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![]() | Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
Here we give some examples. These should be considered illustrative rather than production quality code. However the general framework will stand.
The following reads a MeasurementSet and an image model from disk and calibrates the data, first for a simple G-term every 5 minutes and then for a D-term every 12 hours.
// Make a SkyEquation SkyEquation se; // Read the VisSet from disk VisSet vs("3c84.MS"); se.setVisSet(vs); // Create an ImageSkyModel from an image on disk ImageSkyModel ism(Image<StokesVector>("3c84")); se.setSkyModel(ism); // Use DFT for forward transform, FFT for reverse IFFTCoh ift; DFTCoh ft; se.setFTCoh(ft); se.setIFTCoh(ift); // Predict the visibility set se.predict(); // Make a Vis equation VisEquation se(); // Solve for calibration of G matrix every 5 minutes GJones gj(vs, 5*60); ve.solve(gj); ve.setVisJones(gj); // Solve for calibration of D matrix every 12 hours DJones dj(vs, 12*60*60); ve.solve(dj); ve.setVisJones(dj);
Next we give a simple two-dimensional Clean algorithm that finds peaks (actually the peak maximum eigenvalue of the coherence matrix) and subtracts each longwindedly.
// Clean solver Bool HogbomCleanImageSkyModel::solve(SkyEquation& se) { // Make a local copy of the Sky Equation so we can change // some of the entries SkyEquation lse(se); // Tell the SkyEquation to use this SkyModel lse.setSkyModel(*this); // Predict visibility for this Sky Model lse.predict (); // Find the gradients lse.gradientsChiSquared(*this); // Make the residual image makeNewtonRaphsonStep(1.0); Int nx=image_.shape()(0); Int ny=image_.shape()(1); Matrix<StokesVector> limageStep(imageStep_.shape()); Matrix<StokesVector> limage(image_.shape()); Matrix<Float> lpsf(psf_.shape()); IPosition ipStart(image_.ndim(), 0); IPosition ipStride(image_.ndim(), 1); imageStep_.getSlice(limageStep, ipStart, imageStep_.shape(), ipStride); image_.getSlice(limage, ipStart, image_.shape(), ipStride); psf_.getSlice(lpsf, IPosition(psf_.ndim(),0), psf_.shape(), IPosition(psf_.ndim(),1)); cout<<"Center of PSF = "<<lpsf(nx/2,ny/2)<<endl; // Iterate Float max=0.0; for (uInt iter=0;iter<numberIterations();iter++) { // Now find peak in residual image StokesVector maxVal; Int ix, iy; Int px=nx/4; Int py=ny/4; max=0.0; for (iy=ny/4;iy<3*ny/4-1;iy++) { for (ix=nx/4;ix<3*nx/4-1;ix++) { if(abs(limageStep(ix,iy).maxEigenValue())>max) { px=ix; py=iy; maxVal=limageStep(ix,iy); max=abs(limageStep(ix,iy).maxEigenValue()); } } } AlwaysAssert(max>0.0, AipsError); AlwaysAssert(px>=nx/4&&px<3*nx/4-1,AipsError); AlwaysAssert(py>=ny/4&&py<3*ny/4-1,AipsError); // Output ten lines of information if run to the end Int cycle; cycle=numberIterations()/10; if(iter==0||(iter%cycle)==0) { cout<<"Iteration "<<iter<<" peak is "<<maxVal<<" at "<<px<<","<<py<<endl; } if(max<threshold()) { cout<<"Converged"<<endl; cout<<"Final iteration "<<iter<<" peak is "<<maxVal<<" at "<<px<<","<<py<<endl; break; }; // Add the scaled peak to the current image StokesVector pv=gain()*maxVal; limage(px,py)+=pv; // Subtract the scaled PSF from the residual image for (iy=ny/4;iy<3*ny/4-1;iy++) { for (ix=nx/4;ix<3*nx/4-1;ix++) { limageStep(ix,iy)-=pv*lpsf(nx/2+ix-px,ny/2+iy-py); } } }; imageStep_.putSlice(limageStep, ipStart, ipStride); image_.putSlice(limage, ipStart, ipStride); if(max>threshold()) { cout<<"Did not converge in "<<numberIterations()<<" iterations"<<endl; return(False); } else { return(True); }; };
Next we give an example of the solution for a single fixed ``D'' term per antenna. This actually solves for a general matrix with no assumed symmetries.
// Solve for the Jones matrix. Updates the VisJones thus found. // Also inserts it into the MeasurementEquation thus it is not const. Bool TimeVarVisJones::solve (VisEquation& ve) { // Make a local copy of the Vis Equation VisEquation lve(ve); AlwaysAssert(gain()>0.0,AipsError); AlwaysAssert(numberIterations()>0,AipsError); AlwaysAssert(tolerance()>0.0,AipsError); // Mask for gradient computations Matrix<Bool> required(2,2); setMask(required); // Set the Jones matrix in the Measurement Equation lve.setVisJones(*this); // Count number of failed solutions Int failed=0; // Tell the MeasurementEquation to use the internal (chunked) VisSet lve.setVisSet(intvs_); // Reset (chunked) iterators to start of data intvs_.observedCoherence().originChunks(); intvs_.correctedCoherence().originChunks(); intvs_.modelCoherence().originChunks(); // Now iterate over the solution intervals for (currentSlot_=0; currentSlot_<nInterval_; currentSlot_++) { cout<<"Finding solution for slot "<<currentSlot_<<endl; // Find gradient and Hessian lve.gradientsChiSquared(required,*this); // Assess fit Float sumwt=0.0; Float currentFit=0.0; currentFit=chisq_; cout<<"Initial fit = "<<currentFit<<endl; Float originalFit=currentFit; Float previousFit=currentFit; // Iterate for (uInt iter=0;iter<numberIterations();iter++) { // update antenna gains from gradients updateAntGain(); updateIntGain(); // Find gradient and Hessian lve.gradientsChiSquared(required,*this); // Assess fit previousFit=currentFit; currentFit=chisq_; cout<<"Iteration "<<iter<<" fit = "<<currentFit<<endl; // Stop? if(abs(currentFit-previousFit)<tolerance()*originalFit) break; } if(abs(currentFit-previousFit)>tolerance()*originalFit) failed++; // Advance the iterators to the next interval intvs_.observedCoherence().nextChunk(); intvs_.modelCoherence().nextChunk(); intvs_.correctedCoherence().nextChunk(); } if(failed>0) { cout<<"Did not converge in "<<numberIterations()<<" iterations"<< "for "<<failed<<" time intervals"<<endl; return(False); } else { return(True); } }