| Version 1.9 Build 1556
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Collate AIPS++ revision statistics from an alog report.
alog [options] | astat
astat is a sed/awk filter which collates revision
statistics for each AIPS++ programmer from an alog (p
) report. It
reports separately the number of new files checked in, revisions of previously
checked in files, and the total of these.
For each revision made (but not for the initial checkin) RCS provides a
rough indication of the extent of the change by reporting the number of lines
added and the number of lines deleted. Cumulative totals for these are
provided in the output, but note that these numbers can be misleading. Large
values may, for example, result from checking in a changed POSTSCRIPT
file, or test program output.
- The AIPS++ master and slave RCS files contain only the current and
preceeding versions (see exhale (p
)). The archive on the AIPS++ master host, aips2.nrao.edu, contains all versions up to the base
release of the current major version.
- Account names for some checkins from remote sites are normalized to
standard form.
- Only a fraction of the efforts of AIPS++ workers is reflected in the
checkin statistics. This fraction may be quite low for some but high for
alog -b --package=aips | astat
Collects statistics for the aips package for the latest AIPS++ major
alog (p
), AIPS++ change log reporting utility.
Original: 1994/02/10 by Mark Calabretta, ATNF
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