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casa::QtDisplayPanel Class Reference

#include <QtDisplayPanel.qo.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::QtDisplayPanel:
casa::WCMotionEH casa::PCPositionEH casa::ImageDisplayer


class  panel_state

Public Types

enum  CursorBoundaryCondition {
 included in cursor boundary signals... More...

Public Slots

void extendRegion (casacore::String, casacore::String)
 respond to region manager to set casacore::ImageRegion extension More...
virtual void registerDD (QtDisplayData *, int postion=-1)
 Register / unregister [all] DDs created by user through QtViewer. More...
virtual void unregisterDD (QtDisplayData *)
virtual void unregisterAll ()
virtual void registerAll (std::list< QtDisplayData * > registerDatas)
virtual void setOptions (casacore::Record opts, bool emitAll=false)
 Set display panel options such as margins or number of panels. More...
virtual void setMode (bool modez, bool channelCubes=false)
virtual void setMode (casacore::String mode)
void toChannelMovieStart ()
void toImageMovieStart ()
virtual void toChannelMovieEnd ()
virtual void toImageMovieEnd ()
virtual void revStepChannelMovie ()
virtual void revStepImageMovie ()
virtual void fwdStepChannelMovie ()
virtual void fwdStepImageMovie ()
virtual void revPlayChannelMovie ()
virtual void revPlayImageMovie ()
virtual void fwdPlayChannelMovie ()
virtual void fwdPlayImageMovie ()
virtual void stopChannelMovie ()
virtual void stopImageMovie ()
void setChannelMovieRate (int)
 virtual void setRate(int rate); More...
void setImageMovieRate (int)
void lowerBoundAnimatorImageChanged (int)
void upperBoundAnimatorImageChanged (int)
void stepSizeAnimatorImageChanged (int)
void lowerBoundAnimatorChannelChanged (int)
void upperBoundAnimatorChannelChanged (int)
void stepSizeAnimatorChannelChanged (int)
void goToChannel (int channel)
void goToImage (int image)
virtual void goTo (int frm, bool channelFrame=false)
virtual void goToZ (int frm)
virtual void goToB (int frm)
virtual void emitAnimState ()
virtual void resetRTRegion ()
 (Will remove mouse-tools' own visual feedback from screen; usually called after selection has been processed). More...
virtual void resetPTRegion ()
virtual void resetETRegion ()
virtual void resetZoomer ()
virtual void resetCrosshair ()
virtual void resetPolyline ()
virtual void resetPanner ()
virtual void resetRegionTools ()
virtual void resetSelectionTools ()
virtual void resetTool (casacore::String toolname)
virtual void resetTools ()
virtual void zoomIn (double fctr=2.)
 Expose Zoomer functions: zoom in/out, zoom out to whole image. More...
virtual void zoomOut (double fctr=2.)
virtual void zoom (const casacore::Vector< double > &blc, const casacore::Vector< double > &trc)
virtual void unzoom ()
bool worldToLin (casacore::Vector< double > &lin, const casacore::Vector< double > &world)
QSize canvasSize ()
 Returns the pixel canvas's current size. More...
virtual void refresh ()
 Refresh everything: main panel and colorbar panels (if any). More...
virtual void setBlen_ (int len)
viewer::RegionToolManagertoolMgr ()


void animatorChange ()
void oldDDRegistered (QtDisplayData *)
 signals from registration methods. More...
void oldDDUnregistered (QtDisplayData *)
void newRegisteredDD (QtDisplayData *)
void newUnregisteredDD (QtDisplayData *)
void RegisteredDDRemoved (QtDisplayData *)
void UnregisteredDDRemoved (QtDisplayData *)
void allDDsRegistered ()
void allDDsUnregistered ()
void registrationChange ()
void mouseRegionReady (casacore::Record mouseRegion, WorldCanvasHolder *)
 This raw mouse region signal is probably less useful to connect to than the ones processed through the DDs (below), which contain true 'image regions'. More...
void imageRegionReady (casacore::ImageRegion imgRegion, casacore::String ddName)
 Higher-level (casacore::ImageRegion) signal. More...
void trackingInfo (casacore::Record trackingRec)
 signal from cursor position tracking. More...
void optionsChanged (casacore::Record chgOpt)
 signal from option setting (probably unused at present). More...
void dpHidden (QtDisplayPanel *dp)
 Emitted when this QDP is hidden (closed). More...
void newRegion (casacore::String imagePath)
 Emitted when a new casacore::ImageRegion has been stored internally (in lastRgn_). More...
void resized (QSize panelSize, QSize canvasSize)
 Emitted when the panel has been resized. More...
void creatingRstrDoc (QDomDocument *restoredoc)
 Emitted when creating a restore xml doc. More...
void restoring (QDomDocument *restoredoc)
 Emitted when restoring panel state from an xml doc. More...
void activate (casacore::Record)
void cursorBoundary (QtDisplayPanel::CursorBoundaryCondition)
 signal cursor boundary transitions More...
void cursorPosition (viewer::Position)

Public Member Functions

 QtDisplayPanel (QtDisplayPanelGui *panel, const QtDisplayPanel *other, QWidget *parent=0, const std::list< std::string > &args=std::list< std::string >())
 QtDisplayPanel (QtDisplayPanelGui *panel, QWidget *parent=0, const std::list< std::string > &args=std::list< std::string >())
 ~QtDisplayPanel ()
bool isEmptyRegistered () const
int getRegisteredCount () const
DisplayDataHolder::DisplayDataIterator beginRegistered () const
 Manipulation of the QtDisplayData's. More...
DisplayDataHolder::DisplayDataIterator endRegistered () const
QtDisplayDatagetRegistered (int index)
QtDisplayDatagetDD (const std::string &name) const
QtDisplayDatagetDD (const DisplayData *dd) const
< DisplayDataHolder
getDataHolder () const
bool isCoordinateMaster (QtDisplayData *displayData) const
void setControllingDD (QtDisplayData *controllingDD)
virtual bool isRegistered (QtDisplayData *)
 true if DD is on our list. More...
QtDisplayDatagetControllingDD () const
QtDisplayDatagetChannelDD (int index) const
 Returns the DD that will be animating the channels in normal mode. More...
void registrationOrderChanged ()
 Reorders panels in response to a change in the registration order. More...
virtual casacore::Record getOptions ()
 Return Options record (of margins and no. More...
virtual QPixmap * contents ()
 Return a QPixmap* with a copy of currently-displayed widget contents. More...
virtual QPixmap * getBackBuffer ()
virtual PanelDisplaypanelDisplay ()
 Return underlying library PanelDisplay (used by Annotations, e.g.) (You better know what you're doing if you reach underneath the Qt layer. More...
virtual void hold ()
 Hold and release of refresh. More...
virtual void release ()
virtual casacore::Vector
< casacore::String
mouseToolNames ()
 Return names of resident mouse tools (order is a suggestion for order in gui). More...
virtual void operator() (const WCMotionEvent &ev)
 This callback method is automatically registered with the appropriate objects, and is not intended for general use (it has a similar role to a protected, self-connected slot). More...
void operator() (const PCPositionEvent &pev)
 This callback method is automatically registered with the appropriate PC object, and is not intended for general use (it has a similar role to a protected, self-connected slot). More...
int nPanels ()
 Return total number of (main) subpanels (e.g. More...
virtual bool modeZ ()
virtual casacore::String mode ()
virtual int nFrames ()
virtual int nZFrames ()
virtual int nBFrames ()
virtual int frame ()
virtual int index ()
virtual int zIndex ()
virtual int bIndex ()
virtual int startFrame ()
virtual int zStart ()
virtual int bStart ()
virtual int lastFrame ()
virtual int endFrame ()
virtual int zEnd ()
virtual int bEnd ()
virtual int step ()
virtual int zStep ()
virtual int bStep ()
virtual int animRate ()
virtual int minRate ()
virtual int maxRate ()
virtual int animating ()
bool saveLastRegion (casacore::String path)
 Save the last region created (via an image DD) with the mouse. More...
casacore::String saveRegionInImage (casacore::String regname, const casacore::ImageRegion &imreg)
 same as above except it is saved in the last registered image as a keyword More...
void removeRegionInImage (casacore::String regname)
 Delete the region regname from last registered image does not care if its casacore::RegionHandler::Masks or casacore::RegionHandler::Regions. More...
casacore::String listRegions ()
 give the regions already stored in last dd image a coma separated list More...
< casacore::String
listRegionsInImage ()
 a vector list More...
casacore::ImageRegion getRegion (const casacore::String &name)
 get an casacore::ImageRegion from active Image More...
void setRegionExtent (int ext)
 Set current extension policy to use to for (subsequent) image region creation (and for printed region statistics): 0: Region should apply to viewed plane only. More...
casacore::ImageRegion lastRegion ()
 Return the last region created (via an image DD) with the mouse. More...
bool hasRegion ()
void setShapeManager (QtRegionShapeManager *manager)
 Sets the region shape manager from QtDisplayPanelGui. More...
void registerRegionShape (RegionShape *rs)
 Register the given RegionShape on this display panel. More...
void unregisterRegionShape (RegionShape *rs)
 Unregister the given RegionShape on this display panel. More...
bool isRegistered (RegionShape *rs)
 Returns true if the given RegionShape is registered on this display panel, false otherwise. More...
casacore::String suggestedRestoreFilename ()
 Suggest name for restore file (based on first-registered DD). More...
casacore::String dpState (casacore::String restorefilename="")
 Returns an xml casacore::String of displayPanel state. More...
virtual bool savePanelState (casacore::String filename="", bool overwrite=true)
 Save panel state to a file (as xml). More...
virtual bool restorePanelState (casacore::String filename="")
 Restore panel state from a file or from lastSavedState_ if filename=="". More...
virtual bool setPanelState (casacore::String xmlState="")
 set panel state from xml casacore::String (lastSavedState_, by default). More...
virtual bool setPanelState (QDomDocument &restoredoc, QString restorefiledir="")
 [re]set panel state from a QDomDocument. More...
panel_state getPanelState () const
void setPanelState (const panel_state &)
void loadRegions (const std::string &path, const std::string &type)
 new Region code – load casa (or DS9?) region files... More...
void revokeRegion (viewer::Region *r)
 new Region code – revoke region from region source... More...
void activate (bool)
 called to indicate application activation state... More...
void setAllowBackToFront (bool allowed=true)
void setUpdateAllowed (bool allowed=true)
void pushCurrentDrawingState ()
void popCurrentDrawingState ()
float getLabelLineWidth ()
void setLabelLineWidth (float value)
float getTickLength ()
void setTickLength (float value)
void setLineWidthPS (float &w)
void setBackgroundPS (casacore::String &w, casacore::String &c)
void beginLabelAndAxisCaching ()
void endLabelAndAxisCaching (QPainter &qp)
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::WCMotionEH
 WCMotionEH ()
 Default Constructor Required. More...
virtual ~WCMotionEH ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::PCPositionEH
 PCPositionEH ()
 Default Constructor Required. More...
virtual ~PCPositionEH ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::ImageDisplayer
 ImageDisplayer ()
virtual ~ImageDisplayer ()
virtual void registerDD (QtDisplayData *dd, int position=-1)=0
virtual void unregisterDD (QtDisplayData *dd)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static casacore::String regionPathname (casacore::String origPath)
 Transform origPath to a plausible pathname for a new image region file. More...

Public Attributes

bool printStats
bool useRegion

Protected Types

enum  CursorBoundaryState {
 keep track or where the (USER) cursor currently is... More...

Protected Slots

virtual void ddCreated_ (QtDisplayData *, bool autoRegister, int position=-1, bool csMaster=false)
 reacts to similar-named signals from QtViewer More...
virtual void ddRemoved_ (QtDisplayData *)
virtual void setAnimatorOptions_ (casacore::Record opts)
virtual void setAnimator_ (casacore::Record sarec)
virtual void setLen_ (int len)
virtual void setZlen_ (int len)
virtual void stop_ ()
virtual void goTo_ (int frm)
virtual void goToZ_ (int frm)
virtual void goToB_ (int frm)
virtual void playStep_ ()
virtual void prev_ ()
virtual void next_ ()
virtual void chgMouseBtn_ (std::string tool, int button)
 Connected to QtMouseToolState::mouseBtnChg() signal: changes button assignment for a mouse tool. More...
virtual void mouseRegionReady_ (casacore::Record mouseRegion, WorldCanvasHolder *)
 Connected to corresp. More...
virtual void reorientColorBars_ ()
virtual void checkColorBars_ ()
virtual void pcResizing_ ()
virtual void refreshTracking_ (QtDisplayData *qdd=0)
 triggered by internal dd change (not mouse movement; see operator()(WCMotionEvent) for that.) More...
void clicked (casacore::Record)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void setupMouseTools_ (bool new_region_tools)
 Called during construction. More...
virtual void registerDD_ (QtDisplayData *qdd, int position=-1)
 The workhorse part of [un]registering; these do not send the highest-level signals. More...
virtual void unregisterDD_ (QtDisplayData *qdd)
virtual void installEventHandlers_ ()
 Maintain monitors of events on underlying canvases. More...
virtual void removeEventHandlers_ ()
virtual bool myWC_ (const WorldCanvas *wc)
 Utility function: is the given wc one belonging to the main pd_? More...
virtual void arrangeColorBars_ (bool reorient=false, bool resizing=false)
 This routine corresponds to the old viewerdisplaypanel.g routine called 'arrangewedgerequirements'. More...
virtual void updateColorBarDDLists_ ()
 Update Lists of registered DDs which have color bar display activated (allColorBarDDs_ and colorBarDDsToDisplay_). More...
virtual int marginb_ (QtDisplayData *dd, float shrink=1.)
 Used by arrangeColorBars_(). More...
virtual float cbPanelSpace_ (QtDisplayData *dd)
 Used by arrangeColorBars_(). More...
virtual void refreshCBPanels_ ()
 Refresh (only) the colorbar panels (if any). More...
virtual bool ddFileMatch_ (const std::string &path, const std::string &dataType, const std::string &displayType, QtDisplayData *&dd, QString origrestorefile, QString restoredir)
 Tries to find existing DD (or create one from a file) that matches the given path. More...
void hideEvent (QHideEvent *ev)
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *ev)
 (emits Qt signal with QDP and PC sizes. More...

Protected Attributes

 central (unique) viewer object: for viewer-global state / methods. More...
 'Main' panel of pc_, where qdds_ draw themselves. More...
QtPixelCanvas * pc_
The entire display canvas for this object

(the area with black (default) background). More...

< DisplayDataHolder
 QDDs registered on this QDP, in registration order. More...
< casacore::String
QTimer tmr_
bool tracking_
bool modeZ_
int zLen_
int bLen_
int zIndex_
int bIndex_
int animRate_
int minRate_
int maxRate_
int animating_
std::list< QtDisplayData * > allColorBarDDs_
 Registered QDDs which have color bar display activated (in registration order). More...
std::list< QtDisplayData * > colorBarDDsToDisplay_
 Subset of the list above: those which should actually display now (which would exclude, e.g., a DD which is 'off blink'). More...
std::list< PanelDisplay * > colorBarPanels_
 Corresponding casacore::List of PanelDisplays in which color bars are placed – one for each QDD in colorBarDDsToDisplay_. More...
 A panel that takes unused PC space in the colorbar area, if any. More...
casacore::Vector< float > colorBarPanelSizes_
 Proportion of the pc_ that each color bar panel will use along the direction of colorbar thickness (e.g., along the horizontal axis for a vertical bar). More...
float mainPanelSize_
 The portion of the PixelCanvas allocated to the main (image display) PanelDisplay (pd_);. More...
int pcthsz_
 The following are used (only) by arrangeColorBars_() and its auxiliary routines, and are set for current conditions every time arrangeColorBars_() is called. More...
int pclnsz_
float marginUnit_
int mrgna_
int mrgnb_
int lnmrgna_
int lnmrgnb_
casacore::ImageRegion lastRgn_
 The last region created with a mouse tool. More...
casacore::String rgnImgPath_
 path (if any) to image of DD that produced the region (needed?) More...
bool hasRgn_
 Has any such region (ever) been saved? More...
int rgnExtent_
 Extension policy to use to for saved region (and for statistics: 0: Region applies to viewed plane only. More...
std::list< RegionShape * > rshapes_
 RegionShapes registered on this display panel, in registration order. More...
 Pointer to shape manager. More...
casacore::String lastSavedState_
 last saved state for this panel (this session – "" if none). More...
 last valid mouse motion event; for use by refreshTracking_() in case something besides mouse motion dictates that tracking data should be refreshed. More...
 User interface parsing object for background/foreground color. More...
casacore::String extChan_
 image region extension flags More...
casacore::String extPol_
CursorBoundaryState cursorBoundaryState

Private Types

enum  ColorBarIndex {

Private Member Functions

void construct_ (QtPixelCanvas *canvas, const std::list< std::string > &args)
 portion of construction shared by multiple constructor functions... More...
void processTracking (const casacore::Record &trackingRec, const WCMotionEvent &ev)
 Sends a signal containing information about the data pinpointed by the mouse & displays flyover information about the data. More...
void setColorBarMargins (bool vertical, float plotPercentage, PanelDisplay *cbp, bool resizing)
 Estimates appropriate margins for the color bars in the long direction. More...
void setPanelGeometry (PanelDisplay *pd, float orgn, float siz)
 Stores the x-offset and side length of the passed in panel. More...
void setPanelMargins (PanelDisplay *pd, int marginA=LEFT_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT, int marginB=RIGHT_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT, int lengthMarginA=BOTTOM_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT, int lengthMarginB=TOP_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT)
 Sets the margins of the passed in panel to the indicated amounts. More...
void setLabelFontSize ()
void setMarginSize ()
 Attempts to set appropriate plot margins based on the number of plots that are displayed. More...
void initializeSettingsMap (bool vertical)
 Initializes the settings map based on whether the color bar is vertical or horizontal. More...
void plotCountChangeAdjustment ()
 Fixes a bug where the color bar disappears if the number of plots that are displayed decreases. More...

Private Attributes

 An estimate for the number of pixels that correspond to one PGP plot unit. More...
std::map< ColorBarIndex,
float oldPlotPercentage
 Used for coming up with estimates for the new font and margin sizes. More...
int oldPixelCanvasHeight
int oldPixelCanvasWidth
int oldRowCount
int oldColumnCount
int zStart_
int zEnd_
int zStep_
int bStart_
int bEnd_
int bStep_
std::stack< casacore::Record * > drawing_state

Static Private Attributes

 Default sizes for the margins. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 81 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 1161 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

included in cursor boundary signals...


Definition at line 91 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

keep track or where the (USER) cursor currently is...


Definition at line 1063 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::QtDisplayPanel::QtDisplayPanel ( QtDisplayPanelGui panel,
const QtDisplayPanel other,
QWidget *  parent = 0,
const std::list< std::string > &  args = std::list< std::string >() 
casa::QtDisplayPanel::QtDisplayPanel ( QtDisplayPanelGui panel,
QWidget *  parent = 0,
const std::list< std::string > &  args = std::list< std::string >() 
casa::QtDisplayPanel::~QtDisplayPanel ( )

Member Function Documentation

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::activate ( bool  )

called to indicate application activation state...

true -> activated, false -> deactivated

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::activate ( casacore::Record  )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::allDDsRegistered ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::allDDsUnregistered ( )
virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::animating ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::animatorChange ( )

Referenced by emitAnimState().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::animRate ( )

Definition at line 314 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References animRate_.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::arrangeColorBars_ ( bool  reorient = false,
bool  resizing = false 

This routine corresponds to the old viewerdisplaypanel.g routine called 'arrangewedgerequirements'.

It responds to events which may require change to the relative placement or number of colorbars and their panels. 'reorient' is true if color bars are changing from horizontal to vertical (or vise versa); it helps determine how much action (if any) this routine needs to take. Only the pcResizing_() slot should set resizing=true; in this case, arrangeColorBars_ lets the PC take care of refresh.

Referenced by checkColorBars_(), pcResizing_(), and reorientColorBars_().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::beginLabelAndAxisCaching ( )

Definition at line 1095 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

DisplayDataHolder::DisplayDataIterator casa::QtDisplayPanel::beginRegistered ( ) const

Manipulation of the QtDisplayData's.

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bEnd ( )

Definition at line 298 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bEnd_.

Referenced by endFrame().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bIndex ( )

Definition at line 275 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bIndex_.

Referenced by index().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bStart ( )

Definition at line 285 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bStart_.

Referenced by startFrame(), and toImageMovieStart().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bStep ( )

Definition at line 310 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bStep_.

Referenced by step().

QSize casa::QtDisplayPanel::canvasSize ( )

Returns the pixel canvas's current size.

Definition at line 589 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

virtual float casa::QtDisplayPanel::cbPanelSpace_ ( QtDisplayData dd)

Used by arrangeColorBars_().

Return the nominal proportion of the PixelCanvas to use for dd's colorbar panel. (This is allocated along the direction of the colorbar's thickness; in the direction its length the panel uses the entire PC size).

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::checkColorBars_ ( )

Definition at line 775 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References arrangeColorBars_().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::chgMouseBtn_ ( std::string  tool,
int  button 

Connected to QtMouseToolState::mouseBtnChg() signal: changes button assignment for a mouse tool.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::clicked ( casacore::Record  )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::construct_ ( QtPixelCanvas *  canvas,
const std::list< std::string > &  args 

portion of construction shared by multiple constructor functions...

virtual QPixmap* casa::QtDisplayPanel::contents ( )

Return a QPixmap* with a copy of currently-displayed widget contents.

Caller is responsible for deleting.

Definition at line 184 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::creatingRstrDoc ( QDomDocument *  restoredoc)

Emitted when creating a restore xml doc.

QtDisplayPanelGui (in particular) can process by adding intormation to restoredoc.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::cursorBoundary ( QtDisplayPanel::CursorBoundaryCondition  )

signal cursor boundary transitions

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::cursorPosition ( viewer::Position  )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::ddCreated_ ( QtDisplayData ,
bool  autoRegister,
int  position = -1,
bool  csMaster = false 

reacts to similar-named signals from QtViewer

virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::ddFileMatch_ ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  dataType,
const std::string &  displayType,
QtDisplayData *&  dd,
QString  origrestorefile,
QString  restoredir 

Tries to find existing DD (or create one from a file) that matches the given path.

Used for restoring DDs from a restore file. Several directories are checked, not just the one in path, to provide flexibility. If dd is non-zero, it is tested for suitability to path, datatype and displaytype. If dd is zero, the filesystem is searched and an attempt is made to create dd from a matching file (if any); if creation succeeds, dd will contain the new DD. Note: the DD will not be registered automatically. origrestorefile and (current) restoredir aid in locating data files relative to the current restore file location.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::ddRemoved_ ( QtDisplayData )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::dpHidden ( QtDisplayPanel dp)

Emitted when this QDP is hidden (closed).

Referenced by hideEvent().

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::dpState ( casacore::String  restorefilename = "")

Returns an xml casacore::String of displayPanel state.

This includes registered DDs and their options, panel options, animation and zoom state, etc. (QtDisplayPanelGui adds some gui/window state to this, and has file-saving interface). If a restorefilename where you intend to store the state is given, it will be set as attribute 'restorefile' of the root node. This allows data files to be moved and still restored later, relative to the restore file location.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::emitAnimState ( )

Definition at line 543 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References animatorChange().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::endFrame ( )

Definition at line 292 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bEnd(), modeZ(), and zEnd().

Referenced by lastFrame().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::endLabelAndAxisCaching ( QPainter &  qp)

Definition at line 1098 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

DisplayDataHolder::DisplayDataIterator casa::QtDisplayPanel::endRegistered ( ) const
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::extendRegion ( casacore::String  ,

respond to region manager to set casacore::ImageRegion extension

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::frame ( )

Definition at line 266 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References index().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::fwdPlayChannelMovie ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::fwdPlayImageMovie ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::fwdStepChannelMovie ( )

Definition at line 499 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References next_(), setMode(), and stop_().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::fwdStepImageMovie ( )

Definition at line 504 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References next_(), setMode(), and stop_().

virtual QPixmap* casa::QtDisplayPanel::getBackBuffer ( )

Definition at line 187 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

QtDisplayData* casa::QtDisplayPanel::getChannelDD ( int  index) const

Returns the DD that will be animating the channels in normal mode.

QtDisplayData* casa::QtDisplayPanel::getControllingDD ( ) const
std::shared_ptr<DisplayDataHolder> casa::QtDisplayPanel::getDataHolder ( ) const
QtDisplayData* casa::QtDisplayPanel::getDD ( const std::string &  name) const
QtDisplayData* casa::QtDisplayPanel::getDD ( const DisplayData dd) const
float casa::QtDisplayPanel::getLabelLineWidth ( )
virtual casacore::Record casa::QtDisplayPanel::getOptions ( )

Return Options record (of margins and no.

-of-panels settings, e.g.) The form of the record is suitable for automatically creating controlling user interface. These options are set with the corresponding setOptions() slot (below).

Referenced by casa::QtCanvasManagerOptions::QtCanvasManagerOptions().

panel_state casa::QtDisplayPanel::getPanelState ( ) const
casacore::ImageRegion casa::QtDisplayPanel::getRegion ( const casacore::String name)

get an casacore::ImageRegion from active Image

QtDisplayData* casa::QtDisplayPanel::getRegistered ( int  index)
int casa::QtDisplayPanel::getRegisteredCount ( ) const
float casa::QtDisplayPanel::getTickLength ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goTo ( int  frm,
bool  channelFrame = false 
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goTo_ ( int  frm)

Definition at line 740 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References goToB_(), goToZ_(), and modeZ().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goToB ( int  frm)

Referenced by goTo(), and goToImage().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goToB_ ( int  frm)

Referenced by goTo_().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goToChannel ( int  channel)

Definition at line 528 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References goToZ().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goToImage ( int  image)

Definition at line 529 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References goToB().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goToZ ( int  frm)

Referenced by goTo(), and goToChannel().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::goToZ_ ( int  frm)

Referenced by goTo_().

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::hasRegion ( )

Definition at line 376 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References hasRgn_.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::hideEvent ( QHideEvent *  ev)

Definition at line 877 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References dpHidden().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::hold ( )

Hold and release of refresh.

In order to draw, every call to hold() must be accompanied by a subsequent call to release() (so don't neglect: beware of exceptions, e.g.). Calls can nest (they are counted). Panel may be deleted in a held state. Also, excess calls to release() will have no effect. The calls are propagated to the main PanelDisplay as well as to those used for color bars (and thence to their WorldCanvases).

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::imageRegionReady ( casacore::ImageRegion  imgRegion,
casacore::String  ddName 

Higher-level (casacore::ImageRegion) signal.

ddName is the name() of a registered [casacore::Lattice] QDD which conforms to the panel's current state (see DD:conformsTo()) and can compute true-region information from the latest 'mouse tool region event'. The ImageRegion parameter has the dimensions [and CS] of the DD's Image (currently, only Image PADDs are supported). It will correspond to the 2-D mouse region on its display axes. On 'animator' and 'hidden' axes (if any), the region will be 1 element wide, positioned at the current 'slice' for each of these axes.

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::index ( )

Definition at line 269 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bIndex(), modeZ(), and zIndex().

Referenced by frame().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::initializeSettingsMap ( bool  vertical)

Initializes the settings map based on whether the color bar is vertical or horizontal.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::installEventHandlers_ ( )

Maintain monitors of events on underlying canvases.

Called during construction/destruction, or when the set of canvases might change.

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::isCoordinateMaster ( QtDisplayData displayData) const

Implements casa::ImageDisplayer.

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::isEmptyRegistered ( ) const
virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::isRegistered ( QtDisplayData )

true if DD is on our list.

(It may not be on viewer's list any longer, in particular when reacting to ddRemoved signal). Either qdd pointer or its name can be given.

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::isRegistered ( RegionShape rs)

Returns true if the given RegionShape is registered on this display panel, false otherwise.

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::lastFrame ( )

Definition at line 289 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References endFrame().

Referenced by toChannelMovieEnd(), and toImageMovieEnd().

casacore::ImageRegion casa::QtDisplayPanel::lastRegion ( )

Return the last region created (via an image DD) with the mouse.

Definition at line 372 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References lastRgn_.

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::listRegions ( )

give the regions already stored in last dd image a coma separated list

casacore::Vector<casacore::String> casa::QtDisplayPanel::listRegionsInImage ( )

a vector list

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::loadRegions ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  type 

new Region code – load casa (or DS9?) region files...

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::lowerBoundAnimatorChannelChanged ( int  )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::lowerBoundAnimatorImageChanged ( int  )
virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::marginb_ ( QtDisplayData dd,
float  shrink = 1. 

Used by arrangeColorBars_().

Return the margin to give to dd's colorbar panel on the side where colorbar labelling is done (right margin for vertical bars, e.g.). shrink will usually be 1.; in rare cases where many colorbars are crowding the main panel and each other, it may be less (and then the returned margin allowance may also be less than ideal...).

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::maxRate ( )

Definition at line 320 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References maxRate_.

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::minRate ( )

Definition at line 317 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References minRate_.

virtual casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::mode ( )

Definition at line 252 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References modeZ().

virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::modeZ ( )

Definition at line 249 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References modeZ_.

Referenced by endFrame(), goTo(), goTo_(), index(), mode(), nFrames(), setLen_(), startFrame(), and step().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::mouseRegionReady ( casacore::Record  mouseRegion,

This raw mouse region signal is probably less useful to connect to than the ones processed through the DDs (below), which contain true 'image regions'.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::mouseRegionReady_ ( casacore::Record  mouseRegion,

Connected to corresp.

signals from 'region' mouse tools. Emits that signal verbatum, but also processes it through the registered DDs, and emits higher-level 'Image Regions' from those DDs which can create one from the 'mouse region' record.

virtual casacore::Vector<casacore::String> casa::QtDisplayPanel::mouseToolNames ( )

Return names of resident mouse tools (order is a suggestion for order in gui).

Definition at line 212 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References mouseToolNames_.

virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::myWC_ ( const WorldCanvas wc)

Utility function: is the given wc one belonging to the main pd_?

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::nBFrames ( )

Definition at line 262 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bLen_.

Referenced by nFrames().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::newRegion ( casacore::String  imagePath)

Emitted when a new casacore::ImageRegion has been stored internally (in lastRgn_).

It can be saved to disk with saveLastRegion().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::newRegisteredDD ( QtDisplayData )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::newUnregisteredDD ( QtDisplayData )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::next_ ( )
virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::nFrames ( )

Definition at line 256 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References modeZ(), nBFrames(), and nZFrames().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::nPanels ( )

Return total number of (main) subpanels (e.g.

12 for 3x4-panel display).

Definition at line 236 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References casa::MultiWCHolder::nWCHs(), and pd_.

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::nZFrames ( )

Definition at line 259 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zLen_.

Referenced by nFrames().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldDDRegistered ( QtDisplayData )

signals from registration methods.

If you connect to any of these registrationChange signals and/or to ddCreated or ddRemoved signals (from QtViewerBase), the following are true when the slot is invoked: Any removed QDD still exists until after the signal's directly connected slots have returned. Any new QDD has been created before the corresp. signal is emitted. The list of existing QDDs (QtViewerBase::dds()) and [un]registered QDDS (registeredDDs(), unregisteredDDs()) reflect the new state.

However, if you connect to a registrationChange signal and to ddCreated or ddRemoved, it is not certain which slot will be invoked first.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldDDUnregistered ( QtDisplayData )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::operator() ( const WCMotionEvent ev)

This callback method is automatically registered with the appropriate objects, and is not intended for general use (it has a similar role to a protected, self-connected slot).

Overrides (null) base WCMotionEH operator to forward cursor position tracking events from any of the panel's WorldCanvases as Qt signals.

Implements casa::WCMotionEH.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::operator() ( const PCPositionEvent pev)

This callback method is automatically registered with the appropriate PC object, and is not intended for general use (it has a similar role to a protected, self-connected slot).

Reimplemented from casa::PCPositionEH.

Definition at line 228 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References casa::Display::K_space, casa::PCPositionEvent::key(), and tracking_.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::optionsChanged ( casacore::Record  chgOpt)

signal from option setting (probably unused at present).

virtual PanelDisplay* casa::QtDisplayPanel::panelDisplay ( )

Return underlying library PanelDisplay (used by Annotations, e.g.) (You better know what you're doing if you reach underneath the Qt layer.

You are responsible for consistency between the layers, etc...).

Definition at line 194 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pd_.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::pcResizing_ ( )

Definition at line 778 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References arrangeColorBars_().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::playStep_ ( )

Definition at line 747 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References animating_, next_(), and prev_().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::plotCountChangeAdjustment ( )

Fixes a bug where the color bar disappears if the number of plots that are displayed decreases.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::popCurrentDrawingState ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::prev_ ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::processTracking ( const casacore::Record trackingRec,
const WCMotionEvent ev 

Sends a signal containing information about the data pinpointed by the mouse & displays flyover information about the data.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::pushCurrentDrawingState ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::refresh ( )

Refresh everything: main panel and colorbar panels (if any).

Definition at line 596 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pd_, casa::MultiWCHolder::refresh(), and refreshCBPanels_().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::refreshCBPanels_ ( )

Refresh (only) the colorbar panels (if any).

(An attempt to reduce flashing during blink animation).

Referenced by refresh().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::refreshTracking_ ( QtDisplayData qdd = 0)

triggered by internal dd change (not mouse movement; see operator()(WCMotionEvent) for that.)

static casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::regionPathname ( casacore::String  origPath)

Transform origPath to a plausible pathname for a new image region file.

Assures the filename ends in '.rgn' and that no such file already exists.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::registerAll ( std::list< QtDisplayData * >  registerDatas)
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::registerDD ( QtDisplayData ,
int  postion = -1 

Register / unregister [all] DDs created by user through QtViewer.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::registerDD_ ( QtDisplayData qdd,
int  position = -1 

The workhorse part of [un]registering; these do not send the highest-level signals.

Called internally when the DD is new or being removed, or from corresponding public methods.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::RegisteredDDRemoved ( QtDisplayData )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::registerRegionShape ( RegionShape rs)

Register the given RegionShape on this display panel.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::registrationChange ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::registrationOrderChanged ( )

Reorders panels in response to a change in the registration order.

Implements casa::ImageDisplayer.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::release ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::removeEventHandlers_ ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::removeRegionInImage ( casacore::String  regname)

Delete the region regname from last registered image does not care if its casacore::RegionHandler::Masks or casacore::RegionHandler::Regions.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::reorientColorBars_ ( )

Definition at line 772 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References arrangeColorBars_().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetCrosshair ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetETRegion ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetPanner ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetPolyline ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetPTRegion ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetRegionTools ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetRTRegion ( )

(Will remove mouse-tools' own visual feedback from screen; usually called after selection has been processed).

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetSelectionTools ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetTool ( casacore::String  toolname)
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetTools ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resetZoomer ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resized ( QSize  panelSize,
QSize  canvasSize 

Emitted when the panel has been resized.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  ev)

(emits Qt signal with QDP and PC sizes.

(You probably really want to take action on QPC resizeEvents (based on QPC size) instead...))

virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::restorePanelState ( casacore::String  filename = "")

Restore panel state from a file or from lastSavedState_ if filename=="".

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::restoring ( QDomDocument *  restoredoc)

Emitted when restoring panel state from an xml doc.

QtDisplayPanelGui (in particular) can respond by setting its own state from certain elements of restoredoc.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::revokeRegion ( viewer::Region r)

new Region code – revoke region from region source...

Referenced by casa::QtDisplayPanelGui::revokeRegion().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::revPlayChannelMovie ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::revPlayImageMovie ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::revStepChannelMovie ( )

Definition at line 489 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References prev_(), setMode(), and stop_().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::revStepImageMovie ( )

Definition at line 494 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References prev_(), setMode(), and stop_().

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::saveLastRegion ( casacore::String  path)

Save the last region created (via an image DD) with the mouse.

Return value indicates success. (The casacore::ImageRegion is transformed to a casacore::TableRecord then saved via casacore::AipsIO).

virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::savePanelState ( casacore::String  filename = "",
bool  overwrite = true 

Save panel state to a file (as xml).

State is also stored to an internal lastSavedState_ casacore::String (only there, if filename==""). By default, the file will be overwritten if necessary.

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::saveRegionInImage ( casacore::String  regname,
const casacore::ImageRegion imreg 

same as above except it is saved in the last registered image as a keyword

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setAllowBackToFront ( bool  allowed = true)

Definition at line 1076 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setAnimator_ ( casacore::Record  sarec)
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setAnimatorOptions_ ( casacore::Record  opts)
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setBackgroundPS ( casacore::String w,
casacore::String c 
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setBlen_ ( int  len)

Referenced by setLen_().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setChannelMovieRate ( int  )

virtual void setRate(int rate);

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setColorBarMargins ( bool  vertical,
float  plotPercentage,
PanelDisplay cbp,
bool  resizing 

Estimates appropriate margins for the color bars in the long direction.

verticaltrue if the long side of the color bar is in the vertical direction.
plotPercentagea float giving the approximate percentage of the screen real estate that will be reserved for plots (as opposed to the color bars).
cbpthe PanelDisplay containing the color bar
resizinga boolean that will be true if the calculation was triggered by the screen size changing.
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setControllingDD ( QtDisplayData controllingDD)

Implements casa::ImageDisplayer.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setImageMovieRate ( int  )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setLabelFontSize ( )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setLabelLineWidth ( float  value)
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setLen_ ( int  len)

Definition at line 732 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References modeZ(), setBlen_(), and setZlen_().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setLineWidthPS ( float &  w)
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setMarginSize ( )

Attempts to set appropriate plot margins based on the number of plots that are displayed.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setMode ( bool  modez,
bool  channelCubes = false 
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setMode ( casacore::String  mode)

Definition at line 474 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References casacore::downcase(), and setMode().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setOptions ( casacore::Record  opts,
bool  emitAll = false 

Set display panel options such as margins or number of panels.

The form of the record (along with current settings) is returned by getOptions(). (These Records are an older form of 'parameter sets' which are used in various places within the display library). Set emitAll = true if the call was not initiated by the options gui itself (e.g. via scripting or save-restore); that will assure that the options gui does receive all option updates (via the optionsChanged signal) and updates its user interface accordingly.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setPanelGeometry ( PanelDisplay pd,
float  orgn,
float  siz 

Stores the x-offset and side length of the passed in panel.

pdthe PanelDisplay whose geometry will be set.
orgnthe offset of the panel
sizthe side length of the panel.
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setPanelMargins ( PanelDisplay pd,
int  lengthMarginB = TOP_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT 

Sets the margins of the passed in panel to the indicated amounts.

marginAin PGP plot units.
marginBin PGP plot units.
lengthMarginAin PGP plot units.
lengthMarginBin PGP plot units.
virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::setPanelState ( casacore::String  xmlState = "")

set panel state from xml casacore::String (lastSavedState_, by default).

virtual bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::setPanelState ( QDomDocument &  restoredoc,
QString  restorefiledir = "" 

[re]set panel state from a QDomDocument.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setPanelState ( const panel_state )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setRegionExtent ( int  ext)

Set current extension policy to use to for (subsequent) image region creation (and for printed region statistics): 0: Region should apply to viewed plane only.

1: Extend to all channels (iff spectral axis not on display). 2: Extend along all non-displayed axes. (The mouse polygon/rectangle always determines the region on the displayed axes).

The default policy is 0.

Definition at line 367 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References casacore::max(), casacore::min(), and rgnExtent_.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setShapeManager ( QtRegionShapeManager manager)

Sets the region shape manager from QtDisplayPanelGui.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setTickLength ( float  value)
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setUpdateAllowed ( bool  allowed = true)

Definition at line 1080 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References pc_.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setupMouseTools_ ( bool  new_region_tools)

Called during construction.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::setZlen_ ( int  len)

Referenced by setLen_().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::startFrame ( )

Definition at line 279 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bStart(), modeZ(), and zStart().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::step ( )

Definition at line 304 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bStep(), modeZ(), and zStep().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::stepSizeAnimatorChannelChanged ( int  )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::stepSizeAnimatorImageChanged ( int  )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::stop_ ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::stopChannelMovie ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::stopImageMovie ( )
casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::suggestedRestoreFilename ( )

Suggest name for restore file (based on first-registered DD).

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::toChannelMovieEnd ( )

Definition at line 481 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References goTo(), lastFrame(), and setMode().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::toChannelMovieStart ( )

Definition at line 478 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References goTo(), and zStart().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::toImageMovieEnd ( )

Definition at line 485 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References goTo(), lastFrame(), and setMode().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::toImageMovieStart ( )

Definition at line 479 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References bStart(), and goTo().

viewer::RegionToolManager* casa::QtDisplayPanel::toolMgr ( )

Definition at line 602 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References toolmgr.

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::trackingInfo ( casacore::Record  trackingRec)

signal from cursor position tracking.

The field names are the names of registered QDDs with tracking info; corresponding values are Strings with the formatted tracking information.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::unregisterAll ( )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::unregisterDD ( QtDisplayData )
virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::unregisterDD_ ( QtDisplayData qdd)
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::UnregisteredDDRemoved ( QtDisplayData )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::unregisterRegionShape ( RegionShape rs)

Unregister the given RegionShape on this display panel.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::unzoom ( )

Definition at line 580 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References casa::MWCRTZoomer::unzoom(), and zoom_.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::updateColorBarDDLists_ ( )

Update Lists of registered DDs which have color bar display activated (allColorBarDDs_ and colorBarDDsToDisplay_).

Used by arrangeColorBars_().

void casa::QtDisplayPanel::upperBoundAnimatorChannelChanged ( int  )
void casa::QtDisplayPanel::upperBoundAnimatorImageChanged ( int  )
bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::worldToLin ( casacore::Vector< double > &  lin,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  world 
virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zEnd ( )

Definition at line 295 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zEnd_.

Referenced by endFrame().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zIndex ( )

Definition at line 272 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zIndex_.

Referenced by index().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::zoom ( const casacore::Vector< double > &  blc,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  trc 

Definition at line 577 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References casa::MWCRTZoomer::zoom(), and zoom_.

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::zoomIn ( double  fctr = 2.)

Expose Zoomer functions: zoom in/out, zoom out to whole image.

Definition at line 571 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zoom_, and casa::MWCRTZoomer::zoomIn().

virtual void casa::QtDisplayPanel::zoomOut ( double  fctr = 2.)

Definition at line 574 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zoom_, and casa::MWCRTZoomer::zoomOut().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zStart ( )

Definition at line 282 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zStart_.

Referenced by startFrame(), and toChannelMovieStart().

virtual int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zStep ( )

Definition at line 307 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

References zStep_.

Referenced by step().

Member Data Documentation

std::list<QtDisplayData*> casa::QtDisplayPanel::allColorBarDDs_

Registered QDDs which have color bar display activated (in registration order).

See arrangeColorBars_() and updateColorBarDDLists_().

Definition at line 954 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::animating_

Definition at line 946 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by animating(), and playStep_().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::animRate_

Definition at line 943 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by animRate().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bEnd_

Definition at line 1197 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by bEnd().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bIndex_

Definition at line 941 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by bIndex().

DParameterChoice* casa::QtDisplayPanel::bkgdClrOpt_

User interface parsing object for background/foreground color.

(Used in get/setOptions(), shows up in QDPG's 'Panel Display Options' window).

Definition at line 1054 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

PanelDisplay* casa::QtDisplayPanel::blankCBPanel_

A panel that takes unused PC space in the colorbar area, if any.

just to see that it's cleared when appropriate.

Definition at line 970 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bLen_

Definition at line 940 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by nBFrames().

PCITFiddler* casa::QtDisplayPanel::bncFidd_

Definition at line 925 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

const int casa::QtDisplayPanel::BOTTOM_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT

Definition at line 1189 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bStart_

Definition at line 1197 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by bStart().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::bStep_

Definition at line 1197 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by bStep().

std::list<QtDisplayData*> casa::QtDisplayPanel::colorBarDDsToDisplay_

Subset of the list above: those which should actually display now (which would exclude, e.g., a DD which is 'off blink').

These DDs are ordered so that in multipanel blink displays the order of images in panels is the same as the display order of their corresponding colorbars.

Definition at line 961 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

std::list<PanelDisplay*> casa::QtDisplayPanel::colorBarPanels_

Corresponding casacore::List of PanelDisplays in which color bars are placed – one for each QDD in colorBarDDsToDisplay_.

Assignment of QDDs to panels is maintained in the order of list above.

Definition at line 966 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

casacore::Vector<float> casa::QtDisplayPanel::colorBarPanelSizes_

Proportion of the pc_ that each color bar panel will use along the direction of colorbar thickness (e.g., along the horizontal axis for a vertical bar).

arrangeColorBars_() gets nominal sizes for colorbar panels from cbPanelSpace_(), and that is usually what they get.

Definition at line 976 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

CursorBoundaryState casa::QtDisplayPanel::cursorBoundaryState

Definition at line 1064 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

std::shared_ptr<DisplayDataHolder> casa::QtDisplayPanel::displayDataHolder

QDDs registered on this QDP, in registration order.

(casacore::List of all (user-loaded) QDDs is v_->dds()). casacore::List<QtDisplayData*> qdds_;

Definition at line 903 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

std::stack<casacore::Record*> casa::QtDisplayPanel::drawing_state

Definition at line 1199 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::extChan_

image region extension flags

Definition at line 1059 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::extPol_

Definition at line 1060 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::hasRgn_

Has any such region (ever) been saved?

Definition at line 1007 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by hasRegion().

WCMotionEvent* casa::QtDisplayPanel::lastMotionEvent_

last valid mouse motion event; for use by refreshTracking_() in case something besides mouse motion dictates that tracking data should be refreshed.

Definition at line 1045 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

casacore::ImageRegion casa::QtDisplayPanel::lastRgn_

The last region created with a mouse tool.

Definition at line 1001 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by lastRegion().

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::lastSavedState_

last saved state for this panel (this session – "" if none).

Used for fast 'clipboard' save-restore. (Note: No user interface for this yet...).

Definition at line 1036 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

const int casa::QtDisplayPanel::LEFT_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT

Default sizes for the margins.

Definition at line 1188 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::lnmrgna_

Definition at line 994 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::lnmrgnb_

Definition at line 994 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

float casa::QtDisplayPanel::mainPanelSize_

The portion of the PixelCanvas allocated to the main (image display) PanelDisplay (pd_);.

Definition at line 980 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

float casa::QtDisplayPanel::marginUnit_

Definition at line 993 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::maxRate_

Definition at line 944 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by maxRate().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::minRate_

Definition at line 944 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by minRate().

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::modeZ_

Definition at line 939 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by modeZ().

casacore::Vector<casacore::String> casa::QtDisplayPanel::mouseToolNames_

Definition at line 928 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by mouseToolNames().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::mrgna_

Definition at line 994 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::mrgnb_

Definition at line 994 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtOldCrossTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::ocrosshair_

Definition at line 912 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtOldEllipseTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::oelregion_

Definition at line 914 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldColumnCount

Definition at line 1185 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldPixelCanvasHeight

Definition at line 1182 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldPixelCanvasWidth

Definition at line 1183 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

float casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldPlotPercentage

Used for coming up with estimates for the new font and margin sizes.

Definition at line 1181 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::oldRowCount

Definition at line 1184 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtOldPolyTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::optregion_

Definition at line 915 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtOldRectTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::ortregion_

Definition at line 913 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtDisplayPanelGui* casa::QtDisplayPanel::panel_

central (unique) viewer object: for viewer-global state / methods.

Definition at line 888 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

MWCPannerTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::panner_

Definition at line 910 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtPixelCanvas* casa::QtDisplayPanel::pc_

The entire display canvas for this object

(the area with black (default) background).

Definition at line 895 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by beginLabelAndAxisCaching(), canvasSize(), contents(), endLabelAndAxisCaching(), getBackBuffer(), setAllowBackToFront(), and setUpdateAllowed().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::pclnsz_

Definition at line 992 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::pcthsz_

The following are used (only) by arrangeColorBars_() and its auxiliary routines, and are set for current conditions every time arrangeColorBars_() is called.

The margins (in 'pgp chars') are set onto the colorbar panels. PixelCanvas current sizes are in screen pixels. marginUnit_ is 1/65 of the PC's minimum dimansion. 'ln' and 'th' refer to the directions along the colorbar's length and thickness, respectively; 'ln' corresponds to vertical / horizontal according to the current orientation of color bars. mrgna_, mrgnb_ are margins in the colorbar thickness direction; mrgnb_ is where labelling occurs.

Definition at line 992 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

PanelDisplay* casa::QtDisplayPanel::pd_

'Main' panel of pc_, where qdds_ draw themselves.

Definition at line 891 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by nPanels(), panelDisplay(), and refresh().

const int casa::QtDisplayPanel::PGP_MARGIN_UNIT

An estimate for the number of pixels that correspond to one PGP plot unit.

Definition at line 1160 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

MWCPolylineTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::polyline_

Definition at line 919 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::printStats

Definition at line 1070 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by casa::QtDisplayPanelGui::setStatsPrint().

MWCPositionVelocityTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::pvtool_

Definition at line 922 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QtRegionShapeManager* casa::QtDisplayPanel::qsm_

Pointer to shape manager.

(within this class, please do not assume qsm_ has been set.)

Definition at line 1027 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

viewer::QtRegionSourceFactory* casa::QtDisplayPanel::region_source_factory

Definition at line 917 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::rgnExtent_

Extension policy to use to for saved region (and for statistics: 0: Region applies to viewed plane only.

1: Extend to all channels (iff spectral axis not on display). 2: Extend along all non-displayed axes. (The mouse polygon/rectangle always determines the region on the displayed axes).

Definition at line 1015 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by setRegionExtent().

casacore::String casa::QtDisplayPanel::rgnImgPath_

path (if any) to image of DD that produced the region (needed?)

Definition at line 1004 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

const int casa::QtDisplayPanel::RIGHT_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT

Definition at line 1191 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

std::list<RegionShape*> casa::QtDisplayPanel::rshapes_

RegionShapes registered on this display panel, in registration order.

Definition at line 1023 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

MWCRulerlineTool* casa::QtDisplayPanel::rulerline_

Definition at line 921 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

std::map<ColorBarIndex,casacore::String> casa::QtDisplayPanel::settingsMap

Definition at line 1165 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

PCITFiddler* casa::QtDisplayPanel::snsFidd_

Definition at line 924 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

QTimer casa::QtDisplayPanel::tmr_

Definition at line 932 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

viewer::RegionToolManager* casa::QtDisplayPanel::toolmgr

Definition at line 906 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by toolMgr().

const int casa::QtDisplayPanel::TOP_MARGIN_SPACE_DEFAULT

Definition at line 1190 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::tracking_

Definition at line 934 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by operator()().

bool casa::QtDisplayPanel::useRegion

Definition at line 1072 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by casa::QtDisplayPanelGui::setUseRegion().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zEnd_

Definition at line 1196 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by zEnd().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zIndex_

Definition at line 941 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by zIndex().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zLen_

Definition at line 940 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by nZFrames().

MWCRTZoomer* casa::QtDisplayPanel::zoom_

Definition at line 909 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by unzoom(), zoom(), zoomIn(), and zoomOut().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zStart_

Definition at line 1196 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by zStart().

int casa::QtDisplayPanel::zStep_

Definition at line 1196 of file QtDisplayPanel.qo.h.

Referenced by zStep().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: