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casa::ImageFitter< T > Class Template Reference

#include <ImageFitter.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::ImageFitter< T >:
casa::ImageTask< T >

Public Member Functions

 ImageFitter ()=delete
 Top level interface to ImageAnalysis::fitsky to handle inputs, bookkeeping etc and ultimately call fitsky to do fitting. More...
 ImageFitter (const SPCIIT image, const casacore::String &region, const casacore::Record *const &regionRec, const casacore::String &box="", const casacore::String &chanInp="", const casacore::String &stokes="", const casacore::String &maskInp="", const casacore::String &estiamtesFilename="", const casacore::String &newEstimatesInp="", const casacore::String &compListName="")
 constructor appropriate for API calls. More...
 ImageFitter (const ImageFitter &other)=delete
virtual ~ImageFitter ()
 destructor More...
std::pair< ComponentList,
fit ()
 Do the fit. More...
void setWriteControl (typename ImageFitterResults< T >::CompListWriteControl x)
casacore::String getClass () const
casacore::Bool converged (casacore::uInt plane) const
 Did the fit converge for the specified channel? Throw casacore::AipsError if the fit has not yet been done. More...
casacore::Vector< casacore::Boolconverged () const
 Did the fit converge? Throw casacore::AipsError if the fit has not yet been done. More...
void setZeroLevelEstimate (casacore::Double estimate, casacore::Bool isFixed)
 set the zero level estimate. More...
void unsetZeroLevelEstimate ()
 Unset zero level (resets to zero). More...
void getZeroLevelSolution (std::vector< casacore::Double > &solution, std::vector< casacore::Double > &error)
 get the fitted result and error. More...
void setRMS (const casacore::Quantity &rms)
 set rms level for calculating uncertainties. More...
void setIncludePixelRange (const std::pair< T, T > &r)
void setExcludePixelRange (const std::pair< T, T > &r)
void setModel (const casacore::String &m)
 set the output model image name More...
void setResidual (const casacore::String &r)
 set the output residual image name More...
void setNoiseFWHM (const casacore::Quantity &q)
 set noise correlation beam FWHM More...
void setNoiseFWHM (casacore::Double d)
 in pixel widths More...
void clearNoiseFWHM ()
 clear noise FWHM, if the image has no beam, use the uncorrelated noise equations. More...
casacore::Record getOutputRecord () const
 The casacore::Record holding all the output info. More...
void setSummaryFile (const casacore::String &f)
 Set The summary text file name. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageTask< T >
virtual ~ImageTask ()
void setStretch (const casacore::Bool stretch)
void setLogfile (const casacore::String &lf)
 tacitly does nothing if lf is the empty string. More...
void setLogfileAppend (const casacore::Bool a)
void setRegion (const casacore::Record &region)
void setMask (const casacore::String &mask)
void setVerbosity (Verbosity verbosity)
void addHistory (const std::vector< std::pair< casacore::String, casacore::String > > &msgs) const
 These messages will appear in the product image history upon the call to _prepareOutputImage(). More...
void addHistory (const casacore::LogOrigin &origin, const casacore::String &msg) const
void addHistory (const casacore::LogOrigin &origin, const std::vector< casacore::String > &msgs) const
void addHistory (const casacore::LogOrigin &origin, const casacore::String &taskname, const std::vector< casacore::String > &paramNames, const std::vector< casac::variant > &paramValues) const
 This adds standard history messages regarding the task that was run and input parameters used. More...
void suppressHistoryWriting (casacore::Bool b)
 suppress writing the history on _prepareOutputImage() call. More...
std::vector< std::pair
< casacore::String,
casacore::String > > 
getHistory ()
 get the history associated with the task. More...
void setDropDegen (casacore::Bool d)

Protected Member Functions

virtual casacore::Bool _hasLogfileSupport () const
 by default, derived classes are configured to have no log file support. More...
virtual casacore::Bool _supportsMultipleRegions () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageTask< T >
 ImageTask (const SPCIIT image, const casacore::String &region, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &box, const casacore::String &chanInp, const casacore::String &stokes, const casacore::String &maskInp, const casacore::String &outname, casacore::Bool overwrite)
 if outname is empty, no image will be written if overwrite is True, if image already exists it will be removed if overwrite is False, if image already exists exception will be thrown More...
 ImageTask (const SPCIIT image, const casacore::Record *const &regionPtr, const casacore::String &mask, const casacore::String &outname, casacore::Bool overwrite)
virtual void _construct (casacore::Bool verbose=true)
 does the lion's share of constructing the object, ie checks validity of inputs, etc. More...
const SPCIIT _getImage () const
const casacore::String_getMask () const
const casacore::Record_getRegion () const
void _setStokes (const casacore::String &stokes)
const casacore::String_getStokes () const
const casacore::String_getChans () const
const casacore::String_getOutname () const
casacore::Bool _isPVImage () const
 Is the attached image a position-velocity (PV) image? More...
void _removeExistingOutfileIfNecessary () const
void _removeExistingFileIfNecessary (const casacore::String &filename, const casacore::Bool overwrite, casacore::Bool warnOnly=false) const
 if warnOnly is true, log a warning message if file exists and overwrite is true, else throw an exception. More...
casacore::String _summaryHeader () const
const std::shared_ptr
< casacore::LogIO
_getLog () const
casacore::Bool _getStretch () const
Bool _getSuppressHistory () const
const std::shared_ptr< LogFile_getLogFile () const
casacore::Bool _writeLogfile (const casacore::String &output, const casacore::Bool open=true, const casacore::Bool close=true)
casacore::Bool _openLogfile ()
void _closeLogfile () const
virtual casacore::Bool _supportsMultipleBeams () const
 does this task support images with multiple beams? false means it never does. More...
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< T > &image, const casacore::Array< T > *const values, const casacore::ArrayLattice< casacore::Bool > *const mask=nullptr, const casacore::IPosition *const outShape=nullptr, const casacore::CoordinateSystem *const coordsys=nullptr, const casacore::String *const outname=nullptr, casacore::Bool overwrite=false, casacore::Bool dropDegen=false) const
 If outname != NULL, use the value supplied. More...
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< T > &image, casacore::Bool dropDegen=false) const
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< T > &image, const casacore::String &outname, casacore::Bool overwrite, casacore::Bool warnOnly) const
 if warnOnly is true, only log a warning message if the file exists and overwrite is true, else throw an excepction More...
SPIIT _prepareOutputImage (const casacore::ImageInterface< T > &image, const casacore::Lattice< T > &data) const
 data are copied to the output image from the data lattice. More...
Verbosity _getVerbosity () const
casacore::Bool _getOverwrite () const
virtual casacore::Bool _mustHaveSquareDirectionPixels () const
casacore::Bool _getDropDegen () const
template<class U >
void _doHistory (std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< U >> &image) const
void _reportOldNewImageShapes (const ImageInterface< T > &out) const
void _reportOldNewImageShapes (const IPosition &outShape) const

Private Types

using Angular2DGaussian = casacore::GaussianBeam

Private Member Functions

void _fitLoop (casacore::Bool &anyConverged, ComponentList &convolvedList, ComponentList &deconvolvedList, SPIIT templateImage, SPIIT residualImage, SPIIT modelImage, casacore::String &resultsString)
< OutputDestinationChecker::OutputStruct
_getOutputStruct ()
< casacore::Coordinate::Type
_getNecessaryCoordinates () const
 Represents the minimum set of coordinates necessary for the task to function. More...
CasacRegionManager::StokesControl _getStokesControl () const
void _finishConstruction (const casacore::String &estimatesFilename)
casacore::String _resultsToString (casacore::uInt nPixels)
 summarize the results in a nicely formatted string More...
casacore::String _sizeToString (const casacore::uInt compNumber) const
 summarize the size details in a nicely formatted string More...
casacore::String _spectrumToString (casacore::uInt compNumber) const
void _setDeconvolvedSizes ()
void _getStandardDeviations (casacore::Double &inputStdDev, casacore::Double &residStdDev) const
void _getRMSs (casacore::Double &inputRMS, casacore::Double &residRMS) const
casacore::Double _getStatistic (const casacore::String &type, const casacore::uInt index, const casacore::Record &stats) const
casacore::String _statisticsToString () const
SPIIT _createImageTemplate () const
void _writeCompList (ComponentList &list) const
void _setIncludeExclude (casacore::Fit2D &fitter) const
void _fitsky (casacore::Fit2D &fitter, casacore::Array< T > &pixels, casacore::Array< casacore::Bool > &pixelMask, casacore::Bool &converged, casacore::Double &zeroLevelOffsetSolution, casacore::Double &zeroLevelOffsetError, std::pair< casacore::Int, casacore::Int > &pixelOffsets, const casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &models, casacore::Bool fitIt, casacore::Bool deconvolveIt, casacore::Double zeroLevelEstimate)
< casacore::Double
_singleParameterEstimate (casacore::Fit2D &fitter, casacore::Fit2D::Types model, const casacore::MaskedArray< T > &pixels, T minVal, T maxVal, const casacore::IPosition &minPos, const casacore::IPosition &maxPos) const
ComponentType::Shape _convertModelType (casacore::Fit2D::Types typeIn) const
void _fitskyExtractBeam (casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &parameters, const casacore::ImageInfo &imageInfo, const casacore::Bool xIsLong, const casacore::CoordinateSystem &cSys) const
void _encodeSkyComponentError (SkyComponent &sky, casacore::Double facToJy, const casacore::CoordinateSystem &csys, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &parameters, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &errors, casacore::Stokes::StokesTypes stokes, casacore::Bool xIsLong) const
void _doConverged (ComponentList &convolvedList, ComponentList &deconvolvedList, casacore::Double &zeroLevelOffsetEstimate, std::pair< casacore::Int, casacore::Int > &pixelOffsets, SPIIT &residualImage, SPIIT &modelImage, std::shared_ptr< casacore::TempImage< T >> &tImage, std::shared_ptr< casacore::ArrayLattice< casacore::Bool > > &initMask, casacore::Double zeroLevelOffsetSolution, casacore::Double zeroLevelOffsetError, casacore::Bool hasSpectralAxis, casacore::Int spectralAxisNumber, casacore::Bool outputImages, const casacore::IPosition &planeShape, const casacore::Array< T > &pixels, const casacore::Array< casacore::Bool > &pixelMask, const casacore::Fit2D &fitter)
casacore::Quantity _pixelWidth ()
void _calculateErrors ()
casacore::Double _getRMS () const
casacore::Double _correlatedOverallSNR (casacore::uInt comp, casacore::Double a, casacore::Double b, casacore::Double signalToNoise) const
casacore::GaussianBeam _getCurrentBeam () const
void _createOutputRecord (const ComponentList &convolved, const ComponentList &decon)
void _setSum (const SkyComponent &comp, const casacore::SubImage< T > &im, casacore::uInt compNum)
void _setBeam (casacore::GaussianBeam &beam, casacore::uInt ngauss)

Private Attributes

casacore::String _regionString
casacore::String _residual
casacore::String _model
casacore::String _estimatesString
casacore::String _summary
casacore::String _newEstimatesFileName
casacore::String _compListName
casacore::String _bUnit
std::shared_ptr< std::pair< T,
T > > 
std::shared_ptr< std::pair< T,
T > > 
ComponentList _estimates
ComponentList _curConvolvedList
ComponentList _curDeconvolvedList
< casacore::String
< casacore::String
casacore::Bool _fitDone
casacore::Bool _noBeam
casacore::Bool _doZeroLevel
casacore::Bool _zeroLevelIsFixed
casacore::Bool _correlatedNoise
casacore::Bool _useBeamForNoise
casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool_fitConverged
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_peakIntensities
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_peakIntensityErrors
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_fluxDensityErrors
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_fluxDensities
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_majorAxes
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_majorAxisErrors
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_minorAxes
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_minorAxisErrors
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_positionAngles
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_positionAngleErrors
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_allConvolvedPeakIntensities
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_allConvolvedPeakIntensityErrors
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_allSums
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_allFluxDensities
std::vector< casacore::Quantity_allFluxDensityErrors
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< casacore::Vector
< casacore::Double > > > 
< casacore::GaussianBeam
std::vector< casacore::Double_allBeamsPix
std::vector< casacore::Double_allBeamsSter
std::vector< casacore::uInt_allChanNums
std::vector< casacore::Bool_isPoint
casacore::Record _residStats
casacore::Record inputStats
casacore::Record _output
casacore::Double _rms
casacore::String _kludgedStokes
ImageFitterResults< T >
casacore::Vector< casacore::uInt_chanVec
casacore::uInt _curChan
casacore::Double _zeroLevelOffsetEstimate
std::vector< casacore::Double_zeroLevelOffsetSolution
std::vector< casacore::Double_zeroLevelOffsetError
casacore::Int _stokesPixNumber
casacore::Int _chanPixNumber
ImageFitterResults< T > _results
< casacore::Quantity
casacore::Quantity _pixWidth

Static Private Attributes

static const casacore::String _class

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from casa::ImageTask< T >
enum  Verbosity {
 Virtual base class for image analysis tasks. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageTask< T >
static void _copyMask (casacore::Lattice< casacore::Bool > &mask, const casacore::ImageInterface< T > &image)
static void _copyData (casacore::Lattice< T > &data, const casacore::Lattice< T > &image)

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class casa::ImageFitter< T >

Definition at line 38 of file ImageFitter.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T >
using casa::ImageFitter< T >::Angular2DGaussian = casacore::GaussianBeam

Definition at line 193 of file ImageFitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T >
casa::ImageFitter< T >::ImageFitter ( )

Top level interface to ImageAnalysis::fitsky to handle inputs, bookkeeping etc and ultimately call fitsky to do fitting.


Fits components to sources in images (ImageSourceComponentFitter was deemed to be to long of a name)


ImageFitter is the top level interface for fitting image source components. It handles most of the inputs, bookkeeping etc. It can be instantiated and its one public method, fit, run from either a C++ app or python.


ImageFitter fitter(...)
template<class T >
casa::ImageFitter< T >::ImageFitter ( const SPCIIT  image,
const casacore::String region,
const casacore::Record *const &  regionRec,
const casacore::String box = "",
const casacore::String chanInp = "",
const casacore::String stokes = "",
const casacore::String maskInp = "",
const casacore::String estiamtesFilename = "",
const casacore::String newEstimatesInp = "",
const casacore::String compListName = "" 

constructor appropriate for API calls.


  • imagename - the name of the input image in which to fit the models
  • box - A 2-D rectangular box in which to use pixels for the fitting, eg box=100,120,200,230 In cases where both box and region are specified, box, not region, is used.
  • region - Named region to use for fitting
  • regionPtr - A pointer to a region. Note there are unfortunately several different types of region records throughout CASA. In this case, it must be a casacore::Record produced by creating a region via a casacore::RegionManager method.
  • chanInp - Zero-based channel number on which to do the fit. Only a single channel can be specified.
  • stokes - casacore::Stokes plane on which to do the fit. Only a single casacore::Stokes parameter can be specified.
  • maskInp - Mask (as LEL) to use as a way to specify which pixels to use
  • includepix - Pixel value range to include in the fit. includepix and excludepix cannot be specified simultaneously.
  • excludepix - Pixel value range to exclude from fit
  • residualInp - Name of residual image to save. Blank means do not save residual image
  • modelInp - Name of the model image to save. Blank means do not save model image

    use these constructors when you already have a pointer to a valid casacore::ImageInterface object

template<class T >
casa::ImageFitter< T >::ImageFitter ( const ImageFitter< T > &  other)
template<class T >
virtual casa::ImageFitter< T >::~ImageFitter ( )


Member Function Documentation

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_calculateErrors ( )
template<class T >
ComponentType::Shape casa::ImageFitter< T >::_convertModelType ( casacore::Fit2D::Types  typeIn) const
template<class T >
casacore::Double casa::ImageFitter< T >::_correlatedOverallSNR ( casacore::uInt  comp,
casacore::Double  a,
casacore::Double  b,
casacore::Double  signalToNoise 
) const
template<class T >
SPIIT casa::ImageFitter< T >::_createImageTemplate ( ) const
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_createOutputRecord ( const ComponentList convolved,
const ComponentList decon 
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_doConverged ( ComponentList convolvedList,
ComponentList deconvolvedList,
casacore::Double zeroLevelOffsetEstimate,
std::pair< casacore::Int, casacore::Int > &  pixelOffsets,
SPIIT residualImage,
SPIIT modelImage,
std::shared_ptr< casacore::TempImage< T >> &  tImage,
std::shared_ptr< casacore::ArrayLattice< casacore::Bool > > &  initMask,
casacore::Double  zeroLevelOffsetSolution,
casacore::Double  zeroLevelOffsetError,
casacore::Bool  hasSpectralAxis,
casacore::Int  spectralAxisNumber,
casacore::Bool  outputImages,
const casacore::IPosition planeShape,
const casacore::Array< T > &  pixels,
const casacore::Array< casacore::Bool > &  pixelMask,
const casacore::Fit2D fitter 
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_encodeSkyComponentError ( SkyComponent sky,
casacore::Double  facToJy,
const casacore::CoordinateSystem csys,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &  parameters,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &  errors,
casacore::Stokes::StokesTypes  stokes,
casacore::Bool  xIsLong 
) const
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_finishConstruction ( const casacore::String estimatesFilename)
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fitLoop ( casacore::Bool anyConverged,
ComponentList convolvedList,
ComponentList deconvolvedList,
SPIIT  templateImage,
SPIIT  residualImage,
SPIIT  modelImage,
casacore::String resultsString 
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fitsky ( casacore::Fit2D fitter,
casacore::Array< T > &  pixels,
casacore::Array< casacore::Bool > &  pixelMask,
casacore::Bool converged,
casacore::Double zeroLevelOffsetSolution,
casacore::Double zeroLevelOffsetError,
std::pair< casacore::Int, casacore::Int > &  pixelOffsets,
const casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &  models,
casacore::Bool  fitIt,
casacore::Bool  deconvolveIt,
casacore::Double  zeroLevelEstimate 
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fitskyExtractBeam ( casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &  parameters,
const casacore::ImageInfo imageInfo,
const casacore::Bool  xIsLong,
const casacore::CoordinateSystem cSys 
) const
template<class T >
casacore::GaussianBeam casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getCurrentBeam ( ) const
template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Coordinate::Type> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getNecessaryCoordinates ( ) const

Represents the minimum set of coordinates necessary for the task to function.

Implements casa::ImageTask< T >.

template<class T >
std::vector<OutputDestinationChecker::OutputStruct> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getOutputStruct ( )

Reimplemented from casa::ImageTask< T >.

template<class T >
casacore::Double casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getRMS ( ) const
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getRMSs ( casacore::Double inputRMS,
casacore::Double residRMS 
) const
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getStandardDeviations ( casacore::Double inputStdDev,
casacore::Double residStdDev 
) const
template<class T >
casacore::Double casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getStatistic ( const casacore::String type,
const casacore::uInt  index,
const casacore::Record stats 
) const
template<class T >
CasacRegionManager::StokesControl casa::ImageFitter< T >::_getStokesControl ( ) const

Implements casa::ImageTask< T >.

template<class T >
virtual casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_hasLogfileSupport ( ) const

by default, derived classes are configured to have no log file support.

Reimplemented from casa::ImageTask< T >.

Definition at line 185 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Quantity casa::ImageFitter< T >::_pixelWidth ( )
template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_resultsToString ( casacore::uInt  nPixels)

summarize the results in a nicely formatted string

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_setBeam ( casacore::GaussianBeam beam,
casacore::uInt  ngauss 
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_setDeconvolvedSizes ( )
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_setIncludeExclude ( casacore::Fit2D fitter) const
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_setSum ( const SkyComponent comp,
const casacore::SubImage< T > &  im,
casacore::uInt  compNum 
template<class T >
casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_singleParameterEstimate ( casacore::Fit2D fitter,
casacore::Fit2D::Types  model,
const casacore::MaskedArray< T > &  pixels,
const casacore::IPosition minPos,
const casacore::IPosition maxPos 
) const
template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_sizeToString ( const casacore::uInt  compNumber) const

summarize the size details in a nicely formatted string

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_spectrumToString ( casacore::uInt  compNumber) const
template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_statisticsToString ( ) const
template<class T >
virtual casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_supportsMultipleRegions ( ) const

Reimplemented from casa::ImageTask< T >.

Definition at line 187 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::_writeCompList ( ComponentList list) const
template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::clearNoiseFWHM ( )

clear noise FWHM, if the image has no beam, use the uncorrelated noise equations.

If the image has a beam(s) use the correlated noise equations with theta_N = the geometric mean of the beam major and minor axes.

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::converged ( casacore::uInt  plane) const

Did the fit converge for the specified channel? Throw casacore::AipsError if the fit has not yet been done.

plane is relative to the first plane in the image chosen to be fit.

template<class T >
casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> casa::ImageFitter< T >::converged ( ) const

Did the fit converge? Throw casacore::AipsError if the fit has not yet been done.

plane is relative to the first plane in the image chosen to be fit.

template<class T >
std::pair<ComponentList, ComponentList> casa::ImageFitter< T >::fit ( )

Do the fit.

If componentList is specified, store the fitted components in that object. The first list in the returned pair represents the convolved components. The second list represents the deconvolved components. If the image has no beam, the two lists will be the same.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::getClass ( ) const

Implements casa::ImageTask< T >.

Definition at line 121 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_class.

template<class T >
casacore::Record casa::ImageFitter< T >::getOutputRecord ( ) const

The casacore::Record holding all the output info.

Definition at line 178 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_output.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::getZeroLevelSolution ( std::vector< casacore::Double > &  solution,
std::vector< casacore::Double > &  error 

get the fitted result and error.

Throws an exception if the zero level was not fit for.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setExcludePixelRange ( const std::pair< T, T > &  r)

Definition at line 156 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_excludePixelRange.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setIncludePixelRange ( const std::pair< T, T > &  r)

Definition at line 152 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_includePixelRange.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setModel ( const casacore::String m)

set the output model image name

Definition at line 161 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_model.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setNoiseFWHM ( const casacore::Quantity q)

set noise correlation beam FWHM

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setNoiseFWHM ( casacore::Double  d)

in pixel widths

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setResidual ( const casacore::String r)

set the output residual image name

Definition at line 164 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_residual.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setRMS ( const casacore::Quantity rms)

set rms level for calculating uncertainties.

If not positive, an exception is thrown.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setSummaryFile ( const casacore::String f)

Set The summary text file name.

Definition at line 181 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_summary.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setWriteControl ( typename ImageFitterResults< T >::CompListWriteControl  x)

Definition at line 117 of file ImageFitter.h.

References casa::ImageFitter< T >::_writeControl.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::setZeroLevelEstimate ( casacore::Double  estimate,
casacore::Bool  isFixed 

set the zero level estimate.

Implies fitting of zero level should be done. Must be called before fit() to have an effect.

template<class T >
void casa::ImageFitter< T >::unsetZeroLevelEstimate ( )

Unset zero level (resets to zero).

Implies fitting of zero level should not be done. Call prior to fit().

Member Data Documentation

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::GaussianBeam> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allBeams

Definition at line 213 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Double> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allBeamsPix

Definition at line 214 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Double> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allBeamsSter

Definition at line 214 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::uInt> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allChanNums

Definition at line 215 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allConvolvedPeakIntensities

Definition at line 208 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allConvolvedPeakIntensityErrors

Definition at line 209 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allFluxDensities

Definition at line 209 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allFluxDensityErrors

Definition at line 210 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_allSums

Definition at line 209 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_bUnit

Definition at line 197 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Int casa::ImageFitter< T >::_chanPixNumber

Definition at line 228 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Vector<casacore::uInt> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_chanVec

Definition at line 223 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
const casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_class

Definition at line 233 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::getClass().

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_compListName

Definition at line 197 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_correlatedNoise

Definition at line 202 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::uInt casa::ImageFitter< T >::_curChan

Definition at line 224 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
ComponentList casa::ImageFitter< T >::_curConvolvedList

Definition at line 199 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
ComponentList casa::ImageFitter< T >::_curDeconvolvedList

Definition at line 199 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Vector<casacore::String> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_deconvolvedMessages

Definition at line 200 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_doZeroLevel

Definition at line 201 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
ComponentList casa::ImageFitter< T >::_estimates

Definition at line 199 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_estimatesString

Definition at line 196 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr<std::pair<T, T> > casa::ImageFitter< T >::_excludePixelRange

Definition at line 198 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::setExcludePixelRange().

template<class T >
casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fitConverged

Definition at line 203 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fitDone

Definition at line 201 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Vector<casacore::String> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fixed

Definition at line 200 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fluxDensities

Definition at line 205 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_fluxDensityErrors

Definition at line 205 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr<std::pair<T, T> > casa::ImageFitter< T >::_includePixelRange

Definition at line 198 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::setIncludePixelRange().

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Bool> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_isPoint

Definition at line 216 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_kludgedStokes

Definition at line 219 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_majorAxes

Definition at line 205 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_majorAxisErrors

Definition at line 206 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_minorAxes

Definition at line 206 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_minorAxisErrors

Definition at line 206 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_model

Definition at line 196 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::setModel().

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_newEstimatesFileName

Definition at line 197 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_noBeam

Definition at line 201 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::unique_ptr<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_noiseFWHM

Definition at line 230 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Record casa::ImageFitter< T >::_output

Definition at line 217 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::getOutputRecord().

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_peakIntensities

Definition at line 204 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_peakIntensityErrors

Definition at line 204 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> > > casa::ImageFitter< T >::_pixelCoords

Definition at line 212 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Quantity casa::ImageFitter< T >::_pixWidth

Definition at line 231 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_positionAngleErrors

Definition at line 207 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Quantity> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_positionAngles

Definition at line 206 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_regionString

Definition at line 195 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Record casa::ImageFitter< T >::_residStats

Definition at line 217 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_residual

Definition at line 196 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::setResidual().

template<class T >
ImageFitterResults<T> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_results

Definition at line 229 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Double casa::ImageFitter< T >::_rms

Definition at line 218 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Int casa::ImageFitter< T >::_stokesPixNumber

Definition at line 228 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::String casa::ImageFitter< T >::_summary

Definition at line 196 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::setSummaryFile().

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_useBeamForNoise

Definition at line 202 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
ImageFitterResults<T>::CompListWriteControl casa::ImageFitter< T >::_writeControl

Definition at line 220 of file ImageFitter.h.

Referenced by casa::ImageFitter< T >::setWriteControl().

template<class T >
casacore::Bool casa::ImageFitter< T >::_zeroLevelIsFixed

Definition at line 202 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Double> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_zeroLevelOffsetError

Definition at line 226 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Double casa::ImageFitter< T >::_zeroLevelOffsetEstimate

Definition at line 225 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
std::vector<casacore::Double> casa::ImageFitter< T >::_zeroLevelOffsetSolution

Definition at line 226 of file ImageFitter.h.

template<class T >
casacore::Record casa::ImageFitter< T >::inputStats

Definition at line 217 of file ImageFitter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: