
Definition: VisCal.h:382
casacore::Int currSpw_
Current synchronized spw.
Definition: VisCal.h:372
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
casacore::PtrBlock< VisVector * > V_
VisVector wrapper (per Spw)
Definition: VisCal.h:399
casacore::PtrBlock< Jones * > J1_
Jones algebra wrapper (per Spw)
Definition: VisCal.h:682
virtual void setCallib(const casacore::Record &callib, const casacore::MeasurementSet &selms)
VisBuffers encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing.
Definition: VisBuffer.h:153
virtual void countOutFlag(const VisBuffer &vb)
casacore::String extratag_
Definition: VisCal.h:421
virtual casacore::Bool timeDepMat()
Matrices time-dependent per parameter set (nominally no)
Definition: VisCal.h:140
virtual Type type()=0
Return the type of this calibration matrix (actual type of derived class).
virtual void updateWt2(casacore::Matrix< casacore::Float > &wt, const casacore::Int &a1, const casacore::Int &a2)
virtual void syncMueller(const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)
Sync Mueller matrix elements for current parameters.
void invalidateM()
Validation of Mueller matrices (for currSpw)
Definition: VisCal.h:484
void deleteVisMueller()
Delete the this* caches.
virtual VisCalEnum::MatrixType matrixType()
Return casacore::Matrix type.
Definition: VisCal.h:105
virtual void setMeta(int obs, int scan, double time, int spw, const casacore::Vector< double > &freq, int fld)
VI2-related refactor-----------------------------------—.
virtual void syncCal(const VisBuffer &vb, const casacore::Bool &doInv=false)
Synchronize &quot;gains&quot; with a VisBuffer or another VisCal.
virtual casacore::Record actionRec()
virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer &vb, casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > &Vout, casacore::Bool trial=false)
Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube&lt;casacore::Complex&gt; (applyByMueller override) ...
void checkCurrCal()
Test for need of new calibration.
casacore::Bool JValid()
Definition: VisCal.h:624
virtual ~VisMueller()
void validateM()
Definition: VisCal.h:485
void deleteVisJones()
Delete the this* caches.
void setPrtlev(const casacore::Int &prtlev)
Set the print level.
Definition: VisCal.h:190
virtual ~VisCal()
virtual void correct(VisBuffer &vb, casacore::Bool trial=false)
Apply calibration to data in VisBuffer (correct casacore::Data or corrupt Model) (in-place versions) ...
virtual void initCalFlagCount()
Flag counting.
casacore::Cube< casacore::Float > & currWtScale()
Access to weight-scaling factors.
Definition: VisCal.h:281
static casacore::String nameOfType(Type type)
Definition: VisCal.h:67
const MSMetaInfoForCal * msmc_
The MSMetaInfoForCal pointer.
Definition: VisCal.h:359
casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > MValid_
Mueller validity.
Definition: VisCal.h:548
virtual casacore::Int nCalMat()
Number of Cal Matrices to form on antenna axis (Jones, apply context: nAnt())
Definition: VisCal.h:595
virtual void setMatByOk()
Set matrix elements according to their ok flags (e.g., makes a unit matrix if everything flagged...
casacore::Double & refTime()
Definition: VisCal.h:258
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > currIntent_
Definition: VisCal.h:379
casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > nChanMat_
Definition: VisCal.h:386
virtual casacore::Cube< casacore::Complex > & currCPar()
Access (public) to current solution parameters and matrices.
Definition: VisCal.h:223
casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > JValid_
Jones validity, per spw.
Definition: VisCal.h:690
casacore::String msName_
Associated casacore::MS name.
Definition: VisCal.h:356
virtual void calcPar()
Calculate Mueller parameters by some means.