- Check the disk space. The worst thing that can happen is to run out of disk space during
the uprev. Make sure a minimum of 2GB (peferrably 3GB) is available.
- Send a early morning/late night [to give Oz a chance to respond] notice
to aips2-workers telling them that the uprev and check-in freeze will happen
later today/tomorrow.
- Notify aips2-workers so that check-ins will be disabled in 30 minutes to
allow any in progress check-ins to be completed.
- (adm) Freeze check-ins on the development master repository by running:
/export/aips++/scripts/do_disable develop
- (adm) Stop the regular exhales in the (aips2adm) crontab; if the misery
drags on, the regular exhale can gum up the works
- (adm) Do an initial exhale to ensure that everything is up to date:
. $HOME/.profile
exhale 2>&1 | mailx -s "AIPS++ (initial) uprev exhale" aips2-inhale
- (mgr) Update the data repository in release installation, e.g.
cvsup /usr/local/aips++/data/supfile
- (mgr) Run cumulative inhale (after exhale completes) on local installation
- (user) run "stable" tests
- (adm) Back up release master (/export/aips++/repository/release), if desired.
- (adm) Delete the release master and copy development to release:
cd /export/aips++/repository
rm -rf release
mkdir release
cd release
(cd ../develop; tar cf - .) | tar xf -
- (adm) In /export/aips++/repository/release, edit:
.cshrc .login .profile aipsinit.csh
aipsinit.es aipsinit.rc aipsinit.sh
replacing each occurrence of /develop with /release remove editor backups
- (adm) Update ftp link, VERSION, and base release tar file (where <REL> is the (last) base
release upon which the release master is based):
cd /export/aips++/repository/release
rm pub
ln -s /export/aips++/pub/versions/release pub
rm -f pub/master/VERSION
cp master/VERSION pub/master
cp ../develop/pub/master/master-<REL>.000.tar.gz pub/master
/opt/local/gnu/bin/touch --file ../develop/pub/master/master-<REL>.000.tar.gz pub/master/master-<REL>.000.tar.gz
- (adm) Run exhale on the release master:
. /export/aips++/repository/release/.profile
exhale 2>&1 | tee $HOME/master/etc/rexhale.log | mailx -s "AIPS++ release exhale" aips2-inhale &
- (adm) Do uprev (note, backup of VERSION is kept in VERSION.<REL>):
- (mgr) Run test inhales for both the release and develop masters to ensure
that they work properly.
- (adm) Enable regular exhales in the (aips2adm) crontab
- (adm) Unfreeze check-ins on the development master repository by running:
/export/aips++/scripts/do_enable develop
- (adm) Unlock any locked files in the release RCS tree