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casa::QtCleanPanelGui2 Class Reference

#include <QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::QtCleanPanelGui2:
casa::QtDisplayPanelGui casa::QtPanelBase casa::viewer::StatusSink


void interact (QVariant)
- Signals inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
void regionChange (viewer::Region *, std::string)
void axisToolUpdate (QtDisplayData *controlling_dd)
void colorBarOrientationChange ()
void frameChanged (int)
 Notification that the frame has changed. More...
void overlay (QList< OverplotInterface >)
 Profile Overplots. More...
void createDDFailed (casacore::String errMsg, casacore::String path, casacore::String dataType, casacore::String displayType)
void ddCreated (QtDisplayData *, bool autoRegister, int insertPosition, bool csMaster)
 The DD now exists, and is on QtViewerBase's list. More...
void closed (const QtDisplayPanelGui *)
 The DD is no longer on QtViewerBase's list, but is not destroyed until after the signal. More...
void cursorBoundary (QtDisplayPanel::CursorBoundaryCondition)
void cursorPosition (viewer::Position)

Public Member Functions

 ~QtCleanPanelGui2 ()
bool supports (SCRIPTING_OPTION option) const
QVariant start_interact (const QVariant &input, int id)
QVariant setoptions (const QMap< QString, QVariant > &input, int id)
void addedData (QString type, QtDisplayData *)
 the QtDBusViewerAdaptor can handle loading & registering data itself, but to connect up extra functionality, the upper-level QtDisplayPanelGui (or in the current case, the derived QtCleanPanelGui2) would have to be notified that data has been added. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
 ~QtDisplayPanelGui ()
QtViewerviewer () const
 access to our viewer More...
int buttonToolState (const std::string &tool) const
casacore::LogIOlogIO ()
 access our logger... More...
void status (const std::string &s, const std::string &type="info")
 enter status information... More...
QtDisplayPaneldisplayPanel ()
 access to graphics panel 'base'.... More...
const QtDisplayPaneldisplayPanel () const
region_list_t regions ()
void revokeRegion (viewer::Region *r)
 region coupling between QtRegionDock and QtRegionSource(s)... More...
virtual void setStatsPrint (bool printStats=true)
virtual void setUseRegion (bool useRegion=true)
bool colorBarsVertical ()
 At least for now, colorbars can only be placed horizontally or vertically, identically for all display panels. More...
QtDisplayDatacreateDD (casacore::String path, casacore::String dataType, casacore::String displayType, bool autoRegister=true, int insertPosition=-1, bool masterCoordinate=false, bool masterSaturation=false, bool masterHue=false, const viewer::DisplayDataOptions &ddo=viewer::DisplayDataOptions(), const viewer::ImageProperties &props=viewer::ImageProperties())
 Create a new QtDD from given parameters, and add to internal DD list. More...
virtual bool removeDD (QtDisplayData *&qdd)
 Removes the QDD from the list and deletes it (if it existed – Return value: whether qdd was in the list in the first place). More...
DisplayDataHolder::DisplayDataIterator beginDD () const
 retrieve a copy of the current DD list. More...
DisplayDataHolder::DisplayDataIterator endDD () const
bool isEmptyDD () const
std::list< QtDisplayData * > unregisteredDDs ()
 return the number of user DDs. More...
QtDisplayDatadd (const std::string &name)
 retrieve a DD with given name (0 if none). More...
QtDisplayDatadd ()
 retrieve the controlling DD... More...
bool ddExists (QtDisplayData *qdd)
 Check that a given DD is on the list. More...
virtual casacore::String errMsg ()
 bool ddExists(const casacore::String& name) { return dd(name)!=0; } More...
QtDataManagerdataMgr ()
virtual std::string rcid () const
 return the id for viewer state for this type of panel More...
viewer::QtRegionDockregionDock ()
int numFrames ()
void loadRegions (const std::string &path, const std::string &datatype)
 load casa (or DS9?) region files... More...
std::string outputRegions (std::list< viewer::QtRegionState * > regions, std::string file, std::string format, std::string ds9_csys="pixel")
 zero length string indicates OK! More...
bool useNewRegions () const
void activate (bool)
 called to indicate application activation state... More...
void updateCursorInfo (WorldCanvas *wc, casacore::Quantity x, casacore::Quantity y)
 display cursor information for the specified point (in world coordinates) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::QtPanelBase
 QtPanelBase (QWidget *parent=0)
virtual void closeMainPanel ()
 Used to close this panel (i.e. More...
virtual void releaseMainPanel ()
 Used to indicate that "closing" the window should be reinterpreted as "hiding" the window, i.e. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::viewer::StatusSink
 StatusSink ()
virtual ~StatusSink ()

Protected Slots

virtual void exitStop ()
virtual void exitDone ()
virtual void exitNoMore ()
virtual void newMouseRegion (casacore::Record mouseRegion, WorldCanvasHolder *wch)
 Connected to the rectangle region mouse tools new rectangle signal. More...
virtual void changeMaskAxis (casacore::String, casacore::String, casacore::String, std::vector< int >)
virtual void changeImageAxis (casacore::String, casacore::String, casacore::String, std::vector< int >)
virtual void changeMaskSelectionText (casacore::String x, casacore::String y, casacore::String z)
- Protected Slots inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
virtual void close ()
virtual void quit ()
void hideEvent (QHideEvent *ev)
virtual void ddRegChange_ ()
 Respond to QDP::registrationChange() signal. More...
virtual void ddRegClicked_ ()
 Respond to registration/close menu clicks. More...
virtual void ddUnregClicked_ ()
virtual void ddCloseClicked_ ()
virtual void updateAnimUi_ ()
 Reflect animator state [changes] in gui. More...
virtual void fwdPlayChannelMovie_ ()
 These react to fwd/reverse Play buttons. More...
virtual void fwdPlayImageMovie_ ()
virtual void revPlayChannelMovie_ ()
virtual void revPlayImageMovie_ ()
virtual void displayTrackingData_ (casacore::Record trackingRec)
 Display tracking data gathered by underlying panel. More...
virtual void arrangeTrackBoxes_ ()
 Reacts to QDP registration change signal. More...
virtual void deleteTrackBox_ (QtDisplayData *qdd)
 Deletes the TrackBox for the given QDD, if it exists. More...
virtual void savePanelState_ ()
 Brings up dialog for saving display panel state: reg'd DDs, their options, etc. More...
virtual void restorePanelState_ ()
 Brings up dialog for restore file, attempts restore. More...
virtual void addGuiState_ (QDomDocument *)
 Responds to qdp_->creatingRstrDoc(QDomDocument*) signal. More...
virtual void restoreGuiState_ (QDomDocument *)
 Responds to qdp_->restoring(QDomDocument*) signal. More...

Protected Member Functions

 QtCleanPanelGui2 (QtViewer *v, QWidget *parent=0, const std::list< std::string > &args=std::list< std::string >())
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event)
 scripted (via dbus) panels should override the closeEvent() and hide the gui instead of deleting it when it was created via a dbus script... More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
 QtDisplayPanelGui (QtViewer *v, QWidget *parent=0, std::string rcstr="dpg", const std::list< std::string > &args=std::list< std::string >())
 QtDisplayPanelGui (const QtDisplayPanelGui *other, QWidget *parent=0, std::string rcstr="dpg", const std::list< std::string > &args=std::list< std::string >())
virtual bool syncDataDir_ (casacore::String filename)
 Keeps current data directory in sync between casacore::DataManager window and save-restore dialogs. More...
virtual void updateDDMenus_ (bool doCloseMenu=true)
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event)
 scripted (via dbus) panels should override the closeEvent() and hide the gui instead of deleting it when it was created via a dbus script... More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::QtPanelBase
bool isOverridedClose () const

Protected Attributes

std::list< QWidget * > disabled_widgets
QRadioButton * addRB_
QRadioButton * eraseRB_
QRadioButton * allChanRB_
QRadioButton * thisPlaneRB_
QRadioButton * allHiddenRB_
QRadioButton * thisHiddenRB_
QPushButton * maskNoMorePB_
QPushButton * maskDonePB_
QPushButton * stopPB_
QLineEdit * niterED_
QLineEdit * cycleniterED_
QLineEdit * threshED_
QLineEdit * cyclethreshED_
casacore::Record buttonState_
QPalette default_palette
 standard palette... More...
QPalette input_palette
 palette used when input is expected for clean... More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
casacore::LogIO logger
< DisplayDataHolder
Existing user-visible QDDs

casacore::List<QtDisplayData*> qdds_; More...

casacore::String errMsg_
bool colorBarsVertical_
 At least for now, colorbars can only be placed horizontally or vertically, identically for all display panels. More...
 QtAnnotatorGui* qap_;. More...
QTextEdit * qst_
casacore::String savedTool_
QMenu * dpMenu_
QMenu * ddMenu_
QMenu * ddCloseMenu_
 ddRegMenu_, More...
QMenu * tlMenu_
QMenu * vwMenu_
QMenu * helpMenu_
QAction * dpNewAct_
QAction * printAct_
QAction * dpOptsAct_
QAction * dpCloseAct_
QAction * dpQuitAct_
QAction * ddOpenAct_
QAction * ddSaveAct_
QAction * ddAdjAct_
QAction * unzoomAct_
QAction * zoomInAct_
QAction * zoomOutAct_
QAction * annotAct_
QAction * mkRgnAct_
QAction * fboxAct_
QAction * ddPreferencesAct_
QAction * profileAct_
QAction * momentsCollapseAct_
QAction * histogramAct_
QAction * fitAct_
QAction * cleanAct_
QAction * rgnMgrAct_
QAction * shpMgrAct_
QAction * dpSaveAct_
QAction * dpRstrAct_
QAction * manageImagesAct_
QAction * aboutAct_
QToolBar * mainToolBar_
QToolButton * ddRegBtn_
QToolButton * ddCloseBtn_
 connection to rc file More...
std::string rcid_
 rc id for this panel type More...

Private Member Functions

void writeRegionText (const casacore::ImageRegion &imageReg, const casacore::String &filename, float value)

Private Attributes

bool in_interact_mode
int interact_id
std::string axis_change
DisplayCoordinateSystem csys_p
casacore::DirectionCoordinate dirCoord_p


class QtViewer

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
typedef std::list
< viewer::Region * > 
typedef std::pair< QString,
< casacore::ImageInterface
< float > > > 
- Public Slots inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
virtual void setColorBarOrientation (bool vertical)
 At least for now, colorbars can only be placed horizontally or vertically, identically for all display panels. More...
virtual QtDisplayPanelGuicreateNewPanel ()
virtual void showDataManager ()
virtual void hideDataManager ()
virtual void showExportManager ()
virtual void hideExportManager ()
virtual void showDataOptionsPanel ()
virtual void hideDataOptionsPanel ()
virtual void showPreferences ()
virtual void removeAllDDs ()
virtual void showPrintManager ()
 Show/hide display panel's auxiliary windows. More...
virtual void hidePrintManager ()
virtual void showCanvasManager ()
virtual void hideCanvasManager ()
virtual void showRegionManager ()
virtual void hideRegionManager ()
virtual void showShapeManager ()
virtual void hideShapeManager ()
virtual void showAnnotatorPanel ()
virtual void hideAnnotatorPanel ()
virtual void showFileBoxPanel ()
virtual void hideFileBoxPanel ()
virtual void showMakeRegionPanel ()
virtual void hideMakeRegionPanel ()
virtual void showImageProfile ()
virtual void hideImageProfile ()
virtual void refreshImageProfile ()
void resetImageProfile ()
virtual void hideAllSubwindows ()
virtual void hideImageMenus ()
void movieChannels (int startChannel, int endChannel)
 Increments the channel in the images from the start channel to the end channel. More...
void movieChannels (int channel, bool forward, int stepSize, int channelStart, int channelEnd)
void movieStop ()
void registerAllDDs ()
void unregisterAllDDs ()
virtual void showStats (const casacore::String &)
virtual void hideStats ()
virtual QtDisplayDataaddDD (casacore::String path, casacore::String dataType, casacore::String displayType, bool autoRegister=true, bool tmpDtata=false, std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< float > > img=std::shared_ptr< casacore::ImageInterface< float > >())
 add a new DD More...
virtual void doSelectChannel (int channelIndex)
 go to a specifc channel More...
virtual bool restorePanelState (casacore::String filename)
 (Attempts to) restore panel state from named file. More...
virtual void trackingMoved (Qt::DockWidgetArea)
virtual void animatorMoved (Qt::DockWidgetArea)
virtual void regionMoved (Qt::DockWidgetArea)
virtual void mousetoolbarMoved (bool)
std::string getrc (const std::string &key)
 note that 'key' is prefixed with something like "viewer.dpg."... More...
void putrc (const std::string &key, const std::string &val)
void showMomentsCollapseImageProfile ()
void showSpecFitImageProfile ()
void disconnectHistogram ()
void ddClose (QtDisplayData *&removeDD)
void ddOpen (const casacore::String &path, const casacore::String &dataType, const casacore::String &displayType, int insertPosition=-1, bool register=true, bool masterCoordinate=false, bool masterSaturation=false, bool masterHue=false)
std::string id () const
 retrieve the identifier string for this QtDisplayPanelGui... More...
void unlinkCursorTracking (QtDisplayPanelGui *)
void linkCursorTracking (QtDisplayPanelGui *, QColor)
- Public Attributes inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
QToolBar * customToolBar
 public toolbars, for inserting custom buttons. More...
QToolBar * customToolBar2
bool autoDDOptionsShow
 true by default. More...
casacore::String selectedDMDir
 Intended for use only by QtDataManager (or other data dialogs such as for save-restore), to inform QtDisplayPanel of the directory currently selected for data retrieval, if any ("" if none). More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui
static bool logger_did_region_warning

Detailed Description


Demo class to encapsulate 'serial' running of qtviewer into callable methods of a class; this example also applies it to the task of interactive selection of CLEAN boxes.

Definition at line 67 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::QtCleanPanelGui2 ( QtViewer v,
QWidget *  parent = 0,
const std::list< std::string > &  args = std::list< std::string >() 
casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::~QtCleanPanelGui2 ( )

Member Function Documentation

void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::addedData ( QString  type,

the QtDBusViewerAdaptor can handle loading & registering data itself, but to connect up extra functionality, the upper-level QtDisplayPanelGui (or in the current case, the derived QtCleanPanelGui2) would have to be notified that data has been added.

This will allow it to set up the callbacks for drawing regions...

Reimplemented from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui.

virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::changeImageAxis ( casacore::String  ,
casacore::String  ,
casacore::String  ,
std::vector< int >   
virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::changeMaskAxis ( casacore::String  ,
casacore::String  ,
casacore::String  ,
std::vector< int >   
virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::changeMaskSelectionText ( casacore::String  x,
casacore::String  y,
casacore::String  z 
void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *  event)

scripted (via dbus) panels should override the closeEvent() and hide the gui instead of deleting it when it was created via a dbus script...

virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::exitDone ( )
virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::exitNoMore ( )
virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::exitStop ( )
void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::interact ( QVariant  )
virtual void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::newMouseRegion ( casacore::Record  mouseRegion,
WorldCanvasHolder wch 

Connected to the rectangle region mouse tools new rectangle signal.

Accumulates [/ displays] selected boxes.

QVariant casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::setoptions ( const QMap< QString, QVariant > &  input,
int  id 

Reimplemented from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui.

QVariant casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::start_interact ( const QVariant &  input,
int  id 

Reimplemented from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui.

bool casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::supports ( SCRIPTING_OPTION  option) const

Reimplemented from casa::QtDisplayPanelGui.

void casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::writeRegionText ( const casacore::ImageRegion imageReg,
const casacore::String filename,
float  value 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class QtViewer

Definition at line 75 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

Member Data Documentation

QRadioButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::addRB_

Definition at line 118 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QRadioButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::allChanRB_

Definition at line 120 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QRadioButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::allHiddenRB_

Definition at line 122 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

std::string casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::axis_change

Definition at line 146 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

casacore::Record casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::buttonState_

Definition at line 131 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

DisplayCoordinateSystem casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::csys_p

Definition at line 148 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QLineEdit* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::cycleniterED_

Definition at line 128 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QLineEdit* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::cyclethreshED_

Definition at line 130 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QPalette casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::default_palette

standard palette...

Definition at line 134 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

casacore::DirectionCoordinate casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::dirCoord_p

Definition at line 149 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

std::list<QWidget*> casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::disabled_widgets

Definition at line 116 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QRadioButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::eraseRB_

Definition at line 119 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QtDisplayData* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::imagedd_

Definition at line 144 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

bool casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::in_interact_mode

Definition at line 139 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QPalette casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::input_palette

palette used when input is expected for clean...

Definition at line 136 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

int casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::interact_id

Definition at line 140 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QtDisplayData* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::maskdd_

Definition at line 145 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QPushButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::maskDonePB_

Definition at line 125 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QPushButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::maskNoMorePB_

Definition at line 124 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QLineEdit* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::niterED_

Definition at line 127 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QPushButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::stopPB_

Definition at line 126 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QRadioButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::thisHiddenRB_

Definition at line 123 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QRadioButton* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::thisPlaneRB_

Definition at line 121 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

QLineEdit* casa::QtCleanPanelGui2::threshED_

Definition at line 129 of file QtCleanPanelGui2.qo.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: