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casa::RegionShape Class Referenceabstract

Parent class for all RegionShapes. More...

#include <RegionShape.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::RegionShape:
casa::PassiveCachingDD casa::CachingDisplayData casa::DisplayData casa::DisplayOptions casa::DisplayEH casa::DlTarget casa::RSEllipse casa::RSLine casa::RSPolygon casa::RSRectangle casa::RSCircle

Public Types

enum  CoordinateParameterType {
 Different types for coordinate parameters. More...
enum  OptionType {
 Different types for options. More...
enum  LineStyle {
 Different line styles. More...
- Public Types inherited from casa::DisplayData
enum  DisplayState {

Public Member Functions

std::string errorMessage () const
 RegionShape (casacore::MDirection::Types worldSys)
 Non-Static Members //. More...
 RegionShape ()
 Pixel Constructor. More...
 RegionShape (const casacore::RecordInterface &properties)
 casacore::Record Constructor. More...
virtual ~RegionShape ()
 Destructor. More...
const casacore::Unit dataUnit () const
 PassiveCachingDD methods //. More...
const casacore::IPosition dataShape () const
casacore::uInt dataDim () const
std::vector< int > displayAxes () const
Display::DisplayDataType classType ()
 Implements PassiveCachingDD::classType. More...
CachingDisplayMethodnewDisplayMethod (WorldCanvas *wc, AttributeBuffer *wchAttr, AttributeBuffer *ddAttr, CachingDisplayData *dd)
 Implements PassiveCachingDD::newDisplayMethod. More...
virtual casacore::String lineColor () const
 Common RegionShape methods //. More...
virtual void setLineColor (const casacore::String &newColor, bool alsoSetLabel=true)
virtual double lineWidth () const
 Gets/sets this shape's line width. More...
virtual void setLineWidth (double width)
virtual LineStyle lineStyle () const
 Gets/sets this shape's line style. More...
virtual void setLineStyle (LineStyle style)
virtual casacore::String text () const
 Gets/sets this shape's label's text. More...
virtual void setText (const casacore::String &text)
virtual const RegionShapeLabellabel () const
 Gets/sets this shape's label. More...
virtual void setLabel (const RegionShapeLabel &label)
virtual bool linethrough () const
 Gets/sets this shape's linethrough properties. More...
virtual casacore::String linethroughColor () const
virtual double linethroughWidth () const
virtual LineStyle linethroughStyle () const
virtual void setLinethrough (bool linethrough, casacore::String color="red", double width=1, LineStyle style=SOLID)
virtual double xMin () const
 Min/max methods for world/pixel coordinates. More...
virtual double xMax () const
virtual double yMin () const
virtual double yMax () const
virtual double screenXMin () const
 Bounding box methods. More...
virtual double screenXMax () const
virtual double screenYMin () const
virtual double screenYMax () const
virtual bool isWorld () const
 Returns whether this shape's coordinates are in world or pixel. More...
virtual casacore::MDirection::Types worldSystem () const
 If this shape is in world coordinates, returns the system used. More...
virtual void setIsWorld (bool isWorld)
 Set world or pixel system. More...
virtual void setWorldSystem (casacore::MDirection::Types sys)
 Set world system. More...
virtual casacore::String title () const
 Returns this shape's type (color + type). More...
bool draw (WorldCanvasHolder &wch)
 Checks whether the given WorldCanvasHolder has a direction coordinate. More...
virtual bool hadDrawingError () const
 Returns whether there was an error during the last call to draw() or not. More...
const casacore::StringlastDrawingError () const
 Returns the error that occurred during the last call to draw(). More...
casacore::Record getProperties () const
 Returns this shape's properties as a Record. More...
casacore::Record toRecord () const
 Synonym. More...
void setProperties (const casacore::RecordInterface &properties)
 Sets this shape's properties from the given Record. More...
virtual bool drawAndUpdateBoundingBox (WorldCanvasHolder &wch, casacore::String *error=NULL)=0
 Pure Virtual Methods //. More...
virtual casacore::String type () const =0
 Returns the name/type of this shape, for displaying to the user. More...
casacore::String dataType () const
 Pure virtual function from DisplayData... More...
virtual casacore::String oneWordType () const
 Can be overridden by children. More...
virtual std::vector< double > coordParameterValues () const =0
 Returns the current values for the coordinate parameters. More...
virtual std::vector< double > coordParameterValues (casacore::String toSystem) const =0
 Returns the current values for the coordinate parameters in the given world system, by using the last WorldCanvasHolder for conversions if needed. More...
virtual std::vector
< casacore::String
coordParameterNames () const =0
 Returns the name for the coordinate parameters, in the same order as coordParameterValues(). More...
virtual std::vector
< CoordinateParameterType
coordParameterTypes () const =0
 Returns a vector indicating the types of the coordinate parameters, in the same order as coordParameterValues(). More...
virtual void setCoordParameters (const std::vector< double > &vals)=0
 Sets the coordinate parameter values to the given, in the same order as coordParameterValues(). More...
virtual void setCoordParameters (const std::vector< double > &vals, casacore::String valSystem)=0
 Sets the coordinate parameter values to the given, in the same order as coordParameterValues(). More...
virtual void move (double dx, double dy, casacore::String system="")=0
 Moves this shape the given delta x and delta y in the given system (empty for shape's native system). More...
virtual RSHandle getHandle () const =0
 Returns a RSHandle (four points in screen coords that are like a bounding box for the shape) for this shape. More...
virtual std::vector
< casacore::String
optionNames () const =0
 Returns the names for options. More...
virtual std::vector< OptionTypeoptionTypes () const =0
 Returns the types for options. More...
virtual std::vector
< std::vector
< casacore::String > > 
optionChoices () const
 For options that are string choices, return the available choices. More...
virtual std::vector< RSOptionoptionValues () const =0
 Returns the current values for options. More...
virtual void setOptionValues (const std::vector< RSOption > &options)=0
 Sets the options to the given. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::PassiveCachingDD
 PassiveCachingDD ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~PassiveCachingDD ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual casacore::Bool linToWorld (casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &world, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &lin)
 casacore::Coordinate transformation handlers, called by WorldCanvasHolder. More...
virtual casacore::Bool worldToLin (casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &lin, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &world)
virtual casacore::String showPosition (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &world, const casacore::Bool &displayAxesOnly=false)
 casacore::Format a string containing coordinate or value information at the given world coordinate. More...
virtual casacore::String showValue (const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &world)
 casacore::Format a string containing value information at the given world coordinate More...
virtual casacore::Vector
< casacore::String
worldAxisNames () const
 World axis information suppliers. More...
virtual casacore::Vector
< casacore::String
worldAxisUnits () const
const casacore::Unit dataUnit () const
const casacore::IPosition dataShape () const
casacore::uInt dataDim () const
std::vector< int > displayAxes () const
virtual casacore::uInt nelements (const WorldCanvasHolder &wcHolder) const
 Return the number of display elements (ie. More...
virtual casacore::uInt nelements () const
 and non-specific More...
virtual void setDefaultOptions ()
 Install the default options for this DisplayData. More...
virtual casacore::Bool setOptions (casacore::Record &rec, casacore::Record &recOut)
 Apply options stored in rec to the DisplayData. More...
virtual casacore::Record getOptions (bool scrub=false) const
 Retrieve the current and default options and parameter types. More...
virtual void refreshEH (const WCRefreshEvent &ev)
 Negotiatiate WorldCanvas linear coordinate system when asked to do so by the WorldCanvasHolder. More...
virtual casacore::Bool sizeControl (WorldCanvasHolder &, AttributeBuffer &)
 Set (coordinate) state of WCH's WC. More...
virtual void cleanup ()
 Tidy up the elements of this DisplayData. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::CachingDisplayData
 CachingDisplayData ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~CachingDisplayData ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void notifyRegister (WorldCanvasHolder *wcHolder)
virtual void notifyUnregister (WorldCanvasHolder &wcHolder, casacore::Bool ignoreRefresh=false)
 ignoreRefresh tells the DD not to refresh just to clean up DMs More...
virtual void setColormap (Colormap *cmap, casacore::Float weight)
 Purges cache, to avoid reusing images with the wrong colormap, then calls base class version. More...
virtual void purgeCache ()
 Empty cache completely. More...
virtual void purgeCache (const WorldCanvasHolder &wch)
 Empty cache of all DMs for a given WCH. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::DisplayData
 DisplayData ()
 (Required) default constructor. More...
virtual ~DisplayData ()
 required destructor More...
virtual void setDisplayState (DisplayState s)
virtual DisplayState getDisplayState () const
virtual bool isDisplayable () const
virtual void addRestrictions (AttributeBuffer &otherBuf)
 Add general restrictions or a restriction for item itemNum of this DisplayData. More...
virtual void addRestriction (Attribute &newRestriction, casacore::Bool permanent)
virtual void addElementRestrictions (const casacore::uInt itemNum, AttributeBuffer &other)
virtual void addElementRestriction (const casacore::uInt itemNum, Attribute &newRestriction, casacore::Bool permanent)
virtual void setRestrictions (AttributeBuffer &otherBuf)
 Set general restrictions or a restriction for item itemNum of this DisplayData. More...
virtual void setRestriction (Attribute &newRestriction)
virtual void setElementRestrictions (const casacore::uInt itemNum, AttributeBuffer &other)
virtual void setElementRestriction (const casacore::uInt itemNum, Attribute &newRestriction)
virtual void removeRestriction (const casacore::String &name)
 Remove a general restriction or a restriction from item itemNum More...
virtual void removeElementRestriction (const casacore::uInt itemNum, const casacore::String &name)
virtual void clearRestrictions ()
 Clear all general restrictions or all restrictions of item itemNum (except the ones that are permanent of course...) More...
virtual void clearElementRestrictions (const casacore::uInt itemNum)
virtual casacore::Bool existRestriction (const casacore::String &name)
 Check if a general restriction or a restriction for item itemNum with name name exists. More...
virtual casacore::Bool existElementRestriction (const casacore::uInt itemNum, const casacore::String &name)
virtual AttributeBufferrestrictionBuffer ()
 Get a handle to the buffer of general restrictions or of the buffer of restrictions for item itemNum More...
virtual AttributeBufferelementRestrictionBuffer (const casacore::uInt itemNum)
virtual casacore::Bool conformsTo (const WorldCanvas *wCanvas)
 Check whether the DD is is compatible with all WC[H] state, including its coordinate state, restrictions, and zIndex (if any). More...
virtual casacore::Bool conformsTo (const WorldCanvas &wc)
virtual casacore::Bool conformsToRstrs (const WorldCanvas &wc)
 Determine whether DD restrictions are in conformance with restrictions on the given WCH. More...
virtual casacore::Bool conformsToCS (const WorldCanvas &)
 Determine whether DD is compatible with the WC[H]'s current world coordinates. More...
virtual casacore::Bool conformsToZIndex (const WorldCanvas &wc)
 Determine whether DD is compatible with the current canvas animation (zIndex) position. More...
virtual casacore::Int activeZIndex (const WorldCanvas *wc=0)
 Retrieve 'Active' zIndex. More...
virtual casacore::Bool getFirstZIndex (int &firstZIndex, casacore::Int axZrng=-1) const
 Set firstZIndex to minimum zIndex setting from all canvases where this DD is registered. More...
virtual void addPositionEventHandler (WCPositionEH *positionHandler)
 Add event handlers on the DisplayData. More...
virtual void addMotionEventHandler (WCMotionEH *motionHandler)
virtual void addRefreshEventHandler (WCRefreshEH *refreshHandler)
virtual void addDisplayEventHandler (DisplayEH *displayHandler)
virtual void removePositionEventHandler (WCPositionEH &positionHandler)
 Remove eventhandlers. More...
virtual void removeMotionEventHandler (WCMotionEH &motionHandler)
virtual void removeRefreshEventHandler (WCRefreshEH &refreshHandler)
virtual void removeDisplayEventHandler (DisplayEH &displayHandler)
virtual void removeColormap ()
virtual Colormapcolormap () const
void setAttribute (Attribute &at)
 set an Attribute or Attributes More...
void setAttributes (AttributeBuffer &at)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::uInt &newValue)
 User interface to get value from the attribute buffer. More...
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Int &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Float &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Double &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Bool &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::String &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Vector< casacore::uInt > &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Vector< casacore::Int > &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Vector< casacore::Bool > &newValue)
casacore::Bool getAttributeValue (const casacore::String &name, casacore::Vector< casacore::String > &newValue)
casacore::Bool existsAttribute (casacore::String &name)
 Check if a certain Attribute exists. More...
void removeAttribute (casacore::String &name)
 Remove an Attribute. More...
AttValue::ValueType attributeType (casacore::String &name)
 Get the type of the Attribute. More...
void setAttributeOnPrimaryWCHs (Attribute &at)
 Set an attribute on any WorldCanvas for which this DD is CS master. More...
virtual void removeFromAllWCHs ()
 remove this DD everywhere–will stop any more refresh handling by the DD. More...
virtual void refresh (casacore::Bool clean=false)
 an explicit refresh: should be called if the DisplayData is changed such that drawing is required. More...
virtual casacore::Bool labelAxes (const WCRefreshEvent &ev)
 an explicit request to draw the axes and/or labels. More...
virtual casacore::Bool canLabelAxes () const
virtual casacore::String className () const
 Return the class name of this DisplayData; useful mostly for debugging purposes, and perhaps future use in the glish widget interface. More...
virtual casacore::String description () const
virtual ImageAnalysis * imageanalysis () const
 Get image analyis about images... More...
virtual std::shared_ptr
< casacore::ImageInterface
< casacore::Float > > 
imageinterface ()
 Returns a pointer that should not be deleted... More...
virtual void setSubstituteTitleText (const casacore::String)
const WorldCanvasHolderfindHolder (const WorldCanvas *wCanvas) const
 Identify the WorldCanvasHolder for the given WorldCanvas. More...
WorldCanvasHolderfindHolder (const WorldCanvas *wCanvas)
virtual casacore::Block
< casacore::Int
allZIndices (casacore::Int axZrng=-1) const
 Return a sorted casacore::Block of all animation frame numbers currently set onto all WCHs where this DD is registered. More...
virtual casacore::Bool zIndexHint (casacore::Int &) const
 Will be called just before registering the [GTk]DD on a [GTk]PanelDisplay which has none registered on it yet. More...
virtual void handleEvent (DisplayEvent &ev)
 Overide DisplayEH::handleEvent. More...
virtual casacore::Bool isCSmaster (const WorldCanvasHolder *wch=0) const
 Is this DD the CS master of the passed WCH? Defaulting wch to 0 asks whether this DD is CS master of some WCH on which it is registered. More...
virtual casacore::Int uiBase () const
 DD 'Absolute Pixel Coordinates', e.g. More...
virtual void setUIBase (casacore::Int uibase)
virtual casacore::Bool getDelTmpData ()
 Get and set method for the flag. More...
virtual void setDelTmpData (casacore::Bool delTmpData)
virtual void setDisplayDataRed (DisplayData *)
virtual void setDisplayDataBlue (DisplayData *)
virtual void setDisplayDataGreen (DisplayData *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::DisplayOptions
 DisplayOptions ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~DisplayOptions ()
 Destructor. More...
template<class T >
casacore::Bool readOptionRecord (casacore::Vector< T > &target, casacore::Bool &error, const casacore::Record &rec, const casacore::String &fieldname) const
 Find the field fieldname in casacore::Record rec, containing the requested type (casacore::Bool, casacore::String, casacore::Float, casacore::Int) in itself or its "value" sub-field, and return the value in target. More...
template<class T >
casacore::Bool readOptionRecord (T &target, casacore::Bool &error, const casacore::Record &rec, const casacore::String &fieldname) const
virtual casacore::Bool readOptionRecord (casacore::String &target, casacore::Bool &unsetTarget, casacore::Bool &error, const casacore::Record &rec, const casacore::String &fieldname) const
 Find the field fieldname in casacore::Record rec, containing the requested type (casacore::String) in itself or its "value" sub-field, and return the value in target. More...
casacore::Record unset () const
 Return a casacore::Record which is an "unset" casacore::Record, ie. More...
casacore::Bool isUnset (const casacore::Record &rec) const
 Return true or false indicating if the provided casacore::Record is equal to an "unset" Record. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::DisplayEH
virtual ~DisplayEH ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from casa::DlTarget
 DlTarget ()
 DlTarget (const DlTarget &)
virtual ~DlTarget ()
void reg (DlHandleBase *p)
void unreg (DlHandleBase *p)

Static Public Member Functions

static RegionShapeshapeFromRecord (const casacore::RecordInterface &properties, casacore::String &error)
 Creates a record of the correct type from the given record (see RegionShape class description), or NULL if a fatal error occurred. More...
static std::vector< LineStyleallLineStyles ()
 Returns all available line styles. More...
static casacore::String convLineStyle (LineStyle style)
 Convert between line style enum and String. More...
static LineStyle convLineStyle (casacore::String style)

Static Public Attributes

static const casacore::String UNIT
 Static Members //. More...
static const double UNIT_WRAPAROUND
 Value used for wrapping negative/positive unit values. More...
static const casacore::String PROPISWORLD
 Properties. More...
static const casacore::String PROPWORLDSYSTEM
static const casacore::String PROPLINE_COLOR
static const casacore::String PROPLINE_WIDTH
static const casacore::String PROPLINE_STYLE
static const casacore::String PROPTEXT
static const casacore::String PROPTEXT_COLOR
static const casacore::String PROPTEXT_FONT
static const casacore::String PROPTEXT_SIZE
static const casacore::String PROPTEXT_ITALIC
static const casacore::String PROPTEXT_BOLD
static const casacore::String PROPLINETHROUGH
static const casacore::String PROPLINETHROUGH_COLOR
static const casacore::String PROPLINETHROUGH_WIDTH
static const casacore::String PROPLINETHROUGH_STYLE
static const casacore::String PROPCOORDINATES
static const casacore::String PROPOPTIONS
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_ELLIPSE
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_CIRCLE
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_RECTANGLE
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_POLYGON
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_LINE
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_VECTOR
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_MARKER
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_TEXT
static const casacore::String PROPTYPE_COMPOSITE
static const casacore::String DEFAULT_COLOR
 Defaults. More...
static const double DEFAULT_WIDTH
static const LineStyle DEFAULT_STYLE
- Static Public Attributes inherited from casa::DisplayData
static const casacore::String DATA_MIN
static const casacore::String DATA_MAX

Protected Member Functions

virtual void getShapeSpecificProperties (casacore::Record &properties) const =0
 Pure Virtual Methods //. More...
virtual void setShapeSpecificProperties (const casacore::RecordInterface &props)=0
 Sets shape-specific properties from the given record. More...
void setLineProperties (PixelCanvas *pc)
 Common RegionShape Methods //. More...
void setLinethroughProperties (PixelCanvas *pc)
 Sets the linethrough properties (color, width, style) of this shape for the given PixelCanvas. More...
void resetLineStyle (PixelCanvas *pc) const
 Used for resetting the line style on the given PixelCanvas back to solid, in case future uses are expecting solid lines. More...
bool worldToPixel (const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, casacore::Vector< double > &pixelX, casacore::Vector< double > &pixelY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, bool wrap=true, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
 Convenience access to RSUtils conversion methods. More...
bool pixelToWorld (const casacore::Vector< double > &pixelX, const casacore::Vector< double > &pixelY, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, bool wrap=true, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
bool worldToLinear (const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, casacore::Vector< double > &linearX, casacore::Vector< double > &linearY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, bool wrap=true, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
bool worldToScreen (const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, casacore::Vector< double > &screenX, casacore::Vector< double > &screenY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, bool wrap=true, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
bool linearToWorld (const casacore::Vector< double > &linearX, const casacore::Vector< double > &linearY, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
bool linearToWorld (const casacore::Vector< double > &linearX, const casacore::Vector< double > &linearY, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, const std::vector< int > &xSign, const std::vector< int > &ySign, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
bool screenToWorld (const casacore::Vector< double > &screenX, const casacore::Vector< double > &screenY, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
bool screenToWorld (const casacore::Vector< double > &screenX, const casacore::Vector< double > &screenY, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldX, casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &worldY, WorldCanvasHolder &wch, const std::vector< int > &xSign, const std::vector< int > &ySign, casacore::String *error=NULL) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::PassiveCachingDD
virtual AttributeBuffer optionsAsAttributes ()
 Return the current options of this DisplayData as an AttributeBuffer. More...
 PassiveCachingDD (const PassiveCachingDD &other)
 (Required) copy constructor. More...
void operator= (const PassiveCachingDD &other)
 (Required) copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::CachingDisplayData
virtual void setCaching (const casacore::Bool caching)
 Return any additional Attributes to consider when searching the cache. More...
 CachingDisplayData (const CachingDisplayData &other)
 (Required) copy constructor. More...
void operator= (const CachingDisplayData &other)
 (Required) copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::DisplayData
virtual casacore::Bool setActiveZIndex_ (casacore::Int zindex)
 DDs may override to adjust the internal stored current animation index (activeZIndex_) if necessary, and to set return value false iff the passed zindex won't work for the DD. More...
casacore::Bool conformed ()
 Returns result of last call to conformsTo(WCH&). More...
casacore::Bool isCsAndZIndexConformed ()
 Added so that when two images are loaded with no velocity alignment, they can still show their position coordinates without having to be rstrsConformed. More...
virtual void delTmpData (casacore::String &tmpData)
 Delete temporary data. More...
virtual const std::list
< WCPositionEH * > * 
positionEventHandlerList ()
 Retrieve position, motion, refresh and display event handler lists. More...
virtual const std::list
< WCMotionEH * > * 
motionEventHandlerList ()
virtual const std::list
< WCRefreshEH * > * 
refreshEventHandlerList ()
virtual const std::list
< DisplayEH * > * 
displayEventHandlerList ()
virtual void positionEH (const WCPositionEvent &ev)
 Position, motion and refresh event handlers that will generally be called by a WorldCanvasHolder. More...
virtual void motionEH (const WCMotionEvent &ev)
 DisplayData (const DisplayData &other)
 (Required) copy constructor. More...
void operator= (const DisplayData &other)
 (Required) copy assignment. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casa::DisplayOptions
 DisplayOptions (const DisplayOptions &other)
 (Required) copy constructor. More...
void operator= (const DisplayOptions &other)
 (Required) copy assignment. More...

Protected Attributes

bool m_isWorld
 Common RegionShape Members //. More...
casacore::MDirection::Types m_worldSystem
 World system (undefined if m_isWorld is false). More...
casacore::String m_color
 Line color. More...
double m_width
 Line width. More...
LineStyle m_style
 Line style. More...
RegionShapeLabel m_label
 Label. More...
bool m_lt
 Linethrough properties. More...
casacore::String m_ltColor
double m_ltWidth
LineStyle m_ltStyle
double m_xMin
 Bounding box, in world/pixel coords. More...
double m_xMax
double m_yMin
double m_yMax
double m_screenXMin
 Bounding box, in screen pixels. More...
double m_screenXMax
double m_screenYMin
double m_screenYMax
 Last seen WorldCanvasHolder. More...
bool m_hadDrawingError
 For keeping track of drawing/conversion errors. More...
casacore::String m_drawingError
- Protected Attributes inherited from casa::CachingDisplayData
casacore::Bool restorePCColormap_
 The default is false. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from casa::DisplayData
AttributeBuffer restrictions
 The Book says that we should not put data members in class that is supposed to only define an interface, but by putting these here, we can implement some of the restriction & eventhandling stuff so that people do not have to repeat it. More...
AttributeBuffer attributes
 buffer for storing Attributes More...
casacore::PtrBlock< void * > DDelement
 list of DisplayDataElements, which are of type DisplayMethod or derived More...
casacore::Int activeZIndex_
 Indicates the 'current' animation frame, i.e. More...
casacore::Bool delTmpData_
 Flag indicating that temporary data should be removed when deleting the object. More...
casacore::Bool rstrsConformed_
 Somewhat limited-use state, saved here for 'efficiency'. More...
casacore::Bool csConformed_
casacore::Bool zIndexConformed_

Private Member Functions

void initDefaults ()
Sets default values where needed for all member variables, EXCEPT

m_isWorld and m_worldSystem. More...


Detailed Description

Parent class for all RegionShapes.

Contains operations and properties common to all RegionShapes, such as:

Also contains methods that must be implemented in subclasses:

RegionShapes can also be converted to and from a CASA record. Fields in the record MUST adhere to the properties outlined below and in the shape subclasses. While additional properties may be defined in the shape subclasses, properties at the RegionShape level are:

RegionShape also defines a shapeFromRecord() method that will create and return a new shape based on the given record. This record has the following additional properties:

Definition at line 223 of file RegionShape.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Different types for coordinate parameters.


Definition at line 274 of file RegionShape.h.

Different line styles.

NOTE: styles other than solid and dashed are ONLY supported by QtPixelCanvas. Custom line styles are used for custom dash lists.


Definition at line 288 of file RegionShape.h.

Different types for options.


Definition at line 281 of file RegionShape.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::RegionShape::RegionShape ( casacore::MDirection::Types  worldSys)

Non-Static Members //.

World Constructor. Note: implementing subclasses MUST supply values for m_xMin, m_xMax, m_yMin, and m_yMax, or override xMin(), xMax(), yMin(), and yMax().

casa::RegionShape::RegionShape ( )

Pixel Constructor.

Note: implementing subclasses MUST supply values for m_xMin, m_xMax, m_yMin, and m_yMax, or override xMin(), xMax(), yMin(), and yMax().

casa::RegionShape::RegionShape ( const casacore::RecordInterface properties)

casacore::Record Constructor.

virtual casa::RegionShape::~RegionShape ( )


Member Function Documentation

static std::vector<LineStyle> casa::RegionShape::allLineStyles ( )

Returns all available line styles.

Definition at line 293 of file RegionShape.h.

References DASHED, DOTTED, and SOLID.

Display::DisplayDataType casa::RegionShape::classType ( )
static casacore::String casa::RegionShape::convLineStyle ( LineStyle  style)

Convert between line style enum and String.

static LineStyle casa::RegionShape::convLineStyle ( casacore::String  style)
virtual std::vector<casacore::String> casa::RegionShape::coordParameterNames ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the name for the coordinate parameters, in the same order as coordParameterValues().

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual std::vector<CoordinateParameterType> casa::RegionShape::coordParameterTypes ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a vector indicating the types of the coordinate parameters, in the same order as coordParameterValues().

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual std::vector<double> casa::RegionShape::coordParameterValues ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the current values for the coordinate parameters.

The number and order depend on the shape type. For world systems (RegionShape::isWorld()), these coordinates have unit RegionShape::UNIT in the system RegionShape::worldSystem().

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual std::vector<double> casa::RegionShape::coordParameterValues ( casacore::String  toSystem) const
pure virtual

Returns the current values for the coordinate parameters in the given world system, by using the last WorldCanvasHolder for conversions if needed.

The number and order depend on the shape type. toSystem indivates which system the given values are in and should either be: 1) RSUtils::PIXEL for pixel coordinates, or 2) a value that can be converted to a casacore::MDirection::Types via casacore::MDirection::getType(). Returned coordinates have unit RegionShape::UNIT for world systems.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

casacore::uInt casa::RegionShape::dataDim ( ) const

Implements casa::DisplayData.

Definition at line 341 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::IPosition casa::RegionShape::dataShape ( ) const

Implements casa::DisplayData.

Definition at line 338 of file RegionShape.h.

casacore::String casa::RegionShape::dataType ( ) const

Pure virtual function from DisplayData...

Implements casa::DisplayData.

Definition at line 487 of file RegionShape.h.

References type().

const casacore::Unit casa::RegionShape::dataUnit ( ) const

PassiveCachingDD methods //.

Implements PassiveCachingDD::dataUnit.

Implements casa::DisplayData.

std::vector<int> casa::RegionShape::displayAxes ( ) const

Implements casa::DisplayData.

Definition at line 344 of file RegionShape.h.

bool casa::RegionShape::draw ( WorldCanvasHolder wch)

Checks whether the given WorldCanvasHolder has a direction coordinate.

Updates the last WorldCanvasHolder seen to the given, then calls drawAndUpdateBoundingBox which actually draws this shape onto the world canvas.

virtual bool casa::RegionShape::drawAndUpdateBoundingBox ( WorldCanvasHolder wch,
casacore::String error = NULL 
pure virtual

Pure Virtual Methods //.

Draw this shape on the given world canvas and update the bounding box protected variables m_screenXMin, m_screenXMax, m_screenYMin, and m_screenYMax. NOTE: implementing classes should be sure to set the line style of the pixel canvas back to Display::LSSolid when finished. The protected method resetLineStyle can be used for this purpose.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

std::string casa::RegionShape::errorMessage ( ) const

Implements casa::DisplayData.

Definition at line 278 of file RegionShape.h.

virtual RSHandle casa::RegionShape::getHandle ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns a RSHandle (four points in screen coords that are like a bounding box for the shape) for this shape.

If the shape has not previously been drawn on a canvas, this may return an invalid RSHandle. The handle does NOT include the label.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

casacore::Record casa::RegionShape::getProperties ( ) const

Returns this shape's properties as a Record.

Referenced by toRecord().

virtual void casa::RegionShape::getShapeSpecificProperties ( casacore::Record properties) const
protectedpure virtual

Pure Virtual Methods //.

Puts shape-specific properties in the given record. MUST at least set PROP_TYPE.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual bool casa::RegionShape::hadDrawingError ( ) const

Returns whether there was an error during the last call to draw() or not.

Definition at line 453 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_hadDrawingError.

void casa::RegionShape::initDefaults ( )

Sets default values where needed for all member variables, EXCEPT

m_isWorld and m_worldSystem.

Intended to be called from a constructor.

virtual bool casa::RegionShape::isWorld ( ) const

Returns whether this shape's coordinates are in world or pixel.

Definition at line 420 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_isWorld.

Referenced by setIsWorld().

virtual const RegionShapeLabel& casa::RegionShape::label ( ) const

Gets/sets this shape's label.

const casacore::String& casa::RegionShape::lastDrawingError ( ) const

Returns the error that occurred during the last call to draw().

Definition at line 458 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_drawingError.

bool casa::RegionShape::linearToWorld ( const casacore::Vector< double > &  linearX,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  linearY,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const

Definition at line 676 of file RegionShape.h.

References casa::RSUtils::linearToWorld(), and m_worldSystem.

bool casa::RegionShape::linearToWorld ( const casacore::Vector< double > &  linearX,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  linearY,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
const std::vector< int > &  xSign,
const std::vector< int > &  ySign,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const

Definition at line 686 of file RegionShape.h.

References casa::RSUtils::linearToWorld(), and m_worldSystem.

virtual casacore::String casa::RegionShape::lineColor ( ) const

Common RegionShape methods //.

Gets/sets this shape's line color.

Referenced by title().

virtual LineStyle casa::RegionShape::lineStyle ( ) const

Gets/sets this shape's line style.

See RegionShape::LineStyle.

virtual bool casa::RegionShape::linethrough ( ) const

Gets/sets this shape's linethrough properties.

virtual casacore::String casa::RegionShape::linethroughColor ( ) const
virtual LineStyle casa::RegionShape::linethroughStyle ( ) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::linethroughWidth ( ) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::lineWidth ( ) const

Gets/sets this shape's line width.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::move ( double  dx,
double  dy,
casacore::String  system = "" 
pure virtual

Moves this shape the given delta x and delta y in the given system (empty for shape's native system).

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

CachingDisplayMethod* casa::RegionShape::newDisplayMethod ( WorldCanvas wc,
AttributeBuffer wchAttr,
AttributeBuffer ddAttr,
CachingDisplayData dd 
virtual casacore::String casa::RegionShape::oneWordType ( ) const

Can be overridden by children.

Returns a one-word type.

Reimplemented in casa::RSPolygon.

Definition at line 493 of file RegionShape.h.

References type().

virtual std::vector<std::vector<casacore::String> > casa::RegionShape::optionChoices ( ) const

For options that are string choices, return the available choices.

May return an empty vector if there are no string choices.

Definition at line 555 of file RegionShape.h.

virtual std::vector<casacore::String> casa::RegionShape::optionNames ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the names for options.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual std::vector<OptionType> casa::RegionShape::optionTypes ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the types for options.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual std::vector<RSOption> casa::RegionShape::optionValues ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the current values for options.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

bool casa::RegionShape::pixelToWorld ( const casacore::Vector< double > &  pixelX,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  pixelY,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
bool  wrap = true,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const

Definition at line 646 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_worldSystem, and casa::RSUtils::pixelToWorld().

void casa::RegionShape::resetLineStyle ( PixelCanvas pc) const

Used for resetting the line style on the given PixelCanvas back to solid, in case future uses are expecting solid lines.

bool casa::RegionShape::screenToWorld ( const casacore::Vector< double > &  screenX,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  screenY,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const
bool casa::RegionShape::screenToWorld ( const casacore::Vector< double > &  screenX,
const casacore::Vector< double > &  screenY,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
const std::vector< int > &  xSign,
const std::vector< int > &  ySign,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::screenXMax ( ) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::screenXMin ( ) const

Bounding box methods.

Returns the min and max of the screen coordinates. Note: these are only valid after a call to drawAndUpdateBoundingBox!

virtual double casa::RegionShape::screenYMax ( ) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::screenYMin ( ) const
virtual void casa::RegionShape::setCoordParameters ( const std::vector< double > &  vals)
pure virtual

Sets the coordinate parameter values to the given, in the same order as coordParameterValues().

For world systems (RegionShape::isWorld()), the values must be in unit RegionShape::UNIT and system RegionShape::worldSystem().

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setCoordParameters ( const std::vector< double > &  vals,
casacore::String  valSystem 
pure virtual

Sets the coordinate parameter values to the given, in the same order as coordParameterValues().

valSystem indicates which system the given values are in and should either be: 1) RSUtils::PIXEL for pixel coordinates, or 2) a value that can be converted to a casacore::MDirection::Types via casacore::MDirection::getType(). Values must be in unit RegionShape::UNIT for world systems.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setIsWorld ( bool  isWorld)

Set world or pixel system.

Definition at line 431 of file RegionShape.h.

References isWorld(), and m_isWorld.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setLabel ( const RegionShapeLabel label)
virtual void casa::RegionShape::setLineColor ( const casacore::String newColor,
bool  alsoSetLabel = true 
void casa::RegionShape::setLineProperties ( PixelCanvas pc)

Common RegionShape Methods //.

Sets the line properties (color, width, style) of this shape for the given PixelCanvas.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setLineStyle ( LineStyle  style)
virtual void casa::RegionShape::setLinethrough ( bool  linethrough,
casacore::String  color = "red",
double  width = 1,
LineStyle  style = SOLID 
void casa::RegionShape::setLinethroughProperties ( PixelCanvas pc)

Sets the linethrough properties (color, width, style) of this shape for the given PixelCanvas.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setLineWidth ( double  width)
virtual void casa::RegionShape::setOptionValues ( const std::vector< RSOption > &  options)
pure virtual

Sets the options to the given.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

void casa::RegionShape::setProperties ( const casacore::RecordInterface properties)

Sets this shape's properties from the given Record.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setShapeSpecificProperties ( const casacore::RecordInterface props)
protectedpure virtual

Sets shape-specific properties from the given record.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, and casa::RSEllipse.

virtual void casa::RegionShape::setText ( const casacore::String text)
virtual void casa::RegionShape::setWorldSystem ( casacore::MDirection::Types  sys)

Set world system.

Definition at line 436 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_worldSystem.

static RegionShape* casa::RegionShape::shapeFromRecord ( const casacore::RecordInterface properties,
casacore::String error 

Creates a record of the correct type from the given record (see RegionShape class description), or NULL if a fatal error occurred.

virtual casacore::String casa::RegionShape::text ( ) const

Gets/sets this shape's label's text.

virtual casacore::String casa::RegionShape::title ( ) const

Returns this shape's type (color + type).

Definition at line 441 of file RegionShape.h.

References lineColor(), and type().

casacore::Record casa::RegionShape::toRecord ( ) const


Definition at line 466 of file RegionShape.h.

References getProperties().

virtual casacore::String casa::RegionShape::type ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the name/type of this shape, for displaying to the user.

Implemented in casa::RSPolygon, casa::RSRectangle, casa::RSCircle, and casa::RSEllipse.

Referenced by casa::RSLine::arrowType(), dataType(), oneWordType(), and title().

virtual casacore::MDirection::Types casa::RegionShape::worldSystem ( ) const

If this shape is in world coordinates, returns the system used.

Undefined for pixel coordinates.

Definition at line 426 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_worldSystem.

bool casa::RegionShape::worldToLinear ( const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
casacore::Vector< double > &  linearX,
casacore::Vector< double > &  linearY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
bool  wrap = true,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const

Definition at line 655 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_worldSystem, and casa::RSUtils::worldToLinear().

bool casa::RegionShape::worldToPixel ( const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
casacore::Vector< double > &  pixelX,
casacore::Vector< double > &  pixelY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
bool  wrap = true,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const

Convenience access to RSUtils conversion methods.

Definition at line 637 of file RegionShape.h.

References m_worldSystem, and casa::RSUtils::worldToPixel().

bool casa::RegionShape::worldToScreen ( const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldX,
const casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< double > > &  worldY,
casacore::Vector< double > &  screenX,
casacore::Vector< double > &  screenY,
WorldCanvasHolder wch,
bool  wrap = true,
casacore::String error = NULL 
) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::xMax ( ) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::xMin ( ) const

Min/max methods for world/pixel coordinates.

Note that some shapes (RSMarker, RSText) may have identical mins/maxes since they only take up space in screen pixels.

virtual double casa::RegionShape::yMax ( ) const
virtual double casa::RegionShape::yMin ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::DEFAULT_COLOR


Definition at line 309 of file RegionShape.h.

const LineStyle casa::RegionShape::DEFAULT_STYLE

Definition at line 311 of file RegionShape.h.

const double casa::RegionShape::DEFAULT_WIDTH

Definition at line 310 of file RegionShape.h.

casacore::String casa::RegionShape::m_color

Line color.

Definition at line 575 of file RegionShape.h.

casacore::String casa::RegionShape::m_drawingError

Definition at line 607 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by lastDrawingError().

bool casa::RegionShape::m_hadDrawingError

For keeping track of drawing/conversion errors.

Definition at line 606 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by hadDrawingError().

bool casa::RegionShape::m_isWorld

Common RegionShape Members //.

Whether this shape uses world or pixel coordinates.

Definition at line 569 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by isWorld(), and setIsWorld().

RegionShapeLabel casa::RegionShape::m_label


Definition at line 584 of file RegionShape.h.

WorldCanvasHolder* casa::RegionShape::m_lastWCH

Last seen WorldCanvasHolder.

Should only be used by coordParameterValues.

Definition at line 602 of file RegionShape.h.

bool casa::RegionShape::m_lt

Linethrough properties.

Definition at line 588 of file RegionShape.h.

casacore::String casa::RegionShape::m_ltColor

Definition at line 589 of file RegionShape.h.

LineStyle casa::RegionShape::m_ltStyle

Definition at line 591 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_ltWidth

Definition at line 590 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_screenXMax

Definition at line 598 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_screenXMin

Bounding box, in screen pixels.

Definition at line 598 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_screenYMax

Definition at line 598 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_screenYMin

Definition at line 598 of file RegionShape.h.

LineStyle casa::RegionShape::m_style

Line style.

Definition at line 581 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_width

Line width.

Definition at line 578 of file RegionShape.h.

casacore::MDirection::Types casa::RegionShape::m_worldSystem

World system (undefined if m_isWorld is false).

Definition at line 572 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by linearToWorld(), pixelToWorld(), screenToWorld(), setWorldSystem(), worldSystem(), worldToLinear(), worldToPixel(), and worldToScreen().

double casa::RegionShape::m_xMax

Definition at line 595 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_xMin

Bounding box, in world/pixel coords.

Definition at line 595 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_yMax

Definition at line 595 of file RegionShape.h.

double casa::RegionShape::m_yMin

Definition at line 595 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPCOORDINATES

Definition at line 253 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPISWORLD


See RegionShape description.

Definition at line 238 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINE_COLOR

Definition at line 240 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINE_STYLE

Definition at line 242 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINE_WIDTH

Definition at line 241 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINETHROUGH

Definition at line 249 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINETHROUGH_COLOR

Definition at line 250 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINETHROUGH_STYLE

Definition at line 252 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPLINETHROUGH_WIDTH

Definition at line 251 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPOPTIONS

Definition at line 254 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTEXT

Definition at line 243 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTEXT_BOLD

Definition at line 248 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTEXT_COLOR

Definition at line 244 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTEXT_FONT

Definition at line 245 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTEXT_ITALIC

Definition at line 247 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTEXT_SIZE

Definition at line 246 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE
const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_CIRCLE

Definition at line 258 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by casa::RSCircle::getShapeSpecificProperties().

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_COMPOSITE

Definition at line 265 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_ELLIPSE

Definition at line 257 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by casa::RSEllipse::getShapeSpecificProperties().

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_LINE

Definition at line 261 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by getShapeSpecificProperties().

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_MARKER

Definition at line 263 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_POLYGON

Definition at line 260 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_RECTANGLE

Definition at line 259 of file RegionShape.h.

Referenced by casa::RSRectangle::getShapeSpecificProperties().

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_TEXT

Definition at line 264 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPTYPE_VECTOR

Definition at line 262 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::PROPWORLDSYSTEM

Definition at line 239 of file RegionShape.h.

const casacore::String casa::RegionShape::UNIT

Static Members //.

The unit that all native coordinates are in. Currently set to "deg". If this is changed, DS9RegionFileWriter::convertValue() must also be updated.

Definition at line 230 of file RegionShape.h.

const double casa::RegionShape::UNIT_WRAPAROUND

Value used for wrapping negative/positive unit values.

Currently set to 360 for degrees.

Definition at line 234 of file RegionShape.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: