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casacore::TableParseSelect Class Reference

Select-class for flex/bison scanner/parser for TableParse. More...

#include <TableParse.h>

Public Types

enum  CommandType {
enum  GroupAggrType {

Public Member Functions

 TableParseSelect (CommandType type)
 Construct. More...
 ~TableParseSelect ()
 Destructor. More...
CommandType commandType () const
 Return the command type. More...
TableExprNode getNode () const
 Return the expression node. More...
void makeTableNoFrom (const vector< TableParseSelect * > &stack)
 Create a temporary table in no tables are given in FROM. More...
void execute (Bool showTimings, Bool setInGiving, Bool mustSelect, uInt maxRow, Bool doTracing=False)
 Execute the select command (select/sort/projection/groupby/having/giving). More...
Table doFromQuery (Bool showTimings)
 Execute a query in a from clause resulting in a Table. More...
TableExprNode doSubQuery (Bool showTimings)
 Execute a subquery and create an appropriate node for the result. More...
TableExprNode doExists (Bool noexists, Bool showTimings)
 Test if a subquery has sufficient elements. More...
void show (ostream &os) const
 Show the expression tree. More...
void handleWhere (const TableExprNode &)
 Keep the selection expression. More...
void handleGroupby (const vector< TableExprNode > &, Bool rollup)
 Keep the groupby expressions. More...
void handleHaving (const TableExprNode &)
 Keep the having expression. More...
void handleCalcComm (const TableExprNode &)
 Keep the expression of a calculate command. More...
void handleCreTab (const Record &dmInfo)
 Keep the create table command. More...
void handleColSpec (const String &columnName, const String &dataType, const Record &spec, Bool isCOrder=False)
 Keep the column specification in a create table command. More...
void handleAltTab ()
 Reopen the table (for update) used in the ALTER TABLE command. More...
void handleAddCol (const Record &dmInfo)
 Add columns to the table of ALTER TABLE. More...
ValueHolder getRecFld (const String &name)
 Add a keyword or replace a keyword with the value of another keyword. More...
void handleSetKey (const String &name, const String &dtype, const ValueHolder &value)
 Add a keyword or replace a keyword with a value. More...
void handleRenameKey (const String &oldName, const String &newName)
 Rename a table or column keyword. More...
void handleRemoveKey (const String &name)
 Remove a table or column keyword. More...
TableRecordfindKeyword (const String &name, String &keyName)
 Split the given name into optional shorthand, column and fields. More...
void addUpdate (const CountedPtr< TableParseUpdate > &upd)
 Add an update object. More...
void setInsertExprs (const std::vector< TableExprNode > exprs)
 Set the insert expressions for all rows. More...
void handleUpdate ()
 Keep the update expressions. More...
void handleInsert ()
 Make ready for the insert expression. More...
void handleInsert (TableParseSelect *sel)
void handleCount ()
 Make ready for a COUNT command. More...
void handleSort (const std::vector< TableParseSort > &sortList, Bool noDuplicates, Sort::Order defaultSortOrder)
 Keep the sort expressions. More...
void handleLimit (const TableExprNodeSetElem &expr)
 Evaluate and keep limit/offset/stride given as start:end:incr. More...
void handleLimit (const TableExprNode &expr)
 Evaluate and keep the limit value. More...
void handleOffset (const TableExprNode &expr)
 Evaluate and keep the offset value. More...
void handleAddRow (const TableExprNode &expr)
 Evaluate and add the rows. More...
void addTable (Int tabnr, const String &name, const Table &table, const String &shorthand, Bool addToFromList, const vector< const Table * > tempTables, const vector< TableParseSelect * > &stack)
 Add a table nr, name, or object to the container. More...
Table makeTable (Int tabnr, const String &name, const Table &ftab, const String &shorthand, const vector< const Table * > tempTables, const vector< TableParseSelect * > &stack, Bool alwaysOpen=True)
 Make a Table object for given name, seqnr or so. More...
void replaceTable (const Table &table)
 Replace the first table (used by CALC command). More...
TableExprNode handleKeyCol (const String &name, Bool tryProj)
 Find the keyword or column name and create a TableExprNode from it. More...
TableExprNode handleFunc (const String &name, const TableExprNodeSet &arguments, const TaQLStyle &)
 Handle a function. More...
void handleColumn (Int type, const String &name, const TableExprNode &expr, const String &newName, const String &nameMask, const String &newDtype)
 Add a column to the list of column names. More...
void handleColumnFinish (Bool distinct)
 Finish the addition of columns to the list of column names. More...
void setDMInfo (const Record &dminfo)
 Set the DataManager info for a new table. More...
void handleGiving (const String &name, const Record &type)
 Handle the name and type given in a GIVING clause. More...
void handleGiving (const TableExprNodeSet &)
 Handle the set given in a GIVING clause. More...
const Block< String > & getColumnNames () const
 Get the projected column names. More...
const TablegetTable () const
 Get the resulting table. More...
String getTableInfo (const Vector< String > &parts, const TaQLStyle &style)
 Show the structure of fromTables_p[0] using the options given in parts[2:]. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void setRecFld (RecordInterface &rec, const String &name, const String &dtype, const ValueHolder &vh)
 Define a field with the given data type in the Record. More...
static String getTypeString (const String &typeStr, DataType type)
 Get the type string. More...
static TableExprNode handleSlice (const TableExprNode &array, const TableExprNodeSet &indices, const TaQLStyle &)
 Handle a slice operator. More...
static TableExprNode makeFuncNode (TableParseSelect *, const String &name, const TableExprNodeSet &arguments, const Vector< int > &ignoreFuncs, const Table &table, const TaQLStyle &)
 Make a function object node for the given function name and arguments. More...
static void checkAggrFuncs (const TableExprNode &node)
 An exception is thrown if the node uses an aggregate function. More...
static Bool splitName (String &shorthand, String &columnName, Vector< String > &fieldNames, const String &name, Bool checkError, Bool isKeyword, Bool allowNoKey)
 Split a name into its parts (shorthand, column and field names). More...

Private Member Functions

Int testGroupAggr (std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &aggr) const
 Test if groupby or aggregate functions are given. More...
vector< TableExprNodeRep * > getAggrNodes () const
 Get the aggregate functions used in SELECT and HAVING. More...
void doUpdate (Bool showTimings, const Table &origTable, Table &updTable, const Vector< uInt > &rownrs, const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &groups=CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult >())
 Do the update step. More...
Table doInsert (Bool showTimings, Table &table)
 Do the insert step and return a selection containing the new rows. More...
void doDelete (Bool showTimings, Table &table)
 Do the delete step. More...
Table doCount (Bool showTimings, const Table &)
 Do the count step returning a memory table containing the unique column values and the counts of the column values. More...
Table doProject (Bool showTimings, const Table &, const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &groups=CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult >())
 Do the projection step returning a table containing the projection. More...
Table doProjectExpr (Bool useSel, const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &groups)
 Do the projection containing column expressions. More...
Table createTable (const TableDesc &td, Int64 nrow, const Record &dmInfo)
 Create a table using the given parameters. More...
void makeProjectExprTable ()
 Make the (empty) table for the epxression in the SELECT clause. More...
void makeProjectExprSel ()
 Fill projectExprSelColumn_p telling the columns to be projected at the first stage. More...
void addApplySelNode (const TableExprNode &node)
 Add a column node to applySelNodes_p. More...
Table adjustApplySelNodes (const Table &)
 Set the selected rows for the column objects in applySelNodes_p. More...
CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResultdoGroupby (bool showTimings, const std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > aggrNodes, Int groupAggrUsed)
 Do the groupby/aggregate step and return its result. More...
void doHaving (Bool showTimings, const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &groups)
 Do the HAVING step. More...
CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResultdoOnlyCountAll (TableExprNodeRep *aggrNode)
 Do a groupby/aggregate step that only does a 'select count(*)'. More...
CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResultdoGroupByAggr (const std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &aggrNodes)
 Do a full groupby/aggregate step. More...
void doSort (Bool showTimings)
 Do the sort step. More...
void doLimOff (Bool showTimings)
 Do the limit/offset step. More...
Table doLimOff (Bool showTimings, const Table &table)
Table doDistinct (Bool showTimings, const Table &table)
 Do the 'select distinct' step. More...
Table doFinish (Bool showTimings, Table &table)
 Finish the table (rename, copy, and/or flush). More...
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void updateValue (uInt row, const TableExprId &rowid, Bool isScalarCol, const TableExprNode &node, const Array< Bool > &mask, Bool maskFirst, TableColumn &col, const Slicer *slicerPtr, ArrayColumn< Bool > &maskCol)
 Update the values in the columns (helpers of doUpdate). More...
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void updateScalar (uInt row, const TableExprId &rowid, const TableExprNode &node, TableColumn &col)
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void updateArray (uInt row, const TableExprId &rowid, const TableExprNode &node, const Array< TNODE > &res, ArrayColumn< TCOL > &col)
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void updateSlice (uInt row, const TableExprId &rowid, const TableExprNode &node, const Array< TNODE > &res, const Slicer &slice, ArrayColumn< TCOL > &col)
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void copyMaskedValue (uInt row, ArrayColumn< TCOL > &acol, const Slicer *slicerPtr, const TNODE *val, uInt incr, const Array< Bool > &mask)
Array< BoolmakeMaskSlice (const Array< Bool > &mask, Bool maskFirst, const IPosition &shapeCol, const Slicer *slicerPtr)
void checkMaskColumn (Bool hasMask, const ArrayColumn< Bool > &maskCol, const TableColumn &col)
DataType makeDataType (DataType dtype, const String &dtstr, const String &colName)
 Make a data type from the string. More...
Sort::Order getOrder (const TableParseSort &key) const
 Get the order for this key. More...
TableExprNode getColSet ()
 Make an array from the contents of a column in a subquery. More...
TableExprNode makeSubSet () const
 Make a set from the results of the subquery. More...
Int64 evalIntScaExpr (const TableExprNode &expr) const
 Evaluate an int scalar expression. More...
Table findTable (const String &shorthand, Bool doWith) const
 Find a table for the given shorthand. More...
void handleWildColumn (Int stringType, const String &name)
 Handle the selection of a wildcarded column name. More...
void addColumnDesc (TableDesc &td, DataType dtype, const String &colName, Int options, Int ndim, const IPosition &shape, const String &dmType, const String &dmGroup, const String &comment, const TableRecord &keywordSet, const Vector< String > &unitName, const Record &attributes)
 Add the description of a column to the table description. More...
Block< StringgetStoredColumns (const Table &tab) const
 Find the names of all stored columns in a table. More...
void checkTableProjSizes () const
 Check if the tables used in selection columns have the same size as the first table given in FROM. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< CountedPtr
< TableExprGroupFuncSet > > 
doGroupByAggrSingleKey (const vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &aggrNodes)
 Create the set of aggregate functions and groupby keys in case a single groupby key is given. More...
std::vector< CountedPtr
< TableExprGroupFuncSet > > 
doGroupByAggrMultipleKeys (const vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &aggrNodes)
 Create the set of aggregate functions and groupby keys in case multiple keys are given. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static TableExprNode makeUDFNode (TableParseSelect *, const String &name, const TableExprNodeSet &arguments, const Table &table, const TaQLStyle &)
 Try to make a UDF function node for the given function name and arguments. More...
findFunc (const String &name, uInt narguments, const Vector< Int > &ignoreFuncs)
 Find the function code belonging to a function name. More...
static Table tableKey (const String &fullName, const String &shorthand, const String &columnName, const Vector< String > &fieldNames, const vector< TableParseSelect * > &stack)
 Try to find the keyword representing a table in one of the tables in any select block (from inner to outer). More...
static Table findTableKey (const Table &table, const String &columnName, const Vector< String > &keyNames)
 Try to find the keyword representing a table in the given table. More...

Private Attributes

CommandType commandType_p
TableDesc tableDesc_p
vector< TableParsewithTables_p
vector< TableParsefromTables_p
Block< StringcolumnNames_p
Block< StringcolumnNameMasks_p
Block< TableExprNodecolumnExpr_p
Block< StringcolumnOldNames_p
Block< StringcolumnDtypes_p
Block< TableRecordcolumnKeywords_p
uInt nrSelExprUsed_p
Bool distinct_p
String resultName_p
uInt resultType_p
Bool resultCreated_p
StorageOption storageOption_p
Table::EndianFormat endianFormat_p
Bool overwrite_p
Record dminfo_p
TableExprNode node_p
vector< TableExprNodegroupbyNodes_p
Bool groupbyRollup_p
TableExprNode havingNode_p
Int64 limit_p
Int64 endrow_p
Int64 offset_p
Int64 stride_p
std::vector< CountedPtr
< TableParseUpdate > > 
std::vector< TableExprNodeinsertExprs_p
std::vector< TableParseSortsort_p
Bool noDupl_p
Sort::Order order_p
vector< TableExprNodeapplySelNodes_p
Table table_p
Table firstColTable_p
String firstColName_p
Table projectExprTable_p
Block< uIntprojectExprSubset_p
Block< BoolprojectExprSelColumn_p
Vector< uIntrownrs_p

Detailed Description

Select-class for flex/bison scanner/parser for TableParse.

Intended use:


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This class is needed for the the actions in the flex scanner and bison parser. This stores the information by constructing TableParse objects as needed and storing them in a vector.


It is necessary to be able to give a table select command in ASCII. This can be used in a CLI or in the table browser to get a subset of a table or to sort a table.

Definition at line 381 of file TableParse.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 384 of file TableParse.h.


Definition at line 396 of file TableParse.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casacore::TableParseSelect::TableParseSelect ( CommandType  type)


casacore::TableParseSelect::~TableParseSelect ( )


Member Function Documentation

void casacore::TableParseSelect::addApplySelNode ( const TableExprNode node)

Add a column node to applySelNodes_p.

Definition at line 694 of file TableParse.h.

References applySelNodes_p.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::addColumnDesc ( TableDesc td,
DataType  dtype,
const String colName,
Int  options,
Int  ndim,
const IPosition shape,
const String dmType,
const String dmGroup,
const String comment,
const TableRecord keywordSet,
const Vector< String > &  unitName,
const Record attributes 

Add the description of a column to the table description.

ndim < 0 means a scalar column.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::addTable ( Int  tabnr,
const String name,
const Table table,
const String shorthand,
Bool  addToFromList,
const vector< const Table * >  tempTables,
const vector< TableParseSelect * > &  stack 

Add a table nr, name, or object to the container.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::addUpdate ( const CountedPtr< TableParseUpdate > &  upd)

Add an update object.

Definition at line 1001 of file TableParse.h.

References update_p.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::adjustApplySelNodes ( const Table )

Set the selected rows for the column objects in applySelNodes_p.

These nodes refer the original table. They requires different row numbers than the selected groups and projected columns. rownrs_p is changed to use row 0..n. It returns the Table containing the subset of rows in the input Table.

static void casacore::TableParseSelect::checkAggrFuncs ( const TableExprNode node)

An exception is thrown if the node uses an aggregate function.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::checkMaskColumn ( Bool  hasMask,
const ArrayColumn< Bool > &  maskCol,
const TableColumn col 
void casacore::TableParseSelect::checkTableProjSizes ( ) const

Check if the tables used in selection columns have the same size as the first table given in FROM.

CommandType casacore::TableParseSelect::commandType ( ) const

Return the command type.

Definition at line 409 of file TableParse.h.

References commandType_p.

template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void casacore::TableParseSelect::copyMaskedValue ( uInt  row,
ArrayColumn< TCOL > &  acol,
const Slicer slicerPtr,
const TNODE *  val,
uInt  incr,
const Array< Bool > &  mask 
Table casacore::TableParseSelect::createTable ( const TableDesc td,
Int64  nrow,
const Record dmInfo 

Create a table using the given parameters.

The variables set by handleGiven are used for name and type.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doCount ( Bool  showTimings,
const Table  

Do the count step returning a memory table containing the unique column values and the counts of the column values.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::doDelete ( Bool  showTimings,
Table table 

Do the delete step.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doDistinct ( Bool  showTimings,
const Table table 

Do the 'select distinct' step.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::doExists ( Bool  noexists,
Bool  showTimings 

Test if a subquery has sufficient elements.

It uses default LIMIT=1, but that can be overidden in the subquery. The flag tells if NOT EXISTS or EXISTS was given.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doFinish ( Bool  showTimings,
Table table 

Finish the table (rename, copy, and/or flush).

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doFromQuery ( Bool  showTimings)

Execute a query in a from clause resulting in a Table.

CountedPtr<TableExprGroupResult> casacore::TableParseSelect::doGroupby ( bool  showTimings,
const std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * >  aggrNodes,
Int  groupAggrUsed 

Do the groupby/aggregate step and return its result.

CountedPtr<TableExprGroupResult> casacore::TableParseSelect::doGroupByAggr ( const std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &  aggrNodes)

Do a full groupby/aggregate step.

std::vector<CountedPtr<TableExprGroupFuncSet> > casacore::TableParseSelect::doGroupByAggrMultipleKeys ( const vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &  aggrNodes)

Create the set of aggregate functions and groupby keys in case multiple keys are given.

template<typename T >
std::vector<CountedPtr<TableExprGroupFuncSet> > casacore::TableParseSelect::doGroupByAggrSingleKey ( const vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &  aggrNodes)

Create the set of aggregate functions and groupby keys in case a single groupby key is given.

This offers much faster map access then doGroupByAggrMultiple.

We have to group the data according to the (possibly empty) groupby. We step through the table in the normal order which may not be the groupby order. A map<key,int> is used to keep track of the results where the int is the index in a vector of a set of aggregate function objects.

Loop through all rows. For each row generate the key to get the right entry.

Definition at line 834 of file TableParse.h.

References groupbyNodes_p, max, rownrs_p, casacore::TableExprId::setRownr(), and casacore::ArrayBase::size().

void casacore::TableParseSelect::doHaving ( Bool  showTimings,
const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &  groups 

Do the HAVING step.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doInsert ( Bool  showTimings,
Table table 

Do the insert step and return a selection containing the new rows.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::doLimOff ( Bool  showTimings)

Do the limit/offset step.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doLimOff ( Bool  showTimings,
const Table table 
CountedPtr<TableExprGroupResult> casacore::TableParseSelect::doOnlyCountAll ( TableExprNodeRep aggrNode)

Do a groupby/aggregate step that only does a 'select count(*)'.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doProject ( Bool  showTimings,
const Table ,
const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &  groups = CountedPtrTableExprGroupResult >() 

Do the projection step returning a table containing the projection.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::doProjectExpr ( Bool  useSel,
const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &  groups 

Do the projection containing column expressions.

Use the selected or unselected columns depending on useSel.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::doSort ( Bool  showTimings)

Do the sort step.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::doSubQuery ( Bool  showTimings)

Execute a subquery and create an appropriate node for the result.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::doUpdate ( Bool  showTimings,
const Table origTable,
Table updTable,
const Vector< uInt > &  rownrs,
const CountedPtr< TableExprGroupResult > &  groups = CountedPtrTableExprGroupResult >() 

Do the update step.

Rows 0,1,2,.. in UpdTable are updated from the expression result for the rows in the given rownrs vector.

Int64 casacore::TableParseSelect::evalIntScaExpr ( const TableExprNode expr) const

Evaluate an int scalar expression.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::execute ( Bool  showTimings,
Bool  setInGiving,
Bool  mustSelect,
uInt  maxRow,
Bool  doTracing = False 

Execute the select command (select/sort/projection/groupby/having/giving).

The setInGiving flag tells if a set in the GIVING part is allowed. The mustSelect flag tells if a SELECT command must do something. Usually that is required, but not for a SELECT in an INSERT command. Optionally the maximum nr of rows to be selected can be given. It will be used as the default value for the LIMIT clause. 0 = no maximum.

static TableExprFuncNode::FunctionType casacore::TableParseSelect::findFunc ( const String name,
uInt  narguments,
const Vector< Int > &  ignoreFuncs 

Find the function code belonging to a function name.

Functions to be ignored can be given (as function type values). If the function name is unknown, NRFUNC is returned.

TableRecord& casacore::TableParseSelect::findKeyword ( const String name,
String keyName 

Split the given name into optional shorthand, column and fields.

Find the keywordset for it and fill in the final keyword name. It is a helper function for handleSetKey, etc.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::findTable ( const String shorthand,
Bool  doWith 
) const

Find a table for the given shorthand.

Optionally the WITH tables are searched as well. If no shorthand is given, the first table is returned (if there). If not found, a null Table object is returned.

static Table casacore::TableParseSelect::findTableKey ( const Table table,
const String columnName,
const Vector< String > &  keyNames 

Try to find the keyword representing a table in the given table.

If the columnName is empty, the keyword is a table keyword. If not found, a null Table object is returned.

vector<TableExprNodeRep*> casacore::TableParseSelect::getAggrNodes ( ) const

Get the aggregate functions used in SELECT and HAVING.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::getColSet ( )

Make an array from the contents of a column in a subquery.

const Block< String > & casacore::TableParseSelect::getColumnNames ( ) const

Get the projected column names.

Definition at line 995 of file TableParse.h.

References columnNames_p.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::getNode ( ) const

Return the expression node.

Definition at line 413 of file TableParse.h.

References node_p.

Sort::Order casacore::TableParseSelect::getOrder ( const TableParseSort key) const

Get the order for this key.

Use the default order_p if not explicitly given with the key.

Definition at line 1004 of file TableParse.h.

References casacore::TableParseSort::order(), order_p, and casacore::TableParseSort::orderGiven().

ValueHolder casacore::TableParseSelect::getRecFld ( const String name)

Add a keyword or replace a keyword with the value of another keyword.

The keywords can be table or column keywords (col::key).

Block<String> casacore::TableParseSelect::getStoredColumns ( const Table tab) const

Find the names of all stored columns in a table.

const Table & casacore::TableParseSelect::getTable ( ) const

Get the resulting table.

Definition at line 998 of file TableParse.h.

References table_p.

String casacore::TableParseSelect::getTableInfo ( const Vector< String > &  parts,
const TaQLStyle style 

Show the structure of fromTables_p[0] using the options given in parts[2:].

static String casacore::TableParseSelect::getTypeString ( const String typeStr,
DataType  type 

Get the type string.

If empty, it is made from the given data type.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleAddCol ( const Record dmInfo)

Add columns to the table of ALTER TABLE.

The column descriptions have already been added to tableDesc_p.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleAddRow ( const TableExprNode expr)

Evaluate and add the rows.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleAltTab ( )

Reopen the table (for update) used in the ALTER TABLE command.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleCalcComm ( const TableExprNode )

Keep the expression of a calculate command.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleColSpec ( const String columnName,
const String dataType,
const Record spec,
Bool  isCOrder = False 

Keep the column specification in a create table command.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleColumn ( Int  type,
const String name,
const TableExprNode expr,
const String newName,
const String nameMask,
const String newDtype 

Add a column to the list of column names.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleColumnFinish ( Bool  distinct)

Finish the addition of columns to the list of column names.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleCount ( )

Make ready for a COUNT command.

It checks if all column expressions are scalar.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleCreTab ( const Record dmInfo)

Keep the create table command.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::handleFunc ( const String name,
const TableExprNodeSet arguments,
const TaQLStyle  

Handle a function.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleGiving ( const String name,
const Record type 

Handle the name and type given in a GIVING clause.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleGiving ( const TableExprNodeSet )

Handle the set given in a GIVING clause.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleGroupby ( const vector< TableExprNode > &  ,
Bool  rollup 

Keep the groupby expressions.

It checks if they are all scalar expressions.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleHaving ( const TableExprNode )

Keep the having expression.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleInsert ( )

Make ready for the insert expression.

The first one uses values (added via addUpdate), the second one a subquery.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleInsert ( TableParseSelect sel)
TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::handleKeyCol ( const String name,
Bool  tryProj 

Find the keyword or column name and create a TableExprNode from it.

If tryProj=True it is first tried if the column is a coluymn in the projected table (i.e., result from the SELECT part).

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleLimit ( const TableExprNodeSetElem expr)

Evaluate and keep limit/offset/stride given as start:end:incr.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleLimit ( const TableExprNode expr)

Evaluate and keep the limit value.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleOffset ( const TableExprNode expr)

Evaluate and keep the offset value.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleRemoveKey ( const String name)

Remove a table or column keyword.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleRenameKey ( const String oldName,
const String newName 

Rename a table or column keyword.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleSetKey ( const String name,
const String dtype,
const ValueHolder value 

Add a keyword or replace a keyword with a value.

The keyword can be a table or column keyword (col::key). The data type string can be empty leaving the data type unchanged.

static TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::handleSlice ( const TableExprNode array,
const TableExprNodeSet indices,
const TaQLStyle  

Handle a slice operator.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleSort ( const std::vector< TableParseSort > &  sortList,
Bool  noDuplicates,
Sort::Order  defaultSortOrder 

Keep the sort expressions.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleUpdate ( )

Keep the update expressions.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleWhere ( const TableExprNode )

Keep the selection expression.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::handleWildColumn ( Int  stringType,
const String name 

Handle the selection of a wildcarded column name.

DataType casacore::TableParseSelect::makeDataType ( DataType  dtype,
const String dtstr,
const String colName 

Make a data type from the string.

It checks if it is compatible with the given (expression) data type.

static TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::makeFuncNode ( TableParseSelect ,
const String name,
const TableExprNodeSet arguments,
const Vector< int > &  ignoreFuncs,
const Table table,
const TaQLStyle  

Make a function object node for the given function name and arguments.

The ignoreFuncs vector contains invalid function codes.

Array<Bool> casacore::TableParseSelect::makeMaskSlice ( const Array< Bool > &  mask,
Bool  maskFirst,
const IPosition shapeCol,
const Slicer slicerPtr 
void casacore::TableParseSelect::makeProjectExprSel ( )

Fill projectExprSelColumn_p telling the columns to be projected at the first stage.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::makeProjectExprTable ( )

Make the (empty) table for the epxression in the SELECT clause.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::makeSubSet ( ) const

Make a set from the results of the subquery.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::makeTable ( Int  tabnr,
const String name,
const Table ftab,
const String shorthand,
const vector< const Table * >  tempTables,
const vector< TableParseSelect * > &  stack,
Bool  alwaysOpen = True 

Make a Table object for given name, seqnr or so.

If alwaysOpen=False the table will only be looked up, but not opened if not found. This is meant for concatenated tables in TaQLNodeHandler.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::makeTableNoFrom ( const vector< TableParseSelect * > &  stack)

Create a temporary table in no tables are given in FROM.

static TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::makeUDFNode ( TableParseSelect ,
const String name,
const TableExprNodeSet arguments,
const Table table,
const TaQLStyle  

Try to make a UDF function node for the given function name and arguments.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::replaceTable ( const Table table)

Replace the first table (used by CALC command).

void casacore::TableParseSelect::setDMInfo ( const Record dminfo)

Set the DataManager info for a new table.

Definition at line 594 of file TableParse.h.

References dminfo_p.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::setInsertExprs ( const std::vector< TableExprNode exprs)

Set the insert expressions for all rows.

Definition at line 505 of file TableParse.h.

References insertExprs_p.

static void casacore::TableParseSelect::setRecFld ( RecordInterface rec,
const String name,
const String dtype,
const ValueHolder vh 

Define a field with the given data type in the Record.

void casacore::TableParseSelect::show ( ostream &  os) const

Show the expression tree.

static Bool casacore::TableParseSelect::splitName ( String shorthand,
String columnName,
Vector< String > &  fieldNames,
const String name,
Bool  checkError,
Bool  isKeyword,
Bool  allowNoKey 

Split a name into its parts (shorthand, column and field names).

True is returned if the name contained a keyword part. In that case fieldNames contains the keyword name and the possible subfields. The possible shorthand and the column name are filled in if it is a column keyword. If the name represents a column, fieldNames contains the subfields of the column (for the case where the column contains records). If the name is invalid, an exception is thrown if checkError=True. Otherwise the name is treated as a normal name without keyword. If allowEmtpy is True, :: is allowed, otherwise an error is thrown.

static Table casacore::TableParseSelect::tableKey ( const String fullName,
const String shorthand,
const String columnName,
const Vector< String > &  fieldNames,
const vector< TableParseSelect * > &  stack 

Try to find the keyword representing a table in one of the tables in any select block (from inner to outer).

If not found, an exception is thrown.

Int casacore::TableParseSelect::testGroupAggr ( std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &  aggr) const

Test if groupby or aggregate functions are given.

bit 0: on = groupby is given
bit 1: on = aggregate functions are given
bit 2: on = only select count(*) aggregate function is given

template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void casacore::TableParseSelect::updateArray ( uInt  row,
const TableExprId rowid,
const TableExprNode node,
const Array< TNODE > &  res,
ArrayColumn< TCOL > &  col 
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void casacore::TableParseSelect::updateScalar ( uInt  row,
const TableExprId rowid,
const TableExprNode node,
TableColumn col 
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void casacore::TableParseSelect::updateSlice ( uInt  row,
const TableExprId rowid,
const TableExprNode node,
const Array< TNODE > &  res,
const Slicer slice,
ArrayColumn< TCOL > &  col 
template<typename TCOL , typename TNODE >
void casacore::TableParseSelect::updateValue ( uInt  row,
const TableExprId rowid,
Bool  isScalarCol,
const TableExprNode node,
const Array< Bool > &  mask,
Bool  maskFirst,
TableColumn col,
const Slicer slicerPtr,
ArrayColumn< Bool > &  maskCol 

Update the values in the columns (helpers of doUpdate).

Member Data Documentation

vector<TableExprNode> casacore::TableParseSelect::applySelNodes_p

Definition at line 939 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by addApplySelNode().

Block<String> casacore::TableParseSelect::columnDtypes_p

Definition at line 891 of file TableParse.h.

Block<TableExprNode> casacore::TableParseSelect::columnExpr_p

Definition at line 887 of file TableParse.h.

Block<TableRecord> casacore::TableParseSelect::columnKeywords_p

Definition at line 893 of file TableParse.h.

Block<String> casacore::TableParseSelect::columnNameMasks_p

Definition at line 885 of file TableParse.h.

Block<String> casacore::TableParseSelect::columnNames_p

Definition at line 883 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by getColumnNames().

Block<String> casacore::TableParseSelect::columnOldNames_p

Definition at line 889 of file TableParse.h.

CommandType casacore::TableParseSelect::commandType_p

Definition at line 874 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by commandType().

Bool casacore::TableParseSelect::distinct_p

Definition at line 897 of file TableParse.h.

Record casacore::TableParseSelect::dminfo_p

Definition at line 905 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by setDMInfo().

Table::EndianFormat casacore::TableParseSelect::endianFormat_p

Definition at line 903 of file TableParse.h.

Int64 casacore::TableParseSelect::endrow_p

Definition at line 919 of file TableParse.h.

String casacore::TableParseSelect::firstColName_p

Definition at line 945 of file TableParse.h.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::firstColTable_p

Definition at line 944 of file TableParse.h.

vector<TableParse> casacore::TableParseSelect::fromTables_p

Definition at line 881 of file TableParse.h.

vector<TableExprNode> casacore::TableParseSelect::groupbyNodes_p

Definition at line 911 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by doGroupByAggrSingleKey().

Bool casacore::TableParseSelect::groupbyRollup_p

Definition at line 912 of file TableParse.h.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::havingNode_p

Definition at line 914 of file TableParse.h.

std::vector<TableExprNode> casacore::TableParseSelect::insertExprs_p

Definition at line 927 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by setInsertExprs().

TableParseSelect* casacore::TableParseSelect::insSel_p

Definition at line 929 of file TableParse.h.

Int64 casacore::TableParseSelect::limit_p

Definition at line 916 of file TableParse.h.

TableExprNode casacore::TableParseSelect::node_p

Definition at line 909 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by getNode().

Bool casacore::TableParseSelect::noDupl_p

Definition at line 933 of file TableParse.h.

uInt casacore::TableParseSelect::nrSelExprUsed_p

Definition at line 895 of file TableParse.h.

Int64 casacore::TableParseSelect::offset_p

Definition at line 921 of file TableParse.h.

Sort::Order casacore::TableParseSelect::order_p

Definition at line 935 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by getOrder().

Bool casacore::TableParseSelect::overwrite_p

Definition at line 904 of file TableParse.h.

Block<Bool> casacore::TableParseSelect::projectExprSelColumn_p

Definition at line 950 of file TableParse.h.

Block<uInt> casacore::TableParseSelect::projectExprSubset_p

Definition at line 949 of file TableParse.h.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::projectExprTable_p

Definition at line 947 of file TableParse.h.

Bool casacore::TableParseSelect::resultCreated_p

Definition at line 901 of file TableParse.h.

String casacore::TableParseSelect::resultName_p

Definition at line 899 of file TableParse.h.

TableExprNodeSet* casacore::TableParseSelect::resultSet_p

Definition at line 907 of file TableParse.h.

uInt casacore::TableParseSelect::resultType_p

Definition at line 900 of file TableParse.h.

Vector<uInt> casacore::TableParseSelect::rownrs_p

Definition at line 952 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by doGroupByAggrSingleKey().

std::vector<TableParseSort> casacore::TableParseSelect::sort_p

Definition at line 931 of file TableParse.h.

StorageOption casacore::TableParseSelect::storageOption_p

Definition at line 902 of file TableParse.h.

Int64 casacore::TableParseSelect::stride_p

Definition at line 923 of file TableParse.h.

Table casacore::TableParseSelect::table_p

Definition at line 941 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by getTable().

TableDesc casacore::TableParseSelect::tableDesc_p

Definition at line 876 of file TableParse.h.

std::vector<CountedPtr<TableParseUpdate> > casacore::TableParseSelect::update_p

Definition at line 925 of file TableParse.h.

Referenced by addUpdate().

vector<TableParse> casacore::TableParseSelect::withTables_p

Definition at line 880 of file TableParse.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: