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User Interface

During the prototype stage a basic command line user interface was build, with which tasks have been constructed. Some work was spend in showing that both the AIPS interpreter and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) are plug-in compatible user interfaces. For example, a functional GUI for Khoros4.1 is available for demo purposes. The AIPS shell interpreter can be thought of in terms of the Miriad4.2 shell interpreter.

Astronomers vs. Programmers

The basic (command line) user interface is a series of ``keyword=value'' pairs, which we call program parameters4.3.

The class Param (see Param.h) implements one single such parameter. In addition to a name and a value, a parameter has a variety of other attributes, such as a one-line help string (useful when being prompted etc.), a type, a range and optional units. All of these are character strings; parsing and error checking is done at a different level. The programmer however will never interact with a parameter through it's class interface. This is done with the class Input, which is some kind of container of Param's, with a variety of user interface attributes (help-level, message/debug-level etc).

Although the programmer must supply the user interface with a number of predefined program parameters, the user interface itself will create a small number of system parameters (help=, debug=). The purpose of these is to tell the task how to communicate with the user and it's environment, and give the user control over these items. For example, the user may want to be prompted, with error recovery, and see (debug) messages above a certain threshold level.

For the benefit of the Programmer, the user interface also defines a number of standard parameters (``templates''), which can be copied and bound to a program parameter.

Parameter names are to be found by minimum match, if so requested by the user.

Most programs are probably happy with a simple set of parameters, like a linear list. We have discussed hierarchical keywords and in Section 4.3 a few thoughts are expressed.

All input as well as output is controlled by the user interface. The Astronomer has a varying degree of control over how and where input and output occurs. In the command line interface system control occurs through a small number of system parameters, which can be preset by environment variables, supplied as if they were parameters on the command line, or both.

For example, a interactive UNIX shell session may look like:

1% setenv DEBUG 1
2% setenv HELP prompt,aipsenv
3% prog key1=val1 key3=val3
4% prog val1 val2 key4=val4 key5=val5 debug=0
5% unsetenv HELP DEBUG
6% prog help=pane > prog.pane

After having preset the DEBUG and HELP modes in commands 1% and 2%, commands 3% and 4% will act accordingly: the user is prompted, and parameter default values are restored and saved from an AIPS environment file before and after invocation. In addition, in command 4% the user decided not to see any messages. Command 6% gives an example of the self-describing mode of programs, where a pane description file for Khoros has been constructed.

Programmers: Where is my main?

No, we don't want you to use main(int argc, char **argv) anywhere in your code. Instead, use aips_input(), aips_main() and aips_output().

To summary, your section of code could then look something like:

    //  Hypothetical Silly Interactive Contour Plotter 
    #include <Main.h>       		// Standard declarations needed for an AIPS++ main program
    #include <SillyImage.h>

   aips_input(Input &inputs)		// Definition of the allowed Program Parameters
      inputs.Version("19-mar-92 PJT");
      inputs.Usage("Hypothetical Silly Interactive Contour Plotter");

      inputs.Create(              "in",      "",      "Input file",        "InFile",  "r!");
      inputs.Create(              "levels",  "",      "Contour levels",    "RealArray");
      inputs.StdCreate("lstyle",  "lstyle",  "solid", "My Contour line type");
      inputs.Create(              "annotate","full",  "What annotation?",  "String",  "full|brief|none|publication");

    aips_main(Input &inputs)		// Computation box - this could be spawned to various machines
        String    dname     = inputs.GetString("device");
        Device device(dname);

        do {

            File      f         = inputs.GetFile("in");
            RealArray contours  = inputs.GetRealArray("levels");
            String    lstyle    = inputs.GetString("lstyle");
            Int       lwidth    = inputs.GetInt("lwidth");

            contours.Sort();       // Make sure this array is sorted

            if(contours.Count() > 20) cwarning << "A lot of contours buddy\n"
            if(countour.Count() == 0) break;
            cdebug << "Plotting " << contours.count() << " contours\n"
                   << Level(2) << contours << "\n";
                              lstyle, lwidth, dname);

        } while (inputs.More());



Heirarchical parameters

A hierarchical parameter would be set using the format


(e.g. ``'') we will use a notation where the hierarchical level is given by a the appropriate number of dots that the keyname starts with. To start with an example, a somewhat elaborate program which would clearly benefit from hierarchical keywords

    <Key>           <StdKey>        <Type>      <Range>
    ====            ========        ======      =======

    in              infile          InFile      r|w|w!|rw|.....
    .region         xyzselect       String
    contour                         bool        t|f
    .levels                         RealArray   sort($0,$N)
    .style          lstyle          String      solid|dotted|dashed|....
    .thickness      lwidth          int         0:5
    .color          color           String      cyan|red|green|0x134|....
    greyscale                       bool        t|f
    .minmax                         Real[2]     $1<$2
    .gamma                          Real        >=0
    .invert                         bool        t|f
    .colormap       colormap        InFile      bw|rainbow|..
    .ticks                          Real[2]     
    .grid                           Real         lstyle
    ..thickness     lwidth
    .label                          String
    ..font          font            InFile      (calcomp|helvetica|roman)(10,12,15,20)
    .ticks                          Real[2]     
    .grid                           Real         lstyle
    ..thickness     lwidth
    .label                          String
    ..font          font            InFile      (helvetica|roman)(10,12,15,20)
    annotate                        String      none|brief|full|publication



Executable within the Unix environment, that has the AIPS user interface.

- same as above?

Has a name, value, help and all that other good stuff. They come as program parameters and system parameters, though a third kind, the standard parameters4.6 are internally defined by the user interface. Programmers can bind standard parameters to program parameters at compile time.

The name of a parameter.

The value of a parameter as defined by aips_input, though possibly overriden by previous settings of the Astronomer if the user interface was told to (aipsenv file, commandline)

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