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Image handling

Basic approach

The development of classes for image handling for the prototype aips++ exercise was based on a few basic postulates:

In the following, the design of the set of prototype IMAGE classes will be outlined, and some of the member functions for the various classes will be briefly described.

Types of images

One of the first assumptions made in the image area was that the concept of an Image class would be restricted to sets of data values in which each value has coordinates that can be mapped onto a grid or n-cube, i.e. the coordinates can be represented by integers. Data having random coordinate values therefore do not fall into the class that is defined by ``Image". Within the bounds of this definition of ``Image", it was apparent that there were needed (at least) three sub-classes of ``Image": images in which a full matrix of data values exist, images for which a list of pixel values and coordinates exist, and images that are defined by an analytical function. In the following, these will be referred to as ``FilledImage", ``ListImage", and ``ModelImage". These will be described in considerable detail after the generic attributes of the base ``Image" class are presented.

Coordinate systems

One of the fundamental attributes of an Image is a coordinate system description that allows the coordinates of any given pixel to be specified (in some user defined representation). For the two-dimensional case treated in the prototype, a basic system of grid coordinates, aligned with the ``rows and columns" of an image, and which can be uniquely related to some ``physical" system of coordinates, has been assumed. Grid positions in this system are called ImPixel coordinates, with a coordinate specification being given by an ImPixelCoord object. Coordinate values in this system have been treated as ``float" values, even though image pixels are located at integral coordinate values. (More will be said about this later). ImPixel coordinates are defined to increase from left to right across an image (first value) and from the bottom to the top of an image (second value).

The class ``CoordSys" was devised to specify the relationship between ImPixel coordinates and some physical coordinate system, and also to specify the representation in which the user wishes to have image coordinates expressed. For example, an image may have intrinsic physical coordinates such as (l,m) in an interferometric image, but the user would like to access the image in Galactic coordinates. The coordinate system selected by the user is termed Image coordinates, and coordinates in this system are given by an ImageCoord object.

The attributes for a CoordSys objects, for this exercise, consisted of a set of parameters that can convert ImPixel coordinates to some intrinsic or ``native" physical coordinate system, assuming that the two components of the native coordinates are orthogonal and separable (the standard AIPS convention). The characteristics of this native coordinate system are specified in an object of the ``CoordSysType" class. For this exercise, this is defined by a name, an epoch, and a set of four parameters. Similarly, the user-specified Image coordinate system is defined by a CoordSysType object. Conversions between the native physical coordinate system and the user's Image coordinate system have not been implemented in the prototype, but the parameters provided in the CoordSysType objects should suffice for such methods.

Thus a CoordSys object allows the following coordinate conversion, and its inverse:

        ImPixelCoord --> ``Native Coords" --> ImageCoord
where the ``native" coordinate system is just a useful intermediary.

A third (as defined by separate classes) coordinate system is the internal coordinate system used within a given image. At first glance, it would seem logical to use ImPixel coordinates. However, there are reasons to introduce a separate system, in order to minimize changes required to CoordSys objects as images are manipulated. For example, if an image is defined by a ``window" which moves in ``astronomical space" and ImPixel coordinates are used for internal image coordinates, the parameters in the attached CoordSys object must be changed for each window location. Similarly, if a new image is created by taking a sub-image (perhaps every n'th pixel within a window area), the derived image must have a new CoordSys object different from that of the parent image. Although all of this is possible, it seemed simpler to introduce a third coordinate system and one image attribute that links this system to ImPixel coordinates. This limits the proliferation of CoordSys objects. The new system is referred to as Pixel coordinates, and a set of coordinate values is given by a PixelCoord object. For the prototype exercise, Pixel coordinates have their origin (0,0) at the top-left corner of the image and the first value increases from left to right, and the second from top to bottom.

If a sub-image is extracted from an image by selecting every m'th pixel in the x direction and every n'th in the y direction, in the resulting image each increment in Pixel coordinates will no longer correspond to a unit increment in ImPixel coordinates. An image attribute (object of the ImPixStep class) records this relation. Conversions between Pixel coordinates and ImPixel coordinates are the responsibility of Images.

Image history

Images must carry with them some record of processing history. For the prototype, a class HistFile was implemented, consisting only of a linked list of strings (using CIC classes). Simple methods for listing entries in the files, and for inserting entries, are provided. This is an area that would require much more development for a practical system.

Image base class and derived classes

The abstract base class Image contains data members which provide linkages to a history file and to a coordinate system, descriptors giving the type of file and data units, and several parameters describing the relationship between internal Pixel coordinates and ImPixel coordinates. Regions of interest (regions within which, and only within which, certain image operations are to be performed) have not been incorporated in detail in the prototype. One region of interest has been included, but in a practical system, a list of regions of interest is probably required. Aside from the parameters that define the Pixel coordinate - ImPixel coordinate relationship, another useful parameter that has been introduced is the image ``center". This is user-definable but defaults to Pixel coordinates of (m/2, n/2-1) where the dimensions are [m,n].

The major member functions in the Image class deal with the following functional requirements:

The three derived classes of images are ``FilledImage", ``ListImage" and ``ModelImage". The data members of these classes are not generally of interest to the users of the class, so nothing more will be said of them here. (See the header files for details). It should be stated, however, that the CIC class libraries and templates have been used in the prototype to implement linked lists and arrays. The major member functions of these classes implement the following functionality (in addition to that presented by the base Image class).

FilledImage Class

ListImage Class

ModelImage Class

Image operations using dynamic binding

Some experience in applications of dynamic binding has been obtained. Aside from the general pixel access routines, which are implemented as virtual base class functions, the combined and scaled-add methods have been the best examples of this. A statement of the type:

        Image C = 5 * Image A - 7 * Image B  (logical code)

works correctly regardless of the image types (except that C cannot be a ModelImage). The prototype has given some insight into the practicality (not always) of such methods, and the requirements for implementing them.

What has been learned from the prototype

The prototype has provided a lot of experience in using C++ and C++ tools, but has also, we feel, indicated that the general framework adopted for image handling is probably not too different from what one would like for a practical system. The use of Pixel and ImPixel coordinate systems has raised some questions of overhead (and possible user confusion) but has provided great flexibility. Part of the overhead arises because Pixel coordinates have two aspects: as indexes in image data arrays (where they must be integers), and as computed counterparts of Image (or ImPixel) coordinates (where they must usually be floating numbers). A practical system may have to introduce a better way of meeting both these requirements, if it can be done with lower overhead. Certainly, several methods that now take Pixel coordinate arguments or return Pixel coordinates will have to be overloaded to also take/return ImPixel coordinates. It is possible that an ImPixel class (data value plus ImPixel coordinates) will have to join the current Pixel class. If the dual-coordinate system is to be used successfully, the client must be able to perform all image operations without ever bothering with Pixel coordinates! The prototype has not been overly successful in testing the usefulness of the CIC image classes, but only because multi-dimensional CIC arrays of floating numbers, and associated display methods, are unavailable at this moment.

What was missing from the prototype

The prototype lacks dimensionality greater than two, generality with regard to types of pixels, and no capabilities in the areas of regions of interest and image errror data, amongst other things. The latter of these needs careful analysis before the optimum implementation can be designed.

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