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LaTeX based documents

General Documentation

General Notes

Documents in the AIPS++Notes and Memo series are mostly written using LaTeX. All new documents should be written in LaTeX. There are a few notes that are plain ASCII (.txt) files. The make system generates postscript files from files with .latex and .tex extensions. Makefile.doc located in code/install contains all the rules for generating postscript and html files and moving them into the "docs" tree.

The AIPS++Notes and Memos series each contain a latex file that has the titles and authors for each Note and Memo. Each time a note or memo is checked in, the index.tex file in code/doc/memos/memos.dir and code/doc/notes/notes.dir needs to be edited to include the new note or memo.

Generating HTML

HTML documents are not automatically generated from LaTeX source. The author needs to add a line to the directory's makefile similar to:
documentroot := -split +2

where documentroot is the file's name less the .latex extension. After specifying this line latex2html will be run on that document during a sneeze. Most AIPS++documents should use

-split +1 or +2.

The default behavior of latex2html may altered using at .latex2html-init file. Typically the default split level, and appearance of the HTML pager header and footer will be customized.

Latex2html uses absolute path names to its icons, the shell script (code/install/docutils) turns the absolute paths into relative ones. Using relative icons avoids have latex2html generated HTML pages use NRAO as an icon server. To get relative icons sites should specify two variables in thier makedefs file ICONSERVER and ICONS2LOCAL. ICONSERVER is the ICONSERVER variable specified in the latex2html script. At the AOC, we have the following two lines in our makedefs to generate local icons:

ICONSERVER := ../../gif/latex2html

For more details about the html commands available from latex2html please consult the latex2html documentation found at

Latex2html should be found in the system area (/opt/local/bin/latex2html at the AOC). AIPS++uses version 98.2beta5 (1998-Jul-28). Latex2html requires several utilities

Please consult the README distributed with latex2html for more details.

HTML Links to Other Documents

There are several methods for producing links to other documents. To reference an HTML document, use:
\htmladdnormallink{text}{link to html page}.
Provided an author uses \label commands you may reference other LaTeX based document using \externallabels command and \htmlref.

To make a link to the copy command of the catalog object in the catalog module use \htmlref


The \externallabels{URL to document}{path to labels file} command needs to appear at the top of the document before the \begin{document}. The URL and path to labels file need to be relative paths. So for Note 215


Help files auto-generate some labels based on the following scheme:

There are also two special case where a function and constructor have the same name: Note the constructor and function are added to the end of the label, i.e. images:image.calc.constructor or images:image.calc.function to identify them uniquely. Additional labels may be put in the .help file by the author using the \label command.

The order of when documents are run through latex2html is important for external cross referencing. All released documentation needs two passes through latex2html to resolve all external references (insures the use of the proper file).

Funny things can happen if labels are multiply defined.

Cross referencing into HTML files created by cxx2html is possible using \htmladdnormallink. To make a reference to the array class array class from a note or memo use:

Please consult the cxx2html documentation to see how anchors are created.

Cross referencing from an HTML document to something in the User's Reference Manual or another LaTeX based document is possible. The link must be identified in the generated HTML. This is not recommended since latex2html generated file names and anchors will likely change.

A word of caution, relative links in the docs tree may be different than those found in a programmer's code tree. Within the code/doc tree relative links should be OK (i.e. builds of LaTeX documents should cross reference properly amongst themselves for programmer and system builds). Relative links to html pages generated by cxx2html will not be the same for programmer and system builds! The implement directory is missing in the docs tree.

Adding Notes and Memos

Contributed by Wim Brouw, ATNF
It took me a while to insert a Note in the system and considering the difficulty others have had, I make the following points:

Select a note number (I just take the next number available, but maybe there is somebody to ask?) - say nnn (e.g. 225)
Create (check in) directory code/doc/notes/nnn.dir (If it's there then others will know the number is taken.)
Put the body of your latex Note (without embracing document information like documentstyle, title, \begin{document} etc) in nnn.dir (e.g. ai -l mynote.latex)
Create, (in code/doc/notes itself) a file called nnn.latex containing the document information, and which includes mynote.latex (without a directory!) Example:
\usepackage{html, epsf}


\title{NOTE 224 -- AIPS++ Least Squares background}

\author{Wim Brouw}

\date{22 January 1999}

\htmladdnormallink{A postscript version of this note is available 

Add your note number to the code/doc/notes/makefile (just do like the other notes, e.g.:
224 := -split 0

Test if all ok, by making a Postscript version: gmake
And an html version:
gmake nnn

If all is ok, then add your Note to the Notes index:
\htmladdnormallink{\textit{AIPS++ Least Squares background}}{../224/224.html}
\linebreak  1999/01/25 Brouw

Note: Other notes, AIPS++ documents can include your note or parts of your note by adding the following line to the makefile

TIROOT := $(word 1, $(AIPSPATH))/code/doc
EXTRA_TEXINPUTS := $(TIROOT)/memos/111.dir:$(TIROOT)/notes/156.dir
you then use the \input{file} to include it the other document. The HowTos (code/doc/reference/HowTos.latex) is a good example.

Help System

The help system is a special type of LaTeX document. User documentation for packages, modules, objects, and functions are written in .help files. Authors use the aips2help.sty package to format their help text. The perl script help2tex is run on the .help file to produce "standard" LaTeX so no special modules are needed by latex2html. Help2tex provides a generate consistent looking documentation if the aips2help.sty commands and environments are used.

How it works

The .help files are usually found in same directory as the "code". The docsys target for code/doc/Refman has been enhanced to do the following:
Collect all the .help files into a temporary directory.
run help2tex (a perl script, code/install/docutils) on each package in the system. Help2tex is run run twice on each package first to to generate a .htex file (found in docs/user/helpfiles) and then to generate an atoms.g file used for glish command-line help.
run latex to generate the postscript file in docs/user/
run latex2html to generate the html files in docs/user/Refman.

Adding New Packages

The reference manual has been broken into several books due to pool space limitation of LaTeX. Creating a new reference book requires several steps.
Create the top-level Package.latex file similar to General.latex. You will need to either include the file in this new Package.latex file or write some text.
edit the makefile in code/doc/user
add the new package to the HELPPACKS variable
define a PACKAGE.s2ps variable (will create lots of ps.gz files for package, module, and methods)
set the split level of Package.latex file (should be := -split +4 -link 2 -short_index)
edit Refman.latex to add the new package to the top-level user reference manual.
if needed add the commands to other .latex files in the system (only necessary if you wish to cross reference from a .latex document to the User Reference Manual).

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