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2. GBT Standard Data Reduction Guide

J McMullin, J Braatz, B Garwood

2.1 Introduction

This chapter provides brief guidelines on how to reduce the currently supported observing modes at the GBT.

2.2 Example Session

An example data reduction session is shown to demonstrate the look and feel of data reduction in DISH. We calibrate and average position switched scans.

> . /home/aips++/gbt/ 		(BASH)
> source /home/aips++/gbt/aipsinit.csh		(T/CSH)
> dish
- d.gms()
Scan     Object   Proctype    SWState   SWtchsig   Procseqn   Procsize
  35         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW01          1          1
  36         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  37         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  38         S8      OffOn PSWITCHOFF   TPWCALSP          1          2
  40         S8      OnOff  PSWITCHON   TPWCALSP          1          2
  42         S8      Track       NONE   TPWCALSP          1          1
- d.calib(36)
- d.calib(37)
- avg\_spc:=d.aver([36,37]);
- d.plotscan(avg\_spc)
- d.header()
Proj : standards\_jul13    Src  : S8                 Proc : Track          
Obs  : Richard            RA   : 05:47:21.406       PType: SIMPLE         
Scan : 36                 Dec  : -     OType: LINE           
Seq  : 1/1                Epoch: J2000              Swtch: FSWITCH        
Date : 2002-07-13         Az   : -112.772           Swsig: FSW12          
Time : 19:31:14.500 UT    El   : 23.733             Ints : 31             

Tsys : 16.58              Trx  : 7.58               Tcal : 1.60           
Tsys : 16.86              Trx  : 8.88               Tcal : 1.64           

BW   : 4.995    (MHz)     Res  : 4.883    (kHz)
Expos: 54.549             Durat: 247.856        
- d.setregion()
Use the left button to set location, right button to exit
region =  [15 180 296 681 810 1009] 
- d.nfit(1)
- d.bshape()
- d.fileout('S8\_avgbl')
New file  S8\_avgbl  is created
- d.keep()
globalscan saved to  S8\_avgbl

2.3 Data Path

The following lists the most often used utilities. There are many more available functions in dish. Type "help('Refman:dish')" at the command line prompt to redirect your browser to the DISH command line documentation; '' will also provide an alphabetical, table of all available DISH functions); typing'function_name') will provide information on the function ('function_name',T) will also automatically drive your web browser to the AIPS++ User Reference Manual entry on this function).

File Access Scan Access Editing Calibration Analysis Display
import getr msplot calib (all operations) plotr
open getc viewer TPcal e.g., aver plotc
filein getscan clip FScal base plotscan
fileout   flag SRcal etc  

2.4 Data and File Access

2.4.1 File Access

GBT data must be converted from their raw FITS files to an AIPS++ MeasurementSet before being accessed with dish functions. The command to fill raw GBT data is import. Once data have been filled, they can be accessed with the open function. Two additional file access functions, filein and fileout, are used to set the focus for where data is read from and written to.

\fbox{Hint: The name of the MS should not begin
with a numeral nor should it contain a '.'}

import - Fills an AIPS++ MeasurementSet from raw GBT FITS files and makes the data accessible from dish via the open command.




open - This function will load an existing MeasurementSet on disk into dish memory, that is, it can be used on datasets which have already been filled using the import function. This places it into the Results Manager, making it globally accessible in the Glish session (it can be manipulated from the command line, etc.). This also performs a filein on the MeasurementSet which indicates that subsequent commands/functions will use this MeasurementSet.



filein - This function sets the scan group that will be examined and displayed. The files function will indicate the current settings for the selected filein and fileout. This allows the user to select between several open MeasurementSets in memory.




fileout - This function sets the scan group that will be written to. The files function will indicate the current settings for the selected filein and fileout. This allows the user to select between several open MeasurementSets in memory. fileout assumes that the function already exists and has write permission (e.g., you should have already created the file with open).




2.4.2 Scan (Data) Access

Data in the MeasurementSet contains both the uncalibrated (raw or observed data) and the calibrated data. Initially, the calibrated data is simply a copy of the uncalibrated data. As the data is manipulated through the calibration routines (calib, TPcal, FScal, SRcal), the calibrated data becomes distinct.

The SDRecord (single dish record) is the data structure returned by the data access commands. The basic SDRecord has four sub-records which contain basic information on the observation:

See the Getting Results chapter on 'Single Dish Analysis' for a full breakdown of the SDRecord.

Several dish functions operate on a globally accessible SDRecord (spectrum) to help simplify the interface. In general, these functions will operate on the currently displayed spectrum or the contents of this globally accessible record (called globalscan1). Functions which take no arguments will in general access this spectrum and perform the operation on it.

getr - Retrieve uncalibrated data. This function will return a SDRecord (a Glish record with all of the astronomical information (e.g., data, header, history, etc)) of the result. Specifying only the scan and phase will yield an average over all available integrations. The function accesses the FLOAT_DATA column of the MeasurementSet (the raw data) which is never modified.


- s35_1 := d.getr(35,1,1,1) #retrieve scan 35, phase 1, integration 1,
                            #polarization 1 from the opened MS and
                            #store in variable s35_1
- s35_1 := d.getr(35,1)     #retrieve scan 35, phase 1, average all 
                            #integrations, show all polarizations


getc - Retrieve calibrated data. This function will return a SDRecord (a Glish record with all of the astronomical information (e.g., data, header, history, etc)) with the result. Specifying only the scan will yield an average over all available integrations. The function accesses the CORRECTED_DATA column of the MeasurementSet (the calibrated/corrected data).


- s35_c1 := d.getc(35,1,1)  #retrieve scan 35, integration 1,
                            #polarization 1 from the opened MS and
                            #store in variable s35_c1
- s35_c1 := d.getr(35)      #retrieve scan 35, average all integrations, 
                            #show all polarizations


getscan - Retrieve an individual row (phase, integration) from a scan.


- s35_c1 := d.getscan(35,3) #retrieve scan 35, subscan 1

Generally, you need to understand how the data was taken to effectively use getscan.


\fbox{Hint: Use d.qscan(scan\_number) to obtain information about a

2.5 Data Inspection and Display

2.5.1 Flagging

Flagging data is done in two basic modes: 1) command line and 2) GUI. There are two basic command line flagging utilities, clip and flag.

clip is a simple function which will allow you to flag a currently viewed spectrum.


d.clip(0.4);    #clip all above 0.4
d.clip(0.4,[100:500]);  #clip above 0.4 in the channel range 100-500
d.clip(-0.3,clipdir='low'); #clip below -0.3


flag is a more complete flagging utility allowing versatile flagging of data. Automated flagging based on data statistics is under development for single dish data.

d.flag(36,channel=100:120)      #flag all subscans, polarizations of scan
                                #36 in the channel range of 100:120
d.plotc(36)                     #you should see the range masked
d.flag(36,flag=F);              #unset all flagging
d.plotc(36)                     #it's back!
d.plotc(36)                     #you should see a gap just in the first
d.flag(36,1)                    #flag just the first integration
d.plotc(36)                     #should look okay though it doesn't
                                #include the first integration
d.plotc(36,1)                   #masked
d.plotc(36,2)                   #okay

Parameters: autoflag

autoflag is a utility within AIPS++ which allows automated (based on statistics, etc) flagging of data without direct examination of each flagged row/scan. A few specific examples are provided below. See the

Flag based on statistics

include 'autoflag.g'
af:=autoflag('stjul13SP')       #Specify the MeasurementSet to operate on
af.setfreqmed();		#Use a sliding median filter in frequency
				# default threshold is 5;
af.done();			#important to release the MeasurementSet

Figure 2.1: Flagged dataset using the following commands: af.setfreqmed(),reset=T), af.setfreqmed(),, af.settimemed(),
\epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{raw.eps}\hfil
\epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{flagged.eps}\par\end{figure}

Clip data using autoflag

include 'autoflag.g'
af:=autoflag('stjul13SP')	#Specify the MeasurementSet to operate on

cliprec:=[=]			#set up a record to contain the clipping info
cliprec[1]:=[expr='ABS XX',min=0,max=200]
				#clip the XX correlation above 200 and below 0
af.setselect(clip=cliprec)	#specify the clip record as the selection		#execute (disable intermediate displays)

GUI modes of flagging are also enabled through the viewer and msplot tools.

For the viewer:

- include 'viewer.g'
- dv.gui();

This will bring up two GUIs. The first is for selecting what to display. You select the MeasurementSet and choose the type of display (only 'Raster' is available for MeasurementSets). This will then be displayed in the other display panel.

Figure 2.2: Display of the Adjust panel for the viewer with the flagging tab open alongside a viewer display. The data on the right has been flagged as bad. The selection will mark all times for the selected channels and all polarizations and spectral windows (from the Adjust panel selection)
\epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{adjust.eps}\hfil
\epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{viewer.eps}.

For msplot:

- include 'msplot.g'
- mp := msplot('your\_measurementset\_name');

This brings up a GUI which will allow you to select the type of display ("X vs. Y" or "Display data as image") and optionally select a subset of the data.

2.5.2 Display

plotr - Display the raw (observed data: in the FLOAT_DATA column) on the dish plotter.


plotc - Plots the calibrated (CORRECTED_DATA column) on the dish plotter.


plotscan - Plots an SDRecord to the dish plotter (as returned from functions like getr, getc, getscan.


2.5.3 The dish plotter

The plotter is the standard dish display for spectral line data. It is built on the existing AIPS++ pgplotter tool and so has all of the basic PGPLOT functionality. In addition, the plotter features tools for:

changing the X-axis units
changing the reference frame for the X-axis
toggling header information display
toggling the overlay of subsequent plots
options for a) reversing the color scheme and b) providing a chalkboard draw facility
toggling the X-axis autoscale
unzoom (incrementally unzooms any zooms)
activate the gaussian fit tool
line identification (marks any molecular lines within the frequency ranges of the displayed plot

2.6 Calibration (SP,SPECTROMETER)

Calibration is applied to the data based on information in the STATE table of the MS, in particular, it utilizes the OBSMODE column to determine a procedure type, switching signal, and switching state. In addition, information on the procedure size and procedure sequence number are used.

The function applies a number of corrections:

determine elevation, frequency; solve for opacity,gain correction.
determine units used, solve for appropriate efficiency factor from table.

factor = $\displaystyle {\frac{e^{\tau (1/sin(elev))}}{\eta_x}}$

where $ \eta_{x}^{}$ is the efficiency factor determined by the user selected units ($ \eta_{l}^{}$ for TA*, $ \eta_{m}^{}$b for TMB).
based on procedure, calibrate data. Typically, this entails calibrating "cal on" and "cal off" phases of signal (on source) and reference (off source) observations, where the "cal" is a known noise diode. e.g.,

Vsig($\displaystyle \nu$) = $\displaystyle {\frac{(V_{sig,on}(\nu) w_{sig,on} + V_{sig,off}(\nu) w_{sig,off})}{w_{sig,on} + w_{sig,off}}}$

Similarly for the reference observation, leading the difference spectrum:

Tdiff($\displaystyle \nu$) = < Tsys, ref > $\displaystyle {\frac{V_{sig}(\nu) - V_{ref}(\nu)}{V_{ref}(\nu)}}$

where, < Tsys, ref > is:

< Tsys, ref($\displaystyle \nu$) > = < $\displaystyle {\frac{T_{cal}(\nu) V_{ref}(\nu)}{V_{ref,on}(\nu) - V_{ref,off}(\nu)}}$ >

calib - Function will calibrate any known procedure. It determines the procedure sequence number and looks in the MeasurementSet for the other scans in the procedure. It then does the appropriate thing (e.g., if it is a map, it will calibrate all of the scans in the map, if it is a OnOff scan sequence it will calibrate both scans and then perform the (sig-ref)/ref. See the calib function documentation in the User Reference Manual for dish for more details on this.


TPcal - Function to calibrate any TPwCAL scans. Unlike calib, it will only calibrate the specified scan(s).


FScal - Function to calibrate any FSWITCH scans. Unlike calib, it will only calibrate the specified scan(s).


SRcal - Function to perform a (SIG-REF)/REF calibration. Unlike the other calibration routines, SRcal uses the CORRECTED_DATA column (remember this is identical to the observed data in FLOAT_DATA if no calibration has been performed); this allows a layered approach to TPwCAL scans which can be noise diode calibrated and then subsequently calibrated with SRcal. SRcal is ideally suited for situations with many SIGs per REF. calib, it will only calibrate the specified scan(s).


2.7 Analysis

Each of the following operations has a GUI counterpart. We describe only the command line interface.

2.7.1 Averaging

The functionality for averaging is provided in the aver function.

aver - Average a group of scans, subscans.


- myavg := d.aver([303,305:308])	#average scans 303,305,306,307,308
- myavg := d.aver([159:165],'1/4')      #average every fourth subscan in 
-                                       #scans 159-165

Generally, you need to understand how the data was taken to effectively use getscan.


There is also a means of averaging individual scans using an accumulator. Three functions are relevant: sclear(), accum(), and ave().


  d.sclear()    # clear the accumulator
  d.getc(35)    # retrieve calibrated scan 35
  d.accum()     # add the scan to the accumulator
  d.getc(36)    # retrieve calibrated scan 36
  d.accum()     # add the scan to the accumulator
  d.ave()       # average scans in the accumulator      # display the result on the plotter

Function sclear() takes no parameters, and clears the accumulator.

Function accum() also takes no parameters, and it adds the current contents of the globalscan1 spectrum into the accumulator.

Function ave() averages the contents of the accumulator, and the average is returned to the globalscan1 spectrum for further processing.

A UNIPOPS-like stack is also available. The stack is simply a vector of scan numbers which are intended to be averaged, or operated on in some other manner. It is possible to use Glish methods to accomplish the formation and manipulation of vector of scan numbers; nevertheless, these stack techniques provide another path for those familiar with the UNIPOPS syntax.

Four functions are used to manipulate the stack: empty(), addstack(), delete() and tellstack().


  d.empty()                 # clear the stack
  d.addstack(10,50,2)       # add even scans from 10 through 50 to the stack
  d.delete(24)              # remove scan 24
  d.delete(28)              # remove scan 28
  d.tellstack()             # show the contents of the stack
  d.aver(d.tellstack())     # average the scans listed in the stack

Function empty() takes no parameters, and simply clears the stack.

Function addstack(beg,end=beg,inc=1) is used to append new entries to the stack. Parameters:

So, addstack(10) appends scan 10 to the stack; addstack(15,18) appends scans 15, 16, 17 and 18 to the stack, and addstack(21,28,3) appends scans 21, 24 and 27 to the stack. If these three commands were executed on an empty stack, the result would be [10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 27].

Function delete(value) removes a given scan from the stack. So to remove scan 16 from the stack constructed above, execute d.delete(16).

Function tellstack() takes no parameters, and is used to list the entries in the stack, and also to pass the stack to other functions in AIPS++. For example, to average the entries in the stack, execute d.aver(d.tellstack()).

2.7.2 Fitting Baselines

Baselines can be removed during the calibration step; this is the most efficient means if the baseline regions are constant and there are many to perform. Additional functions for baselining are also provided in the base function.

base - Perform a polynomial or sinusoidal baseline fit to a scan.


mybl := d.base(order=2,action='subtract',range='[50:400],[1500:2000]')
                                        # This will perform a 2nd order poly.
                                        # fit to the currently displayed scan.

Generally, you need to understand how the data was taken to effectively use getscan.


One can also use fit a baseline with the UniPOPS-like functions.

d.nregion(50,100,900,1000)# Provide pairs of numbers as the channel range for the
                          # baseline region
d.setregion()             # This will prompt the user to set the baseline regions
                          # with a cursor
d.nfit(1)                 # Fit a first order polynomial
d.bshape()                # Show the baseline fit superposed on the spectrum
d.baseline()              # Subtract the baseline; this also calls the 
                          # d.rms() function displaying the baseline region stats                  # Show the result

2.7.3 Fitting Gaussians

Fitting Gaussians is best done with the GUI interface. Pressing the GFit button on the dish plotter will pull up the Profile Fitter window (if there are multiple polarizations, they need to be fit separately and so should be first displayed with the getr or getc functions or after use of the getpol function).

The appropriate sequence of events is:

Select the number of gaussian components. This provides enumerated buttons which allow you to set and get the properties of each component.
Get an estimate for each component:
Fit the profile. Hit the Green "Fit profile" button to fit all the components.

The Plotter will show the Estimate (yellow), the Fit (green) and the Residual (red). Each of these can be toggled on/off by going to the "Plot" menu in the Profile Fitter window and selecting/deselecting a plot.

The gauss fitting routine can also be used at the command line.

gauss - Fit gaussians to displayed spectrum.


- d.gauss(2)          
defaultregionmanager (drm) ready for use
Creating (temp)image of shape [1023]
Gauss:  1
Center: 1.42037e+00   Height: 5.44724e+01    Width: 4.20960e-05
Cerr: 3.71902e-07   Herr: 1.30446e+00    Werr: 1.20558e-06
Gauss:  2
Center: 1.42037e+00   Height: 9.25963e+00    Width: 1.71623e-04
Cerr: 4.43034e-06   Herr: 1.10727e+00    Werr: 1.43272e-05


2.7.4 Moments and Statistics

There are several functions for obtaining statistical information on a given spectrum.

stat - Provide statistics on a spectrum.


- d.stat()				# look at spectrum (full range)
[peak=68.9537735, area=0.00448239934, min=-0.303991884, rms=5.74451895,
scan=35, centroid=1.42037562, vpeak=1.4203805, startint=1.41901819,
- d.stat(range='[700:800]');		# look at line
[peak=68.9537735, area=914.18058, min=0.242817193, rms=16.1565856,
scan=35, centroid=745, vpeak=744, startint=700, stopint=800] 
- d.stat(range='[550:650]')		# look at line free region
[peak=0.180041969, area=-1.33219323, min=-0.202106252, rms=0.0901912276,
scan=35, centroid=0, vpeak=554, startint=550, stopint=650]


rms - Display statistics on a region.

This function will calculate statistics on the regions set via the setregion or nregion commands.


- d.rms()
Using 1023 for calculating baseline stats.
== Feed  1  ===
RMS   =  3.24550665    Mean =  0.000737983237    Num points =  1023
max   =  48.9361229   min =  -12.9025164
nregion =  [1 1023] 
== Feed  2  ===
RMS   =  3.29074012    Mean =  0.351124813    Num points =  1023
max   =  50.4430733   min =  -14.0051394
nregion =  [1 1023] 

stats - Display statistics over a region.

This function will calculate statistics on a spectrum. It will use the global echan and bchan parameters for the region if available; these can also be set within the function.


- d.stats()
Feed : 1       bchan: 1        rms  : 5.744519       min  : -0.303992   
Npts : 1023    echan: 1023     mean : 0.898234       max  : 68.953773   

Feed : 2       bchan: 1        rms  : 6.180395       min  : -0.329462   
Npts : 1023    echan: 1023     mean : 0.912738       max  : 73.913177   



moment - Display statistics over a region.

This function will calculate statistics on a spectrum. It will use the global emoment and bmoment parameters for the region if available; these can be set with the bmoment and emoment functions.


- d.bmoment(700)
- d.emoment(800)
- d.moment()     
[peak=68.9537735, area=914.18058, min=0.242817193, rms=16.1565856,
scan=35, centroid=745, vpeak=744, startint=700, stopint=800]

2.7.5 Regridding

smooth - Smooth the resolution of a spectrum


- smooth_spc:=d.smooth(type='HANNING',decimate=T);
- d.plotscan(smooth_spc)


boxcar, hanning, and chngres are streamlined cases for the smooth function using type BOXCAR, HANNING, or GAUSSIAN respectively, and with decimation=T.

boxcar - Perform a boxcar smooth on a spectrum


- d.boxcar(5)


hanning - Perform a hanning smooth on a spectrum


- d.hanning()

chngres - Perform a gaussian smooth on a spectrum


- d.chngres(5)


2.7.6 Saving Spectra

Saving spectra to into a new or existing output file is done using the fileout, lsoutfile, save, and keep commands. fileout was described in the Section on File access.

save, keep - Save spectrum to output file.


- d.files()
Current filein is  :  N1SP
Current fileout is :  exampleout
-	  #save currently viewed spectrum to output file.


keep does the same thing as save in the default case; it takes no arguments.

lsoutfile - List the scan numbers in the specified output file.


- d.fileout('exampleout')
New file  exampleout  is created
- d.lsoutfile()

2.7.7 Writing Spectra

writetofile - Write ASCII columned data of x and y to a disk file.


- d.writetofile('final.spc'); #default is to write currently viewed spectrum.

The columns that are written out are: 1) the x-axis in the currently displayed units and 2)-n) the data arrays for each polarization/receptor.


2.7.8 Imaging

Imaging in dish is done with the imager tool in AIPS++. Currently, there is a single function makeim in dish to achieve this.

makeim - Make a spectral line data cube.


- d.makeim('final.spc'); #default is to write currently viewed

This function selects the appropriate data from the MeasurementSet, regrids the data and constructs the image. The data are converted into the coordinate system of the image and then added to the image using a gridding function (BOX, SF, or PB). It also constructs a coverage image which is simply the gridded weights; this is used to normalize the data for the sampling density - the final output image is the image name with a "_corr" attached (imname_corr).

Parameters: Moments

The image tool function moments offers traditional moment analysis (weighted sums of profiles) of images. It offers a wide range of moments and a wide range of methods with which to calculate them. The word `moment' is used loosely here. It refers to collapsing an axis (the moment axis) to one pixel and setting the value of that pixel (for all of the other non-collapsed axes) to something computed from the data values along the moment axis. For example, take an RA-DEC-Velocity cube, collapse the velocity axis by computing the mean intensity at each RA-DEC pixel. This function offers many different moments and a variety of interactive and automatic methods to compute them. A quick summay of the available moments:

- im:=image('g29im') 		#g29im is the data cube
- im.moments(moments=[-1,0]) 	#get the average and integrated moments
Moment axis type is Frequency

You have selected the following methods
The basic method
Created /home/despina2/scratch/jmcmulli/g29im.average
Created /home/despina2/scratch/jmcmulli/g29im.integrated
Begin computation of moments
Finished image::moments
       0.48 real        0.08 user        0.02 system
- im2:=image('g29im_integrated')
- im2.view()
- im.summary();
-'1 1 1 5', trc='20 20 1 100') # create a region
- #using the channels 5 to 100; the first 2 coordinates are ra, dec,
- #the 3rd is stokes, and the 4th is the channel axis.
- im.moments(moments=0,region=r,outfile='g29im_lowvel') #create the
- #integrated intensity over channels 5-100

You can also use the GUI interface via:

- im:=image('g29im')            #g29im is the data cube
- im.momentsgui();		#use GUI to derive moments

See the User Reference Manual on the moments function for the most details moments and moment methods. Source Fitting

Source fitting is achieved through the imagefitter tool. From the example above:

- imfit:=imagefitter('g29im_integrated')
- #Use the GUI to select a region (double click to derive source characteristics,
- #statistics, residuals, etc. The 'show' button will display the fit value. Image math

Manipulation of images is done with the imagecalc tool. With this you can construct an image from expressions involving other images. For example,

im1 := imagecalc(outfile='x3', pixels='sin(x1) + min(x2) ')

where the image disk files x1 and x2 must pre-exist and the result is the image disk file called x3.

You can also construct a read-only image from expressions involving other images. The output image is never created, it is just evaluated each time you use it.

im2 := imagecalc(pixels='pi() - min(x2) + sqrt(x1)')

where the image disk files x1 and x2 must pre-exist. Note that by simply excluding the output file name (argment outfile) you have created the read-only image.

With the image calc function, you can change the pixel values of an image by replacing them with the result of the expression:

im1 := image('x2')
im2 := im1.calc('abs(x2) / min(x2)')

where the image disk file x2 must pre-exist. Because the scalar expression is evaluated first, the images in the expression can be the same as the image which is being overwritten.

Note that for image file names with special characters in them (like for example), you should (double) escape those characters or put the file name in ouble quotes. E.g.

- im1 := imagecalc(pixels='test\\-im')            # Note double escape
- im2 := imagecalc(pixels='"test-im"')

When using imagecalc, you can use either image disk file names, or an associated image tool name in the expression. For example,

im1 := image('im1')
im2a := imagecalc('im2a', '2*im1')     # Use disk file names
im2b := imagecalc('im2b', '2*$im1')    # Use tool name

For information on image manipulation (concatenation, addition, etc), see the Getting Results on Image Analysis.

2.8 Exiting dish

To exit dish, type 'exit' at the Glish command line. If you have enabled the "Save state when done" option, the state of dish will be preserved for your next session (it will be loaded automatically). You can also manually save the state of dish using the File menu options of the main dish GUI.

\fbox{Hint: It is usually useful to purge the logger before exiting.}

\fbox{ Type dl.purge(n), where n are the number of logger lines to keep}

2.9 Appendix

2.9.1 Index of commands

  aver	    Average a group of scans,subscans.
  base	    Perform a polynomial baseline fit to a scan.
  baseline  Perform a polynomial baseline fit to spectrum in globalscan1
  bdrop     Set value for dropping beginning channels of a spectrum in display
  boxcar    Perform a boxcar smoothing
  bshape    Show the baseline fit of order nfit to globalscan1
  calib     Apply calibration to a scan (GBT only currently).
  clearrm   Clear all variables from results manager, etc.
  clip      Clip/Edit data (set flags)
  done      Exits and destroys the current Dish tool.
  edrop     Set value for dropping end channels of a spectrum in display
  filein    Sets the scan group that will be manipulated.
  fileout   Sets the scan group that can be written to.
  files     Prints the currently set values for filein/out.
  find      Do a grep on a string to find glish variables.
  galactic  Provide the coordinates in the Galactic reference frame.
  gauss     Fit gaussian profiles.
  getc      Retrieve calibrated data (from the CORRECTED\_DATA column)
  getr      Retrieve raw data (from the FLOAT\_DATA column)
  getscan   Retrieve a scan (SDRecord) from a scan group.
  getvf     Return the velocity and frequency for a specified channel.
  getvfarray Return the velocities and frequences for the currently viewed 
  gms       Print MeasurementSet summary to screen.
  gui       Toggles mapping of DISH main gui (results manager).
  hanning   Perform a hanning smooth
  header    Print formatted header information to the command line window
  help      Provide simple help on dish functions
  history   Add a string or vector of strings to the history of a current SDRecord
  imcal     Calibrate an imaging/mapping procedure
  import    Import GBT data into an AIPS++ MeasurementSet
  keep      Saves the current globalscan1 SDRecord to the designated fileout.
  listscans List the scan numbers from the active scan group.
  logcommand Writes command to scripter.
  lsoutfile Lists scans in the fileout scangroup
  makeim    Make an image from scans in a MeasurementSet.
  message   Writes a command to the DISH GUI message entry.
  mscal     Calibrate a MeasurementSet.
  mult      Scales (multiplies) a scan by a value.
  nfit      Set the order of the polynomial for baseline subtraction.
  nogui     Unmaps frame to DISH main GUI.
  nregion   Set the channel ranges for baseline subtraction.
  open      Load a scan group from disk into DISH and perform a fil ein on it.
  page      Clears the DISH plotter display.
  peak      Obtain the peak amplitude, half-width and center in the displayed 
  plotc     Plot calibrated data (from the CORRECTED\_DATA column)
  plotr     Plot raw data (from the FLOAT\_DATA column)
  plotscan  Plot an SDRecord.
  plotxy    Plot two vectors in the DISH plotter.
  qscan     Query characteristics of scan.
  reference See TPcal
  restore   Retrieve the contents of the uni Record from disk.
  restorestate Restore the state of DISH's GUIs.
  rmadd     Add an SDRecord to the results manager.
  rms       Display statistics on baseline regions.
  save      Save an SDRecord to file.
  savestate Save the current state of DISH.
  saxis     Set the units of the plotters displayed x axis
  scale     Multiply the array in an SDRecord by a value.
  scanadd   Add scan1 and scan2.
  scanbias  Adds a bias level to a scan.
  scandiv   Divide scan 1 by scan 2.
  scanmult  Multiply scan 1 by scan 2.
  scanscale Scale a scan by a value.
  scansrr   Performs a signal-reference/reference.
  scansub   Subtract scan2 from scan1.
  select    Select a subset of a scangroup.
  setregion Set the channel range for use in baseline subtraction
  show      Display the globalscan1 SDRecord
  show1     Display one polarization of the globalscan1 SDRecord
  signal    See TPcal
  smooth    Smooth (hanning, boxcar or gaussian) an SDRecord.
  stat      Generate statistics over a line region.
  statefile Changes file for state saving.
  stats     Generate statistics over a region.
  store     Store the contents of the uni Record on disk.
  summary   Print out a more detailed summary of scans from a scan group.
  upr       Print the current value of the specified variable in the uni-record.
  utable    Print channel and data columns to command window
  writetofile Write X,Y axes to an ascii file on disk.

2.9.2 Observing Recipes (SP, SPECTROMETER)

In the following, the > designates a UNIX prompt, and a '-' designates the glish prompt. Frequency Switched data: Pointed observations

This section details calibration of data taken in the following modes:

> source /home/aips++/gbt/           #load environment
> dish                                          #start AIPS++ DISH tool
- d.files()					#show active files
Current filein is  :  exampleSP
Current fileout is :  not set
- d.gms()                                       #provide brief summary
Scan     Object   Proctype    SWState   SWtchsig   Procseqn   Procsize
  35         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW01          1          1
  36         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  37         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  38         S8      OffOn PSWITCHOFF   TPWCALSP          1          2
  40         S8      OnOff  PSWITCHON   TPWCALSP          1          2
  42         S8      Track       NONE   TPWCALSP          1          1
- #Note: This only lists the first scan in a procedural sequence of scans
- d.listscans()					#shows all scans present
[35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42]  
- d.plotr(35,1)                                 #plot the raw(observed) data
                                                #for the first phase of scan
                                                #35. Since no integration
                                                #value is specified, it averages
                                                #all phase 1 data (in this case
                                                #this is all data with CAL ON.
- d.calib(35)                                   #this will calibrate scan 35
                                                #according to the way the
                                                #the data were taken (i.e., the
                                                #observing procedure
- d.plotc(35)                                   #plot the calibrated data for
                                                #scan 35. Since no integration
                                                #was specified, all data is
- d.plotc(35,1)                                 #plots the first integration of
                                                #the calibrated data for 35.
- d.plotc(35,3,2)                               #plots the third integration of
                                                #the second polarization for 
                                                #scan 35.
- d.plotc(scan=35,int=3,pol=2)                  #same using the explicit names
                                                #for the arguments.
- #HINT: if you are uncertain as to the arguments for a function, simply type
- #      the function name.
- d.plotc
function (val scan, val int = F, val pol = F) {
(ok := public.plotscan(public.getc(scan, int, pol)));
return T}
- #NOTE: if you are unhappy with the calibration, you can simply reapply it
- #      using different attributes
- d.calib(35,baseline=T,range=[300:600,800:1000]);
                                                #Apply calibration but also
                                                #baseline the data using the
                                                #specified range (defaults
                                                #to first order but this can
                                                #also be specified.
- #This will over-write the calibration data with the new calibration data.
- d.plotc(35)                                  #re-examine the data Total Power observations

This section details calibration of data taken in the following modes:

> source /home/aips++/gbt/           #load environment
> dish                                          #start AIPS++ DISH tool
- d.files()                                     #show active files
Current filein is  :  exampleSP
Current fileout is :  not set
- d.gms()                                       #provide brief summary
Scan     Object   Proctype    SWState   SWtchsig   Procseqn   Procsize
  35         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW01          1          1
  36         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  37         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  38         S8      OffOn PSWITCHOFF   TPWCALSP          1          2
  40         S8      OnOff  PSWITCHON   TPWCALSP          1          2
  42         S8      Track       NONE   TPWCALSP          1          1
- #Note: This only lists the first scan in a procedural sequence of scans
- d.listscans()                                 #shows all scans present
[35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42] 
- d.plotr(42,1)                                 #plot the raw(observed) data
                                                #for the first phase of scan
                                                #42. Since no integration
                                                #value is specified, it averages
                                                #all phase 1 data (in this case
                                                #this is all data with CAL ON.
- d.calib(42)                                   #this will calibrate scan 42
                                                #according to the way the
                                                #the data were taken (i.e., the
                                                #observing procedure
- d.plotc(42)                                   #plot the calibrated data for
                                                #scan 42. Since no integration
                                                #was specified, all data is
- d.plotc(42,1)                                 #plots the first integration of
                                                #the calibrated data for 42.
- d.plotc(42,3,2)                               #plots the third integration of
                                                #the second polarization for
                                                #scan 42.
- d.plotc(scan=42,int=3,pol=2)                  #same using the explicit names
                                                #for the arguments.
- #HINT: if you are uncertain as to the arguments for a function, simply type
- #      the function name.
- d.plotc
function (val scan, val int = F, val pol = F) {
(ok := public.plotscan(public.getc(scan, int, pol)));
return T}
- #NOTE: if you are unhappy with the calibration, you can simply reapply it
- #      using different attributes
- d.calib(42,baseline=T,range=[300:600,800:1000]);
                                                #Apply calibration but also
                                                #baseline the data using the
                                                #specified range (defaults
                                                #to first order but this can
                                                #also be specified.
- #This will over-write the calibration data with the new calibration data.
- d.plotc(42)                                   #re-examine the data
- #NOTE: You can also individually calibrate each scan in the sequence with
- #      'd.TPcal(scan)'. There are numerous {\bf dish} functions for 
- #       manipulating SDRecords (e.g., {\it scanscale (multiplies a scan
- #       by a factor, scandiv (divides two scans), etc. Position Switched Observations

This section details calibration of data taken in the following modes:

> source /home/aips++/gbt/           #load environment
> dish                                          #start AIPS++ DISH tool
- d.files()                                     #show active files
Current filein is  :  exampleSP
Current fileout is :  not set
- d.gms()                                       #provide brief summary
Scan     Object   Proctype    SWState   SWtchsig   Procseqn   Procsize
  35         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW01          1          1
  36         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  37         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  38         S8      OffOn PSWITCHOFF   TPWCALSP          1          2
  40         S8      OnOff  PSWITCHON   TPWCALSP          1          2
  42         S8      Track       NONE   TPWCALSP          1          1
- #Note: This only lists the first scan in a procedural sequence of scans
- d.listscans()                                 #shows all scans present
[35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42] 
- d.plotr(39,1)                                 #plot the raw(observed) data
                                                #for the first phase of scan
                                                #38. Since no integration
                                                #value is specified, it averages
                                                #all phase 1 data (in this case
                                                #this is all data with CAL ON.
- d.calib(39)                                   #this will calibrate scan 38/39
                                                #(since both compose the 
                                                #the OffOn procedure), 
                                                #according to the way the
                                                #the data were taken (i.e., the
                                                #observing procedure
- d.plotc(39)                                   #plot the calibrated data for
                                                #scan 39. Since no integration
                                                #was specified, all data is
                                                #The (sig-ref)/ref data is 
                                                #only stored in the 'On' scans
                                                #data record; the 'Off' scan
                                                #contains only the calibrated
                                                #TPwCal data.
- d.plotc(39,1)                                 #plots the first integration of
                                                #the calibrated data for 39.
- d.plotc(39,3,2)                               #plots the third integration of
                                                #the second polarization for
                                                #scan 39.
- d.plotc(scan=39,int=3,pol=2)                  #same using the explicit names
                                                #for the arguments.
- #HINT: if you are uncertain as to the arguments for a function, simply type
- #      the function name.
- d.plotc
function (val scan, val int = F, val pol = F) {
(ok := public.plotscan(public.getc(scan, int, pol)));
return T}
- #NOTE: if you are unhappy with the calibration, you can simply reapply it
- #      using different attributes
- d.calib(38,baseline=T,range=[300:600,800:1000]);
                                                #Apply calibration but also
                                                #baseline the data using the
                                                #specified range (defaults
                                                #to first order but this can
                                                #also be specified.
- #This will over-write the calibration data with the new calibration data.
- d.plotc(38)                                  #re-examine the data Position Switched Observations - Many SIGs per REF

This section details calibration of data taken in the following modes:

> source /home/aips++/gbt/           #load environment
> dish                                          #start AIPS++ DISH
- d.files()                                     #show active files
Current filein is  :  exampleSP
Current fileout is :  not set
- d.gms()                                       #provide brief summary
Scan     Object   Proctype    SWState   SWtchsig   Procseqn   Procsize
  35         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW01          1          1
  36         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  37         S8      Track    FSWITCH      FSW12          1          1
  38         S8      OffOn PSWITCHOFF   TPWCALSP          1          2
  40         S8      OnOff  PSWITCHON   TPWCALSP          1          2
  42         S8      Track       NONE   TPWCALSP          1          1
- #Note: This only lists the first scan in a procedural sequence of scans
- d.listscans()                                 #shows all scans present
[35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42]
- d.plotr(39,1)                                 #plot the raw(observed) data
                                                #for the first phase of scan
                                                #38. Since no integration
                                                #value is specified, it averages
                                                #all phase 1 data (in this case
                                                #this is all data with CAL ON.
- d.calib(39)                                   #this will calibrate scan 38/39
                                                #(since both compose the 
                                                #the OffOn procedure), 
                                                #according to the way the
                                                #the data were taken (i.e., the
                                                #observing procedure
- d.plotc(39)                                   #plot the calibrated data for
                                                #scan 39. Since no integration
                                                #was specified, all data is
                                                #The (sig-ref)/ref data is 
                                                #only stored in the 'On' scans
                                                #data record; the 'Off' scan
                                                #contains only the calibrated
                                                #TPwCal data.
- d.plotc(39,1)                                 #plots the first integration of
                                                #the calibrated data for 39.
- d.plotc(39,3,2)                               #plots the third integration of
                                                #the second polarization for
                                                #scan 39.
- d.plotc(scan=39,int=3,pol=2)                  #same using the explicit names
                                                #for the arguments.

- #Now, if you wanted to use a different reference scan for this on, you could
- #do the following:
- d.TPcal(41)                                   #calibrate 'Off' scan 41.
- d.SRcal(39,41)                                #perform (sig-ref)/ref with
                                                #signal=39, reference=41
- d.SRcal(39,[38,41]);                          #perform (sig-ref)/ref with
                                                #signal scan=39, reference=
                                                #the average of 38 and 41.
                                                #in general:
-d.SRcal([vector of signal scans],
         [vector of reference scans])           #all reference scans will be
                                                #averaged and subtracted from
                                                #each signal scan. Frequency Switched Observations - Mapping

This section details calibration of data taken in the following modes:

> source /home/aips++/gbt/           #load environment
> dish                                          #start AIPS++ DISH tool
- d.files()                                     #show active files
Current filein is  :  exampleSP
Current fileout is :  not set
- d.gms()                                       #provide brief summary
Scan     Object   Proctype    SWState   SWtchsig   Procseqn   Procsize
 303         S6      Track    FSWITCH      FSW01          1          1
 304     G250p8  RALongMap    FSWITCH      FSW01          1         41
- #Note: This only lists the first scan in a procedural sequence of scans
- d.listscans()                                 #shows all scans present
[303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321
322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340
341 342 343 344]
- d.plotr(304,1)                                #plot the raw(observed) data
                                                #for the first phase of scan
                                                #303. Since no integration
                                                #value is specified, it averages
                                                #all phase 1 data (in this case
                                                #this is all data with CAL ON.
- d.calib(304)                                  #this will calibrate scan 304
                                                #according to the way the
                                                #the data were taken (i.e., the
                                                #observing procedure
- d.plotc(303)                                  #plot the calibrated data for
                                                #scan 303. Since no integration
                                                #was specified, all data is
- d.plotc(303,1)                                #plots the first integration of
                                                #the calibrated data for 303.
- d.plotc(303,3,2)                              #plots the third integration of
                                                #the second polarization for
                                                #scan 303.
- d.plotc(scan=303,int=3,pol=2);                #same using the explicit names
                                                #for the arguments.
- #HINT: if you are uncertain as to the arguments for a function, simply type
- #      the function name.
- d.plotc
function (val scan, val int = F, val pol = F) {
(ok := public.plotscan(public.getc(scan, int, pol)));
return T}
- #NOTE: if you are unhappy with the calibration, you can simply reapply it
- #      using different attributes
- d.calib(303,baseline=T,range=[300:600,800:1000]);
                                                #Apply calibration but also
                                                #baseline the data using the
                                                #specified range (defaults
                                                #to first order but this can
                                                #also be specified.
- #This will over-write the calibration data with the new calibration data.
- d.plotc(303)                                  #re-examine the data
- #NOTE:In addition, if the SIG/REF signals are mixed (there is a temporary
- #     problem with the SPECTRAL PROCESSOR which causes some fraction of the
- #     scans to be flipped), you can reverse the sense of SIG and REF by
- #     doing:
- d.FScal(304,flipsr=T)                         #flips what is SIG and REF
- #NOTE:You can write a procedure to interactively view and flip your data.
- sns:=seq(304,344)                             #make a vector from 304-344
- for (i in sns) {                              #loop over these scans
+ d.plotc(i)                                    #plot scan
+ ans:=readline()                               #pause and prompt user for input
+ if (ans=='y') {                               #if 'y' typed, then 
+    d.FScal(i,flipsr=T)                        #  flip SIG and REF sense
+ }
+ }
- d.makeim(304,600,900,imname='ralong')         #Make an image. This needs the
                                                #  first scan in the map
                                                #  the beginning (600) and end
                                                #  (900) channels to include.
                                                #  step determines the 
                                                #  averaging over channel 
                                                #  (none here) and imname
                                                #  specifies the output image
# NOTE: This actually creates three images on disk: 1) the original image, 
#       a weights image, and an image corrected (divided) by the weights.
#       These are imname, imname\_weight and imname\_corr.
- im:=image('ralong\_corr')                      #Make an image tool - lots of
                                                #functions here!
- im.view()                                     #View the image

2.9.3 Observing Recipes (DCR) OTF Mapping

Currently, the DCR tool is in a separate utility and must be included.

include 'gbtcalutils.g';
This creates a gc tool which four associated functions:
setdata takes the file name of a MeasurementSet on disk.
contcal calibrates the data
makeimage makes an image
covercorr corrects the image to the proper scale

See the Getting Results chapter on Continuum Single Dish Imaging for more details: docs/gettingresults/grvol3/node4.html.

- gc.setdata('cassaDCR');
successful readonly open of default-locked table cassaDCR/NRAO\_GBT\_GLISH: 21 col
umns, 120 rows
successful readonly open of default-locked table cassaDCR/NRAO\_GBT\_IF: 22 column
s, 240 rows
successful read/write open of default-locked table cassaDCR/FEED: 12 columns, 2 
successful read/write open of default-locked table cassaDCR/POLARIZATION: 4 colu
mns, 2 rows
successful read/write open of default-locked table cassaDCR/SPECTRAL\_WINDOW: 14 
columns, 1 rows
successful readonly open of default-locked table cassaDCR/POINTING: 15 columns, 
48000 rows
- gc.contcal() 
successful read/write open of default-locked table cassaDCR: 28 columns, 192000 
- gc.makeimage()
successful readonly open of default-locked table cassaDCR: 28 columns, 192000 ro
Starting server imager
Server started: /export/home/guthwine/aips++/linux\_gnu/bin/imager (AIPS++ versio
n: 1.7 (build #405))
Opening MeasurementSet cassaDCR
defaultcatalog (dc) ready
Starting imager::setdata
Selecting data
Performing selection on MeasurementSet
Selecting on field and spectral window ids
By selection 192000 rows are reduced to 48000
Finished imager::setdata
       0.96 real        0.69 user        0.19 system
successful readonly open of default-locked table cassaDCR/NRAO\_GBT\_GLISH: 21 col
umns, 120 rows
Cell size is  0.289495253arcmin
Map size is  117.705376  by  59.9669179
Grid sizes are  406   208
Defining image properties
nx = 406 is not composite; nx = 432 or 400 will be more efficient
ny = 208 is not composite; ny = 216 or 200 will be more efficient
Setting processing options
Starting imager::weight
Weighting MS: IMAGING\_WEIGHT column will be changed
Natural weighting
Sum of weights = 48000
Finished imager::weight
       32.6 real       23.58 user        6.11 system
Starting imager::makeimage
Calculating image (without full skyequation)
Making single dish image from corrected data
Image is : scanimage
Frequency = 8.9 GHz, synthesized continuum bandwidth = 0.08 GHz
Image polarization = Stokes I
Frequency = 8.9 GHz, synthesized continuum bandwidth = 0.08 GHz
Image polarization = Stokes I
Performing Single Dish gridding with convolution function SF
Gridding will use specified common tangent point:
     23:21:00.00         +             B1950
Using prolate spheriodal wave function as the convolution function
Finished imager::makeimage
      10.25 real        6.77 user        0.49 system
Starting imager::makeimage
Calculating image (without full skyequation)
Making single dish coverage function 
Image is : scanimage\_weight
Frequency = 8.9 GHz, synthesized continuum bandwidth = 0.08 GHz
Image polarization = Stokes I
Frequency = 8.9 GHz, synthesized continuum bandwidth = 0.08 GHz
Image polarization = Stokes I
Using prolate spheriodal wave function as the convolution function
Finished imager::makeimage
       8.12 real        6.58 user        0.52 system
Successfully closed empty server: imager
- gc.covercorr()
Starting server app\_image
Server started: /export/home/guthwine/aips++/linux\_gnu/bin/app\_image (AIPS++ ver
sion: 1.7 (build #405))
Selected bounding box : 
    [1, 1, 1, 1] to [406, 208, 1, 1]  (23:28:23.897, +, I, 8.900000e
+09Hz to 23:13:25.534, +, I, 8.900000e+09Hz)
Creating new statistics storage lattice of shape [9]

Number points =   8.444800e+04       Sum      =   8.444801e+04
Mean          =   1.000000e+00
Variance      =   1.026810e+00       Std dev   =   1.013316e+00
Rms           =   1.423657e+00

Minimum value   0.000000e+00 at [1, 1, 1, 1] (23:28:23.897, +, I, 8.
Maximum value   4.499732e+00 at [105, 182, 1, 1] (23:24:41.961, +, I
, 8.900000e+09Hz)

Creating image `scanimage\_corr' of shape [406, 208, 1, 1]
Created mask `mask0'
- #Scale images to Jy (e.g., 1.76 K/Jy)
- im:=imagecalc(outfile='scanimage\_tmb',pixels='(scanimage\_corr)/1.76');
- im.view();    #note the higher amplitudes

2.9.4 Optimized Use of AIPS++ in Green Bank Starting AIPS++

Because AIPS++ is an actively developing software system, there are several versions available. These are called release, stable, weekly and daily. In Green Bank we maintain an additional version called gbt, which is just a link to the best version for reducing GBT data.

To start stable dish, issue the following commands (from the bash shell):

. /home/aips++/gbt/ 

or for (t)csh:

. /home/aips++/gbt/

To run one of the other versions, simply replace the word gbt in the path with the name of the version required. It is occassionally necessary to run weekly or daily to incorporate the latest bug fixes or enhancements. Making AIPS++ Run Faster

You can run AIPS++ on any Linux system in Green Bank, but if the operation seems sluggish to you here are some hints on how to speed things up:

Keep in mind that AIPS++ has to build its cache file structure the first time you start it with a new user.aipsdir, and each time you start a new version. So judge its startup speed on the second time you start it up, not the first. On etamin it should take about 14 seconds to start AIPS++ with the toolmanager GUI, and 7 seconds without it. Where to Put Your AIPS++ Data

Make yourself a data directory starting at the following:

despina:              /export/home/despina3/scratch 
thalassa:              /export/home/thalassa2/scratch 
naiad:                  /export/home/naiad3/scratch 
etamin:                /export/home/etamin/scratch 
general use:       /home/aips++\_data (slow access from here) Paging

If you find that error messages, code, and data listings go flying across your terminal window, and you'd like to page them instead (as with the more or less programs) then it may be that the PAGER environment variable is not set properly on your system. This seems to be the case for many of our systems in GB. You can remedy it by setting PAGER to "less" in your UNIX startup scripts. Contact Jim if you need help doing so. It makes glish nicer!

2.9.5 Example UniPOPS reduction in dish

This section shows an example data reduction session using dish in a UniPOPS fashion. Sample Data Reduction Session

% ssh etamin
% cd /home/etamin/scratch
% mkdir myname
% cd myname
% . /home/aips++/gbt/
% aips++ -l uni2.g
- d.import('/home/gbtdata/tigerTeam\_02','',startscan=20,stopscan=33)
- d.lscans()
[20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33]
- d.reference(20)
- d.signal(21)
- d.temp()
- d.nfit(5)
# Use the plotter to set the x-axis units to pixels (channel number)
- d.nregion(0,3600,4100,8200)
- d.bshape()                   # to show the fit
- d.baseline()                 # to subtract the baseline
- d.uscale(2.3)                                                           
- d.setYUnit('Jy')
- d.bdrop(2500)
- d.edrop(2500)
- d.sclear()
- d.getc(26)
- d.stats(bchan=1000,echan=2000)
- d.accum()
- d.getc(28)
- d.accum()
- d.stats(bchan=1000,echan=2000)
- d.ave()
- d.stats(bchan=1000,echan=2000) About the Sample Data

The tigerTeam_02 data in the examples used throughout this document were taken with the GBT on 11 October 2001. The L-band receiver (1.15-1.73 GHz) was used with the intent to observe the HI profiles of an assortment of galaxies. The backend was the GBT spectrometer. The ``OffOn'' procedure in GO was used to drive the position-switched observations. Signal and reference data are recorded in separate, adjacent scans of equal duration. Processing GBT Scans

The first step in processing data is to identify the input data file. The technique for doing so differs depending on if the data are in the raw GBT FITS format, or have been previously filled into the AIPS++ MeasurementSet format. To import data from FITS files, use the import command:

- d.import('/home/gbtdata/tigerTeam\_02','',startscan=20,stopscan=33)
This command creates a MeasurementSet called If the desired MeasurementSet already exists on disk, use the dopen command to load the data:

These data sets are specific to the Green Bank installation. For other sites, consult the AIPS++ system administrator to see how to access this data.

List the scans available in your new data set:

- d.lscans()
[20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33]

Calibrate a Sig/Ref pair as follows:

- d.reference(20)
- d.signal(21)
- d.temp()

You can also use the core dish functions to calibrate scans.

- d.calib(20)
- d.TPcal(20)
- d.TPcal(21)
- d.SRcal(21,20)
- d.plotc(21)

To calibrate and retrieve a frequency switched scan, only a single get is required:

# This example does not work with the sample data provided, but shows the 
# sequence required for freq switched data.
- d.get(2005)

The red and green plots represent the two polarizations. These are currently handled together (use the getpol function to retrieve a single polarization. Currently you can show an individual polarization with the show1 function, and you can average to two polarizations using the avgFeeds function. The spectrum is initially shown with GHz units for the x-axis. These units can be changed using the button on the plotter labeled ``GHz''. Regions of the plot may be zoomed using the middle mouse button, and unzoomed using the unzoom button on the plotter.

To fit a baseline to the data, you must specify a range of the spectrum to use for the fit and the order of the polynomial. In this example we will describe the fit region using channel numbers, so first plot the spectrum against channel number (select the option labeled pix on the plotter x-axis selector button). Then, similar to UniPOPS, use the following procedure:

- d.nfit(5)
- d.nregion(0,3600,4100,8200)
- d.bshape()                   # to show the fit
- d.baseline()                 # to subtract the baseline
-                     # to show the baseline-subtracted data

The UNI-jr function setregion() can be used in place of the nregion function to enter the baseline region interactively using the mouse cursor.

If a calibration scaling factor is known, it can be applied:

- d.uscale(2.3)                                                           
- d.setYUnit('Jy')

The UNIPOPS-familiar bdrop and edrop parameters may be utilized in the plots:

- d.bdrop(2500)
- d.edrop(2500)

To recall the value of a UNIPOPS-type adverb, simply call the function with no value, as follows:

- d.bdrop()
- d.nfit()

To fit a gaussian function to the data, use the ``G fit'' button on the plotter. Prior to fitting, an initial guess to the line shape must be given. This can be done automatically by pressing the green ``Estimate'' button, or interactively by pressing the gray ``Inter'' button under the ``Estimates'' title. Choose the latter for the sample data and follow the directions on the message line in the Profile Fitter GUI. Then press the green ``Fit profile'' button the do the actual fitting. Averaging Scans

UNI-jr uses the UNIPOPs model for averaging scans. Data is stored away to the accumulator, and can then be averaged. First clear the accumulator:

- d.sclear()

then retrieve scans using (for example) get, getc, signal/reference/temp, getfs, or some other calibration and retrieval command, and accumulate them:

- d.getc(26)
- d.accum()
- d.getc(28)
- d.accum()

and finally average and show the result:

- d.ave()
- Statistics and Other Analysis

The stats function will return statistics over a given channel range:

- d.stats(bchan=500,echan=1500)

The equivalent to the UNIPOPS moment command can be run as follows:

- d.bmoment(3900)
- d.emoment(4100)
- d.moment() A Short dish UniPOPS Reference

This section lists the commands currently available in the UNI-jr package. Each function's parameters are listed with it. If the parameter does not have an assignment (e.g. the scan parameter in the signal function) then it must be supplied when the function is called. If the parameter does have an assignment, then the assigned value shown here is the default, but it can be overridden by specifying a new value when the function is called.

The functions can either be called with parameters listed in order and no parameter name specified, or they can be called with parameter names specified and in any order. The following two calls are equivalent:


Loading data:
                                        : Import (fill) data from GBT FITS files                        : Open an already filled data set
d.files()                               : Show input and output file settings
d.summary()                             : List some scan info (source, time)                                  : List files in directory

Retrieving and Calibrating Scans:
d.lscans()                              : List available scans
d.dgetscan(scan,nphase)                 : Return an individual phase
d.getir(scan,phase)                     : Get an individual phase to memory
d.get(scan)                             : General purpose scan retrieval
                                        : Retrieve a sig scan
                                        : Retrieve a ref scan
d.temp()                                : Perform (s-r)/r for pos switch data
d.getc(scan)                            : Retrieve \& calibrate pos switch pair
                                        : Retrieve freq switch scan
                                        : Retrieve freq switch integration

Averaging Scans:
d.accum()                               : Add scan to accumulator
d.ave()                                 : Average scans in accumulator
d.sclear()                              : Clear accumulator
d.avgFeeds()                            : Average all feeds

Plotting Scans:
----------------                                : Clear the plotter                                : Display scan in memory (globalscan1)
d.show1(ifeed)                          : Display 1 feed of scan in memory
d.showref()                             : Display ref scan
d.setYUnit(unit)                        : Set Y axis unit for plotting
d.saxis(strval)                         : Change units on X axis
d.bdrop(value=T)                        : Set bdrop parameter
d.edrop(value=T)                        : Set edrop parameter

Baseline Fit:
d.nfit(value=T)                         : Set order of polynomial to fit
d.nregion(...)                          : Set baseline region
d.setregion()                           : Set baseline region with mouse
d.baseline()                            : Subtract polynomial of order nfit
d.dcbase()                              : Subtract polynomial of order 0
d.bshape()                              : Show baseline fit of order nfit

Smoothing and Scaling data:
d.uscale(factor)                        : Scale the scan in memory
d.bias(factor)                          : Add a bias to scan in memory
d.hanning()                             : Hanning smooth scan in memory
d.boxcar(smooth\_width)                  : Boxcar smooth scan in memory
d.chngres(smooth\_width)                 : Change resolution of scan in memory

The Stack:
d.addstack(beg,end=beg,inc=1)           : Add elements to the stack
d.empty()                               : Empty the stack
d.delete(value)                         : Delete one component from the stack
d.tellstack()                           : Show the stack

d.stats(quiet=F,feed=0,bchan=0,echan=0) : Calculate stats over specified range
d.rms(printFlag=F)                      : Calc stats over the baseline region
d.bmoment(value=T)                      : Set bmoment parameter
d.emoment(value=T)                      : Set emoment parameter
d.moment(quiet=F)                       : Calculate moments of scan in memory
d.peak(quiet=F)                         : Calculate location and val of peak
d.galactic(quiet=F)                     : Calculate galactic coords from header

Scan Arithmetic:
d.push()                                : push a scan for processing
d.minus()                               : Perform sig = sig-ref                                : Perform sig = sig+ref
d.multiply()                            : Perform sig = sig*ref
d.divide()                              : Perform sig = sig/ref

Saving Data:
d.fileout(outfile=F)                    : Set output file
d.keep()                                : Save a scan
d.lsoutfile()                           : List scans in keep file

d.lscans()                              : List available scans
d.utable()                              : Show data values from scan in memory
d.header()                              : Show header values for scan in memory
d.getvf(chan)                           : Show velocity, freq for given channel
d.getvfarray()                          : Get array or velocities, frequencies
d.uniput(name,value)                    : Store a value in memory slot
d.uniget(name)                          : Retrieve a value from memory slot
d.copy(fromhere,tohere)                 : Copy memory locations
d.upr(...)                              : Show internal variable values                               : Store any state values (nregion, ...)
d.restore()                             : recall stored values A Mapping between dish and UniPOPS

UNIPOPS                              {\bf dish}
-------                              ------

get 55                               d.get(55)
accum                                d.accum()
ave                                  d.ave()
sclear                               d.sclear()
nfit = 3                             d.nfit(3)
nregion = 1,128,380,512              d.nregion(1,128,380,512)
baseline                             d.baseline()
dcbase                               d.dcbase()
bshape                               d.bshape()
on 55                                d.signal(55)
off 56                               d.reference(56)
temp                                 d.temp()
factor=3.5; scale                    d.uscale(3.5)
factor=1.2; bias                     d.bias(1.2)
addstack(600,620,1)                  d.addstack(600,620,1)
addstack(631)                        d.addstack(631)
empty                                d.empty()
delete(609)                          d.delete(609)
tell stack                           d.tellstack()
table                                d.utable()
header                               d.header()
bmoment = 128                        d.bmoment(128)
emoment = 512                        d.emoment(512)
moment                               d.moment()
minus                                d.minus()
multiply                             d.multiply()
divide                               d.divide()
peak()                               d.peak()
chngfile                             d.chngfile()
hanning                              d.hanning()
nbox=5; boxcar                       d.boxcar(5)
newres=4.4; chngres                  d.chngres(4.4)

2.9.6 Example Standards Data

The standards data set used for this example is:


and represents only Spectral Processor data.

The following details the relevant observing modes and scan numbers:

Scan Procedure Source Switch State Switch Signal BE
9 Track S171 FSWITCH FSW01 SP
15 RALongMap OrionA FSWITCH FSW01 SP

2.9.7 Obtaining updates to AIPS++ releases

For the GBT users, updates to the AIPS++ releases are supported through a binary inhale. This option is only available for Linux users (Solaris is not supported). If the user has an AIPS++ release installed (from a CD or ISO image), he may 'update' this release to a newer version of the code through the following procedure:

1. On a linux system (binary inhale is not available for solaris), install 
   aips++ v1.7 from a release CD.  Install the bare-minimum release.  If
   you want the up-to-date documentation, it can be retrieved below.

2. Change directory to the aips++ root directory (the directory
   you specified during the INSTALL procedure).

3. Make a symbolic link called linux_gnu that points to the linux
   directory (which contains the bulk of the release installation):

 % ln -s linux linux_gnu

4. Edit the .aipsrc file as follows:
   a. Comment out all lines referring to machines in Socorro (tarzan, 
   b. Add the following line (replacing <username> with your username)

     account.manager: <username>

5. Source the aips++ initialization script:

 % source ./aipsinit.csh

6. Add the current directory to your PATH:
 % setenv PATH .:$PATH

7. Initiate the inhale:
   a. To retrieve only the code and binaries:

 % inhale binary 

   b. To retrieve the data repository and documentation, as
      well as the code and binaries (be sure 'cvsup'
      is available on your machine):

 % inhale -cvsup <x> binary

      (where <x> is data, docs, or all, depending upon what you want)

   This will take up to several hours while a snapshot of the latest 
   aips++ stable installation is retrieved (from Socorro), unpacked, and 

Subsequent binary inhales require only steps 2, 5 and 7 to obtain new 
stable versions of aips++.

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